Critical Response to Ford’s Analysis of Networking

Like most other professional skills, networking is important in starting and advancing careers. However, it is difficult and often with a bad reputation as it is understood as an opportunistic practice with no authenticity. Robert Ford (2021) provides a detailed analysis of networking, highlighting its importance and applications in career development. The author notes the common belief about networking and why it has a bad reputation before debunking the myth and describing how helpful it can be as a professional skill. Consequently, this paper develops a critical response to Ford’s argument which supports the argument that networking is a professional career that I need to start and advance my career since I will be connecting with professionals and experts with experience in various fields.

While many people perceive networking as opportunistic and without authenticity, Ford views it as a critical professional skill that builds people’s careers if taken appropriately. First, the author notes that to most people, social networking is “unnecessary small talk” (Ford, 2021). In addition, he says that people tend to think networking is all about people begging for favors from those already established in careers and business. Here, Ford seeks to debunk traditional myths about networking. He argues that people make such assumptions about networking because, naturally, humans have different personalities. To some people, networking skills are natural, but to introverts, it might appear intimidating and draining. The reality, as Ford argues, is that networking is a crucial skill for those who want to start or advance their career.

As Ford notes, networking not only broadens people’s view of life but also gives one an opportunity to associate with others and to learn more about others. The author notes that the skill involves interactions with others, which gives one confidence and reduces fear and anxiousness when conversing with others. My interaction with colleagues aids me in networking and gives me the opportunity to lean on them for help. Borrowing from expert opinions, Ford argues that social networking acts as a stress reliever, especially when one faces stresses related to deadlines and targets (Ford, 2021). In addition, such opportunity enables one to learn about others and how they cope with similar pressures and stresses in life.

Networking has undeniable benefits for people’s business and career paths. Ford argues from an expert point of view that success is strongly and directly linked to a person’s networking skills. As a result, individuals with wide connections tend to be the most successful people in business and careers, as Ford asserts (Ford, 2021). He insists that people must invest in personal and professional relationships by interacting with people. Through networking, I was able to stay updated on the status of the job market, which aided me in acquiring my current role. In addition, networking provides one with the necessary resources that help to foster career development.

Having talked about the importance and benefits of networking, Ford provides suggestions on how people should achieve this objective. The main advice that Ford gives is that people should use their most comfortable approach in developing networks. Traditional cocktail parties, family events, weddings, birthdays, and other events are suggested places where connections can start (Ford, 2021). In every institution I have worked for, I have always ensured I attended work events and seminars since it is as a good way of mingling with people and making new connections. Also, one should capitalize on connections through circles such as colleagues, family, old schoolmates, and others.

In conclusion, Ford’s article provides the reader with knowledge of the importance, benefits, and methods of networking. The author convinces people that networking is not small talk or opportunistic and unnecessary behavior. Rather, it is a professional skill that people should strive to attain, albeit in the appropriate and most meaningful manner. Specifically, it is important for improving one to career development and business opportunities.


Ford, R. (2021). The importance of networking: Why networking skills are necessary. Linkedin. Web.

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