Girl in Translation: An Immigration and Coming-of-Age Story

The story of young Kimberly Chang and her mother emigrating to New York from Hong Kong told in Girl in Translation crystallizes hardships that immigrants undergo. The family experiences financial troubles, exploitation, and discrimination on its way to prosperity. At first, Kimberly lives in a crummy Brooklyn flat without heating...

Analysis of “We Are the Animals” by Justin Torres

Justin Torres debut novel We are the Animals is a rather excellent book, transforming the cruelness of upbringing and life events into an adventurous journey. Such a combination brought the novel popularity amongst contemporary readers, providing an escape from reality. The story is centered on three brothers whose childhood in...

“Tell My Horse” by Zora Neale Hurston Book Review

Zora Neale Hurston was a writer in the early 20th century. Her book Tell My Horse was published in 1938, which described the hands-on experiences in Jamaica and Haiti held two years prior. One of the book’s central discourses is the preservation of the traditional African customs in the era...

Justification and Proof that Creon is a Tyrant

Introduction Almost all modern norms and rules of various cultural elements of the everyday life of modern society, especially Western, were formed in ancient Greece. It applies to the fundamental aspects of philosophy, literature, theater, politics, and general storytelling. Specialists and amateurs of these forms of culture should understand such...

American Dream as a Symbol of Hopelessness in Gothic Fiction

Introduction The Street is a novel by Ann Petry, an AAfrican American writer, whose other famous works include novels Country Place and The Narrows. The Street was first published in 1946 and sold more than a million copies. The main character of the novel, Lutie Johnson, decides to build a...

“Behold the Dreamers” by Imbolo Mbue

Behold the Dreamers is the novel by novice author Imbolo Mbue. The story revolves around Jonga and Edwards families that are both affected by the 2008 economic crisis. Jende and Neni Jonga are immigrants from Cameroon who desperately try to get American citizenship and stay in the country. Employed by...

Maggie Smith’s “Good Bones”: A Call for Loving the World No Matter What

Many modern poets are quite different from the classical representatives of the genre. They have more freedom of speech and do not need to conform to an societal rules, they prefer not to restrict themselves by any rhythmical patterns, and frequently, they do not take much care to choose flourishing...

“Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History” by Sidney Wilfred Mintz

Introduction In his famous book, Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History, Mintz studies where and how the goods that were produced on the islands since colonial times were consumed. Spices (ginger, allspice, and nutmeg), beverages (coffee, chocolate), rum, and sugar were exported from the Caribbean region...

“The Sorrow of War” by Bao Ninh Review

Introduction The book The Sorrow of War is a narration of one of the Vietnamese soldiers who narrowly escaped a massacre that left almost all his colleagues dead. As he went back to the Jungle of Screaming Souls, Kien, the narrator, remembers how his 27th Battalion was obliterated by the...

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan: Critical Review

People express their feelings and thoughts with varying levels of grammar proficiency. The essay by Amy Tan discusses this phenomenon, stating that her version of English differs from one situation to another. The author notes that while she makes grammar mistakes when she speaks to her mother, but she uses...

“A Rose for Emily” by Faulkner and “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by O’Connor

Introduction Moral corruption is one of the central themes of Southern Gothic. This literary genre frequently features characters that are not merely flawed but thoroughly debased to the point of being grotesque. In their pursuit of intensely personal obsessions and vices, they persistently violate both social norms and conventional human...

Research Paper on “Neighbors” (1988)

Raymond Carver’s short stories pens down a world where people constantly struggle for their self-respect and meaning for existence. This rustic feel about his short fictions exemplifies his life. Born in 1938, Raymond grew up in Pacific Northwest in a rustic environment, which had an inevitable effect on his writing...

“Schoolsville” by Billy Collins Review

“Schoolsville” is one of the most popular Billy Collin’s poems. This poem touches upon the theme of the boundaries between reality and unreality. Reading this poem firstly I had thought that it presents the memories of old teacher about his pupils but the last two verses confused me and made...

Playing Steve in “A Streetcar Named Desire” by T. Williams

Premiering in 1947, Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire is a play set in the late 1940s about the downfall of Blanche DuBois and the relationship between Stanley Kowalski and his wife Stella. Blanche and Stella come from an upper-class background in Mississippi, where Blanche lived and worked as a...

Ernest Hemingway and Shirley Jackson Writing Style

Introduction The current paper contains a discussion of the writing styles of two American writers Ernest Hemingway and Shirley Jackson whose works are now considered the classics of American literature. Some writers are influenced by others with a view to the chosen topics, manner of presenting facts and settings, the...

Time Machine in The Olive Tree by Aldous Huxley

Introduction Aldous Leonard Huxley was born in the year 1824 and died in the year 1963 at the age of 69 years. He was born in England but spent several years in United States in his latter life from 1937 till his death. He was a humanist and in later...

“The Life You Save May Be Your Own” by O’Connor

Author’s name: Flannery O’Connor This author has published a number of short stories apart from two novels. Her writing slants towards a compulsive Southern Gothic tradition with a strong narrative pace and most of her writings are based on old Southern styling. The readability of her works derives from the...

“Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway: Problem of Choice

Introduction People usually appear before the choice: whether to do this or not, whether to go there or not, whether to stay with the person or to leave him/her. Analyzing the story “Hills like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway and imagining the conclusion of the story, three main developments may...

