The Killers: Short Story Genre of Earnest Hemingway

The literary style of Earnest Hemingway, Nobel laureate in 1954, is direct, terse, and often monotonous, yet suited to elemental subject matters. His fiction and short stories usually focus on people living essential, dangerous lives, controlling the pain and difficulty of their existence, with stoic courage. Hemingway’s characters plainly embody...

“Half Slave and Half Free: The Roots of Civil War” by Bruce Levine

Introduction The American Civil War, also known as the War Between the States started at 1861 and ended in 1865. It was a civil war in the United States of America when the Southern slave states declared about their desire to get separated from the United States and formed the...

Marquez’s The Chronicle of a Death Foretold & Allende’s The House of the Spirits

Introduction The novel “The Chronicle of a death foretold”, written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, is a novel based on a real murder that occurred in Columbia on January 22, 1951. The main characters in “The Chronicle…” and their actions, fate and intentions resembled that of the people in the actual...

The Influence of Reading on Our Life

Reading of great books has, all through the ages, been recognized as the most powerful contributor to the development of an individual’s personality. The great thinkers and the philosophers of the world have often identified the role of good books as an influential reformer of personal life and attitude. One...

American Reality vs. American Dream: Death of a Salesman Theme Analysis

Introduction Arthur Miller dramatizes not only the longings and disappointments of a little man in America and the inhuman attitude of the business world towards a man not useful to the organization, but he focuses readers’ attention on the gap between the American dream and the American reality. One of...

Thwarted Love in Anton Chekhov’s Literature

Born in 1860, Anton Chekhov wrote extensively on the complexities of human nature and the hidden importance of how day-to-day interactions impacts human life (Kirk 43-56). He is famously known for such stories as “The Steppe”, “The Lady with the Dog”, “The Seagull”,” A living Chattel”, and” Uncle Vanya”. Even...

Confucian Views on Women in Chinese Society

Introduction The teachings of Confucius have influenced all types of relationships in Chinese society, and they have also affected the social position of women, their status, and their accepted roles. In spite of the fact that Confucius did not directly write specific teachings about women, his approach to treating female...

Meanings in “Lady Lazarus” Poem by Sylvia Plath

The work of the American poetess Sylvia Plath is traditionally considered the birthplace of such a genre of poetry as confessional poetry. The name of the writer is not only well-known to the Western reader but became a kind of myth, embodying the tragic fate of a raging woman poet...

Know Thyself: Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King”

The famous saying “Know Thyself,” which is written on the temple at Delphi, is one of the main messages of the Sophocles’ play “Oedipus the King.” Taking into account the historical context, it is easy to explain the problem that appeared at the end of the fifth century. “Know Thyself”...

“Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston: Plot, Characters, and Main Themes

Introduction The work that will be discussed throughout the paper is Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston. This short story was published in 1926 and, despite nearly nine decades from its first appearance, covers relevant and acute topics. The tale reveals the hardships of post-war marriage through the prism of sexist...

Sophocles’ Oedipus, the Ideal “Tragic Hero”

Introduction Oedipus has been one of the most well-known characters who has been mentioned by many art critics, artists, writers, and even psychologists. Oedipus Rex is a remarkable masterpiece created by Sophocles as it contains all the elements of a classical tragedy. Aristotle described the components of this type of...

Narrative & Meaning in Jackson’s “The Lottery”

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is one of the brightest examples of how a sophisticated theme can be transferred within only a few pages of a short story. However, this is not the greatest feature of the piece. In “The Lottery,” the use of narrative techniques favored by the writer serves...

“Oedipus the King” Play by Sophocles

In the tragedy, Oedipus the King, the writer Sophocles poses one of the most important issues of his time — the will of the gods and the free will of humans. The mythology served as the basis for ancient poetry, especially for tragedy written by Sophocles. The writer used the...

Hardships of Coming of Age in Updike’s “A&P”

Introduction The charm of Updike’s slice-of-life stories may seem to come from the hidden layers of meaning that they contain, yet, on closer inspection, one will find out that they are quite straightforward. However, this discovery does not reduce the attractiveness of Updike’s nuanced storytelling; instead, it amplifies the lingering...

Characterization in “The Metamorphosis” by Kafka

Introduction The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka presents the story of Gregor, a salesperson who wakes up being transformed into an insect. The narrator helps the audience to understand the characters’ feelings and thoughts, describing not only the events happening in the story but also Gregor’s perspectives on them. This paper...

Pirandello’s “Six Characters in Search of an Author”

Introduction The play written by Luigi Pirandello in 1921 under the title Six Characters in Search of an Author is an example of a drama that utilizes the method of theatre-in-theatre. The author is a Nobel Prize-winning Italian writer and dramatist. As the title implies, the play concentrates around six...

Mathilde in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

Introduction The Necklace is a short story written by French writer Guy de Maupassant at the end of the 19th century. In the story, the main character Mathilde Loisel lives a humble life of a middle-class housewife believing that she is meant to be rich. She borrows a diamond necklace...

Moral Codes in O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Introduction Flannery O’Connor (1925-1964) is an American novelist and a prolific author. She developed and finessed the Southern Gothic style and went down in the history of literature for her captivating short stories. In this story, O’Connor describes a family trip from Georgia to Florida for a summer vacation. The...

