The Statutory Rape Laws Analysis

In general, statutory rape laws are uncontroversial. Few people object to harsh prison sentences for adults who sexually prey on minors. However, in practice these laws are not always so straightforward. Some statutory rape cases do not involve stereotypical child molesters, but rather statutory “rapists” not much older than the...

Crimes and the Federal Prison Comparison

Martha Helen Stewart (born 1941) is an American successful businessperson and media mogul. Having been sentenced to serve five months’ jail term, West Virginia federal prison camp was where she was put on counts of securities fraud. In 2001, she sold all her shares to avoid a loss after receiving...

The Interaction of Miranda and Diversity

Introduction The Miranda right is a constitutional right for every citizen in America when arrested and put in custody. According to Einesman (2000), non-citizens can also exercise this constitutional right. The Miranda right come about after the ruling in the Supreme Court case of Miranda and Arizona held in 1966....

US Health Policy Reform

The process of health policy reforms in the United States involves various entities in both the public and private sectors, including multiple facets of the government. This paper examines various features of the legislative process and their impact on the health policy reform process. The paper also looks at some...

The Legal Area of Employer, Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Treating the employees in a way that is comfortable for them is crucial when it comes to employer-employee relations. Thus, every state has legislation that protects the rights of the workers as well as their health and safety. It is also important to provide the employees with an appropriate level...

Andrews Test: Section 15 of the “Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms”

Section 15 of the “Canadian charter of Rights and Freedoms” contains guarantees for equality before the law. The section prohibits numerous discriminative actions by governments, because it falls under constitutional rights. Discriminative actions highlighted included prejudice and stereotyping. The section, however, exempts affirmative action and rights provided by other sub-sections...

Annulment of Citizenship: Lem Moon Sing v. United States

Facts Lem Moon Sing was a Chinese merchant with a permanent domicile in the United States before the Act of Congress passed in 1894. This particular act, also known as the General Appropriation Act of Congress, sought to exclude or establish conditions that checked the entry and operation of aliens...

Categories of Workers Excluded From National Labor Relations Act

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) was enacted to safeguard the civil and constitutional rights of employees. Workers from the private sectors formed trade unions, organized strikes, and engaged in activities that could forward their demands. NLRA (Wagner Act) excluded domestic employees and supervisors. Agricultural employees...

Criminal Justice Professionals: Role and Importance

The criminal justice profession implies fulfilling duties that meet the needs of various populations. All individuals and societal groups need security and protection, and meeting those needs make this profession valuable and rewarding. It makes both professionals and people feel proud and honorable. The functions of the criminal justice are...

Dual Court System in the United States

Abstract The United States has a dual court system with two types of courts: the federal courts and the state courts. The idea of the dual court system is misleading because there are 50 court systems in each state, plus the federal system, and the courts of Washington, D.C. (Carmen,...

Frederic Whitehurst Vowed to Help Wronged Defendants

According to the National Institute of Justice (n.d.), forensic science plays a key part in the criminal justice system. Forensic science analyzes physical evidence, therefore, presenting scientifically-based information to investigators (National Institute of Justice, n.d.). However, incorrect forensic work can lead to the conviction of innocent people (Hsu, 2012). Dr....

Time’s Up Movement Against Sex Offenses

The Time’s Up movement is gaining more ground in the United States since multiple cases of sexual harassment appear in the media. Significantly, the movement became popular when celebrities claimed to encounter sexual crimes throughout their lives, which inspired many U.S. residents to file for similar cases (MsMojo, 2018). Yet,...

Preventing Crime Victimization in International Students

International students are the students who go to other countries to study and because of this, they face a lot of problems. They are a vulnerable group who face common security problems because of several factors that include demographic factors, lack of stable economic security, limited options to employment, housing...

Crimes in Lisbon: Intervention or Prevention

Abstract This report will provide an explanation of the high rate of crime in the Lisbon region, particularly in the municipalities of Loures, Amadora, and Sintra. This will also provide possible ways of intervention or prevention. There is a need for explaining crime in the context of criminal theory because...

The Importance of Domestic Violence Law

Domestic violence is a serious problem of many modern families, especially taking into consideration the fact that many victims do not report it as they are not aware of domestic violence laws. It is more important that they do not understand how these laws can help them avoid or prevent...

Correctional System in Country: Effective Management

The main desire and liability of any criminal justice system is securing the public safety. Holding up the offenders in the respective correctional facilitates assists in securing the public safety. The management of correctional system is associated with the rise of gangs in prisons. According to Berestein (2008), the criminal...

Sexual Assault Against Women: Factors and Prevention

Sexual assault is quite a common type of crime. In the majority of cases, females become victims of sexual assault though males (especially young boys) can also be victimized (Bramsen, Elklit & Nielsen, 2009). This paper will focus on sexual abuse against women. Rape is a form of sexual abuse....

Theories on the Reasons Behind an Individual’s Pronouncement To Commit Crimes

Classical theory The inception of classical theory dates back to the 18th century. This was a time when other theories of crime were nonexistent, or being designed. Different philosophers and economists gained interest in understanding the reasons behind an individual’s pronouncement to commit crimes (Hagan, 2010). They also sought to...