“Nice Guys Can Get the Corner Office” by Edelman Russ

The Book, “Nice Guys Can Get the Corner Office” is a conflicting view of why being a nice guy in business and life has more benefits than what the conservative believes. Being a nice person is a fashioned thing in the modern world contrary to what the conservative has believed...

The Concept of “Therapon” in Homer’s “Iliad”

Introduction Homer’s poem “Iliad” uses a concept of “therapon” which is not typical for any of other writers of those times and of modern times as well. The concept concerns the character whose actions are described in the lines “Three times he charged with the headlong speed of Ares, /Screaming...

Racism in “Native Son” by Richard Wright

We live in time when the legacy of racism in America is now being assumed a thing of the past, with more and more people adopting interracial tolerance as the integral component of their existential mode. In its turn, this prompts many contemporary social scientists to suggest that, as of...

Medieval Imagination: Beowulf vs. Russian Mythos

Introduction When stories about Ilia Muromets, Dobrinya Nikitich, and Alyosha Popovich were told in Kievan Rus’ – the Slavic nation was dominated by the mighty city of Kyiv (modern Ukraine) from the ninth until the twelfth century. At this time old English poetry, or as it also called Anglo-Saxon was...

The Role of Women in “The Things They Carried”

Introduction While looking at Tim O’Brien’s book and what the author implements in it according to the role of women, one can surely guess of an unfair attitudinal background represented by men being involved in Vietnam War. This point is emphasized in many episodes where women were blamed and criticized...

Symbolism in The Things They Carried

Literature is the means of expressing the feelings and emotions that human being perceive during their lives. It is the form of art that allows people depict the most tragic and the most joyful events in their life, the most necessary and dangerous experiences, etc. The significant occurrences in the...

Amy Tan’s “Best Quality” and “A Pair of Tickets”

Over the past years, the novel “The Joy Luck Club” by Amy Tan has been attracting attention of scholars and researchers interested in cultural studies. A number of scholarly works have been dedicated to the analysis of this novel; the researchers explored such aspects of the novel as mother-and-daughter relations,...

Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” Performance

Introduction The play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, as all the masterpieces of the prominent writer, raised the themes of love, hatred, betrayal, and honor; the performance transfers the reader into the atmosphere of religious oppression and human portrayal of the central character, villainous Shylock. The play remains relevant,...

“A Short History of Nearly Everything” by William Bryson

The Book “A Short History of Nearly Everything”, written by a famous American author William Bryson is considered a brilliant combination of science and fiction books. It is worth mentioning that such a term as science fiction is not quite appropriate in this case because it does not show the...

Marquez’s The Chronicle of a Death Foretold & Allende’s The House of the Spirits

Introduction The novel “The Chronicle of a death foretold”, written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, is a novel based on a real murder that occurred in Columbia on January 22, 1951. The main characters in “The Chronicle…” and their actions, fate and intentions resembled that of the people in the actual...

Andromache in the Iliad: Character Analysis

The role of women in the ancient world is generally accepted to be that of possession and house-servant, mother and decorative status symbol, but not human, not thinking and not individual enough to act upon her own volition. This impression comes from a long line of ancient texts and documents...

Good Wife Penelope in Homer’s “The Odyssey”

The character of Ulysses is very famous and it is mainly associated with two epics namely the Iliad and the Odyssey both these great epics were written by homer. Ulysses was a Greek king who went on an expedition in the later parts of his life leaving his kingdom, his...

Flannery O’Connor Was an Epistle of Hope

Hope is an ambiguous feeling to describe. It is the shining candle in the gloom and the final sprite released from Pandora’s Box to mitigate the swarm of gloom that Pandora inadvertently released. When Flannery O’Connor makes this statement, she speaks with a conviction of a person who knows the...

The “Little Man” in the Big City: Gogol’s The Overcoat

The title of the story is ‘The Overcoat’ published in 1842, authored by Nikolai Gogol, the father of modern Russian pragmatism. A Great Russian novelist, Gogol is acknowledged to have quite a name as a satirist. An artist of words he is known to exert enormous influence over Russian literature....

Analysis of “The Miller’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales

Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales exemplify a precious immersion opportunity into not only the Middle Age’s world but into the nature of human redundancy as well. The customs, surrounding realia, and occasional mishaps of various strata of society living in the 14th century are presented in a facetious manner: in the form...

The Troy Film Inspired by Homer’s Iliad

Introduction Great works refer to the collection of all things, the creation of a man by himself. This refers to putting the full and entire faculties and his future expectations to the public this clearly indicates a person’s will or his way of thought. Great work may be based on...

Heroic Code in Homer’s Iliad

Homer’s Iliad is somewhat unique among the ancient tales because of its tendency to include human features in its heroes. Although it displays the same sort of adherence to the early ‘heroic code’, the heroes in this tale retain many of their human frailties and concerns. Each character displays a...

Death of a Salesman: Literary Analysis Essay

A radical innovative strategy in the literary analysis of a text in the modern literary learning and appreciation has been that of the literary experience which insists on the appreciating of a literary work as it is experienced by the reader and the elimination of the intimidating elements of literary...

