Theory and Research in Nursing

Quality Literature Review

Doing a thorough and careful literature review is essential in any research. By providing a literature review, authors tell readers that they do not neglect the basic rules of their research and rely on other researchers to ensure the quality and relevance of their work (MacDonald, 2014).

The Importance of Conducting a Quality Literature Review

There are several reasons why it is important to conduct a quality literature review. First, a literature review helps create a sense of mutual understanding between authors and readers. As a result, readers are confident that the facts used by authors are trustworthy. Second, a literature review helps avoid incidental plagiarism and prove the authenticity of the work. Third, a literature review sharpens the focus of the research. Thus, the authors compare different pieces of research with their own and tell why their research is original (MacDonald, 2014).

The Essential Elements of a Quality Literature Review

There are four main elements that are necessary for a quality literature review. The first component is the general statement that explains what the given research is about. The second element is the reference to previous research explaining what was done in this area in the past. The third element explains what is missing in the previous research. The fourth element is the reference to present research explaining the plans on what must be achieved (MacDonald, 2014).

Difficulties in Creating a Quality Literature Review

In order to do a quality literature review, authors must overcome a number of difficulties. The first difficulty is the lack of time for finding sources that clearly relate to the problem of the research. The second difficulty is to criticize another author’s research which is considered comprehensive and reliable. The third difficulty is to find alternative interpretations of the problem in other authors’ works (MacDonald, 2014).

Theory and Research

The connection between research and theory is usually explained by their functions. The search for theory is the initial incentive for any research. Thus, research relies on theory, and the development of theory relies on research (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Hanson, 2014).

The Relationship between Theory and Research

Generally, research is used to collect information required for the theory. In its turn, theory guides the process of research, aids to formulate research questions, and helps in the interpretation, analysis, and design. Thus, the theory and the research associated with it can be of three types, namely, descriptive, correlational, and experimental (Kaakinen et al., 2014).

The Relationship between Theory and Research in Nursing Practice

During the process of theory generation, the researcher moves from facts to theory. In nursing practice, proposing credible approaches to health problems, developing clinical practice protocols, and generating nursing diagnoses are the main theoretical goals that must be accomplished (Kaakinen et al., 2014).


Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., Tabacco, A., & Hanson, S. M. H. (2014). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research. Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis.

MacDonald, J. (2014). Systematic approaches to a successful literature review. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Journal de l’Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada, 34(1), 46-47.

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