The Killing of Balder in Norse Mythology

Introduction In spite of the fact that myths are perceived as fictional stories about different events occurring thousands of years ago, they still influence people’s spiritual life. The reason is that myths represent ancient people’s views regarding the cosmos, the relationships between nature and a human being, and the sacred...

“Moll Flanders” a Novel by Daniel Defoe

The Fortunes & Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe is a novel that already includes the main plot in the title since it tells about the whirlwind life of a criminal – Moll Flanders. Written as a collection of Moll’s memories, the novel follows the main character...

Symbolism and Racism in Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”

Exploring the issues of the racisms in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” cannot be separated from the use of symbolism since symbolism has been used as the vessel by which racism is expressed in an indirect manner that allows the reader to explore the meaning behind such symbols, Harper...

Stephen King’s ‘The Green Mile’: Prison Life & Ethical Reflections

Summary At the heart of the novel “The green mile” by King is the narration of the interaction between the key characters playing the role of either the jail guards or death row inmates, in a state penitentiary located at Cold Mountain. Although the story was recounted from a single...

Themes in “Housekeeping” by Marilynne Robinson

Introduction Housekeeping is a novel written by Marilynne Robinson and first published in 1980. It is a story of two orphan girls who decide to break away from the static and sleepy existence within a remote town in Idaho, and are met with a dangerous lack of understanding from fellow...

Writing Strategies in Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”

Introduction An appropriate choice of a writing strategy during the classroom activities seems to be a significant step to be taken. The way of how a teacher is able to check students’ knowledge and involve them into the education process (Ryder & Graves, 2003) influences considerably students’ activities and understanding...

Poverty in “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner

Introduction In his essay On Dumpster Diving, Lars Eighner explores the life of a person whose sole means of survival is dumpster diving. The author focuses on such themes as poverty, despair of homeless people, and their attitudes toward material wealth as well as the hopes that they cherish. The...

“The Way to Rainy Mountain” by Navarre Scott Momaday

The Way to Rainy Mountain by N. Scott Momaday is a literary work that stands out based on a variety of elements and features. The purpose of this work was for the author to connect with the readers by means of communicating a unique autobiographical story that was far more...

Barn Burning: Loyalty vs. Justice in Faulkner’s Short Story

This paper is aimed at discussing the topic of the short story Barn Burning written by William Faulkner. In particular, this literary work describes the conflict between a boy’s devotion to his family and his keen sense of justice. This issue can also be described as the necessity to choose...

“Pride and Prejudice” a Novel by Jane Austen

THESIS: The author demonstrates that previous judgment and prejudice can be wrong and harsh; as the result of a long way of reflection, due to the various events in the lives of heroes, Darcy proves himself worthy of Elizabeth and she changes her attitude, realizing that her prejudice is unreasonable....

The Emotional Meaning of Home in Literature

Home has an emotional connection to each one of us: it is the place where we feel safe, where we grew up, where we go for security, and to find love. It means different things to different people, mostly sentimental and heart-warming. For example, Silas the dying old servant in...

Social Class and Difference in Theatrical Comedies

Class difference is an inevitable constitute of literary work. A drama that reflects the social construct of time is an indispensable source to understand class and societal structure of an era. In an attempt to portray, the world dramatists demonstrated the littlest equations that set the people apart. Most prominent...

Elie Wiesel’s Night: Analyzing the Impact of Holocaust Literature

Introduction Night is a book written by Elie Wiesel that focuses on his experiences while imprisoned in one of the Auschwitz concentration camps during the Holocaust. The book focuses on the inhuman experiences that the prisoners in the camp were subjected. Therefore, it highlights the impact that such experiences had...

Susan Glaspell’s ‘Trifles’ – Gender Oppression and Justice

Trifles is an early example of a feminist drama, written by Susan Glaspell in 1916. The drama revolves around the murder of John Wright, a farmer described by his peers as an honest and hard-working man. The man was found in his house, strangled with a string. His wife, Mrs....

Comparative Literature: The Significance of “Shitty First Drafts” in Writing

Introduction Derrick Brown’s poem, “Come Alive” dwells on designing arguments when describing an item. Besides, Anne Lamott the passage “Shitty First Drafts” discusses arguments in terms of the ethos, pathos, and logos. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to identify critical writing issues that these authors identify in relation to the...

Henry Thoreau’s The Battle of The Ants’ and Virginia Woolf’s The Death of The Moth’

Introduction Henry Thoreau’s ‘the battle of the ants’ and Virginia Woolf’s ‘the death of the moth’ are two exceptional essays that depict the life of small creatures. The two writers humanize the life of the ants and moth in an extraordinary manner. The two writers use imagery to communicate human...

Contrasting the Strengths of Odysseus and Penelope in The Odyssey

Introduction Following the hero Odysseus as he seeks to return home after the Trojan War, Homer’s epic poem “The Odyssey” takes readers on a trip laden with both physical and emotional hardships. Odysseus and Penelope, two important characters in the story, stand out for their distinct characteristics and hardships. While...

The Poem “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar

“We Wear the Mask” was composed in 1895 by Paul Laurence Dunbar – one of the first African-American writers who attained national prominence. The poem itself is devoted to the lifestyle of African-Americans of that time. Despite the abolishment of slavery in 1865, racism remained an issue in interracial communication...