History in “Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck

Introduction The book Grapes of Wrath is a national epic written by John Steinbeck. In this text, the author reveals the socio-political life of the country during the crisis years. Against the backdrop of this narrative, Steinbeck talks about the fate of the Joad family – one of many thousands...

Symbol of Liberation in Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

Introduction The Story of an Hour, which is a short literary work about a woman who thinks that she has become a widow, was written by Kate Chopin in the 1890s. In her short story, the author describes the metamorphoses and the inner dialogue of Louise, whose husband, as far...

‘The Last Night of the World’ by Ray Bradbury

‘The Last Night of the World’ is a short story by Ray Bradbury written in a genre of speculative fiction. It presents an evening dialogue between spouses who are drinking coffee and watching their daughters play on the rug. It is an entirely ordinary evening except for the dream they...

Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” Play Analysis

Introduction Death of a Salesman is a stage play that was written in 1949 by Arthur Miller, an American playwright and literary activist who was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The play is a famous piece of art, which is considered as one of the best theater works of...

“Night”: A Reflection on Elie’s Relationship with His Father

In “Night,” which is a semi-memoir dedicated to Elie Wiesel’s harrowing experiences in concentration camps, the topic of a father-son relationship and its development is very important. Elie, along with other Jewish people of his town, falls victim to the German occupation of Hungary. In 1944, Elie and his family...

Racism: “The White Man’s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling

Social Darwinism is a sociological theory, according to which the laws of natural selection and the struggle for survival, identified by Charles Darwin in nature, apply to relationships in human society. Social Darwinism was especially popular from the end of the 19th century until the end of the Second World...

Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” Literary Analysis

Fyodor Dostoevsky became a classic of Russian and world literature due to his ability to feel the subtle psychology of broken people, to create them in his works so that they seem frighteningly real. In the novel Crime and Punishment, the author tells readers about the tragic events in the...

Power in “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Marquez

Introduction Quote “They thought that he would have had so much authority that he could have drawn fish out of the sea simply by calling their names and that he would have put so much work into his land that springs would have burst forth from among the rocks so...

Hero’s Journey: A Comparison of The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and The Odyssey

Despite its ancient origin, the archetypal journey of the hero remains one of the most enduring and captivating stories known to civilization. The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and The Odyssey depicts two very different types of heroes – Gilgamesh and Odysseus – however, both heroes encounter the theme of...

Odysseus and Maximus: Heroes Comparison

Introduction In this paper, I compare two prominent heroes in contemporary literature – Odysseus and Maximus. Based on the portrayal of the latter from the movie Gladiator and the representation of Odysseus in a book with the same title, I argue that both characters had more similarities than differences. In...

Jewish Unity in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature

Modern Hebrew and Yiddish literature are extremely versatile in terms of subjects. Nevertheless, the themes of Jewish tradition, history, and culture pervade many of the pieces written by Hebrew and Yiddish authors. As stated by Miron, art and literature often serve to strengthen the collective identity of the communities that...

“Courting a Monk” a Story by Katherine Min

The descriptions used in the story by Katherine Min are often long or rich with imagery or color. The narrative appears to be a never-ending series of memories that are restated by a much older and wiser person than the book’s protagonist, Gina. Despite the fact that the story is...

Consumption-Driven Future in “Brave New World” by Huxley

Introduction “Brave New World” is a dystopian (or utopian, depending on the reader’s view) science fiction novel that was written by Aldous Huxley and published in 1932 (Atwood par. 2). In this novel, Huxley displays a future based on consumerism, free sex, and drug addiction, which has an unyielding resemblance...

“The Excursion” and “A Defence of Poetry” Comparison

Introduction Romanticism in England took place between the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century. This movement influenced writers, poets, artists, and other creators of cultural heritage. Romanticism is best traced through works of literature, in which the movement’s main ideas and defining features can be...

Jonathan Swift’s Hidden Satire in Gulliver’s Travels

Introduction Many scholars agree that Gulliver’s Travels was written as a bitter satire designed to parody the human race, with particular emphasis to England and Europe. However, despite this, the satirical significance of this book has over time diminished with its secondary meaning, as a children’s book emerging as the...

“Pride and Prejudice” a Novel by Jane Austen

THESIS: The author demonstrates that previous judgment and prejudice can be wrong and harsh; as the result of a long way of reflection, due to the various events in the lives of heroes, Darcy proves himself worthy of Elizabeth and she changes her attitude, realizing that her prejudice is unreasonable....

“Divine Comedy” and “Confessions”

Just like any other religion, Christianity had a period when it was to pave its way through the doubt and rejection of the people in order to gradually win more and more followers. The intent to move on from one religion and set of beliefs to another always comes along...

Women Role in Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet

Abstract The villain role of women in the Shakespeare’s plays Othello and Hamlet seems to have inspired the themes in both literary works. Currently, there exists an apparent insufficiency of analysis in the field of literature regarding the actual role of female characters in the plays. This paper seeks to...

A Modest Proposal by J. Swift and Candide by F. M. Arouet Literature Analysis

Based on the evident mistreatment that women get in society, feminists have devoted themselves to making hefty campaigns to end gender segregation. However, the role of women in society has not received its due attention. As a result, the paper sheds light on the roles of women as portrayed by...

