The IOM Implementation in Nursing Reports

Introduction Cotemporary healthcare of the Unites States and the world faces many problems that need solutions. The implementation of such solutions is even more important because it can improve health. In the United States, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) leads discussions, introduces experts, and conducts research to provide efficient solutions...

Primary Health: Cough and Chest Pain

Presentation Mrs. C., 62 years of age, is brought to your office by her husband. She states that she hasn’t slept because of a productive cough and slight continuous chest pain. Her chest pain increases with coughing and taking deep breaths. Her past medical history includes type 2 diabetes which...

Population Health History and Management

Definition and History of Population Health The term “population health” was introduced 35 years ago by Dr. David Kindig. He explained it as the distribution of health outcomes among a nation. The measures for the assessment of population health are morbidity, mortality, and the quality of life (Jefferson College of...

Healthcare Financing and Patient Advocacy

Financing of Healthcare Services Financial decisions in healthcare can significantly impact the quality of treatment with which an establishment can provide its patients. Therefore, funding plays a prominent role in the level of services. Both preventive care and healthcare services treatment are crucially important areas of care. While illness healthcare...

Suicide Screening as an Evidence-Based Practice

Cases of suicide among adolescents are on the rise and medical practitioners are concerned about the issue. According to Ballard et al. (2016), these minors are unable to deal with stress as they struggle to understand the realities of life. They believe that the quickest way out of the problems...

Masters Prepared Nurses: Translating Research Into Practice

Student 1 The scope of practice of nurse practitioners is taking care of the customers in a hospital environment. Nurse educators are responsible for instructing their students about the best application methods of their knowledge. Nurse leaders’ duties involve careful management of a hospital or any other health care institution...

Privacy and Integrity in Nurse’s Social Media Use

Introduction There is no doubt that nursing presents a sphere that involves a lot of important problems and some of them are related to the rapid development of modern means of communication (Hood, 2014). The discussed changes should be analyzed concerning nursing practice to develop new approaches to ethical and...

Ulcerative Colitis: the Use of Vedolizumab

Data Collection Methodology The qualitative research design selected earlier for the given project will focus on obtaining in-depth and detailed information regarding the subject of the study. In particular, the topic of ulcerative colitis and the expected recommendations will be provided based on the literature review and interviews. The literature...

The Use of Diabetes Self-Management Apps by African-American Women

Introduction The rapid development of new technologies in recent decades offers countless avenues for health promotion and disease prevention. Web-based and smart mobile applications and Web 2.0 are increasingly used by healthcare professionals for delivering tailored health messages focusing on prevention activities in areas such as nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle...

Patient Experiences of Caring and Person-Centredness

The title of this article represents a quite accurate description of the article. It pointed to the aims and the results of the study, and also it contained most keywords that facilitate searching for the study and recognizing it. This title is considered as a statement of the declarative type,...

Health Status and Promotion Among African Americans

Introduction Available literature demonstrates that most health promotion activities targeting minority populations and vulnerable groups fail to achieve their intended objectives due to factors such as sustained inequalities in healthcare provision, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, and cultural orientations (Lang & Bird, 2015). To ensure that health promotion activities become effective...

Childhood and Adult Obesity in the US in 2011-12

Abstract According to the results provided in the critiqued article, it becomes evident that there were no significant changes regarding the health issue of obesity among residents of the United States of America from 2003 till 2011. Unfortunately, the number of American citizens experiencing this problem remains tremendous at the...

Evidence-Based Practice and Implementation Barriers

For successful advanced nursing practice, it is essential to establish a proper environment and empower nurses to utilize evidence-based practice (EBP) that is based on scholarly research. Even though the advantageous role to patient outcomes is recognized as one of the pillars of the healthcare area, many nurses still struggle...

Change Theory Initiatives in Healthcare Facilities

What is change theory, and why is it necessary? The change theory is the theoretical paradigm that describes organizational changes, its peculiarities, factors affecting it, its causes and effects, etc. (Mick & Shay, 2014). Practitioners can benefit from using theories that can become helpful templates for their projects. The implementation...

Patient Protection in Bill Nelson’s Interview

Introduction The American Health Care Act of 2017 has been one of the most controversial health bills of the last five years. It is primarily focused on the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and has since been rejected in Senate multiple times. The consequences for its...

Conflict Resolution in Healthcare Workplace

Introduction The organization culture promoted in a specific healthcare institution dictates the behaviors, actions, and processes embraced by its nurses and caregivers. More often than not, conflicts occur and eventually affect the nature of healthcare delivery (Higazee, 2015). Such conflicts reduce the morale of the affected healthcare workers. The facility...

Respiratory Complications Reduction: Stakeholders

The paper identifies stakeholders related to the change in preventing respiratory complications in patients undergoing interventional radiological procedures under conscious sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center. Registered Nurses at ICU Place in Organizational Hierarchy Registered nurses in ICU are at the middle level of the nursing hierarchy. They usually report...

Climate Change Affecting Global Public Health

How Can Climate Change Potentially Impact Global Public Health? While seemingly tenuous, the connection between climate change and health challenges is, in fact, rather strong. Climate change is likely to lead to the destruction of a range of habitats, drop in the amount of drinkable water, the rise in air...

Postoperative Fall Education and Physical Therapy

Introduction Falls are the most frequently reported in-hospital incidents today, and approximately a third of fall cases lead to injuries (Hill et al., 2015). The importance of this issue has been recognized by researchers and practitioners all over the world within recent years, and a large body of academic literature...

