Theme of Judgement in the “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee

Introduction To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee is one of the most vehement novels that break the tradition of ‘ part pour l’art’ and proceeds to provide some strong lessons. Racism and classism are one of its major themes, and in course of exploration of such a theme,...

Autobiographical Aspects of Saint-Exupery’s Works

Introduction Antoine de Saint-Exupery, to certain extent, can be compared to Leonardo Da Vinci, who, as one knows from the history, succeeded in painting, architecture as well as in exact sciences. Similarly, Saint-Exupery’s giftedness manifested itself in a number of directions: he studied architecture, worked as a sales manager and...

“Arabi” by James Joyce: The Overview of the Story

The story Araby is included in the series of the so-called Dubliners written by James Joyce. The series still fascinates its readers with epiphany, used in each story. The use of the device of epiphany means that the end of the story is unexpected and abrupt while the plot of...

“East of Eden” by John Steinbeck

The main message of East of Eden seems to be that the individual has a moral and spiritual obligation to discover for themselves whether they have acted for the good or the evil. This is stated outright by the narrator in Chapter 34, “There is no other story. A man,...

Personal and Cultural Identities in “Ceremony” by Silko

Introduction Self-consciousness, as a significant part of personal identity, largely determines not only the views on certain concepts but also the ability to adapt to society within the framework of specific living conditions. Those communicative, religious, and other beliefs that a person follows are the background for the perception of...

Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins Analysis

First of all, it is necessary to mention, that the novel, written in 1984, and describing the epoch of the VIII century touch upon the matter, that had been fluctuated humanity for centuries. The striving for immortality and eternity occupied the minds of the greatest philosophers and alchemists. While viewing...

Abner Snopes and Major de Spain as Figures of Authority in Faulkner’s Barn Burning

In Barn Burning, Faulkner manages to explore different themes related to family, authority, violence, and justice. Told from the perspective of a child conflicted by his moral obligations, “Barn Burning” illustrates the dichotomy between two exertions of power – Abner Snopes and Major de Spain. Even though Abner as the...

“Because My Father Said” Short Story’s Analysis

The story “Because My Father Said He Was the Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ at Woodstock” opens with Victor, the story narrator, recalling his father’s past life, how he was thrown to prison for assaulting a Private member of National Guards during a peaceful demonstration....

Nora in “The Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

Introduction Women in the Victorian period lived very different lives from women today. During this period, women began to question their allotted place in society as more and more opportunities opened for them in the urban centers of the country, providing them with a means of supporting themselves and freeing...

Critical Review of Voltaire Candide and Related Texts

Introduction The book that has been taken into consideration is a marvelous as well as an imperative chronological work in literature. Voltaire was a Renaissance Christian humanist who took part in the growth of the Enlightenment. First of all, the composition of his narrative Candide is Homeric, it is of...

War Theme in O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

The short story The Things they Carried portrays war and its impact on young soldiers, their life dreams and expectations, hardship, and fears. This short story can be seen as a reflection of the events which took place during the Vietnam War. O’Brien gives an insightful analysis of the deep...

Death of a Salesman: the Theme of a Small Man in a Big City

Introduction To some extent, the unique social and spiritual image of the United States attracts the constant attention of many people, including researchers and writers. The latter, as a rule, tend to understand and convey the originality of the American society, its past, present, and possible future scenario in their...

Heir of Prometheus – Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” Analysis

Greek legend has it that when it was time for men to be created, it was delegated by the gods to Prometheus, the Titan who had sided with Zeus in the war with the Titans. Prometheus whose name means forethought was very wise, wiser even than the gods. Prometheus took...

The Defining Decade: Summary and Response

The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now is a must-read book for those who are in the “twentysomething” phase and want to make their life better. Meg Jay, who has worked with clients of this age, has discovered some common problems...

“Buccaneers of the Caribbean: How Piracy Forged an Empire” by Jon Latimer

Introduction Buccaneers of the Caribbean: How Piracy Forged an Empire is an interesting historical book by Jon Latimer. The author chronicles historical events that occurred during the seventeenth century as buccaneers controlled the Caribbean. The buccaneers were confused with pirates, but they were privateers from France, England, and Holland, authorized...

Nora’s Character in Ibsen’s “A Doll House” Play

A Doll House is a three-act play that is set in Norway in the nineteenth century. It tells a story about a married couple living in a Norwegian town. At the beginning of the play, the marriage of the main characters is shown in a positive light, but it is...

Confucian Views on Women in Chinese Society

Introduction The teachings of Confucius have influenced all types of relationships in Chinese society, and they have also affected the social position of women, their status, and their accepted roles. In spite of the fact that Confucius did not directly write specific teachings about women, his approach to treating female...

Wilson’s “Fences” Play and the American Dream

August Wilson is one of the renowned American playwrights who displayed the complexity of the American society. Fences can be seen as one of his most referenced works that dwell upon the challenges of African Americans’ lives in the USA of the 1950s. The play uncovers the story of the...

“Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston: Plot, Characters, and Main Themes

Introduction The work that will be discussed throughout the paper is Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston. This short story was published in 1926 and, despite nearly nine decades from its first appearance, covers relevant and acute topics. The tale reveals the hardships of post-war marriage through the prism of sexist...