The Formal Contracts on Sales

The agreement of both Brian and Harry for the sale of model trains should have had a written agreement or contract in order for it to be valid. Article 2 section 201 (a) on formal requirements states that: “A contract for the sale of goods for the price of $5,000...

White-Collar Crime: Securities and Pension Fraud

Securities fraud Securities fraud, which is also referred to as stock fraud or investment fraud, is generally a deceptive exercise in the stock markets aimed at inducing investors into making purchases or sales based on falsified information. It often results in huge losses and violates the law of securities (Blanck,...

Ethical and Legal Regulation of Human Tissues and Stem Cells Research in the European Union

Introduction Major advances in biological sciences have yielded new ways of tackling various environmental and health problems. According to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), novel areas of research such the stem cells continue to reveal enormous potential health benefits such as development of clinical therapies for degenerative diseases such as...

The Sexual Criminal Case: Review

Introduction Criminal Proceedings are based on the presented facts that enable formulation of credible judgment by the presiding officers. Evidently, cases of criminal nature are complicated and require superior understanding of the presented issues by the parties involved in the suit. In practice, cases of criminal nature are becoming common...

Comparative Analysis: The Affordable Care Act and the Massachusetts Healthcare Reform

In the US, there are the federal laws and the state laws. The federal laws preside over the legislations approved by the upper house, the administrative commands of the president, and the verdicts of the federal courts. On the other hand, the state laws preside over legislations approved by governors....

American National Security Response to COVID-19

Introduction The government of the United States faced a significant number of national security issues and challenges, considering the current unstable and life-threatening environment. As such, candidates and representatives elected in 2020 are exposed to critical questions on national security and foreign policy issues, to which they must respond as...

The Effects of Contract Law on the Country’s Economy

Summary of the Proposed Study This study establishes the impact of contract law on the economy of the country. The economy of a country is majorly composed of trade and employment. The two economic aspects, trade and employment, are greatly affected by laws of contract. For example, every kind of...

Healthcare Policy and Law Discussion Recap

Introduction One of the most critical areas in a country’s economy is the health sector. The main reason is the fact that raising a healthy nation replicates its benefits all across other sectors of the country. This paper is a revisit of the health care law to respond to certain...

Antitrust and Legal Rights in a Business Context

The principle of a corporate legal person is a key element in the United States. The principle is to the effect that a company is distinct from its members and one can only sue the company upon breach, but not its shareholders. A company can, thus, own property without necessarily...

May 2011 Legislation on Health & Human Services

Introduction The HHS department is principally charged with the responsibility of guarding the wellbeing of all U.S. citizens. The department also offers indispensable human services. Particularly, this applies to the citizens with low self-help capacity. The department holds approximately one quarter of the entire federal outlay. Moreover, the department administers...

The White Collar Crimes: Definition and Examples

Abstract Theoretically, the authorities who have power over others are supposed to protect the rights and freedoms of their inferiors, although this is not always the case. Today there are a number of crimes that are referred to as white collar crimes and include government frauds, waste and abuse. White...

Juvenile Boot Camps as a Tool for Correcting Underage Offenders

In recent years, the popularity of juvenile boot camps as a tool for correcting underage offenders has been on the rise. Juvenile boot camps are “short-term residential programs that resemble military basic training and target adjudicated juvenile offenders” (Tyler, Darville & Stalnaker, 2001). The main goal of juvenile boot camps...

Investigations and Prosecutions

White-collar crime refers to an offense perpetrated by an individual of decency and high social rank in the line of his profession. Irrespective of the definition of white-collar offense, this crime is extensively recognized to bring incredible pecuniary, physical, and social mischief. Even though the full amount of money lost...

Judicial Decision-Making Analysis in John Peter Zenger’s Case

The account of the trial of John Peter Zenger depicts how freedom of expression in the United States was in the period of 1735. The trial made a landmark to the freedom of the press ever since the German immigrant printer was sued for publishing the seditious libels. In this...

Business Regulations in Quanta Computer v. LG Electronics

Was there a binding agreement between Quanta and LG? Based on the case Quanta Computer v. LG Electronics, there was no binding agreement between Quanta and LG (Clement, 2008). Instead, there was a binding agreement between LG and Intel. In the agreement, LG had entered into a contract with Intel...

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is one of the most important acts, which aims at creating proper insurance for people and fighting against frauds and abuses in health care. HIPAA allows being sure about the effectiveness in the health care system and continuity of human health insurance...

Iron Fertilization: Solving Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is an undisputed international problem. The discourse surrounding this issue has attracted disparate opinions from lawmakers, investors, and the public among others. One of the ideas and approaches that have been adopted is iron fertilization. Iron fertilization is a form of geoengineering, which involves the intentional introduction...

How Do Search and Seizure Relate to the B.I.G. Case?

Trial Description This paper considers a trial on the murder of an influential rapper Biggie Smalls aka Notorious B.I.G., whose name is Christopher Wallace. The murder happened on the 9th of March, 1997, only six months after another famous rapper, Tupac Shakur, was shot to death. These two murders remain...

“Supreme Court Justices Question…” Article by R. Rubin

The reviewed article is titled “Supreme Court Justices Question IRS Shield in Tax-Shelter Case,” and it was posted in The Wall Street Journal on December 1, 2020, by Richard Rubin. The article speaks about a challenge to the IRS from a company called CIC Services LLC, which questions the authority...

