The United States from Historical Perspectives


When studying a phenomenon, it is necessary to consider several perspectives. This is necessary to gain the broadest understanding of examined issues. In particular, this aspect concerns such a topic as US history versus current history, which requires the evaluation of several points of view to view and process different scenarios within this topic. The most outstanding value in this work was provided by an online source called “Introduction to History: Bias & Perspective,” as it provided a large amount of information about the importance of points of view on historical events.


“Introduction to History: Bias & Perspective” is a valuable source as it can become a resource for laying the foundations of research. This is based on the fact that the article provides information about what a perspective is, there are links to further sources for study, and emphasizes that “each of these perspectives is influenced by the bias of the person witnessing or participating in the event” (“Introduction to history: Bias & perspective,” 2020, para. 1). Therefore, the source attaches particular importance to personal judgments, which heavily influence the prospects for considering historical events.


In conclusion, when studying historical events, the study of various perspectives on the topic has a unique contribution. This procedure involves evaluating and analyzing the information provided, which is then used in research or rejected. The online source “Introduction to History: Bias & Perspective” has value, as it focuses on the study of perspectives and the need to consider personal judgments and their role. Therefore, when studying the topic of the history of the United States and current history, this article has value since it can become the basis for building future conclusions and outcomes when studying other sources.


Introduction to history: Bias & perspective. (2020). Northwood Secondary College.

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