Literature Studies: “Never Mind” by Rachael Vail

Theme The book, Never Mind, by Avi Rachel Vail, describes the lives of fraternal twins, Meg and Edward. The main theme in the book is a family rivalry. Edward and Meg do not like each other. They are in the seventh grade but in different schools. Edward hates Meg because...

“Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler

Introduction Octavia Butler has authored several novels based on science fiction. One of them is the ‘Parable of the Sower.’ The book was written in 1993. The main character in this text is Lauren Olamina. According to Butler (23), the female character possesses hyper empathy skills. To this end, she...

“They Shut Me Up in Prose” Poem by Emily Dickinson

In the poem, “They Shut Me Up In Prose,” Emily Dickinson speaks to the idea that the forces and powers that push to confine and hold can bring out freedom for ourselves instead. The main theme is overcoming originality or the concept that creativity will prevail despite limitations imposed by...

Olympic and Funeral Games in “The Iliad” by Homer

Homer’s Iliad is a full-scale artistic discovery made in the cradle of world culture — Ancient Greece. This is one of the first epic poems in the history of mankind. In the analyzed chapter, the topic of funerals and the Olympic Games in honor of the burial of an ancient...

Literary Elements in Anne Tyler’s “Clock Dance”

An author’s main intention when writing literature is to send a message regarding social factors and shed light on issues not readily visible to society. As a result, they adopt various strategies, which may sometimes conceal the real meanings of text or use words that attract and retain their audiences’...

The “I Fought the Law, and I Won!” Book by J. Cordero

Jonny Cordero’s 2017 book “I Fought the Law, and I Won!” is a semi-autobiographical work that contains fiction elements. The plot of the author’s work was mainly based on his life events. The main topics are relationships within a fractured family, the effects of divorce, being apart from loved ones,...

The Metaphor of Heart Trouble in Kate Chopin’s “Story of an Hour”

Introduction The use of literary elements in the short story helps the narrator depict the characters’ state in detail. Metaphors are among the widespread literary features, allowing Kate Chopin to vividly represent the psychological state of the protagonist of “Story of an Hour.” The story’s main character, Mrs. Mallard, learns...

Gender in Sophocles’ Tragedy Antigone

Introduction Ancient Greek tragedies are marked by the poets’ use of moral, social, and political themes to unveil human character and relations. One such tragedy is Antigone, written by Sophocles; it features a strong female character in opposition to an oppressive, politically bound male. Since Antigone crosses the limits of...

Evil in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by O’Connor

Introduction A Good Man is Hard to Find is one of the most outstanding works by Flannery O’Connor, a writer whose blood-chilling stories confront the usual stereotypes about religion, the good, and the evil. Indeed, in A Good Man is Hard to Find, O’Connor condemns the conventionalism of faith and...

Emotional and Physical Difficulties in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien

The book, “The Things They Carried,” by Tim O’Brien represents war’s emotional and physical burdens. The author captures his story and his colleagues, other soldiers who endure moral, emotional, and physical difficulties. The physical commitment includes military gear and other objects from those they left behind. They had guns and...

The Myths of Kali and Callisto: Treatment of Women

In the myths of Kali and Callisto, women are bound by a set of laws in order to be valued. Callisto is fooled and attacked by Zeus, who poses himself as Artemis to entice the vowed maiden into his arms (Callisto in Greek Mythology). Kali sobs because her honor has...

“A Wrinkle in the Realm” by Okri and “Tribal Ceremony” by Campbell-Hale

Today, reading minor literature is a unique opportunity to recognize and learn the gaps between modern citizens of the United States. There is no need to talk about inequality or injustice in interpersonal relationships but to see how the authors of a particular minority group share their thoughts and deliver...

Neglect and Psychosis in Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper

Introduction In modern civilizations, the rising fear of solitude among women is undermining social order. There is a need for assistance, especially among women with domestic obligations. This essay investigates the relationship between insanity and neglect as described in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper. The primary objective is to...

Rama and David as Heroes in “The Ramayana”

The stories of heroes have been broadly presented in literature since ancient times. Heroic characters tend to display various human traits focusing on their strengths and abilities to conquer enemies and overcome difficulties. In Indian literature, prince Rama from the book of The Ramayana appears as a particular example of...

“Girl” by Kincaid and “The Story of an Hour” by Chopin: Comparison

The short stories by Jamaica Kincaid, “Girl” and Kate Chopin, “The Story of an Hour,” entirely focus on women and their experiences. The story “Girl” takes the form of a mother’s list of rules for her daughter, detailing everything from domestic chores to social etiquette. In “The Story of an...

Is Shakespearean Hamlet’s Madness Feigned?

Introduction Hamlet is a tragedy play written by Williams Shakespeare; it is set in Denmark during unsettle times. It was revealed to the young prince that his father has been murdered by his uncle King Claudius, so Prince Hamlet seeks revenge by acting insane. Hamlet’s comments about madness, his elaborate...

Patriarchy and Masculinity in Things Fall Apart by Achebe

Introduction The central theme of Things fall apart by Chinua Achebe is the clash between traditional African society and the innovations brought by British missionaries. However, this opposition is not the only one in the book since the whole story is built on contrasts that allow the reader to understand...