Information Security Standards for Health & Human Services

Introduction Information security by definition is safety of an entity’s information against illegal access. Information security standard is a policy statement that spells out how a particular organization is supposed to secure its information. This is a benchmark to ensure adequate security achievement and best security practices adoption (Goodman &...

The Body Is an Infallible Datum for Detecting Crimes

Introduction Crime can be defined as the breach of the laws and rules which govern a people. Such a breach would warrant the authority to give a conviction or a caution. However, crime is defined differently by different societies. Every crime violates the law; however, not every violation of the...

The Case Roper v. Simmons: Concept of National Consensus About Juvenile Death Penalty

Introduction In the modern democratic world, the notion of human rights and freedoms is fundamental. There is no law or regulation that allows one person to deprive another person of life. There are different forms of murders – self-defense murder, unintentional, and premeditated murder. Unintentional murders are punished with imprisonment...

The Evolution of the Goals of the Justice System

Introduction The justice system in the early 20th century was different from the current justice system in terms of the goals held paramount by the system. Over the past 60 years, there have been tremendous changes in laws governing the justice system. While some people have a negative attitude toward...

Non-Enforcement Arbitral Awards Under the New York Convention

Introduction The great Aristotle said that an arbitrator goes by and follows the equity of a case, a judge goes by the law, and the development of the process of arbitration was to obtain full power of equity. Through this saying, Aristotle has clearly shown the importance of arbitration in...

Crime Rate Series. Main Cases Reporting

The frequency at which an act is repeated by a person is referred to as the recidivism rate. Usually this performance is preceded by occurrence of a retrogressive episode of the act or the person has been coached to stop the act. It can be termed as the ratio of...

Major Courts of the United States

Introduction Administration of justice is the pride of successful societies throughout the history of mankind. The rise of the United States of America as a democracy whose dedication to the defense of human rights has been described as the best has benefitted heavily from the American justice system. The creation...

The Solution to the Increasing Incidence of Criminals Reverting

It is well known that most prisoners who ultimately leave prison and return back in society do not get supervised in any way. This is seen as a consequence of the loop holes in the prevailing law which does not provide for exhaustive provisions to supervise them after their release....

Strategic Planning in the Homeland Security Organization

Introduction Strategic planning refers to an organized focus of an organization in the future. It is the determinant of where the organization is going to be in the future, the means to get there, and how it will be sure that it will get there. Some may confuse the focus...

The Violation of the U.S. Wiretapping Laws

The case is based on the violation of the U.S. wiretapping laws. This is in reference to the 18 U.S.C Section 2511(1) act. In this case Mr. Ciril Gallardo, who is the defendant, is being accused by his divorced wife Mr. Julia Gallardo who is the plaintiff. The defendant is...

Approach to Sexual Predators

As one of the serious threats of the modern world, predatory acts of sexual violence call for solemn attention from governmental institutions and the general public. Different governmental laws have identified this as a social and moral injustice. Some of the laws passed for controlling sexual predators define them as...

The Conflict Theory: Crucial Aspects

Conflict theorists note that social and economic forces operating in society encourage individuals to engage in crime. The theory claims that the criminal justice system in society sets moral standards that cannot be attained by the poor. Therefore, poor individuals are accused of engaging in criminal activities because they lack...

Changes Expected in the Field of Criminal Justice

Introduction Change is a crucial element of criminal justice management due to the reality that a number of hitches are still present in the courts. For example, in January 2006, a United States judge punished a suspect on the grounds of ethnic leaning. The judge did this as he saw...

“Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Strike down Affordable Care Act” by Stolberg

This article narrates the ultimate goal of President Donald Trump government to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through the Supreme Court. The article indicates that the intention of Trump administration is to replace the Obamacare with an alternative which will be less costly to the national economy (Stolberg, 2020)....

Violence in Sport and Tort Law Principles

A tort is a civil wrong or conduct that is intended to harm other people or their property. A tort is wrong against private duty, and thus is against public duty then the tort will become a crime. Hence, torts such as assault can also be categorized as crimes. The...

Health Care Act as It Apply in Surrogate Pregnancy

The issue of surrogacy is a controversial one. The World Health Organization Commissions as well as Canada Public Health Officers have recently issued reports on health care and surrogate pregnancy. As a result, this paper will analyze an article about surrogate pregnancy together with the Health Care Act. The purpose...

Bill of Rights and the Case of Miranda vs. Arizona

The case of Miranda vs. Arizona can be described as a landmark case because after finding its way to US Supreme Court it altered the American jurisprudence (Soltero, 61–74). This case was responsible for what is known as the Miranda Rights which basically constitutes the right to remain silent. This...

Juvenile Violence and the Courts: Studying Factors

Abstract The issue of broken families continues to prevail in the US. Alcoholism and lack of parental attention are the major factors that push children into violent crime. This report presents the case of Ronnie who is a victim of crime because of alcoholism and poor parental guidance. In line...

Lawful Strike Activity Protection of Employees

Introduction The rapid rates of industrialization in combination with the increasing global population are some of the major factors that have led to increased unemployment rate. This is because most employers are turning to the use of machinery in their industries so as use less human labor. As a result...

