Three Types of Research Methodology

In managing research in any area of life, it is imperative to employ procedures to collect data and analyze it. When viewed in that perspective, it is referred to as research methodology. Research methodology is a critical decision in the whole process of an individual’s research. Developing one’s research methodology is an essential aspect of a study plan. A researcher can use several methodologies to conduct a study, but this paper discusses three common types: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method.

Quantitative Research

In quantitative methodology, the collection and analysis of data described relate to numbers. Data collected from the field is compiled and expressed in terms of numerals. These numbers from the study are used to summarize the findings (Matović & Ovesni, 2021). If there is a need to interpret the collected data, tables of numbers are used, and graphical representations quantify the thoughts. Given the case scenario of Mr. Neil’s conditions, the first description about the age, the size of his family, and regularity of his exercise ratify the sample case of a quantitative research method. One of the most considerable advantages of this method is that it can analyze large quantities of data.

Qualitative Research

In the research process, elements that are not numerical are expressed qualitatively in any way. If the researcher has got such data, qualitative research is the only way to get along in that case. It is purely a description of qualities; it is the best alternative to settle for when coming up with the theories. In Mr. Neil’s case, we consider the second part of the routine description as a qualitative research method that theoretically explains his condition without numerically standardizing it (Kuecker, 2021). It works best when using small data, and it is not easy to standardize large quantities of data.

Mixed Research

Mixed research is a combination of both Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research whereby both qualities and numerals are used to collect and analyze the data. In our case study of Mr. Neil’s situation, mixed-research can be used to investigate the mobilization case, which involves walking and needs two people to help him with mobility. Mixed research has immense promise for establishing new approaches for appreciating the complexities and implications of social experience and enhancing people’s ability to explain and generalize social experiences (Molina-Azorin & Fetters, 2019). It is, however, more challenging to carry out since collecting, analyzing data, and interpreting the results may need more experience than utilizing a single approach.


Kuecker, E. (2021). The Ethos of Citation in Qualitative Research Methodology. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 12(2).

Matović, N., & Ovesni, K. (2021). Interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in mixed methods research: integration or combination. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-15.

Molina-Azorin, J., & Fetters, M. (2019). In This Issue: Quality in Mixed Methods Research, Systematic Mixed Studies Reviews, Mixed Methods Single Case Research, Community Based Participatory Research, and Data Integration and Consolidation. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 13(4), 411-413.

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