“The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka: A Book Review

Introduction Like many other works by Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis is a surreal look at human psychology. This story bizarrely combines fantastic events and the dry style of realistic narration, as well as the lack of emotions in the presentation and the personal drama of the protagonist. The current paper...

“The Mask of the Red Death”: Story by Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction Man’s inescapable fear of death guides his daily choices and decisions from inception. The inevitability of life’s end is a constantly looming reality whose clock is unknown and fundamentally uncontrollable. This sentiment has percolated into works of art and, specifically, literary works of fiction in a bid to demystify...

The Character Study of Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”

Introduction Miller’s Death of a Salesman is iconic and representative since it takes place during a time of national catastrophe, the Great Depression. The author’s imagination was drawn to the seemingly insignificant lives exemplifying central themes, such as family relationships, financial wellbeing, and the shortcomings of the American dream (Churchwell...

Feminist Practices in “Little Women” Book by Alcott

Abstract This essay focuses on Alcott’s Little Women as a feminist novel and explores the representations of feminisms in the text. In that my exploration is on three areas to showcase Alcott’s feminism in the novel. First, I argue Little Women is a novel that presents writing as feminist practice...

The “After Apple-Picking” Poem by Robert Frost

Robert Frost’s After Apple Picking encompasses what I value in a literary work in regard to its symbolism hidden behind realism. At first glance, the poem portrays the narrator picking apples and becoming tired in “I am done with apple-picking now” (Frost, line 6). However, as the poem progresses, a...

Mrs. Mallard in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin features Mrs. Mallard as the main protagonist. It revolves around her inner character, which tends towards preservation. She is portrayed as a woman suffering intensely due to her internal thoughts. Her true personality is one of independence and intelligence. Her independence...

Gregor Zamza’s Image in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis

Almost from the story’s first lines, Gregor appears to be a tedious and shallow philistine with no interests of his own. However, later it turns out that he is a compassionate person who loves art and is in dire need of the love and approval of his loved ones. Another...

Themes of Knowledge and Family in Shelley’s Frankenstein

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a narrative that brilliantly illustrates life, death, desolation, vengeance, ignorance, and the fundamental human sin of behaving like God. The primary purpose of Shelley’s writing of this narrative is to demonstrate how futile it is for humans to play God, no...

The Evaluation of Susan Glaspell’s Trifles

Today, family abuse is a severe problem affecting numerous people throughout the world. Women from developed nations face the problem, meaning that the population of developing countries suffers from the issue even more significantly. That is why there emerge many non-profit organizations that aim to reduce the prevalence of the...

Of Man and The Stream of Time by R. Carson

Introduction In a 1962 speech at Scripps College, Rachel Carson helped kickstart mainstream environmental and conservationist movements. She focuses on how humanity has interacted with nature in historical and modern times. Carson uses her understanding of the man-nature relationship to establish the concept of the former against the latter. Carson...

Owl Eyes in “The Great Gatsby” by Fitzgerald

Introduction Owl Eyes is a minor character from Scott Fitzgerald’s novel “The Great Gatsby”. While only being present a few times in the story, his character is important to the overall message of the book and to the reader’s understanding of its characters. The audience first meets him in Gatsby’s...

Character Transformation in Lahiri’s “The Open Boat” and “Hell-Heaven”

Introduction Characters are the most important elements of a narrative because they drive thematic expressions and the whole story toward its ultimate goal. In other words, the types of characters presented in a story, the conflicts they experience, their relationships, and their behaviors comprehensively describe the tales’ hidden meanings and...

Feminist Issues in the Poetry by Adrienne Rich

Cimalová, Natalie. “Feminism in the Poetry of Adrienne Rich: A Comparison of Her Early and Late Poems.” (2015). The present article is devoted to the development of feminism in the poems by Adrienne Rich. The author states that it was strictly formal at the beginning of the 1950s and only...

Mango in “The Gift” Short Story by R. F. Ramirez

It should be noted that in “The Gift” by Rosario Ferré, several social issues are addressed, ranging from patriarchy and racism to institutional corruption and indoctrination. Puerto Rico serves as an ideal framework to assess and analyze the vast differences between the poor and the rich, which is the result...

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: An Analysis

“The story of an hour” by Kate Chopin focuses on Josephine, who has conflicted feelings about the loss of her husband. The entire text describes how she reacts to the news of her husband’s death. Her worries, possible memories, emotions and, oddly enough, the inhalation of freedom are placed at...

“Where Tourists Don’t Go” and “Saving Work” by Yanique

Two stories by Tiphanie Yanique, namely “Where Tourists Don’t Go” and “Saving Work,” were selected to identify the inherent conflicts. Religion is a recurring theme in both narratives; race and ethnic identity are at stake. “A church is burning down” begins “Saving Work” (Yanique 41). Both white American ladies, Diedre...

Racial Inequality in “Recitatif” by Morrison

Introduction Race, inequality, discrimination, and prejudice are the issues that have been significantly addressed recently but will probably remain a part of humans’ nature forever. Since these negative concepts bring too much violence and sufferings into this world, empathetic people try to help those who face unfair treatment. For example,...

Flannery O’Connor and Her Moments of Grace

Introduction Few writers inspire as many controversial thoughts as Flannery O’Connor does. Yet, the sense of controversy is exactly what distinguished her writing. O’Connor wrote stories that were filled with violence, despair, and loss. These themes are not accidental, as she viewed violence as having the capacity to uncover the...