The Inability of Escaping Fate. Postcolonialism in “Steins Gate”

For many years, time travel did not fit into the framework of serious science. Nevertheless, this topic has become a kind of side occupation for theoretical physicists. Reflections on such travels lead to rather amusing, but also very thoughtful conclusions. For example, if free movement in time, at least in...

Forster’s “The Machine Stops”: Into the Darkness We Walk

As children, our curiosities and wonders of the world are at their peak. We have just been brought into the world and are restless to venture out and explore, to experience the world first-hand. I remember having a sponge-like mind and the desire to satisfy my endless curiosity while growing...

Archetypes in Cheever’s “The Swimmer” Story

Finding a balance between acting reasonably and daring to go on dangerous quests, despite a mature age, may be challenging. In his short story “The Swimmer,” Cheever portrays an upper-class man’s unusual night journey home, wherein he decides to swim back instead of walking. From one perspective, the man’s quest...

“A&P” the Story by John Updike

A&P is narrated from the point of view of Sammie, who is a 19-year-old boy working as a cashier at the A&P. Most of Updike’s story is told in the present tense, which creates a sense of immersion as if Sammie is talking. However, his point of view is rather...

Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

In the late part of the 19th century, short stories written by female authors shared certain similarities with reference to the topics they addressed. Thus, it is possible to compare literary elements in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” when determining similarities...

Literary Devices in Suzan-Lori Parks’ Plays

Introduction Suzan-Lori Parks is an African American playwright of the 20th century who transformed American theatre with her mythic plays. She has won the acclaim of dramatists, critics, and the public around the globe as a provocative and influential author. At the same time, her innovative approach to language and...

Flannery O’Connor: “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Introduction “A Good Man is Hard to Find” was published in 1953 and may be considered a compelling narrative about the importance of personal religious and moral integrity. Flannery O’Connor, the short story’s author, remains an influential American writer who honed a uniquely grotesque style that brought to life realistic...

“Death of a Salesman” Dramatic Tragedy by Arthur Miller

Introduction The genre of dramatic tragedy is revealed comprehensively in the play “Death of a Salesman” written by Miller. The main character of the work is Willy Loman, a salesman who is disenchanted with his life and goes through the difficult steps of an internal crisis. Miller represents American reality...

Crowd Impersonation in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Crowd Impersonation in the Story Despite the fact that all the characters of the story in question are vivid, great attention is paid to the crowd as a single organism yielding to common ideas and influence. Decisions made by people demonstrate that the mass consciousness is largely manageable, and correctly...

“The Age of Innocence” the Novel by Edith Wharton

Introduction The novel The Age of Innocence written by Edith Wharton presents a critical or even satirical description of the social norms and values adopted in the upper-class society of New York at the end of the nineteenth century. In particular, the author focuses on such a concept as innocence,...

“How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents” by Julia Alvarez

Today’s nurses are faced with the challenging task of delivering culturally competent care to a large number of patients with different ethnic backgrounds. Among other things, a culturally tailored approach requires overcoming prejudice and racial stereotypes, which have shown to have a negative impact on patient health (Perkins, 2014). The...

“I Cross Till I am Weary” by Emily Dickinson

Introduction In this work of poetry, the persona describes the struggles that she goes through, and what awaits her as she makes her journey to the place of grace (heaven) (Stanza five). As the persona nears the end of her narration, it is not clear whether her goal (place of...

“The Awakening” Analysis by Culley and Chopin

The article “The Awakening: an authoritative text, biographical and historical contexts, criticism” kicks off by giving the novel The Awakening appreciation for being among the few fiction publications that front a female protagonist. The author then goes ahead to explain how the gender of the main character causes her to...

Women’s Struggle in Sophocles’ and Ibsen’s Works

Introduction Even though the two plays; ‘Antigone’ by Sophocles and ‘A Doll’s House’ by Henrick Ibsen were written in completely different times, they share certain thematic elements when it comes to the portrayal of the female characters. For instance, the characters “Antigone” by Sophocles and Nora in “A Doll’s House”...

Eliezer’s Faith Struggle in “Night” by Wiesel

Introduction Elie Wiesel exhibits his struggle in religion and faith in a unique manner. As a Jew, Eliezer was brought up to be a staunch believer in God. However, the same is not evidenced throughout the book. Eliezer grows up believing that God is absolute and omnipresent. He is a...

Ha Jin’s “Saboteur” in Nicola McAllister’s Critique

While reading the critical response on Ha Jin’s short story Saboteur, I’ve realized that the critic Nicola McAllister has a low opinion of the Chinese government and knows nothing about the policy of China. On the other hand, he is just ignorant of the historical changes that took place in...

Jig’s Character in the “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction This conversation shows that Jug has made up her mind to keep the pregnancy. This is quite interesting because she engages in an ironical conversation, which is full of satire. This can be observed through the symbols she uses in the conversation. Apart from this, Jig fakes her innocence...

“The Waste Land” by Thomas Eliot

Advancements in the Humanities In 1922, Eliot wrote The Waste Land, a long poem, which imagery occupies the minds of scholars to this day. Various themes explored by the author in this writing include despair, stillness, and futility of life. Researchers focus on different topics of the work and often...