Visual Elements in Frankenstein Novel by Shelley

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is one of the famous novels which influenced the development of the science fiction and horror genres. Numerous generations of readers were inspired by it and appreciated the atmosphere created by the author. Thus, Frankenstein: The Graphic Novel represents the story from another angle using specific...

Aeneas’s Characteristics in Aeneid by Virgil

Aeneas is the main character of the Aeneid; he is the son of Trojan ruler Anchises and Venus, the Roman goddess of fertility and beauty. In IV’s book of Aeneid, he is depicted as “the most handsome of them all,” who “walks, as lightly, beauty like the god’s shining from...

Discussion of Evidence for Hamlet’s Madness

Whether Hamlet actually is insane or not, remains among the most debatable questions in studying Shakespeare’s masterpiece. In one respect, the plot includes his decision to imitate mental illness, to which many appeal as to the main argument that it was not real. On the contrary, the essential specialty of...

Analogy in “To a Daughter Leaving Home” by Linda Pastan

An analogy refers to a linguistic expression that compares one thing to another to make a comparison and clarify meaning. As a result, poets often employ analogies when they want to establish a resemblance between two factors. The following essay recounts how Linda Pastan uses analogies in her poem, “To...

Feminism in “The Wife of Bath” by Geoffrey Chaucer

Introduction “Canterbury Tales” were written by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1392. The basis of the story is the pilgrimage of Thomas Becket to Canterbury. Throughout their travels, no the pilgrims tell stories about their lives or stories they have heard before. Notably, the author never completed his book as not all...

Scenes from the “Oroonoko” Book by Aphra Behn

Even though many of the scenes where the furious Oroonoko is involved are extremely violent, they are deeper than they seem. In the case where Oroonoko kills Imoinda, at first glance it seems that he looks like a ruthless beast. However, if you delve deeper, it becomes clear that Oroonoko...

Walls in “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street” by Melville

In the narration of the book Bartleby, the theme of walls represents the boundaries that set barricades between characters throughout the story. For example, at the lawyer’s office, a ground-glass folding door is the wall that sets apart the two rooms where the lawyer and Scriveners work. With Bartleby’s recruitment,...

Themes in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ Short Story by Gilman

The essay focuses on a short story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, during the analysis of which the main themes of the work and the author’s attitude to them are established. In the center of the story is the unnamed main character, on whose behalf the story is...

“I Love Yous Are for the White People” by Lac Su

Introduction Literature is a unique instrument that provides the readers with the power to see others’ thoughts and feelings. “I Love Yous Are for the White People” is an excellent example of such a literary function. This novel deals with a highly important issue of racial disparities and the hardships...

Digital Age in “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury

Introduction The Veldt is a short story composed by Ray Bradbury that depicts a family’s life in a technologically advanced house. The parents are getting continually more frustrated as they lose communication with their children due to the automated operations. The home provides food, bathes children, plays with them, and...

The Short Story “The Folded Leaf” by Segun Afolabi

Nigerian culture and literature have long been underexplored by the world academic community and society as a whole. The short story “The Folded Leaf” written by Caine Prize winner Segun Afolabi is a short story that shows the new wave in Nigerian literature heritage. It touches on the critical themes...

Feminism in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman

How does this story reflect the challenges put forward by the first wave of feminists? The first wave of feminism refers to the women’s movement against the societal expectations on the role of women in the middle-class and upper-class women in the 18th century to the 20th century. It was...

What Makes Gilgamesh an Epic Hero?

Epic heroes are essential characters in literature and frequently serve as examples of morality and perfection. They have tremendous physical and mental abilities and are larger-than-life characters. They display traits like bravery, intelligence, bravery, and loyalty that set them apart from regular people. It is essential to note that Gilgamesh...

Perspectives on a Global Issue: Charles Baudelaire’s Poem “Albatross”

Introduction The concept of finding one’s place in the world has been addressed in various poems. For example, the classic theme of the person and the crowd is presented in the Charles Baudelaire poem Albatross in the traditions of both romantic and symbolic art. Eugenio Montale also touches on this...

Predictions Regarding “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

Introduction As preparation for this assignment, I read the first 4 chapters of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In this part of the work, I have learned more about Victor Frankenstein’s childhood and live, his interests and aspirations. With the information I have been given, I shall attempt to make a number...

Reflection on “Inconvenient Indian” by Thomas King

Thomas King’s “Inconvenient Indian” explores the subject of native Americans and their lives in North America. The idea of “Dead Indians” and “Live Indians” is one of the critical topics King covers. These two concepts capture the experiences of indigenous peoples and how non-indigenous societies perceive and treat them. King...

Kazuko Itoi Is the Authentic (Japanese) Name of the Writer Monica Sone

Kazuko’s attitude toward the American people during and after her relocation. Kazuko Itoi is the authentic (Japanese) name of the writer Monica Sone, who was born in the United States to Japanese parents, first-generation immigrants. As the story progresses, this balance of the two components of her personality periodically changes...

Oedipus and Hamlet: To Be Resilient, or Not to Be?

Introduction A famous quote attributed to Confucius says, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall,” and teaches people the main principle of resilience against all obstacles and struggles. Being resilient means keeping a positive outlook on life, never giving up, and carrying...

Creative Poem Based on “The Stranger” by Albert Camus

Poem One says: “Go find yourself in life.” But what would be the point? The other says: “Go find yourself a wife.” But what would be the point? The third one claims: “There is no sense in days” Yet life was full of pleasure. The other cries: “I want to...