Quality Improvement in US Health Care

Quality improvement is one of the priorities of the US healthcare system as it is often associated with people’s health and wellness. It has been estimated that almost 100,000 Americans die due to medical errors (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2018). This issue is also associated with numerous financial losses for...

Telehealth: Barriers of the Technology Adoption

Introduction Telehealth technologies are often referred to as the future of family practice and the overall healthcare system as it increases Americans’ access to quality health care. The use of technology has proved to be beneficial in many cases especially when it comes to rural areas (Moore et al., 2017)....

Health Disparity and Promotion in Afro-Americans

Introduction According to the U.S Census Bureau (2017), non-Hispanic African-Americans comprise more than 14% of the total population of the United States. The estimated size of this ethnic minority is over 42 million people, making it one of the largest population groups in the country. At the same time, the...

Nursing Advocacy Role in Healthcare Reforms

Discussion Post Nowadays, it is widely known that nurses not only provide medical assistance but also can contribute to the political life of the country by actively participating in the development of policies (Arabi, Rafii, Cheraghi, & Ghiyasvandian, 2014; Milstead, 2013). It could be said that all of the characteristics...

Advanced Practice Nurses’ Roles in the US

Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse According to the American Nurses Association (n.d.), the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) includes performing care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. APNs provide counseling to patients and their families, conduct health examinations and diagnosis, maintain patient records, refer individuals to other medical professionals,...

Breast Cancer and Stress Heightening

Introduction Effective stress management and coping patient education rests upon the thorough understanding of pertinent psychological theories and defense mechanisms. Breast cancer is a condition that creates a state of heightened stress associated with the disease discovery, treatment, and the necessity to deal with its consequences (Potthoff et al., 2013)....

Mayo Clinic’s Adherence to US Healthcare Standards

In the United States, health care is a strictly regulated area of business, which is governed by multiple standards. These standards serve to improve the quality of services delivered to patients, promote information sharing between providers, and ensure the appropriate conduct of employees in the healthcare sector. Health care standards...

Asthma Education and Prevention Program

Organizational Background According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (n.d. d), Francis Lewis West, who was inspired by a children’s hospital in London, founded the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) in 1855. The hospital has since expanded to include a research institute, a pediatric rehabilitation center, and the largest pediatric...

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Europe and the US

The topic of euthanasia is one of the most heatedly debated debates that take place in the medical, legal, ethical, and public fields of consideration, right next to death penalty as means of capital punishment (Colb, 2008). This is not an easy matter to decide upon, as the decision made...

Sickle Cell Disease Concept

Introduction Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a major health concern in the United States. According to Akingbola et al. (2016), the introduction of hydroxyurea (HU) was a major relief to patients as it has been proven to alleviate symptoms of the disease. Adewoyin, Oghuvwu, and Awodu (2017) argue that this...

Hand Hygiene Strategies in Medical Institutions

The article “Impact of a team and leaders-directed strategy to improve nurses’ adherence to hand hygiene guidelines” depicts the results of a quantitative study concerning the use of a hand hygiene strategy. Huis et al. (2013) carry out a cluster-randomized trial that focuses on the effectiveness of a team and...

Improvement of Healthcare: Families USA

Quality Improvement Information technology is regarded as one of the ways to improve the US healthcare system. The use of electronic health records and the focus on data collection and analysis are viewed as a crucial component of the process of improvement (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013). At the same time,...

End-of-Life Decision-Making Research Methodology

In their research, Ko, Nelson-Becker, Park, and Shin (2013) seek to locate the tools for building a more coherent framework for end-of-life issues management among Korean adults. Since there is no particular need for quantifying the outcomes of the analysis, the authors of the study use the qualitative research design....

Vaccines and Autism: Does the Controversy Persist?

Time of the Vaccination Introduction 1796 was the year of vaccination (Horne, Powell, Hummel, & Holyoak, 2015). A scientific approach was applied later. Vaccines from various diseases appeared gradually. Most of them were discovered in the 20th century. The connection between autism was invented recently. Vaccination first appeared in 1796;...

Nursing Research and Its Fundamentals

Research in medicine is an essential factor in testing concepts and developing new knowledge. In nursing, research can be conducted in different areas, connected to the patients care and health outcomes. Blake (2016) argues that nursing research improves the quality of care that the patients receive. As the primary objective...

Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Adolescents

Project Proposal Human papillomavirus (HPV) represents a significant threat to global health, which points to the need for implementing effective interventions targeted at its elimination. Vaccinations have been shown to be effective in preventing HPV-related cancers and other complications and are now approved for use in both males and females...

Nursing and a Non-Nursing Theories Combination

The health of the population is the most valuable achievement of the society. Therefore, it’s maintaining and strengthening is an important task, in which all without exception must participate. The professional and ethical obligation of the nurse to provide, as far as possible, urgent medical care to any person who...

Human Factor Engineering Problem: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Introduction The growth of technology use, especially advancements associated with data processing with the help of computers, presents significant Human Factor Engineering issues in terms of health. For most employees who work behind their desks to enter data in computers, such issues as poor posture, neck discomfort, pain in hands,...

The New Horizons Community Mental Health Center

Introduction The New Horizons Community Mental Health Center serves the diverse population of Miami, FL, which predominantly includes Hispanic, White American, African American, and Haitian clients. Patients with depression constitute a large part of the population that the Center serves, but the Center’s health providers have been reporting issues in...

