My Homiletic Swimming Pool is a great religious book written by Timothy Tow. This paper seeks to analyze the concepts of the first two chapters of the book. The first chapter discusses two effective methods of communicating God’s word, which seems to be the central theme of the book; teaching and preaching. While Tow starts with an allusion to the biblical Timothy, he concentrates on his early educational milestones in the theology classes (Tow 2). In this chapter, he also recognizes how his church, the Life B-P Church, has thrived over the ages. Tow mentions that the church has opened 56 branches within 48 years (12). The work has been successful, and the church has extended to other parts of the Asian continent and even Spain. Towards the end of the first paragraph, he shifts his address to the Bible College students who are ready for pastoral ministry. Tow gives them seven injunctions on preaching the word of God as offered by Paul in his epistles.
The second chapter discusses homiletics and how to preach, which Paul did by example. Tow examines how Timothy observed Paul’s style of teaching and preaching, which he transferred to his pupils. The author continues to give his experience in Faith Seminary and how the homiletic classes were categorized: senior, middle, and junior. He later completed and founded his theology school in 1962, the Far Eastern Bible College (Tow 16). He was applying the preaching and teaching methods he had acquired from the faith Seminary. The chapter primarily examines the author’s experiences as a theology student and some of his achievements thereafter, for example, starting a similar college of his own. This chapter’s ending is particularly captivating; Tow gives an essential tip for preparing a compelling sermon. His focus seems to be on the right theme and appropriate text (20). The author recognizes the fact that women who sincerely join schools of theology have a calling. Therefore, this chapter revolves around Tow’s experience in the seminary and how he later applied his knowledge in teaching and preaching and founded his own Bible College.
Work Cited
Tow, Timothy. My Homiletic Swimming Pool. Far Eastern Bible College Press, 1998.