Rokeach Values: The Leadership Styles


The three main instrumental values that have been determined through the Rokeach Values Survey have been formulated as broadmindedness, cheerfulness, and forgivingness. The three elements fit within the values hierarchy by highlighting the means through which goals are achieved. Thus, the instruments for objective-fulfilling aims include the aforementioned concepts. It can be noted that the values that have a more prominent presence appear to fit into a non-organizational context and can mainly be applied in personal life. Hence, the leadership style will be based on interpersonal relationships with the workforce (Andronic & Dumitrașcu, 2017). Furthermore, the focus will be aimed toward employee well-being rather than solely considering profit.


The concept correlates with a transformational leadership style. According to researchers, the framework implies that the leader transforms the follower by being open-minded and motivational towards new ideas as well as empathetic (Khan et al., 2020). By applying broadmindedness, employees are able to openly share potential ideas and diversity in the decision-making process by implementing various inputs. Moreover, cheerfulness assists in creating a welcoming workplace in which team members are motivated to achieve personal and organizational goals. Last but not least, forgiveness is an instrument that allows leaders to learn from mistakes and encourage employees to do the same, hence, improving their performances by learning through mistakes.

The terminal values that have been determined as the primary elements within the personal hierarchy include a world of peace, family security, and happiness. The values fit the values hierarchy paradigm by illustrating the goals that can be achieved through the aforementioned instrumental values. Similarly to the instrumental concepts, the terminal ones appear to cover personal and interpersonal elements, yet they can be integrated within an organizational environment based on existing knowledge. Namely, researchers mention the importance of employee satisfaction for organizational success (Reissová et al., 2019). While the variable implies the presence of multiple variables such as schedules, salaries, workloads, and work conditions, creating a joyful workplace is one of the components addressing satisfaction. A positive attitude and energy can facilitate an inviting atmosphere that can potentially minimize high employee turnover and difficulties in hiring.

Moreover, the concept of a world at peace can also be interpreted from an organizational perspective. A leader who maintains a peaceful and conflict-free workplace is less likely to encounter risks correlated with hostility and a lack of collaboration (Cerit, 2020). In regards to family security, the value can be integrated within a leadership framework by achieving the same goal on a corporate level. Thus, workforce security implies that the leader makes sure team members are heard, understood, and taken care of both legally and ethically. As a result, security is achieved and benefits both the company and the employees who experience positive outcomes from such interventions.


Both the instruments highlighted as instrumental values and the goals themselves identified as terminal values can be implemented within a leadership framework. Namely, by employing such techniques as broadmindedness, cheerfulness, and forgiveness, the employer can create a workplace in which employees feel motivated and encouraged to think innovatively. Moreover, by seeking peace, security, and happiness, leaders can benefit both the organizations and the teams through an increase in job satisfaction and, hence, growth in productivity. As a result, leadership considering the aforementioned values as concepts to be practically integrated can achieve success in team management and organizational efficiency.


Andronic, O. G., & Dumitrașcu, D. (2017). The relationship between leadership and employees. International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization, 23(1), 348–353. Web.

Cerit, Y. (2020). The role of leaders in peace building. Advances in Early Childhood and K-12 Education, 158–178. Web.

Khan, H., Rehmat, M., Butt, T. H., Farooqi, S., & Asim, J. (2020). Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, burnout and social loafing: A mediation model. Future Business Journal, 6(1). Web.

Reissová, A., Simsová, J., & Fričková, K.. (2019). Influence of employee engagement and employee benefit schemes on job satisfaction. Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 9(2), 288–292. Web.

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