HealthCo Company’s Work-Life Balance Issue

Diagnosis At the moment, HealthCo faces significant problems that come from the lack of the staffs desire to engage in particular activities and support the company’s further rise. Several factors precondition the emergence of this situation. The company does not have a well-thought-out strategy regarding human resources management. It does...

Institute of Medicine Healthcare Initiative

Introduction Nurses form the largest portion of the nation’s health care workforce and can play a vital role in implementing the health care policy to ensure that all Americans have access to high-quality care. In 2008, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) partnered and...

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing: Review and Assessment of the Guidelines

Essentials in Nurse Practitioner Programs Nurses play an especially important role in healthcare delivery. Nowadays, the healthcare system is characterized by “explosion of knowledge, expanding technologies, increasing diversity, and global health challenges” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2014, p. 3). Therefore, the current situation produced a necessity for high-quality...

The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse

Introduction The role of the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) is continuously evolving, gaining recognition and enabling superior standards of care. In particular, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has led to an increase in practice authority for APNs and higher wages for medical professionals overall. Nevertheless, there is significant opposition...

Leader-Innovator in Health Information Technology

Week 2 Assignment Leaders are instrumental to innovation (TEDx Talks, 2012), and healthcare information technology (HIT) leaders are not an exception. Among other things, HIT leaders promote the innovations that optimize and transform healthcare. The present paper will examine some of the key aspects that a HIT leader needs to...

Transgender Patients Problem and the Consequences of Discrimination

It should be noted that transgender individuals have to face different obstacles in almost any aspect of their daily life. Importantly, they are often stigmatized and discriminated, and their essential rights are frequently undermined. The same is characteristic of the healthcare system. Transgender patients come across different forms of harassment...

Academic Medical Centre’s Quality Improvement Plan

Introduction Medical facilities need to maintain a high level of quality management system so as they can meet their patient’s medical needs appropriately. The medical facilities industry deals with life-threatening conditions thus there is much need for accuracy and timely delivery of services by both medical and support departments (Pollitt...

Older Rural People with Diabetes: Life Expectancy

Purpose The article by George and Thomas (2010) is aimed at reporting the issues related to diabetes self-management that were identified in a previous study. Because of the increase in the instances of diabetes development and the lack of awareness on the subject matter, a detailed overview of the existing...

Database Design Proposal for Pharmaceutical Products

Project Problem and Terms In hospital settings, one of the major concerns to administering boards is pharmaceutical product management and utilization. According to recent studies, one of the leading causes of severe complications is adverse drug events due to unaccounted drug-to-drug interactions (Toivo, Mikkola, Laine, & Airaksinen, 2016). Moreover, improper...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Practice

What is complementary / alternative medicine and how does it differ from the traditional western approach? Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a medical approach, which combines varied medical products, and health care systems to alleviate pain (National center for complementary and alternative medicine, 2008, par.2). Authentically, CAM intertwines the...

Patient Satisfaction in Health Care

Introduction The research problem that the authors of the selected article sought to answer in their research is on how to improve the level of patient satisfaction in the delivery of health care within medical homes and other health care organizations. The research questions that are addressed by the researchers...

IPhone Addiction and Health of Hispanic Adolescents

The American society, especially teenagers and young adults, are obsessed with iPhone, according to a research that was recently released by (Yan, 2015). Many people often wait for the release of the latest models because of the improved features. Apple Inc. has done a lot to ensure that its latest...

Diarrhea: Differential Diagnosis and Ways of Treatment

The correct diagnosing of a particular medical issue is a complex issue that demands the high level of competence from a therapist and utilization of appropriate questions to ensure that all essential elements are covered and considered while examining a patient. The first consultation with a health worker is critical...

Health Services Pricing and Its Factors

Consumer price-quality assumptions about health services Consumers tend to equate price to quality in ordinary healthcare decision making. They generally hold a belief that whenever a price is set, it is a true reflection of the underlying quality provided by healthcare providers. Due to this inherent assumption, consumers of health...

Colorectal Cancer: Factors and Prevention

Introduction Cancer is a serious healthcare concern both in the US and across the world. It is crucial to understand the specific prevention measures that can help individuals mitigate the risks of developing this condition. This approach is difficult to execute because most cancers do not present apparent symptoms in...

Risk Assessment Scale for Preventing Pressure Ulcer

Introduction Taking into consideration the PICOT question selected for research, this paper will discuss the article that focuses on risks assessment scales that are used by healthcare professionals in order to predict and minimalize hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. For example, Ingwu, Ayanor, and Ohaeri (2015) published a research paper that fits...

Teamwork in Professional Healthcare and Nursing

Introduction Teamwork and collaboration in professional health care and nursing are regarded as the paramount elements in ensuring positive health outcomes in patients and increasing the quality of health care delivery. It is possible to collectively consider such issues as problem-solving, decision-making, and goal-setting. Also, teamwork allows knowledge and skills...

Hospital-Acquired Infections Management Practices

Practitioners integrate patient values and new ideas in nursing to support the health needs of more patients. These practices will result in evidence-based practice (EBP). The problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) continues to affect many patients and health facilities. This paper explains how a HAI management practices can be embraced...