Medical Practice of Seven Local Doctors

The case under review is concerned with the partnership liability of seven doctors, one of whom has been sued for causing his patient’s death due to poor judgment. The seven doctors were partners within the CPA firm of Harston and Mendez, which became the defendant in the case. However, since...

Comparing and Contrasting of Federal and State Courts

Introduction Federal and states court interact with one another owing to the system of government in the country, that is; judicial federalism. The US central political authority shares power with subunits in various states both legally and politically. Tensions often arise between the latter entities and the former ones. This...

Child Endangerment Policy: Overview

Introduction Generally, child endangerment can present in four different forms, namely emotional abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse. To begin with, physical abuse entails spanking a child using improper objects such as a paddle or a belt; intense pinching that leaves a mark; burning a child, for instance using...

Distribution of Fake Drugs: Analysis of a Criminal Case

Introduction People tend to come up with the most unusual ways of perceiving their desires, which in some cases may not be legal. Others pursue criminal life willingly, putting innocent individuals and their well-being in danger. Certain conditions allow to negate some elements of the crime, intent, for instance, however,...

Programs That Reduce Recidivism: Annotated Bibliography

There are over half a million prisoners every year released from American prison facilities. Correctional facilities across the United States, to combat recidivism have changed their approach from being punitive to rehabilitation. Other nations such as Japan and Scotland have made changes to their correctional facilities and developed rehabilitative programs....

The Discriminations Based on Significant Court Cases

The first authors of the American constitution left the decision of the question of racial segregation to the discretion of the future generations, and the civil war and the Reconstruction gave only a temporary respite from the racial discrimination for the former slaves and their descendants. However, in the middle...

England vs. Iran: Comaring Punishement of Petty Crimes

According to Hood, crime is an act that can be committed by a person against the public law (331). This term comprehends all the types of offenses, but in its limited significance, it is confined to felonies (Beccaria 102). In most cases, crime is defined in three terms, offense, felony,...

The Policy for the Travel Insurance and Legal Concepts

Executive Summary The travel policy that is offered by Manulife policy offers a series of benefits to the insured who buy the right policy. The clauses in this manual explain the six categories of travel insurance that this firm offers. The first one is the Emergency Medical Insurance Policy. This...

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Healthcare Law Suit

Introduction The Actual allegations revolve around The Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act. By adding chapter 48 (Maintenance of Minimum Essential Coverage), SECTION 1501(b) amends subtitle D and thereunder, section 5000A establishes the Individual Mandate Penalty (Lawrence & Barnes, 2011, p.90). This Act requires citizens and legal residents of the...

Bank of Credit and Commerce International’s Criminal Activity

Synopsis This case provides adequate information on how BCCI bank was involved in a global financial crime of laundering billions of dollars globally. The case identifies the major continents affected by the criminal activities of the BCCI bank. These continents are America, Asia, Africa, and Europe (BCCI 1). Billions of...

Criminology: The Aboriginal Crisis

The aboriginal people have been living under confinement, in the reserves for a long time. Though these laws have undergone amendments that seek to give them more freedom, they are still under a lot of legal constraints. This law limits the flexibility of the Aboriginal people to adapt to changes...

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Analysis

Introduction The early 2000s was characterized by an increase in the number of financial scandals in the US. Some of the notable scandals include WorldCom, Tyco International, and the Enron Scandal (Anand, 2013). The financial scandals culminated in massive financial losses. The US government enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002....

Shareholder Derivative Lawsuits

Shareholder derivatives are stakeholders’ measures to file a lawsuit on behalf of a business against a third party. Although it is the responsibility of a company to take an issue in court, a stockholder can raise complaints if they feel the leadership of the organization is not serving their interest...

Constitutional Law Hong Kong: Freedom of Expression

Introduction The constitutional law of Hong Kong is the Basic Law that applies in the Special Administrative Region. Hong Kong is part of the People’s Republic of China. Hong Kong, which is headed by the Chief Executive, is autonomous. The region was under British rule but in 1997, the region...

General Motors v. the Public

General Motors (the defendant) installed the damaged ignition switches to the significant number of their cars, which have been produced for several years (Spector, 2009). Consequently, many car owners died in the car accidents due to the inability to control the car. In this instance, many complained by the injured...

The Criminal Behavior of Sex Offenders

Introduction Most sex offenders are characterized by recidivism with or without punishment and counseling after their initial offenses. We are all to question the effectiveness of our courts and correction facilities as well as the abilities of our psychologists. Worse still, serial sex offenders grow to develop a tendency to...

Criminal Law: the US Law System Structure

Introduction The American legal system is guided by various clauses of the US Constitution. “The US legal structure includes federal courts and state courts” (Siegel & Schmalleger, 2010). Federal courts execute legal issues stated in the US Constitution. “They have limited jurisdiction because they can only hear cases approved by...

Case Brief on McCreary County v. ACLU

Facts: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against McCreary County at a federal district court because of displaying copies of framed Ten Commandments in public schools and courthouses. The ACLU argued that the county display of the Ten Commandments was unconstitutional because it sullied the First Amendment...

