Strategies for Writing Essay Drafts and Sentence Variety

Prompt #1

A search for strategies regarding the writing of essay drafts leads to relatively a similar set of strategies. It is suggested that drafts should be written quickly and without significant organization at first in order to “brainstorm” all ideas that one may have about the topic. It is essentially a starting base that can be used to build an argument and conduct additional research. The draft writing process should begin with a careful analysis of the research topic and question. It is critical to determine the purpose of the essay and its extent of research and discussion. Afterward, a brief outline should be created to build a structure of presentation and follow a basic academic writing format. The writing stage should consist of writing everyone one already knows on the topic based on the information previously read, classroom material, or independent research. Blanks or notes should be left in the text if additional research or supporting data is required. Finally, one should conduct an overview to optimize the draft and figure out the steps necessary for further development of the essay (Dwyer, 2014).

The tips presented are accurate and propose a conducive plan to creating a draft for a comprehensible essay. It is critical to maintain structure while also allowing for a free flow of ideas. In order to get started on the draft, I plan to spend time analyzing the question, creating a brief outline, and reading on the topic from class materials and outside sources. I may also create a brainstorming diagram which will help to build a solid argument through my research and justifications. Similar to many students, procrastination impacts my academic career. Distractions and events that put off work on an assignment can lead to adverse consequences such as unexpected technical difficulties or poor quality of work. I seek to overcome procrastination by creating a schedule for myself and attempting to follow it. I begin to work on large assignments ahead of time and divide up the work over the span of several days. Overall, comprehensive planning and discipline help to overcome any procrastination aspects of the academic career.

Prompt #2

The concept of sentence variety in writing is critical in order to prevent sameness and uniformity in language syntax. It helps to create interest in the text, makes it easier to understand, and relays information more efficiently. Variety should be present at an appropriate amount based on the style and tone of the writing (EnglishClub, n.d.).

Simple Sentence

  • Example: The research supports the use of physical activities to decrease body mass indexes (BMIs) in school-age individuals
  • Explanation: The sentence is extremely straightforward and directly emphasizes one of the primary research aspects of the paper. The simplicity of the sentence creates effectiveness. Additional detail is provided in later sentences, and this specific example would not benefit from being changed.
  • Sentence variety: The sentence beforehand is simple while the sentence following is complex. This creates necessary sentence variety by creating a brief introduction with a simple sentence and following up with a more detailed sentence afterward. It helps to build an argument logically.

Complex Sentence

  • Example: Childhood obesity is a problem present in every society, and school nurses can help mitigate it by making changes in diet composition and implementing physical activities and lifestyle changes in children’s routine.
  • Explanation: This is the thesis statement of the paper. It is required to be complex in order to cover all aspects of the paper as well as outline a cohesive and overarching argument that the essay will present.
  • Sentence variety: It is the final sentence in the paragraph while being preceded by a compound sentence. There is a lack of simple sentences in the vicinity, which may require some change in sentence syntax.

Compound Sentence

  • Example: School nurses, parents, and physicians should work together to reach a better future for the nation by managing the problem of childhood obesity at present.
  • Explanation: A compound structure for this sentence is necessary to develop a concurring sequence of events which occurs one another. This could potentially be changed to a complex sentence but considering that the text lacks strong examples of compound sentences, it should be left for sentence variety purposes.
  • Sentence variety: The sentence is at the end of the conclusion and is preceded by a simple and direct statement. This creates an effect of making a final statement in the conclusion, which is appropriate. Sentence variety is not lacking in this part of the text.


Dwyer, K. (2014). Essay writing basics: The fast first draft [Blog post]. Web.

EnglishClub. (n.d.). Sentence variety. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Strategies for Writing Essay Drafts and Sentence Variety." June 22, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Strategies for Writing Essay Drafts and Sentence Variety." June 22, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Strategies for Writing Essay Drafts and Sentence Variety." June 22, 2021.

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