Care Quality and Patient Satisfaction as Healthcare Goals

Discussion Chapter 8 Quality of care has always been a primary concern of institutions involved in healthcare. Studer (2014) in one of the chapters of The Healthcare Quality Book focuses on the issue of consistent quality delivery and its hardwiring. According to Porter (as cited in Studer, 2014, p. 193),...

Master’s-Level Nursing Education and Practice

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing provide a framework for all master’s degree programs in the field of nursing regardless of what sphere of performance a student may choose after graduation (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). In the following paragraphs, the important curricular elements, as well as...

Health Promotion by Nursing Professionals

Health promotion has been a major priority for healthcare providers for several decades, but many nursing professionals still fail to understand their role in this process. Sharma (2017) stresses that an advanced nursing professional has responsibilities in such areas as planning and evaluating health services and promotion programs, communicating health...

Muslim Faith and Healthcare Relationship

Cultural backgrounds have a significant effect on person’s beliefs and attitudes toward health care. The Islamic religion is practiced by a large part of the world’s population, which is why it is critical to consider health beliefs and practices of this population. You have included a comprehensive analysis of the...

Nursing Process: Culturally Competent Care

Abstract The USA is a country that is currently a home for people of different nations. They have their own unique view, values, and beliefs. It is critical to provide patient-centered care for nursing professionals who are patient advocates. In this framework, they are also expected to reveal their cultural...

Fall Preventive Programs and Nursing Plan

Design for Change Proposal Every year, approximately 30-40% of orthopedic patients identify falls as the reason for why they address the emergency departments of their local hospitals (Hill et al., 2015). Besides, nowadays, falls are the frequent causes of mortality and morbidity among older adults (Ambrose, Paul, & Hausdorff, 2013)....

Flu Vaccination Side Effects as a Cause of Refusal

Introduction Flu vaccinations are considered to be an important part of population health programs in most developed countries. However, the published statistics on flu vaccinations reveal that many people opt against flu shots. For instance, according to Petty, only 48.6% of Americans obtained flu vaccinations in 2016, which means that...

Continuous Quality Improvement: Healthcare Professionals

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) initiatives necessitate the focus of healthcare professionals on the following dimensions of practice: overuse, underuse, and misuse (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013). The occurrence of any of these quality problems undermines the quality of delivered care, thereby creating the chance for the occurrence of medical errors. Under...

Data Collection Methodology: Information Relevance

Introduction The analysis of the effectiveness of data collection methods used by authors for carrying out certain studies is an important procedure. It helps assess the relevance of the information obtained and their reliability. As the objects of such an analysis, two peer-reviewed articles are examined with different ways of...

Patient Education Technology and Information Systems

Introduction Within recent decades, it has been widely recognized by health care researchers and practitioners that the quality of care largely depends on patient engagement, and patient education is one of the main instruments for such engagement (Koh, Brach, Harris, & Parchman, 2013). With technological development, the number of patient...

Interviews With Advanced Nurse Practitioners

Introduction There are many ARNPs (advanced registered nurse practitioners) living in Miami-Dade County who submitted their research proposals to IRB (institutional review board) and were accepted by the commission. Jessica Maclntyre who occupies the position of director of clinical operations at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center is one of them. The...

Prevention of Breast Cancer

The Introduction of Study The present proposal offers a study that will examine the possible effectiveness of consultations performed by advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) in promoting the use of mammography in high-risk populations. The problem of the study is a major one because it is connected to one of...

Population Growth: Potential Healthcare Issues

Nowadays, epidemiologists are concerned with the correlation between population growth and healthcare issues. The measurement called the “total mid-year population” is most frequently employed instead of the “end-of-year population” because it provides a more comprehensive statistical picture than the latter approach. The correlation with death rates, birth rates, marriage rates,...

Ethical Conflicts of Obama and Trump Healthcare Reforms

The healthcare reforms advanced by President Obama in 2010 have a number of similarities with the recent reforms introduced by President Trump. One of the major similarities that are evident between the two reforms is the emphasis on the welfare of the patients and insurance. Although the reforms introduced by...

Florida’s Medicaid Program History

Rationale Florida’s Medicaid reforms initiated in 2006 aimed at statewide coverage expansion of the managed care system. In 2005, former governor, Jeb Bush, signed into law a federal waiver proposal to move recipients from the fee-for-service model to managed care (Senior, 2016). The rationale for this healthcare reform was to...

Percentage of Medical Errors: Assessing and Minimizing

Analysis of the Article For this assessment, I have selected the publication What Patient Characteristics Guide Nurses’ Clinical Judgement on Pressure Ulcer Risk? A Mixed-Method Study by Balzer et al. (2014), and it focuses on defining diverse aspects that nurses tend to use when determining risks of pressure ulcers’ occurrence....

Multimorbidity at Hospital Discharge Transition

Introduction The article under analysis is written by Doos et al. (2014) and entitled “Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Multimorbidity at Hospital Discharge Transition: A Study of Patient and Carer Experience.” The article focuses on hospital discharge transition as seen by older patients. This study unveils the value...

The Nursing Workplace Practice Changes

Secondary outcomes in clinical studies require re-evidence to advance change in clinical practice. As evidence-based practice is central to clinical practice, the nature of evidence determines the validity and practicability of decisions aimed at evolving change in the workplace. Costantino, Montano, and Casazza (2015) advise healthcare providers to differentiate between...