Analysis of “The Second Coming” Poem by William Butler Yeats

The poem The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats is a wonderful and thought-provoking piece of poetry. Written in 1919, following the ordeal of the First World War, one of the deadliest struggles in human history, the poem embodies the uncertainty and anguish of a post-conflict world. Despite being penned...

Poem Analysis: “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction Human suffering is inevitable and may have a long-lasting impact on someone’s life. People grieve the loss of someone they loved much or situations they have little or no control over. Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” utilizes symbols to reinforce the melodramatic mood. The conversation between the speaker of...

The “King Lear” Play by William Shakespeare

Introduction King Lear, a tragedy by William Shakespeare, is a play that creates an alarming mental picture of different societal structures, for instance, the political, social, and familial. These reflect the other broken orders in the whole play. For example, earlier in space, King Lear breaks the order of a...

Analysis of the Short Story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

Introduction The Necklace is a philosophical short story by Guy De Maupassant written in the third person limited point of view. The story narrates the life of a charming yet over-ambitious woman, Mathilde Loiselle. The poorness of Mathilde’s home and clothes brings her sadness, anguish, despair, and intense disappointment for...

“The Lady With the Dog” by Anton Chekhov

Introduction “The Lady with the Dog” is one of the most famous short stories by Anton Chekhov. This Russian author is famous for his prose works that perfectly address and describe such essential issues as mood, character, feelings, and settings. Numerous international critics and experts highly appraise Chekhov’s short stories...

Tradition in “A&P” Short Story by John Updike

In “A&P,” John Updike uses Sammy’s point of view on the new generation of women to develop his new wisdom on change over tradition. Sammy, the narrator, gives us an insight into how he perceived three girls walking into a grocery store in bathing suits during the sixties. John Updike...

Redemption in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by O’Connor

A Good Man is Hard to Find is a masterpiece by Flannery O’Connor; this work contains thought-provoking topics for discussion. One of the most concerning issues is the theme of redemption, which is found in the book’s episodes. O’Connor links the characters to Christian belief, goodness, and grace, intentionally creating...

Patriarchy and Masculinity in Things Fall Apart by Achebe

Introduction The central theme of Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe is the clash between traditional African society and the innovations brought by British missionaries. However, this opposition is not the only one in the book since the whole story is built on contrasts that allow the reader to understand...

“From He to She in First Grade” by Frankel Review

In “From He to She in First Grade,” Frankel tells the story of a child’s gender transition. The book is written from the perspective of the child, who is in first grade and has recently decided to start living as a girl. The book chronicles the protagonist’s experiences during the...

Fiction Elements in Chopin’s The Story of an Hour

In 1984, Kate Chopin published a short story titled “The Story of an Hour”. The name of the narrative alludes to the period of time during which Louise Mallard, the protagonist of the story, first finds that her husband, Brently, has passed away. Later on in this story, Brently discovers...

The “Borders” Short Story by Thomas King

Thomas King explores one of the many challenges of living in a world where his race has been marginalized in “Borders.” It is challenging to uphold culture and self-identity in a nation as diverse as America. The dilemma in King’s short story “Borders” is one that concerns the issue of...

Who Is to Blame for the Tragedy of Othello by Shakespeare

The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice is a sexual jealousy tragedy that pioneers the investigation of racial discrimination. Shakespeare’s play, which the great playwright wrote in 1603, presents the image of Othello, a general of African descent. The main idea of the conflict lies in the fact that,...

Binary Oppositions in Alcott’s “Little Women”

This study explores how binary oppositions in the personality of Jo March, depicted in Louisa May Alcott’s novel Little Women, deconstruct the character’s writing adventure. This research uses deconstructive criticism to examine Josephine’s material conditions, other characters’ responses to the girl’s writing, and her attitude towards other characters’ stereotypical gender...

Rum’s A Woman Is No Man vs. Komba’s I Am Not My Skin

Introduction While discrimination occurs in Palestine against women due to their weak state in a patriarchal culture, it also happens in Tanzania to people with albinism in ordinary people’s culture. The story of the albinism nature of Yona makes him weak in a community with ordinary people, a similar weakness...

Harlan Ellison’s “Repent, Harlequin!” Short Story

Introduction Building a world in which time is the main part of life, Harlan Ellison, in Repent, Harlequin! Said the TicktockMan!, rejects the blueprint of chronological storytelling and uses satire to illustrate the startling dependence that humans have on time.” Ellison disregards the principles of a customary time succession and...

The Ending of the Lucy Book by Jamaica Kincaid

Jamaica Kincaid is one of the most significant Antiguan-American authors of the present day. Kincaid focuses heavily on the colonial project’s effect in all of her writings, a project from which her country has suffered much in the past (Samirah 124). This paper focuses on the evaluation of the significance...

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: An Analysis

“The story of an hour” by Kate Chopin focuses on Josephine, who has conflicted feelings about the loss of her husband. The entire text describes how she reacts to the news of her husband’s death. Her worries, possible memories, emotions and, oddly enough, the inhalation of freedom are placed at...

Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare

Like many other sonnets by William Shakespeare, sonnet number 116 has no title of its own and is named after the first line: “Let me not to the marriage of true minds.” This sonnet rejects the theme of love, which is regularly encountered in the works of the author. In...