“Soldier’s Home and Out of Season” by Ernest Hemingway

The themes of alienation and isolation frequently occur in the short stories by Hemingway. The writer focuses on the separation of the protagonists from the outer world by creating circumstances and situations that prevent him/her from establishing relations with other people. Soldier’s Home and Out of Season are among the...

Samuel Daniel and Richard Lovelace’ Poems Comparison

Introduction This work is dedicated to two wonderful poems called ‘Fair is my Love’, and ‘To Althea, from Prison’, written by Samuel Daniel 2016, lines and Richard Lovelace. The purpose of this paper is to compare them, to reflect their contrasts and mood, and to define their meaning and core....

“Accelerando” a Science Fiction Novel by Charles Stross

Introduction Humans have always been fascinated about the future. This fascination coupled together with limitless imagination led to the development of the science fiction genre, both in print and on the screen. The industrialisation period that began in the 1900s inspired a new form of science fiction that mainly dealt...

Poems’ Form, Type, Tone, Voice, and Imagery

“Death Be Not Proud” by John Donne The poem “Death be not proud” by John Donne is an Italian sonnet. First, it has a total of fourteen lines with the first eight (octet) having a different rhyme scheme from the last six (sextet). The octet is of the a-bb-aa-bb-a rhyme...

“The Miracle Worker” a Play by William Gibson

Perhaps, one of the most famous works on the subject of disability and the means of people with disadvantages to feel a part of the society, The Miracle Worker handles the issue in a rather delicate and insightful manner, promoting the concept of empathy and cooperation as the primary tool...

“Road Not Taken” a Poem by Robert Frost

Introduction While the textbook offers a wide range of captivating, deep poems, fully of effective and meaningful symbolism, few of them are as captivating and current as the poem “Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, which is rightfully one of his more popular works (Frost). This is a narrative poem,...

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

Introduction This autobiographical account, written by Olaudah Equiano, is not only a story about the horrors and hardships of slavery, but also documented evidence of a slave’s experience. It reflects the relativity of ethical standards and explores the issue of civil equality. It is crucial to note that this autobiography...

Writing Strategies in Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”

Introduction An appropriate choice of a writing strategy during the classroom activities seems to be a significant step to be taken. The way of how a teacher is able to check students’ knowledge and involve them into the education process (Ryder & Graves, 2003) influences considerably students’ activities and understanding...

The Issue of “Othering” in Literature

The issue of “othering” was studied by plenty of authors. However, the need to examine the current situation remains. In this connection, in Frantz Fanon’s “The Fact of Blackness”, Nina McConigley’s “White Wedding”, and Eula Biss’ “White Debt” the act of “othering” and its impact as a generating factor of...

Dramatic Plot in “Defending Jacob” by W. Landay

Defending Jacob is a novel by William Landay, a lawyer. The novel stands out due to its exceptional ability to create mystery and dilemma for the reader. In the book, Jacob, a teenager, is accused of the murder. His father, Andy, is a prosecutor, who initially considers his son incapable...

“The Unbearable Lightness of Being” a Novel by Milan Kundera

Ever since Milan Kundera’s novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being was published in 1984, it became instantly popular with the readers. And, as of today, critics’ opinions as to what attracts readers to this particular novel vary rather substantially. Whereas; some critics explain novel’s popularity by the sheer progressiveness of...

“The Bean Eaters” by Gwendolyn Brooks

The subject of the Poem The poem The bean eaters deals with a seemingly simple subject, which is a scene of two old people having dinner and eating beans. However, a closer look at the narrative will show that it addresses an array of social issues, poverty being the main...

Animals in “The Dogs’ Colloquy” and “Gulliver’s Travels”

Introduction Authors often resort to the theme of animals in their prose and poetic works. The use of allegory allows them to attach a completely different meaning to a seemingly innocent character. Using animal characters allows us to compare and contrast them with human characters. Furthermore, the author can criticize...

“The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison: Main Themes and Motifs

Nowadays, many people tend to assume that there are no reasons to believe that the socio-political realities in today’s America are being affected by any officially endorsed policies of racial discrimination against African-Americans, as it used to be the case up until the late 1960s. Nevertheless, it does not represent...

“High Lonesome” a Book by Joyce Carol Oates

Introduction In almost every environment, there exist mentally ill or physically impaired individuals. Cases of maltreatment to such people have continually been evident within societies but no one is watchful to such situations. On the other hand, people have always had wrong perceptions that riches are capable of making such...

Kate Chopin and Her “The Awakening” Story

Introduction American literature is the written or factual work prepared in United States and some of its former colonies. It consists of thousands of short stories and classic novels and covers all other kinds of subjects and genres (D’Arcy 6). One outstanding fact that remains is the struggle to forge...

The Warrior Culture in “The Iliad” by Homer

In The Iliad, a culture that portrays bravery, honor and masculinity is highly honored. Men were expected to participate in warfare fully. Therefore, any man that shuns this responsibility or did not take part in the war was later faced with criticism. Individuals who failed to engage in the battles...

“The Martian Chronicles” by Ray Bradbury

Americans, in the twentieth century, saw wonderful scientific discoveries like the atomic bomb, the space age, and political moves that came as a result of a sense of superiority for America. It elevated America to a nation that was ahead in civilization and development. All these phenomena had a great...