Recurring Conflict between Two Nurses

Introduction Conflict resolution refers to the method whereby two or more warring factions find a diplomatic and harmonious solution to their disagreements. Conflicts may occur between physicians, the healthcare team, the patient’s family, the patient, or between physicians and the staff members. The majority of health amenities may be exposed...

National Certification Examination for Nurses

Passing an FNP national certification examination for nurse practitioners may be a difficult process. Most graduates have an option to take the examination at either the American Association of Nurse Practitioners or the American Nurses Credentialing Center. Both organizations are equally valid but present themselves differently. One of the ways...

Waste Reduction Opportunities in US Healthcare System

It should be noted that the US healthcare system with its unique features implies the possibility of producing waste despite the fact that organizations strive for eliminating or preventing it. In addition, some inefficiencies are an integral part of the process of delivering care. Nevertheless, hospital setting requires removing those...

Cultural Competence in Beginning and Graduating Nursing

Introduction The American population is characterized by many ethnic and social groups. The current level of diversity influences the performance of different healthcare professionals in an attempt to deliver quality care. This issue of “cultural diversity faces all healthcare practitioners across the globe” (Loftin, Hartin, Branson, & Reyes, 2013, p....

Healthcare Informatics Foundations and Concepts

Clinical Informatics and Multi-Agent System Whenever it comes to the description of clinical informatics, the theory of a multi-agent system (MAS) arrives as the most suited to cope with the mentioned task. The major advantage of a multi-agent model is that it considers the whole cycle of a clinic’s decision-making...

The New Regulation Model for Advanced Practice Nurses

Introduction At present, local laws regarding advanced practice nurses (APNs) vary widely between different states and countries. As a consequence, specialists with the same degrees of knowledge, experience, and competence would receive different treatment depending on the state, including restrictions on the scope of their activities. The introduction of a...

Health Data Reporting: Child Abuse and Security Breaches

Health data aggregation is a crucial process of information gathering for future research and analysis. However, there are cases where health information should be reported immediately to the state or federal authorities to prevent possible adverse effects. The present paper provides an overview of two instances of mandatory reporting in...

Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring

In order to implement evidence-based practice in the modern health care setting, it is paramount to use evidence gathered by scholars and reported in articles published in peer-reviewed journals. The current paper criticizes one such article that was written by Ong et al. (2016). The article by Ong et al....

The Geriatric Population’s Depression

PICOT: in nursing staff at VEGA Medical Center (Miami, FL), how does the implementation of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016) guidelines affect the accuracy of diagnosing and management of depression in the geriatric population within 8 weeks? The analysis of the data of my project is still...

Low Back Pain: Diagnostics and Treatment

The additional history that should be obtained is whether this episode of pain is similar to the current episode and whether the patient sought medical attention that time; if yes, what diagnosis was made. Previous treatment (medications or other interventions), surgical history, any history of arthritis or osteoporosis, any past...

Afghanistan’s Public Health Nursing

It is unlikely that the medicine and healthcare will be at a decent level in a country where the war and destruction have been carried out for many years. At present, the level of the medical care in Afghanistan is gradually increasing; however, not in all the parts of the...

US Healthcare as the Worst Among Developed States

The health care model of the United States is characterized by the provision of medical care mainly on a fee basis, at the expense of the consumer of health services. The foundation of the healthcare organization is a private market for health services, complemented by public health programs for the...

Telenursing: Communication and Competence

As of 2015, 36 countries around the world utilize telenursing for a wide variety of outpatient procedures (Johnson, Wilhelmsson, Börjeson & Lindberg, 2015). Whether it’s a telephone call, a video conference or through data sent via medical equipment from a patient, a doctor or nurse is no longer limited by...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Family Counseling Services

Problem and Purpose Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has become one of the leading death causes according to a recent report (Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2016). AD affects people on a cognitive level, causing them to lose their memory skills and reasoning abilities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). To provide proper palliative care, it...

Healthcare Standards in England

Three stakeholders The term stakeholder refers to a person who has an interest in an organisation or a firm. Stakeholders are affected by the major decisions a firm or an organisation makes in the course of executing business operations (Paeglis 2012). In a hospital setting, the stakeholders include the healthcare...

Financial Analyst Interview at a Local Hospital

Managing financial operations within a healthcare facility is one of the jobs that are not related directly to addressing patients’ needs yet are critical to the functioning of a facility. In an interview with M., who is a Financial Analyst at a local hospital, a range of factors that affect...

Co-Occurring and Substance Use Disorders

Mental disorders cause a highly dangerous state in the patient’s organism. Psychological disorders may impact people of any age or social group. While a disorder alone makes a hazardous impact on a person’s health, there are frequent cases of co-occurrence of these conditions. Substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders present...

EHR Database Management: Diabetes Prevention

Introduction According to Baus, Wood, Pollard, Summerfield, and White (2013), “diabetes mellitus is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States and is a major contributor to decreased life expectancy, increased rates of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, lower-limb amputations, retinopathy, and adult-onset blindness” (p. 1f). Moreno-Iribas et...

Anti-Obesity Project’s Sponsors in the USA

The sponsors I am considering for my project are the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The HHS is an organization within the government of the U.S. that cares for the well-being of every American and offers the essential health services, particularly...

Moreno Medical Center’s Ratio and Budget Management

Moreno Medical Center had faced challenges in managing its operations during 2013. It could be noted from the organization’s monthly income statement that it generated an operating loss for consecutive five months from April to August 2013. The CFO Report referred to this situation as seasonal fluctuations that the company...