The Poem “My Son, My Executioner” by Donald Hall

The cardinally new style of the expressed idea is presented in the poem My Son, My Executioner by Donald Hall. The poem presents the point of view of the parent, for whom the born child is the executioner. The very origin of the idea is emphasized by the short size...

The Essay “A Small Place” by Jamaica Kincaid

Postcolonial era writers made several crucial attempts to deterritorialize their land, which colonists had taken. For instance, Kincaid sets this process in Antigua by narrating how negatively tourism has impacted Antigua. A Small Place by Kincaid primarily concentrates on how Antigua has been exploited and colonized through tourism. Significantly, the...

Review of “Stranger” by Georg Simmel

The Stranger is an essay written by Georg Simmel in 1908 in which the author explores the sociological meaning behind the term and the concept of the stranger. In his explorations, the author studies the concept through different lenses of philosophy, economy, and through his relations and position in the...

The Inclusion of Cain in the “Beowulf”: Understanding Grendel’s Actions

Scholars have long debated whether or not Beowulf is a Christian allegory or a wholly pagan work with only a smattering of Old Testament allusions. This debate has lasted for the entire length of the epic. In biblical analysis, Cain’s image is often utilized as a metaphor to denote disorder...

Characters Conflict in “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles is the continuation of the adventures of the genius detective Sherlock Holmes, who, in this case, faces the conflict with the main villain, Mr. Jack Stapleton. The title suggests to an unfamiliar reader that the story revolves around a mysterious and...

Anne Bradstreet vs. Mary Rowlandson Comparison

Anne Bradstreet and Mary Rowlandson are American Puritan writers of the 17th century who focused their works on the individual, real-life aspects which were influenced by their spiritual development of personality and religious involvement. This period in literature was primarily associated with the religious influence on writers’ lives by focusing...

Analysis of “The Song of Roland” Poem

Introduction Based on the poem The Song of Roland and its significance and relevance, French literature from the eleventh to thirteenth century is a crucial concept and topic for literature studies. The work is based on old French epics of the “chanson de geste” type and was composed in the...

Theme and Word Choice in “The Monkey’s Paw” by Jacobs

Many have desired a magic stick at least once in their lives, but few understand the luck of it remaining a fiction. The short story The Monkey’s Paw by William Wymark Jacobs tells the reader about an ordinary family granted the possibility to change their life but bitterly regretting it...

The Role of Dreams in Gilgamesh

The Gilgamesh Saga belongs to the oldest literary monuments of the Sumerian civilization. However, the story of changing the personality through true friendship, overcoming adversity, and searching for immortality still resonates in the hearts of readers. The plot is based on the adventures of king Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu,...

Analysis of Literary Devices in Poems

Introduction Literary devices are essential aspects and elements of any poem, and thus, to properly understand their uses, it is important to analyze one of the most well-known works. The given assessment will primarily focus on three pieces of poetry, which are “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost, “Death Be Not...

Sources Used by Wagner for the Opera “Parsifal”

Introduction “Parsifal” is the last of Richard Wagner’s operas, which is considered the most beautiful and, at the same time, the most enigmatic of his works. Its creation occurred during almost all of the composer’s conscious life. While working on Lohengrin in the late 1840s, learning the legend of Parsifal...

The Theme of Slavery in Poetry

Introduction “On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley and “The Slave Mother” by Frances E.W. Harper are two poems that convey the harsh reality of slavery. The people of African descent had to experience inequity due to their ethnic background for centuries. In the poems, the central...

William Blake’s “Tyger” Poem Analysis

Introduction William Blake’s poem Tyger is one of the most remarkable literary examples of animal imaginary-heavy works that touch on the topics of imagination, religion, and life’s purpose. It remains one of the most famous works in the entire bibliography of the poet, and consecutively has been a subject to...

Experience from Baldwin’s “Blues for Mister Charlie”

Reading James Baldwin’s Blues for Mister Charlie has been an exhilarating experience for me. The play encapsulates various tribulations of the Black community in the genesis of the Civil Rights Movement. Specifically, Act II portrays the explicit bigotry of white townspeople against the increasing number of newcomer black families (Baldwin,...

Willy Loman in Arthur Miller’s “The Death of a Salesman”

In the distant 1949, Arthur Miller wrote one of the essential tragedies in American literature named The Death of a Salesman. However, while describing Willy Loman, the main hero, the author illustrated the essential obstacle of the whole middle class. The tragedy is presented ambiguously due to the refutation from...

The Connection Between American Literature and Jazz

The jazz culture and history of the United States have had a significant impact on American literature. Culture, social inequality, oppression, prejudice, and their hardships and frustrations are discussed in this literature, which comprises short tales, poems, and novels. To include these issues, oral techniques such as rap, blues, gospel...

Mark Twain as a Master of Irony and Satire

Introduction The adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a controversial 19th-century humorous novel. Twain is “the leading humorist whom the United States has produced in any century” (Dudden, 1987, p. 38). Twain uses a variety of techniques to create a humorous atmosphere, which nevertheless hides a violent social satire. As with...

Narration in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”

Introduction Numerous various texts exist in the world, representing different characters, ideas, and issues. Often, those texts address troublesome but significant topics, widely discussed in public. One such example is Shirley Jackson’s short story, The Lottery. First published in 1948, the text describes a small fictional village and one of...