Biography in “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

Introduction The Things They Carried is a classical work of art written by Tim O’Brien. The piece of work is classified as a novel and an anthology of interconnected short stories (Scott 1). Although the critics have challenged the book several times for its vulgarity and confusing structure, it should...

Puritan Values in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”

Introduction There is no doubt that law, order, and moral norms remain the components that allow to shape the society and to control people to prevent a wide range of unwanted situations. When it comes to the life of modern society and its members, it is necessary to say that...

Lucille Clifton’ Poems Comparison

Introduction Lucille Clifton is noted for her outstanding ability to say very much using very few words. Her poems are full of life and passion, though hardly any exclamations are used. She uses simple means to express powerful ideas. Proclamation of the need for racial and gender equality, a hymn...

Standards of Quality Prose Fiction

High quality prose fiction is characterized by several unique features. These features include a properly chosen point of view, precise themes, appropriate stylistic devices, a relevant setting and realistic characters (Beers 27). Features such as themes, stylistic devices, setting and characters may be shared among many genres of literature but...

Awkward Scene in The Castle of Otranto by Walpole

Introduction One awkward scene in the novel was where Manfred stabbed his own daughter Matilda when she was out with Theodore at St. Nicholas church. Manfred was in love with Isabel, but he thought that she loved another man called Theodore. As a result, Manfred had deployed a man to...

Homer Biography

Homer is known to be the founder of the written poetry in the Western cultural history. His works are the first fixed examples of Greek poems that are currently available to the historians. Even though there are still numerous disagreements on the quantitative quality of his writings, the two masterpieces...

Stylistic Devices in Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction Literature has always been an integral part of human society. It helped people to express their feelings and emotions and share thoughts that seem very important to them. That is why, since the beginning of the history of the mankind, authors tried to create some special and unique approach...

The Novel “The Inheritance of Loss” by Kiran Desai

The book “The Inheritance of Loss” by Kiran Desai talks about an important world issue of class division and the differences between the social layers. The Soviet times are analyzed as the period when there was a race for satellite and space control between nations, which created even more division...

“The Karma of Brown Folk” a Book by Vijay Prashad

Introduction The book, The Karma of Brown Folk, is the book that presents the history and the life of the minority groups in the United States. Some of the minority groups that the book examines include Asian and Black Americans. According to Prashad, Asian and Black Americans living in the...

“The Romance of the Forest” a Novel by Ann Radcliffe

Despite being set in a particular time and place, Radcliffe’s story actually transpires in a space of imagination and feeling; it is the moral and emotional state of her characters that form the focus of the author’s attention, with a Cinderella plot underpinning their journey of towards discovery and reward....

Night by Elie Wiesel – the Nazi Concentration Camps

Night illustrates the life of Elie Wiesel and his father in the Nazi concentration camps during the World War II (Rucco 3). In the concentration camps, they underwent through cruel and brutal situations. The situations affected and changed their relationship in a number of ways. After being taken to the...

Family Relationship in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Introduction In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, the relationship between Eliezar and his father appears to be complex. It is shaped by harsh conditions, religion, deportation, and the interaction between the two and other people. In this essay, the author analyzes how this relationship changes throughout the novel. According...

Ethical Dilemmas in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Introduction Hamlet is William Shakespeare’s tragedy play that was written in the late 14th century. It is believed to be the most popular of his literary works owing to the catchy phrases that have found their way in today’s conversations such as “to be or not to be” (Shakespeare 110)....

Revenge in the Play “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”

Introduction Hamlet is a character used in the play, Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, to depict the theme of revenge. In the play, Claudius and Gertrude kill Hamlet’s father, the king, due to the quest for power. The murder of the king motivates Hamlet to commence his revenge mission. Evidently,...

“Night” by Elie Wiesel and His Faith in God

Night is a story by Elie Wiesel in which the writer accounts for the horrible experience he had with his father during the time of the Holocaust. Throughout the novel, Wiesel reproduces the details of his staying in the Nazi German concentration camp during the Second World War. The protagonist...

Richard Wright’ and Langston Hughes Literature Comparison

Richard Wright and Langston Hughes are the writers that were very concerned about the racial issues in the society of the United States of America. Both of the authors use their talents to address the problem of racial differences and the outcomes they cause. Hughes and Wright emphasize the equality...

Night by Elie Wiesel: A Memoir About the Holocaust Experiences

Children normally are the centerpiece of society. They are treated with love and lots of affection as they are the originators of joy in the families. At this tender age, a child is meant to learn the ways of society which in most cases constitute the norms and virtues of...

Literature Image Exploration: “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

In the play Oedipus the King, Sophocles uses various images to develop the narrative or highlight the inner world of the characters. This paper is aimed at discussing such a symbol as the cross-roads which plays an important role in this tragedy. To a great extent, it denotes the moment...

The Animals Images in “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

Symbolizing animals is an old practice that persists in modern literature. However, making the symbols too obvious is not considered professional. For example, attributing archetypal feline qualities to a woman or parallelizing cats and witchcraft is considered cheap (Hannah 4). Thus, we can configure that labeling a dog with the...

