The Use of the Biostatistics Course


A correct understanding and interpretation of the concepts of mathematical statistics used in the analysis of the obtained data are essential for accurate decision-making. Statistical methods enable one to narrow the interval of uncertainty in their decision-making. Incorrect application of statistical tools leads to false conclusions and interpretations of the data obtained (Islam & Al-Shiha, 2018). In order to avoid errors during data processing, it is essential to be knowledgeable in the statistical procedures applied to data processing. Thus, it is important to analyze my progress in the study of biostatistics.

A General Knowledge of Biostatistics

I did not have extensive knowledge of biostatistics before I started the course. I previously knew that science is used in many different fields and assists people in understanding medicine, genomics, biology, ecology, or health care. The application of statistics in these sciences prompted the development of biostatistics (Pagano et al., 2022). At the same time, the advances that scientists have made in these sciences today would not be possible without biostatistics.

My Problems

At the beginning of the course, I encountered a challenge when I could not choose a suitable test for my data in SPSS to analyze. In order to solve the problem, I used internet resources and the library. I was searching for a test that would be useful for data analysis and was capable of finding methods used for continuous variables on the Internet: T-criterion and variance criterion. It is important to emphasize that there is plenty of valuable information about tests for SPSS data in free access (Pallant, 2020). Thus, I will constantly update my knowledge by reviewing scientific papers of famous people in this field.

The Best Parts of the Course

All sections of the course were incredible because I learned something new. However, what I enjoyed the most was interpreting the test statistics, p-values, and confidence intervals of the data using a statistical program. When I use this test, I learn the significant difference when comparing two materials. I can now use the t-test to assess whether there are statistically significant differences between the two datasets. One of the most used globally in an academic environment is SPSS. Among its advantages are processing large volumes of data and the ability to recode variables (Pallant, 2020). However, I have mastered S-plus, a widely used program that enables, like SPSS, to perform basic statistical tests on massive amounts of data.

Received Knowledge

In this course, I learned a considerable amount of beneficial information about biostatistics, which I already use and will enhance in the future. I gained practical abilities; for example, I can now confidently apply measures of central tendencies, such as mean, mode, and median. Furthermore, I have mastered interrogating data using different types of data. In addition to those mentioned above, the training discussed different methods of making inferences about the data, hypothesis testing, research design, and various types of research. Therefore, I know the practical application of probability, normal distribution, confidence interval, relative risk and chance, and diagnostic accuracy of the index test too (Ying et al., 2017). Importantly, I have discovered how to Interpret test statistics, p-values, and confidence intervals of data using a statistical program. I understand how to operate different basic statistical tests using a statistical program (SPSS). However, I had difficulty with this program at first (Ying et al., 2017). I finally learned how to calculate sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and many other indicators needed in biostatistics.

My Presentation

In the presentation, I used additional methods, such as the arrow on the presentation, to help my colleague understand how to apply the t-criterion. For example, the Curved Arrow is a common way to point to a critical object in a PowerPoint presentation (Daniel & Cross, 2018). This assisted my colleague and everyone present glimpse more closely at and comprehending the primary data. It is essential to mention that I have a problem presenting information to the audience. I need to enhance my voice intonation to highlight the significant issues and grab the audience’s attention. At the same time, I should work on gestures to reinforce the non-verbal presentation.

Advanced Education

I need to enhance my ability to use SPSS software to do my research results. This is because the software provides data conversion, graphics, and direct marketing features for seamless data management. The website “” will assist me and save me time if I improve my knowledge of the program (Pallant, 2020).

The Future Development

I will specify SPSS statistical programs because they provide basic statistical functionality, some of which include frequencies, crosstabulation, and bivariate statistics. Thus, I would use SPSS in a Doctor of a science course for in-depth data analysis. In the future, I plan to attend additional courses to enhance my knowledge of already known analysis methods and learn new ones. It is essential because biostatistics is constantly evolving, and I continually need to innovate my experience.


Hence, I did not have enough knowledge of biostatistics at the beginning of the course, which is why I had problems with the choice of analysis method. At the same time, I learned a considerable amount about the different techniques and principles of data analysis and was able to use them in my research. Accordingly, the course enabled me to expand my knowledge and abilities, which now permit me to calculate data and work with various statistical programs. This field is highly saturated with information, which is why I will continue to enhance my knowledge of biostatistics in additional courses.


Daniel, W. W., & Cross, C. L. (2018). Biostatistics: a foundation for analysis in the health sciences. Wiley.

Islam, M. A., & Al-Shiha, A. (2018). Foundations of biostatistics. Springer.

Pagano, M., Gauvreau, K., & Mattie, H. (2022). Principles of biostatistics. CRC Press.

Pallant, J. (2020). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. Routledge.

Ying, G. S., Maguire, M. G., Glynn, R., & Rosner, B. (2017). Tutorial on biostatistics: Linear regression analysis of continuous correlated eye data. Ophthalmic epidemiology, 24(2), 130-140.

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