Postcolonial Theory in Literary Works

Postcolonial literary theory is a broadly related theory of the struggles and consequences of colonial rule in European countries. The theory implements literature techniques to describe effects of colonialism and the struggle for independence. Nonetheless, the concept of this theory does not solely imply struggle for freedom and life in...

“Kubla Khan” by Coleridge: Plot, Symbols, and Writing Style

Introduction ‘Kubla Khan’ is a fantasy epic authored by Coleridge, an English romantic poet in 1797. The poem revolves around the dream vision whereby a Mongolian leader called Kubla Khan orders some of his servants to build him a domed building for recreation and pleasure at the banks of river...

Style of Sam Shepard’s “Buried Child” Play

Introduction Sam Shepard wrote the play Buried Child in the year 1978. The play is an extraordinary piece of work, and it received the Pulitzer award in 1979. Buried child is part of a family trilogy by Shepard, and it gives us a clear glance into a broken American family....

Hybrid Creatures and Their Significance in Greco-Roman Myth

Introduction The imagery of hybrid species, encompassing a wide array of bizarre anatomical combinations feature in numerous Greco-Roman myths. These hybrid creatures typically possess humanoid parts alongside beastly characteristics, which intuitively seem to exhibit a certain principle. The true nature of the creatures remains unclear; they may have inhabited alternate...

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Through the Historical Lens

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is deservedly regarded as one of the most essential tragedies in human history. The play is remarkable because it stays relevant and timeless, as evidenced by the fact that it has been staged in theaters all over the globe for more than 400 years. Shakespeare, however, was...

The Description of Wallpaper in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman

In “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1981), Gilman describes the wallpaper using different epithets, metaphors, and comparisons. Among the most interesting ones, there were phrases concerning the pattern, It “commits suicide” and “destroys itself in unheard of contradictions” (78) as if it were a living creature. The paper is the cause of...

“Macbeth” by Shakespeare: Lady Macbeth Thesis Statement

In Shakespeare’s play, Lady Macbeth is revealed as an ambitious woman, overwhelmed with her desire to become a queen. She proves her strong verbal influence on her husband, who does not dare to challenge fate. Shakespeare created a vivid female character, combining a craving for villainy and the inability to...

“In the Grove” Story by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa

In the story “In the Grove,” written by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, there are several pieces of evidence of the murder of Kanazawa no Takehiro presented by different characters. Despite their seeming credibility, the testimony given by Tajomaru is more likely to be accurate than the stories of other people. This conclusion...

Marriage Theme in “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde

The play “The Importance of Being Earnest” is considered one of the main works of Oscar Wilde. The writer criticizes the hypocrisy of high society in Victorian England and its traditions. The social customs of that epoch were focused on the pursuit of love and marriage. Wilde mocks the institution...

Neoplatonic Love and Eroticism in Mystical Poetry

Introduction Research that seeks to examine literary sources in-depth to identify hidden meanings, messages, and applied rhetorical tools is part of an effective strategy for the academic study of the literary sciences. A great variety of artistic and poetic works have traditionally been classified into works closely associated with the...

Personal Effect of Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”

Summary The short story is set somewhere between Madrid and Barcelona, in the valley of the Ebro (Hemingway, “Hills,” 115). It follows the dialogue of a man and woman at the local bar with a view of the valley’s hills (Hemingway, “Hills,” 115). The pair are quarreling about the issue...

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer: An Essay

The exploration of friendship is a widespread literary issue for authors. This theme is a leitmotif for Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. In this story, Twain recounts the friendship between Tom and Huckleberry Finn, who go about their mischief and pranks. The book tells about true friendship...

Color in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

American writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s novella The Yellow Wallpaper details the deteriorating mental health of a woman experiencing postpartum depression. The room’s ugly, dirty yellow wallpaper forms the centerpiece of the novel. Her obsession with the yellow wallpaper marks her fall into psychosis throughout history. Thus, in the composition The...

Literary Heritage of Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf is regarded as one of the key English writers of the 20th century who shaped the modernist tradition. She became a narrative pioneer, being the first who discussed topics of gender, feminism, and freedom from the standpoint of a woman. Another innovation that she has implemented...

Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise: A Renaissance Anthem”

The spirit of renaissance stirs through many literary works from the last quarter of the 20th century, rejuvenating African American’s will to defy an oppressive system. One such invigorating creation is Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise. This paper analyses how Angelou’s poem criticizes racism and marginalized conditions that have perpetually...

Comparing Troy Maxson (“Fences”) and Walter Lee Younger (“A Raisin in the Sun”)

A raisin in the Sun and Fences are two plays that show African-American families dealing with their daily hardships and tensions. Both families face discrimination, and both have internal problems as well. The storylines of two main characters are in many ways parallel to each other: Troy Maxson and Walter...

Frankenstein vs. Monster: Characters Comparison

Introduction Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus is a novel written by Mary Shelly that was first published in 1818. The author tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who artificially animated a body assembled from parts of corpses. Although Victor intended to create a beautiful creature, the result...

Literary Devices in John Updike’s “A&P” Story

Aguiar, Christian. Living class in John Updike’s “A&P”. The Explicator, vol.78, no. 2, 2020, pp. 58-61.  Some analyses identify the specific variation of the short story interpretation referred to as the “living class” concept of Beverly Skeggs. It is known as a classism perception in A&P Story, another metaphoric tool...