“In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote

Truman Capote in his book In cold blood has created allocated the main character varied strengths and intolerance. This is the main character and he is known as Perry Smith. In general Perry Smith has been described as having a disproportionate body with a heavy muscular torso and broad shoulders...

“Long Walk Home” a Book by David Laskin

Key Argument Summary The onset of the 20th century was marked by incursion of immigrants into America. The majority of the immigrants, thought by most Americans to be naïve, came from non-English speaking countries (Laskin 6). The migration was caused by persistent conflicts at home and religious persecutions in mother...

Motives for Writing by Robert Keith Miller

It goes without saying that there are no literature works that would not be created under the influence of a particular idea, emotion or event in life. Thus, the three works of literature that we are going to discuss in this essay also were created under the influence of the...

Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Image Exploration

The sea water is an important image of William Shakespeare’s play The Tempest because it symbolizes the power which can lead to the loss and devastation or which can symbolize the personal success because of being calm and consistent. Thus, the damaging power of the sea water is reflected in...

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kessy Literature Analysis

Introduction Written by Ken Kessy, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a masterpiece that relates closely to Kessy’s experiences with mentally sick people. Several themes come out clearly and they expound America’s unrelenting efforts to root out communism and despotism around the globe. For instance, themes of individuation and...

“Paradise Lost: Book II” by John Milton

In general, the British literature highlights Satan’s convincing tactics on the two characters in the story. The two characters faced several problems, and through the text, we see that Satan is convincing them to choose the death path to avoid any more suffering. The opening line of the literature is...

The Play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Hamlet and Ophelia both exhibit insanity, but for different reasons and in their own degree. Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, presents an enthralling view on lunacy and the individual mind. It presents a sharp contrast when comparing two characters, Hamlet and Ophelia. Claudius kills Hamlet’s father and takes his crown. He further...

Literature: “On being brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley

Introduction The poem “On being brought from Africa to America” by Wheatley elicits mixed reactions from readers. Wheatley was a slave Negro girl. She lived between 1753 and 1784. She spent her childhood years with a wealthy Boston family. However, unlike other slaves, her masters taught her how to read...

An Issue of Plagiarism

Introduction Literature has been the main source of knowledge and somewhat entertainment. The moment we wish to increase our knowledge or want to refresh ourselves we refer to some sort of literature and get entertained. Still sometimes such type of activity itself faces some, so to say, misuse, and thus...

Literature: The Man in the High Castle by Phillip K. Dick

Introduction The stories by Phillip K. Dick have a philosophical background. An imposter is one of Dick’s works. Although it is written in the genre of fiction and narrates about the imaginary future, its plot shares the common themes with the philosophical teachings of Plato, the Ancient Greek philosopher. The...

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

Introduction The bluest eye is a mind-blowing novel written in 1970 by Toni Morrison, an American author. The issues of incest, racism, and child molestation are discussed in the book, and it focuses on the life of Pecola Breedlove. Pecola Breedlove was an 11 years old African American girl in...

Gilgamesh and Homer’s Achilles as Epic Heroes

In many aspects, Gilgamesh and Homer’s Achilles, the main figure of the Iliad, are similar. Achilles is a demigod, like Gilgamesh, born of the goddess Thetis and the human Peleus (Homer 10). Hector, the Trojan prince, is defeated by him in single combat, demonstrating his strength and combat prowess. Additionally,...

Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” Story Review

Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” is a riveting story of exploration and self-discovery. The novel chronicles the narrative of Chris McCandless, a young man who embarks on a quest to discover himself in the Alaskan wilderness. While many may see Chris’s narrative as one of bravery and freedom, it is...

Symbolism in “Young Goodman Brown” by Hawthorne

The use of symbols by Nathaniel Hawthorne in “Young Goodman Brown” highlights his disapproval of the Puritan religion and the hypocrisy of its adherents. This paper examines how Hawthorne uses symbolism in the narrative and how much he criticizes the Puritan church for its hypocrisy and perversion of faith. Hawthorne...

Dante’s Inferno: Personal Version of “Hell”

Introduction The literary masterpiece Dante’s Inferno has captivated the imagination of countless generations. People have been fascinated and terrified by the idea of Hell and the punishments that await sinners for centuries. Based on the concept of divine justice, Dante’s depiction of Hell depicts sinners suffering as a result of...

“I, Too” by Langston Hughes: Historical Context

The poem I, Too was written in the year 1925, leading to a discussion of the historical background. Primarily, one of the most impactful and devastating events that took place around the time of these works was racial segregation, which started approximately around the 19th century and ended in 1964...

The Hunt for the Hooded Jewel Thief: A Detective Sarah Johnson Mystery

Detective Sarah Johnson was called to the scene of a robbery at the city’s prestigious jewelry store. Upon arrival, she noticed that the front window had been shattered and the alarm was blaring loudly. The store manager was waiting outside, visibly shaken and pointing to the back room where the...

“Jesus’ Son” by Denis Johnson Thread

In modern literature, much attention is paid to how authors develop a thread, meaning a critical plot line for different characters. Some writers prefer to make their stories as simple as possible to focus on personal development and self-growth. At the same time, other individuals rely on the complexity of...

Retelling “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson is the author of the short story “The Lottery,” written in 1948. All citizens of a small village gather in the square between the post office and the bank. It is a warm and sunny morning of June 27th, so it is high time to organize the lottery,...