Analysis of Kate Chopin’s Impact on Feminism

Kate Chopin was a prolific figure and a writer of the mid-to-late 19th century, who has contributed significantly to the growth of feminism in the United States. She was a well-read woman who has started writing after the death of her husband, publishing both longer works and short stories. The...

Romanticism in Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

Mark Twain’s famous novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer illustrates the Romanticism tradition in depicting the characters. Even though the romantic literature was in a state of collapse at the time of the novel’s writing, Twain preserved the inherent image for this movement. The dreams and desires of the main...

Structure of Langston Hughes’ Harlem Poem

“Harlem” was a poem work written by Langston Hughes in 1951, a time when jazz and blues music was emanating. He wrote the poem to explore the consciousness and lives of the black people in Harlem (Duki 162). The composition took another path of addressing the continuous experience of the...

The Perception of the Nation of Islam in “The Fire Next Time” by Baldwin

Introduction Religion is an essential element of many cultures and countries that often determines the attitudes of the general population toward specific questions, behaviors, or social structures. Authors sometimes exploit religion as a tool for elucidating a particular problem. For example, James Baldwin views anger and racial discrimination through the...

Review of “Othello” by Shakespeare

“Othello” is one of the most unique and outstanding works of the great William Shakespeare. There are actually more profound, complex, thought-provoking topics behind the author’s main idea, which lies on the surface. So, the main characters and their stories of the work are known to everyone, even if they...

The Connection Between American Literature and Jazz

The jazz culture and history of the United States have had a significant impact on American literature. Culture, social inequality, oppression, prejudice, and their hardships and frustrations are discussed in this literature, which comprises short tales, poems, and novels. To include these issues, oral techniques such as rap, blues, gospel...

Help for Kya in Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Where the Crawdads Sing is a modern novel created by Delia Owens in 2018. The author narrates the story of a girl who has to learn how to live independently at a very young age. At the beginning of the story, she lived in a rundown shack in the marshlands...

The Crucial Role of Nature in “The Farming of Bones”

In his novel The Farming of Bones, Edwidge Danticat, a Haitian-American novelist, engages in the process of re-remembering the tragic events surrounding the Haitian massacre of 1937, delving deep into his memories and the psychological relaying of history. From the very beginning of the novel, it becomes clear that the...

Romantic and Realism Literary Periods in Britain

English literature has existed from the beginning of time, developing spontaneously regarding forms of writing from different eras and periods. Realism and romantic periods originate from grouping literary works according to specific time frames exhibiting certain features. The periods help in understanding various characteristics of literary works according to the...

Home, Journey, and Identity in Children’s Books

The genre of children’s books might appear to be rather unsophisticated and plain to the uninitiated. However, on closer inspection, the world of children’s literature will reveal that it has no boundaries for imagination and, therefore, can stretch across the themes and subgenres hat no other type of literature can....

The Poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

The poem under analysis is “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and focuses on the necessity of humility and hope. The mariner is a messenger for the wedding guest concerning the message to deliver to the couple. Although the wedding guest shows patience with the mariner’s persistent essence in the...

‘My Mother Enters the Work Force’: Rita Dove’s Perspective on Motherhood

Rita Dove seems to have an intimate understanding of motherhood and the responsibilities ascribed to motherhood. In the poem, Dove provides strong diction and the female point of view to express the life of being a mother and a wife. In the first stanza, Rita Dove arrays motherhood as a...

Shakespeare’s Othello and Its Cultural Aspects

Introduction William Shakespeare once again successfully maneuvers between various human emotions, constantly changing the reader’s attitude to what is happening. The play’s structure implies a division into actions and scenes, where each subsequent element of the story may well be contrasting. The work shows and indicates what the people around...

Secondary Sources on “A&P” Story by John Updike

Introduction A&P by John Updike is a short story describing an incident at a supermarket. The main character, Sammy, is a representative of the typical middle class who works in the store as a cashier. When three girls in bathing suits enter, disturbing the peace in this establishment, Sammy decides...

Saving Rufus’s Life in “Kindred” Novel by Butler

Kindred is a fictional novel written by Octavia Butler, which touches upon the topic of the value of human life, referring to the horrifying antebellum South events. The female protagonist Dana suddenly experiences the time-traveling to the past and meets her ancestor Rufus, the antagonist of this story. Dana has...

The True Meaning of “Dulce et Decorum Est”

Dulce et Decorum Est is a poem written by Wilfred Owen in 1917 and then published in 1921 after the author’s death (Muttaleb and Hamadneh 3). Its title is the reference to Horace’s words, who once said, “It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country.” In his poem,...

Summary of “Paul’s Case” Story

Paul’s Case by Willa Cather is a short story full of temperament lessons. It is a narration of a few months’ events in Paul’s life. Paul is a student at Pittsburg High School, who prefers theater and music to class. The story begins when Paul is suspended from school; he...

The Great Gatsby: How Money and Class Create and Destroy Relationships

Money and class always played a huge role in the life of any society. Since ancient times, people have been marrying for money, undermining the primary value of love and romance. In The Great Gatsby, possessions and class are the factors that could contribute to the initiation of a relationship...

