The World Systems Theory: Economic Development

The World Systems theory was created by Immanuel Wallerstein and is a valuable tool for understanding the processes of social change and transformation of the history of the world and society. Moreover, the basis of this theory is the division of countries by strength depending on their economic development. Thus, the basis of the world is made up of states that maintain dominance over other parts of the world by exploiting labor and controlling access to commodities often created elsewhere that the world finds both necessary and desired. This theoretical approach can be used to investigate how the Netflix investment strategy in the “Semi-Peripheral” market of India can contribute to the country’s transition to the core state status.

First of all, it is worth understanding the investment strategy of the Netflix television company. Thus, the organization sets itself the task of financing millions of dollars to develop original content in the Indian market. Therefore, it provides an increase in the number of jobs and the country’s profits, which can help strengthen its economy. Regarding the theory of World Systems, India is considered peripheral, as it is a poor state that does not have stability in government and social terms and has exploitable resources. To become a core country, it must improve these aspects, facilitated by the widespread investment of Netflix.

In conclusion, World Systems Theory explains the hierarchy of states relative to their level of economic development. Thus, the most influential countries are called core, and the poor and underdeveloped are considered peripheral. India belongs to the second type of state; however, it has prospects for transformation. This can be done due to the effective investment strategy of Netflix, which spends money on developing original content.

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