Three Waves of Feminism in Cunningham’s “The Hours” Novel

Introduction The Hours by Michael Cunningham is a novel, which follows and describes a day from three women’s lives. The main characters are Virginia Woolf, Laura Brown, and Clarissa Vaughn. The actions of these women take place during different timelines and locations. Virginia Woolf is an author who is writing...

Montesquieu’s Persian Letters as Orientalist Texts

Introduction “The Persian Letters” are detailed accounts of the European experiences of two young Persians named Rica and Usbek. The intellectual tourists explore French manners and morality while their people rebel against the tyrannical authorities that have been subjected to years of misery. The seraglio, as defined in the text,...

“Seven Jewish Children” by Caryl Churchill

Introduction The play, which takes approximately ten minutes, was written by Caryl Churchill as a response to the tragic events that took place at Gaza in the recent past. The play, among other issues, shows the extent to which theater is capable of reacting to the global politics. The play...

Poem Analysis: Langston Hughes

Introduction Racial and cultural identity are among the most prominent themes of Langston Hughes’s literary works. It is important to point out that many of his poems explore different aspects of African American identity in regards to the overall culture and race as well as the intricate topics on social...

Beowulf as a Tragic Hero of the Old English Warrior Culture

Beowulf is an old English story drawn from their native oral literature. Though the author is anonymous, its influence is still felt up to today in many of the works of contemporary writers. The protagonist exhibits all the character traits of a tragic hero as defined by Aristotle. According to...

The Collection of Short Stories “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Interpreter of Maladies is a collection of nine short stories written by an American author Jhumpa Lahiri. This writing presents its readers with stories about the experiences of Indian Americans who learn to live in the conflict between two distinct cultures. Therefore, in order to understand the life of these...

Grendel as a Personification of Evil in “Beowulf” Poem

Beowulf is a famous epic poem that was created between the end of the 7th and the first part of the 8th century. At that time, the Anglo-Saxons were already experiencing the emergence of feudal ties (Heaney 1). The poem, however, is characterized by an epic archaization and depicts reality...

The Story “The Black Box” by Jennifer Egan

Jennifer Egan’s “The Black Box” has emerged as a unique short science fiction about future citizen espionage. Published in 2012, the story is a bold and triumphant experiment of narrative presented in new media. Besides Egan’s ability to embrace the wide-ranging virtues, forms, and pleasures that accompany traditional storytelling in...

Sisterhood in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” Play

Introduction Susan Glaspell is a celebrated American writer, and Trifles, a one-act play, is among the many works that she wrote in the early twentieth century. At the time, women in American society were facing various challenges and Glaspell used her literary skills to highlight the same, albeit dramatically. In...

The Turn of the Screw through Psychoanalytical Lens

In his chef-d’oeuvre novel, The Turn of the Screw, Henry James underlines the psychoanalytical premise that the unconscious mind significantly controls and directs the conscious mind of humans. An unnamed governess, the narrative’s protagonist, qualifies Sigmund Freud’s notion that the normal human mind, in most cases, cannot rationalize its thoughts,...

“Mother Tongue” by Tan and “Learning to Read and Write” by Douglass

Introduction Mother Tongue by Amy Tan, and Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass are examples of the genre of literacy narrative. In the articles, both authors describe their relations with reading and writing, and their role of them, as well as education in general, in their lives. The...

Rushdie’s “Midnight Children” and Murakami’s “Kafka on the Shore’

Introduction There are three critical themes explored in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight Children and Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore. The three themes are a myth, fate, and prophecy. The authors of these two novels have vividly presented these themes through actions of the characters like Kafka, Saleem, Amina, Shiva, and...

Analysis of “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

The plot of “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner involves Colonel Sartoris Snopes or Sarty, a little boy from a poor family, whose father decides to burn barns of the people he works for. The setting of the story is early spring in rural America in the end of the 19th...

How Greek Mythology Subdued the Stress of Natural Phenomena

Introduction People have always created various stories to describe the world surrounding them. They were known as myths several millennia ago, which attracted individuals regardless of their backgrounds. Slaves, peasants, artisans, poets, and rulers appreciated them, as tales made their lives more meaningful and less stressful. Even though many people...

The Glass Menagerie: The Roles of Amanda and Society

Autobiographic works do not only help understand the author’s writing better but also do it credibly and convincingly. The Glass Menagerie is a memory play by Tennessee Williams, in which he recollects life challenges his family had to face. This paper aims to prove that the social environment, rather than...

Poems Comparison and Analysis

The poems below describe children playing and then one of them getting hurt by the door. Although the first poem starts on a cheery note, it ends with a sad mood because the child needs tending and the games stop. The poems are connected based on the content because both...

“The Book of Questions” by Pablo Neruda

The Book of Questions by Pablo Neruda is a complicated and stimulating poem that encourages readers to delve deeper into the fundamental questions of life and reality. From the very beginning, the speaker asks a set of four questions that are seemingly unrelated to one another at first glance. The...

The Idea of Friendship in Literary Works

Studying the phenomenon of friendship in literary works is quite popular among authors. The writer Sherman Alexie in his story “This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona” comically approaches the description of friendship between old friends. At the same time, Borges Luis, in the short story “Funes the...

