The Zappos Firm’s Effective Organizational Structure

After watching the TEDx Talks and the Zappos company culture videos, I am hopeful that the unique culture at Zappos will benefit the company in the long run. Based on what I saw in the Video, the company is receptive to both its consumers and staff and the ideas they present. In addition, they exert much time and labor to prepare their team. Reception to customers and staff by Zappos company will improve their client service and expand their employees’ attitudes and work environment. Since there is such an emphasis on training and the work environment, the employees would feel valued by the company (Igniting Creativity to Transform Corporate Culture: Catherine Courage at TEDxKyoto 2012, n.d.). In effect, this culture will encourage the employees to advance quality, resulting in satisfied customers.

For instance, the 3Cs strategy calls for equal employee treatment and motivation. In one of the videos, it is revealed that they use the 3C’s (Commerce, Customer Service, Company Culture, and Community). An employee is far more likely to stay involved and devoted if they feel appreciated by their employer (Igniting Creativity to Transform Corporate Culture: Catherine Courage at TEDxKyoto 2012, n.d.). They will feel that they are not just being utilized but that their efforts are being recognized and rewarded.

Many companies will find the Zappos company culture beneficial in terms of dealing with their customers as well as their staff. Companies like Mcdonalds’ and Starbucks deal with fast foods, which need to be sold as fast as possible. The way they reception and treat their customers will improve their sales and preference in the market hence benefiting from the Zappos culture. Although employees are compensated for their time at work, the Zappos company culture makes them feel valued and heard (Zappos Company Culture, 2015). Therefore, they will enjoy working for their companies hence clearly showing that this company model is beneficial to the company. Overall, all companies aim to improve their sales and increase their customers with time, which will be well achieved by any company that uses the Zappos company model.


Igniting creativity to transform corporate culture: Catherine Courage at TEDxKyoto 2012. (n.d.). Web.

Zappos Company Culture. (2015). [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. Web.

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