The Upper Respiratory Infections Treatment Methods

Each person has experienced upper respiratory disease (URI), which is a contagious infection of the upper respiratory tract. Common cold is the most well-known URI; however, there are some more critical requiring extra powerful medication. The following paper will include a comparison of several articles on the methods of upper respiratory disease treatment. As a foundation, the book Professional nursing practice: concepts and perspectives was chosen in addition to two features: Appropriate Antibiotic Use for Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in Adults and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection by M. Thomas and P. Bomar.

The articles’ authors generally agree with the epidemiology, management, and treatment of upper respiratory infections. Blais and Hayes (2011) state that most URIs are contagious being caused by some type of bacteria, which other pieces also state. Moreover, none of the articles recommends using antibiotics in the case of influenza or the common cold. Such minor diseases do not require antibiotics intake as they do little to alleviate symptoms and may have an adverse effect (Harris et al., 2016). Therefore, the chosen articles mostly agree with the academic reading that was provided.

Upper respiratory infections do not usually lead to deadly severe diseases; however, in some cases may require the usage of antibiotics. All articles are solidary that many doctors needlessly prescribe antimicrobials, which are useless in fighting viruses. Such an unnecessary prescription of medicine is the primary factor of antimicrobial-resistance-crisis (Blais & Hayes, 2011). Antibiotics are serious medication, which at the same time cures the targeted sickness, but ruin the micro flora and affect other organs. Therefore, it is vital to balance such medication with probiotics to avoid dangerous effects.

On the other side, antibiotics are a feasible way to fight more severe respiratory infections faster. They can slow the growth of infection and kill many types of it in a matter of days. In such diseases as pneumonia, antibiotics are essential as they progress fast and can lead to fatal outcomes (Blais & Hayes, 2011). Therefore, the healthcare provider must thoroughly evaluate a patient’s condition before prescribing antibiotics. The key for a physician is to find a balance between avoiding over-prescribing antimicrobials but, simultaneously, not missing a life-threatening infection (Thomas & Bomar, 2018). In such a way, a person can receive appropriate treatment with no danger of developing new conditions.

There are many ways of treating upper respiratory diseases, all based on the severity and the type of infection. Such illnesses as influenza and the common cold do not usually require antibiotics; they are typically managed by symptoms and aimed at relieving the pain and preventing subsequent viruses (Blais & Hayes, 2011). Other types of URI, like a critical form of bronchitis or pneumonia, are more dangerous and need another approach. However, antibiotics must be prescribed carefully with regards to the patient’s reactions, symptoms, and allergies. Overall, all articles agree that the symptomatic approach to upper respiratory diseases should be prioritized.

Among other treatments, antiviral drugs may be used on the beginning stages of influenza and similar infections within two days of symptoms appearing. Such treatment will be useful in killing the conditions if they are timely discovered. Some at-home therapies may be safe for relieving the URI signs, including steam inhalation or gargling with salt water. However, using it as a treatment for severe viruses may be dangerous for a person’s health (Blais & Hayes, 2011). Therefore, one should immediately refer to a doctor’s office within several days of symptoms showing.

Upper Respiratory Infections are among the most common illnesses that occur seasonally, ranging from minor like common cold to severe and dangerous like pneumonia. The use of antibiotics can significantly help treat more severe cases of UPI’s, however they are not recommended for influenza or similar viruses, as they may only harm the person. Symptomatic treatment is recommended by the doctors as the most feasible and effective if discovered timely.


Blais, K., & Hayes, J. S. (2011). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives. Pearson.

Harris, A. M., Hicks, L. A., & Qaseem, A. (2016). Appropriate antibiotic use for acute respiratory tract infection in adults: Advice for high-value care from the American College of Physicians and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Annals of Internal Medicine, 164(6), 425. Web.

Thomas, M., & Bomar, P. A. (2018). Upper respiratory tract infection. StatPearls Publishing. Web.

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