Predictions Regarding “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

Introduction As preparation for this assignment, I read the first 4 chapters of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In this part of the work, I have learned more about Victor Frankenstein’s childhood and live, his interests and aspirations. With the information I have been given, I shall attempt to make a number...

Rice’s Moon of the Crusted Snow Book vs. Becoming Nakuset Film

Both the book Moon off the Crusted Snow and the documentary Becoming Nakuset explore themes of identity and self-discovery and the struggles faced by women of color in a predominantly white society. The novel concentrates on the experiences of a young lady named Noval, whereas the documentary is focused on...

“A Long Way Gone” Book by Ishmael Beah

Nowadays, many peaceful adults go to war not out of ideological convictions but only for the sake of saving their children and ensuring they have a brighter future. Kids should be valued and protected all over the world, both by their relatives and strangers. However, this view was not shared...

Michel de Montaigne’s Wisdom in Essays

Michel de Montaigne was a French Renaissance writer who developed the essay as a literary form and wrote some of history’s most enduring and significant articles. Michel de Montaigne was an academic who devoted his entire career to criticizing intellectual hubris. In his major opus, the Essays, he reached out...

Desperation and Salvation in Postcolonial Literature

Every postcolonial piece of literature gives readers an idea of how the suppressor and the subjugated nation coexisted in one time and place. These works are always accompanied by protagonists and antagonists who raise the problems of slavery, inequality, migration, and marginalization of certain groups. Disgrace – a novel by...

The “Harry Potter” Books by J. K. Rowling

Introduction While reading through the Harry Potter series by anyone, it quickly becomes clear that the series is more of a family friendly type of book. It gives of a child-like sense of adventure, giving magic and the excitement of a new world to whoever reads it. This does not...

The Poem “The Iliad” by Homer: Hector’s Character

Introduction The poem depicts many different leadership images, however, some of them are more vivid than others. For example, one of these characters is Hector. This is an exciting and multifaceted character, and the author skilfully intertwines the different features of his personality into one individuality. Hector, along with the...

“The Closing of the American Mind” Book by Bloom

Introduction In 1987, Allan Bloom published a book that would stir up a great deal of controversy. The Closing of the American Mind examined the state of higher education in the United States and painted a bleak picture. Bloom argued that American universities had abandoned their mission to educate students...

Sunjata’s vs. Hamlet’s Literary Works Comparison

Introduction The works of Sunjata and Hamlet have been revered for centuries, each inspiring generations of readers and viewers with their captivating stories and characters. Sunjata is a 13th-century epic poem from Mali, written by an anonymous griot, and Hamlet is a famous tragedy from the late 16th century by...

Gothic Elements in “The Passion” by Jeanette Winterson

Introduction Jeanette Winterson is a postmodernist writer whose work blends history, fiction, fairy tales, and feminine romance. Postmodernism allows the combining of different writing techniques and genres. In this sense, in The Passion the author could employ parody, irony, historical rewriting, self-reflectivity, and gothic elements. Postmodernism is often characterized as...

Gender Inequality in “The Yellow Wallpaper”, “A Rose for Emily”, and “Trifels”

Introduction This research paper focuses on analyzing three texts: A Rose for Emily, written by William Faulkner, The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Susan Glaspell’s Trifles. All of the above works are prime examples of classic feminist literature and demonstrate the problem of gender inequality from a historical...

The Gilgamesh and Ramayana Epic

Introduction The mysterious and legendary process carries the prospect of the ultimate fate of ordinary people’s lives. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written around 2000 BC, while the Ramayana was composed around 1800 BC by the ancient Indians (Bhide et al. 501). Both accounts provide extraordinary evidence to show people...

Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice: Aschenbach’s Psychological Struggle

Introduction Realism is a literary movement distinguished by its unique depiction of human nature by depicting specific people in a specific time and place, also known as a slice of life. This is accomplished using vernacular to create a convincing yet true depiction of a culture. Similarly, psychological realism employs...

Cinderella Story by The Grimm Brothers

Introduction Two German brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, penned the Cinderella tale in 1812 that showcases success despite life’s obstacles. The tale points out how parents should be a symbol of protection to their children, but this is contrary to the tale’s significant happenings that depict negligence. The parent stays...

Racial Issues in the “Fences” Play by August Wilson

My favorite play from this course’s reading is Fences by the playwright August Wilson. The drama relates the story of Troy Maxson, a former player in the Negro basketball league trying to provide for his family. Because of his race and the color barriers in sports, he was prevented from...

Two Spirit in “Johnny Appleseed” Book by Whitehead

Introduction Johnny Appleseed is a novel written by Joshua Whitehead exploring the theme of sexuality and the indigenous nature of people. He writes about a young man named Johny, who is seen yearning to get back to the city for the burial of his stepfather. After some time, Johny becomes...

Assessment of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry

Emily Dickinson is an influential poet of American literature of the XIXth century. Unlike most renowned authors and poets, she did not live to see her writing published. Therefore, her poems are minimally affected by editorial input and can show the author’s original semantic as well as stylistic intention. The...