The Most Important Judiciary: Federal and State Courts

Judiciary is the arm of the government that interprets and applies the law as the government. It also helps in resolving disputes among individuals, other arms of the government and between citizens and the state. The judicial arm of the government has another duty of ensuring that citizens and the...

Court Cases that Address Prosecutors Ethics

Reasons why the unprofessional conduct occur and what need to be done A prosecutor is a person who represents a state in criminal cases in courts of law. He or she is responsible for executing a criminal who has broken a law (Miller, Hess & Orthmann, 2013). Ethical behavior refers...

Identifying and Gathering Relevant Data

Stotzer, R. L. (2008). Gender identity and hate crimes: Violence against transgender people in Los Angeles County. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 5(1), 43-52. In this study, the hate crime is an act of vehemence against transgender subjects who have changed from being male to female. The study identifies the...

Are Marxist Criminologists Right to See Crime Control as Class Control?

Introduction As one among the several criminology schools, Marxist criminology is comparable to functionalist theories, which tends to emphasize the production of continuity and stability in any one given society. However, Marxist criminology also embraces a political philosophy that is often predefined. Just like in conflict criminology, it usually focuses...

The Use of Taser Guns in the United States and Canada

The use of taser guns in the United States and Canada among civilians and the police force has become a common practice since tasers have been considered to be less lethal and effective weapons for maintaining security and apprehending aggressive suspects. However, there have been long-running debates on the safety...

Arkansas Prison Scandals Regarding Contaminated Blood

Introduction A number of scandals occurred around the infamous Cummins State Prison Farm in Arkansas in 1967-1969 and 1982-1983; the latter scandal was related to the blood gathered from the local prisoners. In this paper, we will discuss a number of issues connected to the blood scandal, as well as...

Problems of Smoking in Public Places

Introduction Smoking has always been a contentious issue when it comes to health matters. Not only does it tend to affect first-person smokers but also secondary and tertiary smokers alike. Therefore, policies have been formulated on where and when to smoke. This has brought up heated debates with many individuals-...

Due Process Law in Australia

Introduction Conservative and liberal views have always competed for dominance for as long as democracy has been in existence. While conservatives assumed a strict approach to certain social issues, liberals were more flexible and allowed for fairness and consideration of each individual’s perception of an issue. It was from this...

Trajectories of Change in Criminal Offending: Good Marriages and the Desistance Process

Introduction The researchers closely relate age factors to criminal habits. The main challenge of their research study is that they do not accord appropriate attention to the issue of change. The aspect of social bonds is crucial because it helps criminal adherents to desist from abominable acts. Social bonds can...

How the Criminal Justice Agencies Reactes to Plight as a Victim

Introduction: Analysis of the cases After completing the laboratory exercise, I have come to the conclusion that lawsuits based on sexual crime have negative consequences for innocent victims. Therefore, the main problem lies in the legislative process that is harmful to both, the accused and the suffered side. To be...

Extinction Rebellion: A Criminological Assessment

Introduction The behavior of individuals in a society is influenced by multiple factors and motivators. Political, economic, social, cultural, and psychological issues become decisive determinants of citizens’ responses to particular events; the most significant and relevant to criminology are protest movements. However, within the past years, environmental concerns have become...

Medical Negligence and Professional Indemnity

Introduction He was just 8 years old, and according to New South Wales Deputy State Coroner Scott Mitchell, his death could have been prevented. In a story published in The Daily Telegraph on August 16, 2011, Jacob Belim’s death was as a result of septic shock arising from a ruptured...

The Patriot Act of 2001 Review

Introduction Just before the year 2001, the USA faced a lot of insecurity including the infamous terrorist attack of September 11, 2001: this was a turning point for the government of the United States of America (Friedman, 2009). It was immediately after this terrorist attack that the federal government decided...

Human Rights in Brown v. Board of Education Case

History Gaining knowledge and understanding the foundations of how the world around works is crucial in one’s development of essential cognitive, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Ultimately, the right to receive an education can be seen as the extension of the right to live since one cannot survive without critical...

The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)

Legal provisions within the health care sector allow patients in hospitals or nursing homes to express their acceptance or refusal of the administration of various medical procedures in case their health deteriorates to a state whereby they can no longer make sound decisions. The PSDA encourages health care providers to...

Forensic Science: Psychological Analysis

Introduction The war on crime in society has been a hotly debated topic. This is in relation to the various methodologies adopted by various agencies in undertaking monitoring of human behavior and more so criminal activities. Despite the numerous strategies and approaches in dealing with criminal behavior, an efficient approach...

International Criminal Justice Future Trends

Introduction Crime is continually evolving, thus becoming more complicated, especially due to technological developments. Other factors that have contributed to crime complexity include demographic changes for males below 30 years of age, which is a crime-prone age group, and macro-economic scales that include the unemployment rate, consumers’ spending power and...

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Amendment

The federal government’s decision to change the law of minimum tobacco purchase age and sell related products to a person under twenty-one years is excellent. Previously, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act prevented individuals who are under the age of eighteen years from purchasing tobacco products. According to Winickoff...

The U.S. Juvenile Justice System

Historical development of juvenile justice system The progressive Era reformists saw the institution of the juvenile justice system in the better part of 1899, prior to which young offenders were tried and punished in adult justice systems. Within the time range 1968 – 1974, the Supreme Court overturned the usual...