“The Sea of Trolls” by Farmer

Setting and Background Mythology is a collection of narratives, which explain the origin of the world without factual credibility. For instance, one the main characters Thorgil references the in-universe mythology: “That’s Asgard where the gods live and that’s the gate of Valhalla” (p. 360). Legends are stories of real events,...

Love in Shakespeare’s Sonnets 141 to 145

William Shakespeare is one of the most prominent figures in world literature whose characters and imagery are still popular. His plays are staged and screened in many countries, while his sonnets are widely read and recited. William Shakespeare focused on diverse topics in his literary works, but his sonnets are...

“Boy Meets Boy” David Levithan: Using Labels

People tend to use labels to define themselves in society because of the need to conform typical for everyone without exceptions. Such attempts usually have severe consequences when applied to others, especially family members. For example, in the book “Boy Meets Boy,” written by David Levithan, one of the main...

The Theme of Loneliness in “Hamlet” and “Odysseus”

The theme of loneliness has been explored countless times in numerous works of literature, yet the ones that address the specified issue most authentically are “Hamlet” and “Odysseus.” Although each of the specified pieces of literature approaches the concept of loneliness from a different perspective, the overall sense of loneliness...

The Novel “Falling Man” by Don DeLillo

The novel Falling Man by Don DeLillo is a story about a man who survived the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. The novel’s plot focuses on the life and relationships of Keith, the main character, who was working in one of the towers and managed to escape the...

Edgar Allan Poe’s Literature Analysis

Edgar Allan Poe (January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American novelist, poet, literary critic, and editor who represented American romanticism, the forerunner of symbolism and decadence. When “with the help of some money raised by his West Point friends, he published Poems by Edgar A. Poe,” he...

Women’s Gender Role Unfairness: “The Yellow Paper” and “Trifles”

Introduction The question of gender roles has been recurrently addressed in numerous works of literature. The presence of different outlooks on the issue allowed numerous contemporary and past authors to approach gender roles from numerous perspectives. The current research paper takes Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Paper and Susan Glaspell’s...

William Blake’s Influence on Modern Counterculture

An accomplished painter and poet, William Blake, is an influential figure of the Romantic age, which was characterized by people’s reactions to the changes occurring in Europe. His two prominently famous publications, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and Songs of Innocence and Experience, are among the artistic endeavors espousing...

“Wife of Bath’s Tale and Prologue” by Geoffrey Chaucer

Comparison and Contrast Both narrative accounts expose the reader to the perspective that a woman’s utmost desire is to have control over her husband. The wife and old hag in the two stories have the same perspective on what women want most in life. On the contrary, the prologue and...

Tradition in “Everyday Use” by Walker and “The Lottery” by Jackson

During the semester, several works were studied. “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson were exciting pieces of literature. The “Everyday Use” is a short story that highlights the plight of African -Americas who were trying to redefine their social, cultural, and political identity. It mainly...

“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain Review

Huckleberry Finn (Huck Finn) is the protagonist of the novel “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” written by the worldwide known author Mark Twain. Story is focused on the Hucks life path, his adventures and interactions with other characters. Mark Twain displays the boy as the moral center of the novel,...

Reinforcement of Sexist Stereotypes in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Introduction Jane Austen’s work occupies one of the leading places in British literary history and remains relevant from the Victorian era to the present. The novel “Pride and Prejudice” describes the love story of a young lady Elizabeth Bennett and an aristocrat Mr. Darcy, developing in the complex context of...

“Back to My Arms”: A Romantic Poem Analysis

Poem – Back to my Arms In the dark of the midnight, Lay me, eyes open, lacking sleep in the night, Thinking, taxing my mind, wandering the valleys, You crisscross thoughts; within my thoughts are alleys, Wanting to see, hold, and have you again as I remember with nostalgia, The...

Poem Analysis: Langston Hughes

Introduction Racial and cultural identity are among the most prominent themes of Langston Hughes’s literary works. It is important to point out that many of his poems explore different aspects of African American identity in regards to the overall culture and race as well as the intricate topics on social...

“A Retrieved Reformation” by O. Henry

An American author O. Henry wrote a short story “A Retrieved Reformation” in 1903 and published it in The Cosmopolitan Magazine. The plot tells Jimmy’s story, a theft, and a man who saved a girl’s life-risking to lose the personal relationships he established after prison. O. Henry’s narrative’s main character...

Imagery in “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

Annabel Lee is the latest poem by Edgar Allan Poe, which elaborates on the death of a young woman. There is no consensus in research and art literature on who is the protagonist of Annabelle Lee’s poem. The subject of the death of a beautiful woman is often touched upon...

Interpreter of Maladies: The Plot of the Story

Interpreter of Maladies is included in the collection of short stories of the same name. The plot of the story is built around the trip of the couple Das and their children – Indian immigrants of the second and third generation, who grew up in America – to the Sun...

Masculine and Feminine Writing Features in “To the Ladies” by Lady Mary Chudleigh

The issue of identifying and understanding the possible gender differences in linguistics, specifically in writing styles between males and females has been an area of interest to many researchers for a long time. Even without their knowledge, males and females write differently even when expressing the same ideas and this...