Unconditional Fatherly Love in Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays”

Introduction Differences in the perception of life values, manifested in the context of a generation gap, are a common problem raised in literary works. In Hayden’s poem “Those Winter Days,” the poet demonstrates such an assessment by presenting himself as the narrator. In this short poem, he faithfully captures the...

Concept of Power in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Henry IV Plays

Introduction Shakespeare’s plays present complex narratives where power is not a stable construct that defines one characteristic. Instead, as many authors argue, it is tied to the appearance of order and the expulsion of evil. It generally implies that people with political power must protect their citizens, albeit it is...

Money and Relationship in King Lear by Shakespeare

There is one constant throughout the ongoing evolution of the human species. Simply because it is human nature, people are motivated by money and power. King Lear, one of Shakespeare’s most well-known tragedies, is a nihilistic story of destruction, money, and power conflicts that was originally performed in 1606. The...

“How the World Was Made” Cherokee Origin Story

Native American cultures have a strong sense of connection to and unity with nature, an aspect of characterization. Like other folklore, the Cherokee story explains how the creation of the world and environment. However, what sets this origin tale of the Native Americans is that its lessons about respecting nature...

Racial Issues in Othello and Their Relevance

Introduction The topic of discrimination on various grounds, including racial ones, is not new. People who differ in skin color and culture often become outcasts in society. The very existence of a divergent person gives rise to a societal conflict. Shakespeare’s Othello deals with such a confrontation, showing the viewer...

The Key to “A Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell

The Primary Message of the Story Susan Glaspell’s story, A Jury of Her Peers, explores a mysterious murder in Dickson County. The short story illustrates gender roles and their significance in the twentieth century, with Martha Hale as the lead character in the novel. The primary message communicated in the...

The Necklace’s Protagonist: Mathilde’s Struggle for Identity

Many works of literature explore life and raise diverse discussions. For instance, The Necklace encourages conversations on the importance of wealth. The story follows the experiences of M. and Mme. Loisel. One day, the couple receives an invitation to a fancy ball (de Maupassant 19). Mathilde, the wife, borrows a...

“Under the Influence” by Scott Sanders

Scott Sanders uses various literary techniques and skillfully manipulates his vocabulary to produce the necessary conciliatory tone across his essay “Under the Influence.” Analogies and tropes are some of the most frequently utilized literary devices in “Under the Influence,” although the book contains numerous other literary devices. Sanders’ syntax plays...

Gender Equality: Language and Literature

The universal human rights principles propound that every person must be treated equally before the law regardless of their gender. However, gender discrimination is observed every day in various social institutions. Women authors express their dissatisfaction with their societies by telling their personal stories or through narrations based on real-life...

“The Sociological Imagination Analysis”

Mills’ purpose in The Sociological Imagination was to unify two distinct and intangible ideas of social existence, namely the concepts of person and society. As a result, he coined the term “sociological imagination,” produced an authoritative book on it, and defined it as the profound perception of the link between...

Alienation in the Works of Hemingway and Faulkner

The themes of loneliness and alienation are shared among all writers of the Lost Generation. The desire to find a home and return to everyday life after the war influenced the styles of Hemingway and Faulkner. Similar life experiences encourage writers to depict events in dark tones, full of ambiguity...

Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” vs. Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Introduction For several years, novels, stories, and poems have been published daily. The field of literature has expanded significantly over time. Every novel is unique, yet they can share several similarities. The short tales “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman have...

Themes in “The Kite Runner” by Hosseini, Khaled

The Kite Runner raises a range of topics and themes that have sociological importance and exemplify the pillars of power imbalances. In particular, the author thoroughly incorporates some divisive worldview- and ethnicity-related factors in the storyline. Some themes of interest include ethnic prejudice and religious devotion used as an excuse...

Gregor’s Behavior in “The Metamorphosis” by Kafka

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a true classic of fiction of the early twentieth century. However, it is underestimated because of the abundance of symbols that many readers do not understand. The novel was written in 1912 and implied as a part of a compilation called Punishments, along with...

Techniques That Make Claudia Rankine Poems in “Citizen” Relatable

Introduction Claudia Rankine is politically charged prose poet, and her works, especially Citizen, have a great influence on the modern American society. Citizen is a poem conducted in prose, thus making it one of the staples of the contemporary literature. One of the important things about Rankine’s work is that...

Analysis of Arthur Miller’s Play, “The Crucible”

Arthur Miller’s play, “The Crucible,” is inspired by the McCarthyism hysteria which occurred in the 1940s and 1950s due to the inconsistencies in the Salem witch trials. The play is based on extreme behavior when people had hidden agendas and dark desires (Li 116). Thus, the word McCarthyism means making...

Identity Development in Yukio Mishima’s “Sound of Waves”

Introduction The Sound of Waves is a fishing love story in the style of the poem about Daphnis and Chloe. Yukio Mishima focused on the story of noble heroes with strong and invincible characters. Consequently, the novel’s key theme is cognition of oneself and the world around these individuals through...

Orientalism and Perception of 1001 Nights Stories

Introduction 1001 Nights have several translations, many of which Western specialists make. The author of the collection is unknown, and it is unclear which short stories were included initially and which appeared in later versions. Most readers in Europe and the United States are familiar with Scheherazade’s tales through Western...

