Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson

The turn of the 19th century has been marked as the progressive era in which two American Presidents, President Theodore Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson have played a significant role on domestic as well as foreign policy-related issues.

These two leaders reformed the system based on the decision which was guided by what is right for the people and not the big businesses in the economic world. They contributed a great deal while in office to modify the rules and regulations which impacted the common citizen. Their success in achieving national reform made them successful progressive presidents of the century. They brought dynamic changes during their presidency which marks the era as the progressive era.

President Theodore Roosevelt in his book Autobiography: A Personal Narrative of Political Experiences talks about his reforms related to policies with special reference to his anti-trust Law and his trust strategy in general. His aim to address economic issues ultimately led to an increase of monopolies and the power of businesses. His stance on ‘square deal’ was firm and steady. He initiated the need for ‘New nationalism’ which laid emphasis on the need for regulation and legislation to fight the strong grip of the evil of big business. In his policy for ‘square deal’ he defined the plan to enforce equality for all members of the society which included small-time laborers as well as a big-time business executive.

He also addressed the manipulation of politics and misrepresentation of the common will. He was influential in implementing changes in the legislature which emphasized that government should exercise complete control over the industry. He considered this vital to the welfare of the nation. He believed that the “President as a steward of the people should take whatever action necessary for the public good unless expressly forbidden by law or Constitution.” He introduced during his regime the call for universal health care and national health insurance. He was actively involved in his negotiations related to Panama Canal which was finally constructed in 1904. He was a great negotiator of peace and promoter of national warfare as a tool for progress. He significantly expanded the influence and the power of the executive office.

Woodrow Wilson was another very progressive President whose new freedom platform was very ambitious and thoroughly progressive. He introduced the reduction of the tariff, modification of the banking system and the monetary system, setting up new laws which may help the decline of the powerful and abusive corporations, and introduced effective measures which would help restore the competition in the economic sphere.

He was forceful in his implementation of measures to revise the imperialistic practices of earlier administrations. During his regime the nation was at war, Wilson diplomatically focused on the domestic agenda to concentrate on the full-scale mobilization of the economy and the industry. He focused on diplomacy and financial considerations. He raised the first effective draft in 1917, and raised billions in war funding through Liberty Bonds, imposed an income tax, enacted the first federal drug prohibition, promoted the growth of labor unions, supervised agriculture, and suppressed anti-war movements. He is known for his National Women’s Suffrage and democratic election of Senate which was considered progressive landmarks of his regime.

President Theodore Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson were both very progressive presidents of their era. They took initiatives and modified the legislative system to implement good things during their presidency. They brought about change and reform which has impacted America for the year to come. They were forceful enough to exert over a federal government assertive power to regulate the national economy, tax citizens directly, legislate social policies for the protection of the relatively poor and powerless, and involve the U. S. as a great power in the conduct of international politics. They defined the twentieth-century presidency as the source of legislative initiative; the head of a vastly expanded federal bureaucracy empowered to enforce regulations of its own making, and an office willing to push the constitutional limits of its authority. This enforcement was indeed for the betterment of the people at large. They were successful in making American society a better place in the domestic and international sphere.


“Wilson: A Portrait”. American Experience, PBS Television. 2001. Web..

Woodrow Wilson. Miller Center Public Affairs. Web.

Thayer, William Roscoe. Theodore Roosevelt : An Intimate Biography. Web.

Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909. Web.

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