Anxiety and Self-Care Deficit as Nursing Diagnosis

Introduction Seeking help from specialists with a complaint about a sudden decrease of vision in one eye is a serious reason for nursing intervention since the patient experiences discomfort and is temporarily forced to adapt to a new lifestyle. As the subject of intervention, thirty-two-year-old teacher Jessica is considered. She...

Nurses Coordinating Care for Discharged Patients

Introduction The article under analysis is entitled “Connecting the Dots: A Qualitative Study of Home Health Nurse Perspectives on Coordinating Care for Recently Discharged Patients” and was published in 2017. Jones et al. (2017) conducted a qualitative study that involved focus group discussions. Home health nurses and administrators shared their...

Public Health in the USA

Introduction At the moment, the U.S. healthcare sector is undergoing critical reforms aimed at the significant improvement of its functioning and increase of the care affordability for all populations living in the state. However, there are still numerous issues that should be addressed to achieve the final goal and ensure...

Diabetic Ulcer Healing and Closure Interventions

Introduction Diabetic foot ulcers are among the most widespread complications of diabetes and a major nursing problem, as they are difficult to treat and may lead to amputation. The key problem with diabetic ulcers is that they are the primary reason for non-traumatic amputations (Sarinnapakorn, Sunthorntepwarakul, Deerochanawong, Niramitmahapanya, & Napartivaumnuay,...

Patient’s Health Assessment: Diagnosis and Medication

Introduction A presumptive nursing diagnosis is at the center of nursing interventions; therefore, it is of utter importance to learn the process of analyzing diagnostic clues and symptoms (Herdman & Kamitsure, 2014). This paper aims to present three differential diagnoses for a patient who presents with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea....

Pathophysiology: Causes of Mortality in the US

Pathophysiology Each year, in the United States, millions of deaths are officially registered. Web sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and online journals like Journal of College Student Psychotherapy are defined as reliable because they introduce the statistical data at the governmental level and contain academic...

Sedentary Behavior and Health Outcomes

Sedentary Behavior as an Independent Factor Physical activity plays an important role in the overall health of an individual. It has been established that physical activity is beneficial for eliminating the risk of death related to the sedentary time (Ekelund et al., 2016). However, the lifestyle of modern people involves...

St. Anthony’s Medical Personnel: Internal Marketing

One of the critical approaches to implementing a new marketing strategy is presenting it to the stakeholders – employees and patients. It is also crucial to address any concerns or different perspectives that they may have regarding the new offerings because it may help improve it and ensure the participation...

HPV Vaccine: Evaluation of Risks and Positive Outcomes

In every medical manipulation, it is crucial to evaluate the expected positive outcome and possible risks that can happen. It is also true when it comes to vaccination in general and HPV vaccination in particular. HPV vaccination provokes many discussions on its safety and comparability of risks of vaccination and...

The Problem of Tobacco Use in the United States

Introduction Tobacco use remains a major challenge in the United States. Smoking is one of the risk factors for lung cancer and premature death. Young individuals view the misbehavior as a ritual to adulthood. This paper seeks to analyze the issue of tobacco regulation and how some of the existing...

Healthcare Information Systems and Their Types

Introduction In the contemporary world, the ubiquity of the information technologies is the reality and a necessity. Over the last few decades, the information and computer technologies have facilitated many dramatic changes in the ways in which health and nursing care are delivered. In the industry such as nursing, characterized...

Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality

The nursing profession was historically viewed as a subordinate and lesser medical profession. Over time, it has gradually become a well-established and respected job that demands a high degree of skill. Today, the issue of developing a theoretical basis for nursing has also become urgent. Many researchers have developed their...

Evidence-Based Practice and Research Integration

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is discussed as an effective approach to integrating research into a practical setting related to nursing. As a result, many healthcare organizations try to apply the principles of EBP to the everyday work of nurses and healthcare providers in order to improve the quality of care (Black,...

Organizational Goals and Care Improvement

Treatment of various diseases determines health outcomes and influences the quality of life. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (2017), the measures for congestive heart failure (HF), acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and pneumonia (PNA) to include 30-day readmission help to make hospital care transparent and available and...

HIV/AIDS and Safe Sex Behaviors in India

Introduction This article is devoted to the problem of HIV and AIDS in India. In our days, the problem attracts national and international priority, as the rate of spreading the disease has been increased. “National HIV prevention campaigns focus on messages ap­pealing to individuals to adopt safe sexual behaviors” (Sivaram...

Healthcare Professionals and Knowledges about Writing

Introduction The available literature is consistent in that healthcare professionals should develop the required competencies in writing and research to succeed in solving everyday health problems and articulating detailed information, data, and thoughts in written format (Campanelli, Feterman, Keane, Lieberman, & Roberson, 2007). The present paper provides a reflective postscript...

Different Theorists Impact on Healthcare

Introduction Nursing theories are powerful concepts that are combined to guide a given medical practice. The targeted project seeks to examine how theoretical concepts can be implemented to improve healthcare delivery. This paper gives a detailed analysis of two middle-range scholars and one non-nursing theorist. The major concepts presented by...

Obesity Prevention Advocacy Campaigns

The emergence of different health conditions that affect human beings explains why the issue of advocacy has been taken to the next level. This practice is embraced by different stakeholders and community members to take a position and initiate powerful strategies to influence every policy choice made in public and...