The Aria “Ev’Ry Valley” by Handel

The aria “Ev’ry Valley” by Handel is an oratorio with both biblical and historical context, and it can be considered a classic of the modern-day. It fits in the theme of the Messiah because the piece glorifies the fact that no mountain or valley can be a barrier in his...

Science Fiction as “Literature of Change”

Science fiction as a genre of modern literature is organically integrated into the public worldview, in the humanitarian culture of the 20th and early 21st centuries. It responds to a new type of “creative person,” as it is directed towards the future, contributes to the building of social projects of...

The Taming of the Shrew in a Park

As plays are meant to be performed rather than read, there is a great variety of plays from which one can choose. For the assignment, it was chosen to view The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare as a classic interpretation. The full video of the performance is available...

Claudius as the Main Antagonist in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Despite the fact that Claudius is introduced as the main antagonist in William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, he actually posses a number of strong qualities. In the beginning, the character shares his emotions about the death of the king and demonstrates his intention to support the family and “to bear our...

Animal Themes in Mythology: The Fox

Introduction Animals often have a prominent role in the world’s mythologies and folklore. The fox is a common figure in many traditions, representing a cunning trickster or, sometimes, messenger, figure (Ashkenazi 148; Lihui and An 239). This figure is not necessarily negative or malevolent but is often described as dangerous...

“Shooting an Elephant” and “Stranger in the Village”

The themes of oppression, alienation, and identity often permeate the well-known pieces of modern and classic literature. Conflicts that are understood on an instinct level are often engaging for the reader and broad with possible meanings. The basic issue at the core of a story can be expanded and turned...

Reconnecting With the Past: “The Namesake” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Introduction The Namesake is a debut novel by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri. Originally, a part of the novel was published in a magazine and only later extended to a full-length novel. It investigates the themes of multiculturalism, self-discovery, and isolation common in the lives of immigrants and their...

The Review of the Context as Content by Brian O’Doherty

Introduction A series of well-known essays by a renowned Irish writer Brian O’Doherty under the name of Inside the White Cube gives his thoughts on the art space, mainly focusing on the work of modern galleries. The design of the White Cube galleries has affected and permeated art and exhibition...

“Maus: A Survivor’s Tale” by Art Spiegelman: Characters Analysis

Art Spiegelman made his book sound very human, and his characters are real and complicated. Vladek causes controversial feelings during the course of the story. First words about Anja’s personality in his narrative include that she was from a rich family (Spiegelman, 1987). One may assume that if not for...

“Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare

Some masterpieces of the world literature and culture, in general, have now become deeply integrated into the human mind. As a result, the vast majority of the world residents no longer have the need to read the whole work or see its interpretation in order to retell its main gist...

Poets: Elizabeth Browning and Emily Dickinson

Introduction Elizabeth Browning and Emily Dickinson are the most famous poets of the 19th century. While the masculine society insisted that women were not capable of doing poetry, Browning and Dickinson emerged as the refutation of this statement. Elizabeth gained popularity with her works on the abolition of slavery and...

The Importance of Friendship Between Arnold and Rowdy

The book “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie tells a story of a boy named Arnold (nicknamed Junior) with a disability that made him an easy target for his peers. However, there was one person who was not being aggressive towards Arnold due to his...

Theme in Glaspell’s “Trifles” and Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun”

Introduction Words, especially sincere and true ones, are people’s most powerful and influential weapons. They can go deep into humans’ hearts and souls and touch the innermost and most essential parts. Some crucial concepts, including dreams, freedom, equality, fairness, and family, are sometimes so difficult to discuss that persons decide...

Importance of Snow in “The Guest” by Camus

At least once in their life – and, in all likelihood, far more frequently – everyone has the reason to think that the universe is unfair. While despicable and immoral actions may yield rewards and recognition, doing the right thing not only does not guarantee those but may even bring...

The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Book of Genesis, The Divine Comedy

Literary art began to develop in ancient times, many centuries before our era. People recorded the events they experienced, described natural phenomena that they saw, and passed on their wisdom to future generations. Later, they started adding fantasy to literary works to make them more interesting and let impossible become...

A Farewell to Arms Novel by Ernest Hemingway

War is an essential topic in A Farewell to Arms due to the novel’s setting at the time of World War I. While reading the book, it is particularly interesting to monitor the growth of the main character and the change in his attitudes towards war. In this essay, I...

Semiotics in “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino

Invisible Cities is a novel that invites the reader to active cooperation and provides erroneous interpretations. It seems that the development of an adaptive metanarrative for this text should not be too difficult since the emblematic nature of its constituent elements presupposes its presence. However, the complexity of perception is...

Ethnic Diversity in Poems by Pat Mora, Chrystos and Naomi Shihab Nye

Ethnic Diversity The issue of exile and the search for true identity is a significant topic in American culture. People with diverse nationalities and cultural backgrounds live in one country and have to defend their traditions and worldview (Schilb et al. 78). For the authors such as Pat Mora, Chrystos,...

“Why I Live at the P.o.” by Eudora Welty – Story Analysis

Narrator and her Relationships with Sister The first paragraph of Why I Live at the P.O. presents the reader with the narrator’s evaluation of relationships with her sister (Stella-Rondo). The narrator appears to be female having good relationships with her elders (Mama, Papa-Daddy and Uncle Rondo). The relationships between sisters...