Teaching Literature for ESL Students

Topic Teaching literature in a language course to ESL students has been a topic of a lasting debate. Some researchers argue that, even though there can be certain hazards in the use of literature, it helps students to expand their linguistic knowledge and be exposed to cultural peculiarities of people...

Teaching English Speaking Classes for Non-Natives

The English language is the most studied languages around the world. Most of the non-native speakers living outside Europe or America have a very good command of written English, but their spoken English is sometimes pathetic. On the other hand, non-native speakers living in Europe and America can speak English...

Language and Learning in the Hellenistic Age

Introduction The book analyses how various scholars and philosophers provided vital input to the foundations of language during the Hellenistic age. The main consideration in the book is to engage the philosophy of language, linguistics, and other aspects such as the nature and origin of languages as a medium of...

Black English and Non-Standard Language

Introduction The language that people use is multifaceted and unique. With the help of speech, a person can not only convey his or her thoughts and communicate with an interlocutor. Over the past thousand years, human communication has reached a new level, becoming the object of study of many linguists....

Language of the “Crimson Abbey” Horror Story

Introduction The short story under analysis is entitled “Crimson Abbey.” This horror story dwells upon a patient at a mental hospice of the future. It is necessary to note that the story addresses an issue of insanity, which is quite popular in modern society. At present, literate people tend to...

Language Skills and Rhyming Activity: “Rhyme Go Fish”

Preschool and early school years are crucial for children to develop their language and literacy skills and increase the linguistic repertoire to use it during conversation, narration, reading, and writing (Owens, 2015). For this reason, children can acquire tremendous benefits from home or classroom activities targeted at enhancing their literacy...

Teaching Strategies in Instructing ELLs

Teaching strategies The article provides useful and valuable insights into the teaching strategies that educators can use when instructing ELLs (English language learners). One of the most effective instructional practices is an explicit instruction that demonstrates how a task is going to be done and what the teacher and their...

Vocabulary Instruction for English Learners

Vocabulary Instruction Vocabulary is crucial for successful text comprehension. Although not many students understand that at first, it is mainly the teacher’s duty to show students how important vocabulary is and why it should be memorized and used. Sedita (2005) points out that there are several categories of students who...

Negation in Conversational English Exchange

Introduction: The Research Background: The Power of Negation The history of English discourse development is rather complicated. Like any other issue that presupposes not only the tangible evidence like texts or any other form of keeping the track of the necessary data but also such ephemeral elements like oral speech,...

Englishes in “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tans

Of all people, a writer is, perhaps, the person that is expected to treat their language with most care and respect. However, the idea of using a language appropriately is rather loose, mostly because the very concept of correct use of the language is quite vague (Crossley et al. 100)....

Discourse Markers in Saudi English Learners

Discourse markers Discourse markers are elements that are applied in communication to enable conversations to become more articulate. However, the particles augment insignificant meanings in rephrasing the expressions (Povolná, 2012). For instance, elements including oh, well, now as well as you know are some of the syntactically autonomous words. In...

Difficulties Facing Foreign English Teachers in ELI

Introduction At present, one of the detriments of teaching vocabulary in the English Learning Institutions (ELI) is the emergence of mixed-ability classes. As noted by Ansari (2013), a mixed-ability classroom environment is made up of different groups of learners with different learning interests, skills, and abilities. Over the years, EFL...

Curriculum and Assessment for ESL Students

The ESL student needs are integral parts of our curriculum because students are divided into different language proficiency levels in K-2 according to the expectations based on the study level. In this respect, students are assessed in terms of the listening/speaking, writing, and reading skills that are essential for further...

English Language Learners Concepts

Introduction The English language learners (ELLs) are those individuals who represent a diverse population of students who came from different countries, have a different background, and speak various languages. Mainly, they are united only by the desire to master English. They need some adjustment period to be ready to cope...

The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy

The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment (CLCPA) was designed for the purpose of supporting community health centers and evaluating their preparedness for dealing with culturally, demographically and linguistically diverse communities (CLCPA, n.d.). This test shows the levels of awareness the agency in question has of other cultures and...

Mobile-Assisted Learning in Saudi English Students

Abstract The use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning is becoming common in several schools within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The researcher aimed to determine the effect of Mobile Assisted Learning on the grammatical accuracy of English as a foreign language, Saudi learners. The review of the literature revealed that...

Learning Activities for Early Language Skills

Introduction At the kindergarten level, a student is expected to develop oral language skills, including phonology and phonetics. In addition, the student is expected to learn reading, writing, and listening skills. Increased vocabulary and use of words to describe people, objects, and events should also be exhibited. To achieve these,...

Contrastive Discourse Markers in Conversation

Introduction In order to define the pragmatic function of contrastive discourse markers during conversational exchange, several themes should be revisited. To begin with, it is necessary to define the discourse markers, as well as outline the main classification and characteristics of those. Second, the analysis of theoretical frameworks related to...

Early Language Development: Phonics Controversy

Introduction Language is certainly an important requirement for proper and healthy cognitive, social, and emotional growth and development of a child. This explains why our education system is designed in a manner that ensures that during formative years children are exposed to the more direct teaching of pragmatic knowledge, phonetics,...

Language Reform in Modern China

Introduction The language used in modern China has undergone several reforms since the time of Qing Dynasty. Studies show that the Chinese language has close relationships with several social aspects, which is the case in any other society meaning this case is not exceptional. Within a span of three hundred...

Word Encoding Models: Multistream Model and Hierarchical Model

Word recognition refers to the ability of an individual to recognize written words with ease. There are different models that seek to explain how human beings process words. These models are based on different principles. For example, there is the multistream model that is based on several processing channels and...

Infinite Regression in Franz Kafka’s Works

The concept of infinite regression plays an important role in philosophy and epistemology. In many cases, this notion can be used to highlight the limitations of human cognition and people’s inability to learn the truth about reality. Furthermore, it is particularly suitable for describing contradictions that an individual is not...