The Choice of the Form of Business

Introduction In the current business world, the pace at which changes are taking place is so high that it will take only masters of the game to survive. Masters of the game are only those businesses that will make the most appropriate decisions in relation to the prevailing business conditions....

The Role of Forensics in the War on Drugs

Introduction Forensics is used for the purposes of law enforcement as they provide scientific evidence used in courts of law, trial, and criminal investigations. Forensics is an important part of our society in fighting crime of all sports at all levels. This essay looks at chemicals that are used by...

Supreme Court Judgeship Appointment Process

Process of Supreme Court’s justice appointment The process of appointing and confirming a Supreme Court justice comprises two main steps namely nomination by the President and confirmation by Senate. The President is mandated by the American constitution to appoint judges to serve in the Supreme Court. He appoints the judges...

Should Juvenile Offenders Be Tried as Adults?

There has been a major controversy over whether juvenile offenders should be tried as adults or not. A juvenile offender is a wrongdoer who is too immature to be tried as a grownup. The required age at which an individual can be tried as a grownup differs amongst states but...

The Notion of Deterrence: Review

The entire humanity is conversant with the notion of deterrence. Deterrence refers to the employment of retribution as a threat to deter folks from committing offenses. We see cases of many forms of deterrence in everyday lives, all over from the grocery store where we buy serials to the banks...

The E-Commerce Case With Foodmart

In his attempt to purchase the chocolate sauce which he saw in an advertisement, Todd agreed to the online contract of Foodmart stating that sales prices are applicable to items not included in advertisements and the stocks will be dependent on the existing inventory of the nearest store to the...

Judicial Review as the Most Crucial of All the Crucial Checks and Balances

Introduction Separation of powers as a tool for exerting control over the key aspects of legal relationships within the state and ensuring that justice is implemented is a truly irreplaceable framework. In turn, the checks and balances associated with each of the three branches of power serve a vital purpose...

Effects of Race and Economic Status on Punishment of Crimes

Outline Different researches show that most punishments administered by law enforcement officers on criminals are largely determined either by racial bias or the economic status of criminals. The argument behind this issue is that minority groups in communities as well as those who are living in poverty are likely to...

Charging Children as Adults Does Not Solve Juvenile Criminal Problems

Introduction There has been a lot of controversy in trying to understand the reason the spirit in which juvenile courts were created since a lot of people are currently arguing that children should be tried as adults when it comes to crime. Generally the essence of creating the juvenile courts...

Criminal Justice Process for a Felony Criminal Charge

The federal system of the United States is founded on the substratum notion that the states administer the principal responsibility for criminal justice and hence, criminal justice is the nucleus of state and not national responsibility. Currently, there is no single criminal justice system in the U.S.A as different states...

Using Mau Technique for Choosing an Insurance Package

Treatment delivery is a multifactorial process, as it includes monitoring, evaluation, intervention, and prevention over the long term. An insurance plan’s choice combines financial and non-material parts, as the optimal package must correspond to the economic and medical benefits. Four coverage plans were analyzed, taking into account performance reports, which...

Business Case Map: Information Gathering and Exchange

Introduction Businesses have been increasingly selling items that that does not correspond to the properties prescribed by them thus making those items fail to fulfill the customer’s standards. Businesses have been breaching their contract due to negligence, misrepresentation during their presentation of their products through advertisements and sale promotions. Businesses...

The Link Between Relative Deprivation and Crime

Introduction To better understand radical criminology theory, it is important to first have a basic idea on what is criminology. Criminology is a field of study that endeavours to establish the main causes of crime, definition of crime in terms of law and the reaction of people in the society...

Rights Against Self-Incrimination

Abstract The prosecution office in this country has the responsibility of proving to the court that a given suspect is guilty as charged. the Fifth Amendment gives the suspects right to remain silent when arrested, while the Sixth Amendment gives them right to have an attorney. The Queen County District...

The Failures of the Current Juvenile Justice System

The juvenile justice system in the United States is flawed on multiple levels. This social issue attracts considerable attention from popular media and scholars who examine its roots and repercussions. Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson partially focuses on injustices that juvenile criminals undergo and...

Development of Programs for Rehabilitating Offenders

The modern system of justice is developed based on various punitive policies aimed at correctional treatment; incarcerated in federal prisons people have a chance to minimize their efforts in rehabilitation period returning to social life. Nevertheless, it was found out that corrections developed for prisoners rarely work; limitations and restrictions...

Gries Sports Enterprises, Inc. v. Cleveland Browns Football Co., Inc.

Facts of the case The two control 43% of the total outstanding share value of the company. On the other hand, Modell controls a significant percentage of the company’s shares as well. To be precise, the total amount of shares of Delaware Corporation that are owned by Modell amounts to...

Computer Forensics in the FCC vs. Jack Brown Case

Introduction In today’s technology ridden world, computer crime and other related criminal activities are a booming business. Criminals, fraudsters, and even revolutionary terrorists seem to strike at every opportunity, leading either to financial losses, or loss in important data and information. In January of 2005, the United States federal government...

Freedom of the Media: The Near v. Minnesota 1931 Case

Introduction Free media are designed to ensure that the government provides information to its citizens in the United States, and citizens can control the government. The U.S. press offers a wide field of expression, limiting government action by law and representing a wide variety of ideas. The highest institution in...

