The Zappos Firm’s Organizational Culture

A positive corporate culture is pivotal to any organization concerned about its employees, clients, productivity, and public image. Strong leadership and a growth mindset are essential components of a company’s ethos (Tuleja, 2022). In this regard, Zappos is known for its unique and inclusive working environment that can be considered the greatest legacy of its former CEO, Tony Hsieh. According to Frei and Morriss (2020), “what really sets Hsieh and his team apart [from their competitors] is their deep awareness that culture is the company’s most important asset” (para. 7). The emphasis on creativity, diversity, change, and openness enables employees to cultivate a passion for their work and increase productivity. Zappos’ strong corporate culture demonstrates that an organization’s leadership can significantly impact its dynamics and success.

Zappos’ viewpoint on diversity and corporate culture provides valuable insight for other organizations. In particular, one of the company’s core principles is to let its employees be authentic, genuine, and creative at work instead of having a formal, more reserved workplace environment (“Zappos core value videos,” n.d.). Such an approach eliminates staff’s anxiety and fear associated with traditional business culture when people feel pressured and unsafe to express themselves. As a result, their focus shifts from unproductive worries to opportunities to optimize customer service and achieve strategic goals. Moreover, Zappos’ emphasis on diversity enables its team to share the unique knowledge, learn together, and generate new ideas.

Another essential insight into Zappos’ corporate culture is its leadership’s role in promoting growth and positive change. As Hsieh realized the importance of employee motivation for enhanced customer service, he contributed significantly to creating a supportive workplace environment for the Zappos team (Frei & Morriss, 2020). Furthermore, he effectively led by example, embodying the organization’s core values such as creativity, fun, open-mindedness, honesty, determination, positivity, and passion (“Zappos core value videos,” n.d.). The success of Hsieh’s company highlights leaders’ influence on other team members and corporate culture.

Furthermore, Zappos’ approach to continuous learning indicates another essential aspect of creating a strong and diverse culture. The pursuit of growth is at the core of the company’s activity (Frei & Morriss, 2020). The organization recommends useful and inspirational books that align with its philosophy and overall business approach, encouraging employees’ self-development (“Zappos library list,” n.d.). Moreover, Zappos strives to share knowledge with other corporations and promote workers’ professional and personal development. In this regard, Zappos Insights was established to share the company’s knowledge and perspective on corporate culture (“Zappos core value videos,” n.d.).

Another essential principle that can be observed in Zappos’ approach to business culture is its determination to create a family-like environment for employees. Delivering happiness is the corporation’s main objective, and this philosophy lies at the center of Zappos’ strategy (Frei & Morriss, 2020). Teambuilding activities, various events, and open communication can improve staff’s motivation, productivity, and sense of belonging which form employee satisfaction (Tuleja, 2022). Zappos’ approach to culture increases its talent retention, customer loyalty, and profitability as it emphasizes the special and unique role of each team member.

To conclude, Zappos can be described as one of the most successful companies in terms of strong corporate culture and effective leadership, which constitute its competitive advantage. Its approach to diversity and business ethos provides valuable insight for other organizations and businesses. In this regard, authenticity, creativity, open-mindedness, continuous learning, a family-like working environment, and leadership’s role in promoting growth can be considered the main principles that define Zappos’ success.


Frei, F., & Morriss, A. (2020). Uncommon service: The Zappos case study. Inc. Web.

Tuleja, E. A. (2022). Intercultural communication for global business: How leaders communicate for success (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Zappos core value videos. (n.d.). Zappos Insight. Web.

Zappos library list. (n.d.). Zappos Insight. Web.

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