Toni Cade Bambara: Bibliography

Bambara, Toni C. Gorilla, My Love. 1st ed., New York: Random House, 1972.

The author provides the audience with compelling illustrations of an array of fascinating characters in the scenes between New York and North Carolina, from stylish and rugged children to devious elderly men. The information herein indicates that the first betrayal of a young woman is suffering. A widow wafers against her aged children’s wishes with a geriatric blind man. A neighborhood lending shark is a lesson in obligation for a Caucasian social worker. In addition, this publication depicts childish vulnerability, which shamelessly uncovers the oppression of children. Thus, in “Gorilla,” my love of Toni Cade Bambara, a fiasco between Hazel and Hunca Bubba, explores the evolving outlook of differentiating between the act of tragedy and the breach of a youthful agreement.

Dhakal, Lekha Nath. “Black Art: An Aesthetic Transformation for Freedom and Justice.” KMC Research Journal, vol. 3, no.3, 2019, pp. 91-99.

This article aims to investigate the ideology and roots of African Americans in black visual appeal. It also discloses that Black Art transforms African Americans culturally for freedom and a higher standard of living. Black Esthetics followers called on black actors, in dissent to the Western aesthetics, to develop a new norm of moral judgment and elegance based on African narratives, spirituality, ideologies, and art. Notably, the author of this educative piece argues that the beautiful appearances of the Black Americans originated from the first African slaves. In the U. S., the Black esthetic model is founded on enslavement and liberty literature. In the work of many Black writers, the writing of their communities to establish a sense of selfishness and to reinforce their identity as African Americans are essential components. Thus, the information included herein supports Bambara’s ideologies regarding the experiences of the minorities within the society.

Mary, A. Roselin. “What’s in A Name? Reincarnation of Toni Cade Bambara’s Characters Through Rechristening.” American College Journal of English Language and Literature (ACJELL), vol. 6, edited by Research Department of English, the American College, 2017, pp. 110-113.

Based on their origins, connotations and ethnic milieu of the authors’ identities are exciting. The naming doctrines of African Americans had an extremist influence on slave ownership. In the modern paradigm of African slaves, African initials were never really written into the slave traders’ ledges. Neither the traders nor the slaves bothered about their names. African Americans have constantly changed their names to identify their privileges and image. The effort to break the psychic line which ties them in name and gesture to slavery would have been to ditch their slave labels. In the 1960s and 1970s, the civil rights movement reinforced Black Nationalism and identity, an indication that African Americans have started to discover their origins.

Pratt, Omaria Sanchez. All that You Say is Beautiful: Stories. 2019. PhD dissertation. ProQuest Thesis and Dissertations.

The information included in this educative dissertation by Omaria Sanchez Pratt focused on illustrating the experiences by the African Americans in the Americans states, including New York City and other High Point cities. The author uses the sociological lens to analyze family, sexuality, race, and class among other social elements that might promote discrimination. In particular, the publication grasps just what means to be a member of the minority race, particularly the Blacks. The writer supported Bambara’s argument by claiming that Blacks do not experience American popular culture.

Walters, Sanique. For the Power of She Diasporic Space: Black Women, Storytelling and Performance. York University, 2019, Web.

Sanique Walters uses the principles of Black Feminist models to deconstruct the philosophy of popular self-care. In the past, women of color have been servants of white culture for generations. Black female bodies have, for centuries become sites of abuse, stereotype, sexual, mentally and physically harassment. Colored females should also be nurses and custodians of the globe. Even though the black womenfolk struggle to create their way to practice their productive imagining, compassion and respect, slavery heritage in America have sown the semen of major identity challenges.

Works Cited

Bambara, Toni C. Gorilla, My Love. 1st ed., New York: Random House, 1972.

Dhakal, Lekha Nath. “Black Art: An Aesthetic Transformation for Freedom and Justice.” KMC Research Journal, vol. 3, no.3, 2019, pp. 91-99.

Mary, A. Roselin. “What’s in A Name? Reincarnation of Toni Cade Bambara’s Characters Through Rechristening.” American College Journal of English Language and Literature (ACJELL), vol. 6, edited by Research Department of English, the American College, 2017, pp. 110-113.

Pratt, Omaria Sanchez. All that You Say is Beautiful: Stories. 2019. PhD dissertation. ProQuest Thesis and Dissertations.

Walters, Sanique. For the Power of She Diasporic Space: Black Women, Storytelling and Performance. York University, 2019, Web.

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