Crime Intermidiate Houses and Communities

Introduction Correction centers for crime offenders exist in an assorted list. They may include recreation, trial, parole, public duty and penalty alternatives. Majority of the type of systems command little attention from the society and hence do not usually cause public upheaval. Public duty like sweeping or mowing the lawn...

Substance Abuse in the Young People

Substance abuse refers to unsafe or hazardous use of substances that are psychoactive. Such substances may include alcohol or illicit drugs (Nisse, 2008). With repetitive use, these substances become addictive and it becomes hard to control the desire to use them. Juvenile justice is part of criminal law that deals...

Carbon Emission Effects and Global Warming Laws

Introduction Carbon emission is the main cause of deteriorating environmental conditions that have led to global warming. The effects of global warming are so immense that world leaders have organized global meetings to curb environmental concerns. There was the Kyoto Protocol and the recent Copenhagen World Summit that aimed at...

Virginia Board of Pharmacy vs Virginia Citizens Consumer Council

Introduction Facts: “Acting on behalf of prescription drug consumers, the Virginia Citizens Consumer Council challenged a Virginia statute that declared it unprofessional conduct for licensed pharmacists to advertise their prescription drug prices. On appeal from an adverse ruling by a three-judge District Court panel, the Supreme Court granted the Virginia...

Constitutional Law in the United Kingdom

Introduction The changes in the English constitution could be viewed from the following aspects: The driving force behind the future Constitution of this country Their relationships per se The reduction between these forces in terms of critical dimensions and the action plans that future constitutions need to consider and execute....

White Collar and Conventional Criminals: The Role of the Defense Attorney

The roles of the defense attorney are very important for innocent and guilty lives. It does not matter what kind of crime is committed, any defense attorney has to find enough gaps of charge, powerful alibi, and effective evidence. The roles of defense attorneys may differ considerably, depending on the...

Detailed Analysis of Human Trafficking

Introduction After the abolishment of slavery in Europe and North America, many people celebrated since the achievement triggered the introduction and passage of human rights clauses to protect mankind from forced labor. Notions of democracy continue to focus on evidence-based approaches that can empower global citizens to pursue their personal...

How Canadian Criminal Law Regulate Deviant Conduct

Introduction Deviance refers to behaviour that goes against various established societal norms, including formally enacted rules and regulations. Violation of rules amounts to crime whereby an individual would be punished according to the set laws. Moreover, deviance entails contravention of social norms, such as folklores and customs. The role of...

Cross-Border Businesses in the EU and Harmonized Laws

Taking businesses past national borders means going into new territories where one increases the number of possible customers and business ventures. But sets of rules, laws, and regulations found at this level increase as well. For example, the European Union has its own sets of rules directing businessmen doing business...

The Race, Crime, and Urban Inequality Theory

Theory The theory of race, crime, and urban inequality is based on the paradigm of social disorganization theory formulated by the Chicago School. The conventional paradigm was established in the early 1900s. More contemporary notions and suggestions have been added to it to give meaning to what is now the...

Dangerous Offenders and Preventive Sentencing

Outline Dangerous offenders are defined by most laws as those that inflict pain and harm to the victims during or after assaulting them sexually. The laws have gone through several amendments to ensure that the community is protected from such dangerous criminals. Apart from the determinate sentences that are given...

Insider Activity and Corporate Malfeasance

Insider activity and corporate malfeasance are dangerous practices that threaten company assets and resource security for numerous reasons. According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission vs. Martha Stewart and Peter Bacanovic (2003), any securities fraud carries severe liability and real criminal penalties. However, the example of Martha Stewart and...

European Community Laws: Law of the Constitution

European Community Law European Community laws (ECL) are regulations and directives which are above the national laws. Their main objective is to continually bring together its members’ economic and political systems in order to form a single market. The market is characterized by the free movement of people, goods, and...

Report for the Chief of Police

Abstract Maintaining statistics is one of the primary tasks of police departments, and its importance is defined by the need to provide information on the current crime rate. Data relating to this indicator are submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and included in the Uniform Crime Report. As can...

Victim Blame Opinions: the Scientific Method

Introduction High rates of victimization are one of the main problems that affected the criminal justice system. The scientific method will help to test the assumptions of blame and determine the degree of victimization and psychological abuse. The issues chosen for the scientific method are those which promoted strategy to...

Two Key Models of Legal Decisions

Description of consensus and conflict model Legal decisions are guided by two key models. These incorporate the consensus model that derives its foundation on societal views and the conflict model, which relies on experts to determine concepts and procedures (Newton & Van Deth, 2005). The origin of the two models...

Drugs and Crime Description: Federal Drug Statutes

Introduction Cases of drug abuse have been on the rise around the world. Many researchers point towards the breakdown of social support as the main increasing trend. Statistics indicate that the increase in the cases of drug abuse in the US has inevitably resulted in increased cases of drug-related crime....

Environmental Law and Its Crucial Points

The historical validity of serious consideration of environmental law’s place and role in the modern legal system is quite obvious. This is caused by a significant change in both the concept of environmental law and, at the same time, its place in the system of world law over the past...