Theory of Nursing as Caring in Master’s Education

The Concept of Caring The concept of caring is one of the main concepts in nursing. Many theories describe caring and what it must be, and all of them have approximately the same idea regarding this process. In general, caring is considered an ethical obligation and the primary responsibility of...

Interventional Radiology: Planning Factors

Even though conscious sedation is considered to be the safest type of sedation, it might still imply severe respiratory complications (Blayney, 2012). To perform an effective intervention targeted to prevent these complications, it is essential to consider all the key factors that might further affect its course. The paper at...

Elders Falls Prevention: Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Scott (2011) identifies various characteristics such as credibility, reliability, the deployment of rigorous methods and verification, clarity, and coherence, which any research needs to uphold. Research can be designed as either qualitative or quantitative. It can also deploy mixed methods (pragmatic research design) or take the form of participatory...

The Indian Creek Foundation’ Goals

Strategic Goals As an organization whose purpose is to help children and adult people with developmental and physical disabilities, the Indian Creek Foundation has to develop strategic goals that would drive its future initiatives and projects. One of the major weaknesses that characterize this organization currently is its plan of...

Quality Measurement Tools and Metrics in Nursing

Introduction The application of valid measures for the assessment of organizational performance is a critical function of a leader, which should be used to inform their decision-making process. This paper aims to discuss two chapters on quality measurement tools and metrics in the context of nursing. Dashboards and Scorecards A...

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Budget Plan

Introduction Breast cancer screenings can help diagnose the disease in its early stages and provide a more effective treatment to patients. The senior management of Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield (ABCBS) decided to proceed with the annual initiative of offering mammograms to their clients without additional payments in October. By...

Daily Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice

At some points in their careers, nurses may face serious ethical dilemmas in which there is a threat to them of losing their jobs or harming their patients. However, ethical considerations are something incorporated into nurses’ work, and there are smaller ethical dilemmas that nurses may face every day. For...

Health Care Informatics: Regulations and Implementations

Introduction Despite tangible progress made throughout the last few decades, the healthcare system of the United States of America is still facing numerous challenges. Recently, there has been a vivid discussion as to how modern technology may aid in enhancing the system and making meaningful changes. So far, there have...

Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Patient Care

Introduction Interprofessional collaboration can have a direct influence on the improvement of patient care because teamwork facilitates the sharing of experiences and perspectives on the most appropriate treatment. Each healthcare provider involved in a collaborative relationship has unique skills, knowledge, and professional identity for enhancing care, yet there are still...

Nursing Resources for Acutely Ill Children

Introduction When conducting nursing research, it is paramount to be able to choose an appropriate methodology so as to do the study properly. In this paper, a nursing article is considered. The methodology used in it is identified, and the likely reasons of its authors for choosing this methodology are...

Shared Governance Model in Nursing

Introduction At the moment, the sphere of healthcare in the United States is being subjected to significant challenges associated with changes in health care policies as well as the increase in patients’ demands for quality services. In such a volatile environment, there is a problem of underserved populations not receiving...

Euthanasia in Public Opinion and Policy-Making

Regardless of the context or setting, the topic of euthanasia has always been a controversial one. On the one hand, its proponents argued that euthanasia could be a solution for people diagnosed with terminal diseases that want to avoid the pain and suffering associated with it. On the other hand,...

Nursing Education Comparison in Poland and Ireland

Introduction Poland and Ireland have a singular historical background: over the XIX century, Poland experienced wars and Soviet domination; Catholicism shaped Ireland, and a deep anti-British movement led to the foundation of the nation. The proximity of Ireland to Western culture would have suggested a more modern system there than...

Consumer-Driven Healthcare Plan in the US

Introduction Consumer-driven health care plans have experimented within the United States over the last ten years. The plan combines a highly deductible insurance plan policy with various accounts. It covers approximately eight million individuals (8 Million). The number has risen as compared to 2007 where the number of individuals covered...

Nursing Education: Evaluation and Testing

Describe the testing process, preparation, assembling, and administration; its importance for students’ success and providing a positive learning environment Prior to developing a test, a teacher should detect the learning objectives and base the assessment in accordance with them. The appropriate type of evaluation should be chosen. Whereas some knowledge...

Central-Line Infection Prevention in Nursing Practice

The Implications of the Findings on Clinical Practice The findings made have a significant implication for clinical practice. The findings show that using a multifaceted intervention may significantly reduce cases of central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) (Dixon & Caver, 2010). It means that nursing practice within the intensive care...

Hypertension Literacy Among Hispanic Patients

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the current public health concerns in the United States. According to Rimando (2015), one is considered to have hypertension if the force exerted by blood against the wall of blood vessels is greater than normal. Medical guidelines often consider a blood pressure that...

Global Health Agenda and Development Opportunities

The World Health Organization (WHO) undertakes numerous initiatives and activities to transform the medical outcomes of the greatest number of people. Its current global health agenda is aimed at addressing existing gaps in health care using innovative practices. This paper discusses available opportunities for developing interdisciplinary approaches to advance the...

Nursing Simulation Evaluation: Impact on Nursing Education and Practice

Introduction The selected nursing simulation was developed by the nursing program of Montgomery College. Its purpose is to educate nursing students about specific nursing care situations they would encounter in real-life practice using a simulated context (Montgomery College, 2013). The simulation scenario is on the physical assessment of a hospitalized...