“The Moldau” by Bedrich Smetana

The Moldau is the symphonic poem of the Czech composer Bedrich Smetana. The poem illustrates the flow of the Moldau river from its spring in the Bohemian forest to Prague. The Moldau theme is played five times and could be characterized as proud and playful by the character. Such an...

“American Born Chinese”: Theme of religion

Introduction Religion is a contemporary issue influencing civilization, morals, laws, and cultural societies globally. The American Born Chinese written by Gene Luen Yang’s narrates the experiences of immigrants in America using three different tales. This book conveys three major morals, which are resisting the urge to be assimilated, not denying...

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Winterson

Since ancient times, myth has been one of the main ways of mastering reality by a human. Thanks to mythological consciousness, people explained the events of the world and understood each other better. In addition, myths allowed people to create standards of behavior and to educate people in becoming decent...

The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Book of Genesis, The Divine Comedy

Literary art began to develop in ancient times, many centuries before our era. People recorded the events they experienced, described natural phenomena that they saw, and passed on their wisdom to future generations. Later, they started adding fantasy to literary works to make them more interesting and let impossible become...

“Charlotte’s Web” by E. B. White: Analysis

Charlotte’s Web is a novel by American author E. B. White. It was first published in 1952 and is intended for children. The story of the novel revolves around the friendship of a livestock pig named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte. The book is considered to be one of...

Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation Analysis

The stories of popular fictional characters are often filled with adventures and challenges intended to entertain the audience. At the same time, their authors mimic real life, exploring internal and external conflicts people face. Thus, such characters are suitable candidates for practicing psychoanalysis – especially if a person displayed has...

The Namesake’ by Jhumpa Lahiri: Compare and Contrast

Introduction Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel The Namesake expresses a complex combination of the emotions and feelings of the main characters who are trying to understand their places in society and identify themselves. The author shows an immigrant father, Ashoke, and his son, Gogol, who, despite different upbringings and cultural affiliations, go...

Glory of War in the Homer’s “Iliad”

Naturally, mention of participation in war is viewed with indifference because it often points to atrocities and other inhuman acts associated with it. Homer’s epic poem however contradicts this not by showing how magnificent war is but by presenting possible glory associated with involvement in the war. Homer forces the...

The Lesson by Bambara: Summary of a Short Story

The injustice of life is widely spread across the world and throughout time. Poverty and disparity are the critical elements of societal distress, and numerous national and ideological attempts have been made in order to eliminate societal and financial inequalities. However, most of these attempts have failed to exempt people...

William Shakespeare’s Henry ΙV: The Moral Ambiguity of the Characters

A complex plot with a sophisticated system of characters. Shakespeare’s work Henry ΙV part Ι is considered to be the greatest historical play. A complex plot with a sophisticated system of characters has become the subject of the research of many scholars. Two worlds come into collision in the play...

Human Nature in “The Scarlet Letter” and “Moby-Dick”

Introduction The books Scarlet Letter’ and ‘Moby Dick’ were the most engaging during the literature course. Both books are rich in themes concerning human nature. Although the books have been set in a different previous era, their contents are very appealing considering the similarity of human nature during that period...

“Schoolsville” by Billy Collins Review

“Schoolsville” is one of the most popular Billy Collin’s poems. This poem touches upon the theme of the boundaries between reality and unreality. Reading this poem firstly I had thought that it presents the memories of old teacher about his pupils but the last two verses confused me and made...

Barn Burning by Faulkner: Symbols & Setting Analysis

In the story Barn Burning by Faulkner, we first encounter Mr. Snopes in a courthouse. He is accused of burning Mr. Harris’ barn. The justice of the court tells Mr. Harris to prove his allegations but he is unable to do so because Mr. Snopes is cunning and does not...

Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut

Introduction Conscience functions as a judge in one’s mind and thus plays a great role in defining individuals’ behavior. It also helps one to differentiate what is right and wrong. Conscience is a universal inner feeling that shows one the standards of laws required of them, which gets embedded in...

Bonny George Campbell Ballade Review

Bonnie George Campbell is a very good child ballade that you actually do not understand when at childhood so deeply and thoroughly as you do when being a grown-up. Partially, because there are those words you do not understand and partially because adults apply more personal life experience. Overall, it...

The Theme of Success in “Winter Dreams”

Literary works of F. Scott Fitzgerald are very famous in the whole context of 20th-century American literature; the writer managed to win fame due to his artistic and gentle language, the ability to conform to the views, tastes, and attitudes of the beginning of the 20th century and his skillful...

“Teenage Wasteland” by Anne Tyler

“Teenage Wasteland” by Anne Tyler tells the story of a disturbed teenager, Donny, from the perspective of his mother, Daisy Coble. After Donny’s parents, Matt and Daisy Coble, learn that he is struggling at school, they take various steps to help him improve, including appointing a tutor, Cal. However, all...

The Theme of Change in Poetry

“Omnia mutabantur, mutantur, mutabuntur” as the Latin proverb has it. Antiquity has supplied us with perfect food for reflection since ancient literary sources are the treasury of wisdom, just as the sayings that have lived during centuries to supply humanity of the present with eternal wisdom. Everything changes. It is...

“Nathan the Wise” Play by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Nathan the Wise is a dramatic work by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing which is outstanding for its close relation to the epoch of the Enlightenment. It is an outstanding German play in five acts that discloses most of the ideals of the era. The theme of rationality in relation to religion...