U.S. v. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev

Introduction The U.S. v. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev case is widely known since the explosions of the homemade bombs planted by Dzhokhar and Tamerlane Tsarnaev at the Boston Marathon killed and injured many people. Advocates of Dzhokhar, who was sentenced to death, subsequently filed an appeal upheld on July 31, 2020...

Lifetime Appointment for the Supreme Court Justices

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial instance in the United States, with Justices appointed by the President with the Senate’s approval. The appointment lasts for life and can only be interrupted by voluntary registration or impeachment. Recently, the need for reforms has been increasingly discussed. Many people believe that...

Counseling of Juvenile Males and Recidivism

Introduction The rate of juvenile crimes especially in males seems to be rising and the trend has had many innocent people affected by these crimes. A juvenile has been defined as a person who has not attained the age of 18. Surveys conducted indicate that approximately 2 million juveniles are...

Legal Underpinninig of Businuess Law

Type of business and breach of contract Sole proprietorship In case a sole proprietor breaches the contract, the proprietor’s personal property, including car, home, and other belongings could be at risk because the supplier could require the owner to reimburse the losses due to the contract violation (Adamson and Morrison...

Corrections Officers Stress: Causes and Outcomes

Introduction Stress is tension in a person’s mind or any part of the body, which is as a result of physical, chemical or emotional factors. Research studies have shown that, there are numerous stressors in the corrections officer’s (C.O.) working environment, that is, in the jails and prisons. This correctional...

An Unlawful and Unintentional Killing

Unlawful and unintentional killing of a person is “Manslaughter”. Reckless driving and automobiles accidents are examples. It can be “voluntary” and “involuntary”. It depends on the defendant’s intention at the time killing occurred. Though Frank’s intention to hit Tom’s car was intentional, in order to destroy his new car, he...

The Rise of Criminological Conflict Theory

Sykes identified three key factors and events associated with them to explain the emergence of conflict theory in science and its spread. These factors are associated with a change in the United States’ political context, which led to people’s doubts and criticism of authorities’ decisions and words. These factors distinguished...

Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado and Washington

Legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington has raised a lot of controversy in American society in the recent past. According to Clarke (71), there is a changing perception on the real definition of marijuana in terms of its effect on the body. A section of the society believes that...

Criminological Theory: Crime Theories and Criminal Behavior

Crime Theories and Criminal Justice Policies The concept of crime was created and promoted by people to evaluate their behaviors and responsibilities, as well as to maintain control and order. To gain a better understanding of crimes, it was necessary to introduce theories and follow changes through different times in...

Law That Aims to Protect School Safety Acts of Kindness in Society

Introduction In 2018, after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the state authorities decided to introduce new requirements stated in a law that aims to protect school safety (Ochoa, 2018). Some schools, referring to the new law accepted by the state, decided to ask for...

State Prison System v. Federal Prison System

Description and Analysis of the History of State and Federal Prisons The state prison system can be traced back to the 1800s when Sing Sing prison was built (Gil, 2010, par 2). This is one of the oldest state prisons. The state prison consists of a network of prisons that...

Civil Liberties and Multiculturalism

Introduction A bill of rights is simply a set of human rights. In most cases it is used to in controversial issues such as legalizing abortion, capital punishment, assisted death and lesbian, gay and bisexual relationships. Usually the controversy is between the moral issues and the human rights. In most...

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Criminal Justice

Introduction The writer wishes to write about the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a premier internal criminal justice agency in the United States of America. Created in the year 1908, as a minor agency called Bureau of Investigation, under the aegis of the Department of Justice (DoJ), its role increased with...

The Waco Shootout

Introduction The Waco attacks or rather what is famously referred to as the Waco shooting is a historical incident that took place in Texas; a state in the United States of America from 28th of February to the 4th day of April 1993. The Waco shooting historically dates back to...

Law: Human Service Ethics

Introduction Since the human service segment is a large field, it is at times tricky to describe. In the broad sense, human service institutions have the purpose of satisfying people’s wants by incorporating knowledge of various professionals. They function in two ways; they put a stop to any situations that...

The Fifth and Sixth Amendment Definitions and Applications

Introduction In the United States of America constitution, the 5th amendment provides for the rights of a person charged with a capital offense or an infamous crime. This provides for the right to a trial by a grand jury except in cases of land and naval forces when in service...

Detailed Outline and Interview Preparation

Introduction In the recent past, treatment programs aimed at reducing recidivism have been adopted in a bid to avert crimes within the community. However, the implementation strategy has become a debatable subject since offenders commit crimes due to diverse reasons. Thus, treatment programs are faced with a challenge when it...

Prisons in the United States Analysis

Introduction The whole aspect of medical facilities in prisons is a very complex issue that needs to be evaluated and looked at critically for sustainability. This therefore brings us to the issue of whether prisons in the US should continue to have their own medical facilities or be charged fees...

Acme Hydrocarbons Ltd.’s Environmental Law Case

Introduction This paper reports a case surrounding operations and enforcement imposed against ‘Acme Hydrocarbons Ltd’ following their violations of COSHH standards about the environmental laws. Upon the receipt of the memo, Mr. Patrick the line manager of the company requested me to appropriately advice his company based on the findings...