Elderly Fall Prevention and Effective Education

The following PICOT question is proposed for consideration: in patients aged 65 and older, who run a risk of falls and live either with a caregiver or alone (P), does an education effort directed at caregivers and patients (I) compared to a group of similar patients undergoing only standard fall...

Florida Hospital Medical Group’s Practice Guideline

Introduction Nowadays, much attention is paid to healthcare services and the systems under which numerous people have to work and cooperate. The peculiar feature of any healthcare system is the possibility to unite people who have different professions and background knowledge and offer them an appropriate working environment, fair attitudes,...

Patient Education Reducing Readmission Rates

COPD as the Current Healthcare Concern Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common issue that affects a significant number of patients on a regular basis (Schaffer, Sandau, & Diedrick, 2013). Despite the fact that the current healthcare opportunities allow for rather fast and efficient treatment of COPD, the readmission...

Pain Management Issues in Cancer Patients

Pain is the most common and upsetting symptom observed in oncology practice. Pain has a significant effect on the quality of life of cancer patients, their view of the effectiveness of treatment, disease progression, and survival (Bhatnagar & Gupta, 2015). According to Bhatnagar and Gupta (2015), stubborn cancer pain that...

Health and Care Excellence in Depression Management

Ethical Considerations for DNP Projects PICOT: in community clinic nursing staff, how does the introduction of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016a) guidelines within ten weeks affect the accuracy of diagnosing and quality of managing depression in the older population as compared to the staff’s performance before the...

Restraint and Seclusion Effect on Patient Outcomes

Outline Introduction Evidence-Based Solution Nursing Intervention Patient Care Health Care Agency Nursing Practice Conclusion Introduction Restraint and seclusion have been included in the treatment process for a relatively long time. However, the mounting body of evidence suggests that its use does not offer a therapeutic effect and in many scenarios...

Healthcare Reform for Availability and Safety

Despite the fact that the USA is one of the most developed countries in the world, it has major issues associated with health care availability to its citizens (Davis, Stremikis, Squires, & Schoen, 2014, p. 9). The country traditionally developed following the principles of the capitalist economy with people receiving...

Health Department’s Actions in Hurricanes

A hurricane is a tropical phenomenon that is formed by sustained winds of enormous velocity. Hurricanes rate among the most devastating of all the natural disasters, which means that timely preparedness for them (in the form of precautionary measures) is crucial for avoiding or mitigating their damaging effects and threats...

Change Process in the Healthcare Sector

The shift of priorities in modern society triggered dramatic changes in all spheres of human activity. Today we can observe numerous attempts to reconsider traditional approaches to increase their efficiency and attain better results. For this reason, numerous methods in management to provide organizations with a significant competitive advantage appear....

Pressure Ulcers: Causes and Treatment

Introduction The risk of developing pressure ulcers in ICU patients is a rather severe problem; nevertheless, nurses and doctors regularly face it. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to determine what the cause of the development of pressure ulcers is, as well as pay attention to the complications...

Professional Nursing: Philosophies and Values

Introduction Professional nurses should develop superior competencies and ideas that resonate with their patients’ changing needs. The discussion below examines a number of issues that clinicians and caregivers should take seriously. These include patient safety, collaboration, leadership, informatics, and professionalism. Collaboration The concept of collaboration is essential for promoting teamwork...

Tobacco Smoking Problem in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The issue of tobacco use has been an important health concern for decades. At present, it is a disturbing problem related to both youth and adults. Together with governmental interventions, communities pay attention to this issue because a tobacco- and smoke-free surrounding is crucial for the health and well-being...

The Growing Need for Diverse Blood Donors

Abstract The research on the growing need for various blood donors in the United States of America is proposed for submission to the American Journal of Nursing. The information below is to address such points of this paper as research steps (problem, purpose, question, hypothesis, and methodology). Steps in implementing...

Doctor of Nursing Practice as Educator

PICOT: in nursing staff at VEGA Medical Center, how does the implementation of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016) guidelines affect the accuracy of diagnosing and management of depression in the geriatric population within 8 weeks? The role of an educator for a Doctor of Nursing Practice can...

The King Fahd Military Medical Complex: Patient Improvement

Introduction This report discusses process improvement at the King Fahd Military Medical Complex’s accident and emergency department. In the last two years, there has been a rise in the number of cases of prolonged stay and reduced patient workflow within this department. Through observation of previously conducted studies by the...

Healthcare Organizations: New Technology Systems Adoption

Introduction Nurse facilitators undertake numerous roles to support any form of change and empower clinicians to focus on the changing needs of their patients. The selected hospital in New York has planned to introduce a new electronic health records (EHR) system. This new initiative must be supported using a powerful...

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Problem

The Problem Many patients check into hospitals and become colonized by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is considered the most toxic of all micro pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics, such as penicillin and methicillin. MRSA colonization is now a critical risk factor for later MRSA infection in the hospital....

Medical Diagnosis: Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia Facial pain can be discussed as one of the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia which is a specific neurological disorder that affects trigeminal nerves. This condition is usually observed in persons who are aged between 40 and 60 years, and according to studies, this disorder is most typically observed...

Hypertension: Consequences, Prevention and Treatment

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition in which a person’s blood pressure is continuously elevated above the norm. It is associated with a broad variety of risk factors that put most people into a potential danger group. Furthermore, the effects of continued hypertension can be...