Lightman’s “Great Clock and Temple of Time” Chapter

Human lives are inextricably linked with time measurement – people count their age, daily routine, and separate seasons and days. The chapter from Lightman’s (1993) Einstein’s dreams, dated June 18, 1905, devoted to the Great Clock and Temple of Time, raises the question of how measuring time changes human perception....

Milton’s “Paradise Lost” Poem Interpretation

Introduction John Milton’s Paradise Lost is a poem based on the Old and New Testament, about the oust of humanity from the garden of Eden and the fall of Satan from heaven. The 1667 edition of this poem was divided into ten books and was written using the blank verse...

Comparison of Anton Rosicky and Rip Van Winkle

The characters Anton Rosicky and Rip Van Winkle share many common traits regarding themselves and their destinies. They both go through an event that changes their life and makes them approach it differently, primarily due to them both being close to death. The primary similarity between their experiences is related...

The “Antigone” Play by Sophocles: A Short Analysis

Introduction Sophocles was a prominent tragedian who contributed to the development of Athenian drama. His Antigone shows the conflict between divine and human laws and puts unwritten rules of life above all. On the one hand, religious beliefs rooted in the traditions of a tribal community ordered people to sacredly...

“A Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” by Tennessee Williams

Being one of the best-known plays by Tennessee Williams, “A Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” has a major potential for multiple theatrical adaptations. The Broadway one is by far the most famous reiteration of the play, yet the Broadway approach to reimagining the play might seem as unusual to...

Rose as a Family Leader in “Fences” by August Wilson

Introduction Fences is a play by American playwright August Wilson that was first staged in 1985. Set in Pittsburgh in the 1950s, it explores race relations and the evolution of the African-American experience. In the center of the plot is the character of Troy, the head of the household, who...

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” by Unninni and “The Medea Stories” by Euripides

Women empowerment has been represented evidently in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Medea stories. In the Epic of Gilgamesh written by Shin-Leqi Unninni in ancient world, the story revolves around a character named Gilgamesh, the king of a place known as Uruk. The author suggest that Gilgamesh is partly...

Levine’s “The Overstory” Novel Analysis

If one is to refer to Caroline Levine’s definition of a form, The Overstory, as a novel, is a whole. Inside this whole, there is a multitude of other forms interacting with one another and structuring Powers’s (2018) narration. For one, the scene of Patricia’s testimony in the court is...

Aristotle’s Perspective on the Greek Tragedy

Brief Summary Sophocles wrote the tragic drama, Oedipus Rex, around 429 B.C. when it was first presented. It depicts the story of Oedipus, king of Thebes, who is said to have slain his father and married his mother by accident due to a prophecy made to Laius, the previous ruler...

Wilson’s “Fences”: Discussion of Rose Character

It is important to note that Rose in Fences is a vital character who represents maternal care and practical love. One needs to be aware that she is the only female figure in the story who brings balance between Cory and Troy. In addition, when it comes to her functional...

Black Women’s Life Experience in Alice Walker’s Stories

Introduction This essay compares Alice Walker’s two short stories with a recurring theme about black women’s experience in contemporary life. The first story is Everyday Use, and the other one is The Temple of My Familiar. The two stories are similar in that the author shows the exclusive women’s journey...

Harlan Ellison’s “Repent, Harlequin!” Short Story

Introduction Building a world in which time is the main part of life, Harlan Ellison, in Repent, Harlequin! Said the TicktockMan!, rejects the blueprint of chronological storytelling and uses satire to illustrate the startling dependence that humans have on time.” Ellison disregards the principles of a customary time succession and...

“Drinking Coffee Elsewhere” by ZZ Packer: Plot, Key Themes, and Topics

The collection of short stories Drinking Coffee Elsewhere is, in itself, an exploration of the role of race and ethnicity in modern American society and literature. By employing the lens of a specific narrator for each story, Packer makes them more personal, filled with the experiences of a living, breathing...

The Graveyard by Gaiman: A Book Review

Introduction The Graveyard Book is a children’s fantasy book written by the English author Neil Gaiman. The book was published in America and Britain in 2008. The setting is mostly in the graveyard since it is the location where Nobody Owens was adopted and raised by the residents after his...

Ernest Hemingway’s Short Story “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”

The fear of darkness is the fear of nothingness in which our lives are steeped. This central idea runs through Ernest Hemingway’s short story A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. The author tells a tale of an old man who sits in a clean, well-lit café in the late hours of the...

Characterization and Irony in “A&P” by John Updike

A&P is a comic short story written by John Updike in 1961. The story tells about a cashier guy in a store who was shocked by the appearance of three young female customers who came to the store in swimsuits. After the manager, as the main hero thought, disgraced girls...

Sin of Betrayal in Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy”

Canto 34 of Dante’s Inferno part of Divine Comedy describes Dante and Vergil meeting the three ultimate sinners: Judas, the traitor of Christ, and Brutus and Cassius, who betrayed Caesar. The pass that Dante is talking about is the gateway to Hell – the Underworld, where the sinners go after...

Analysis of “Mother to Son” Poem by Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes raises a number of philosophical issues in his short poem ‘Mother to Son’. The poem itself, though seemingly small, is capable of surprising even sophisticated readers with its content. Everyone who reads the poem will be able to see themselves in it and try on the role of...