Moral and Religious Obligations in Socrates’ “Antigone”

In Antigone, as in our culture today, there is always a conflict between our values and religious obligations. What we think and what we are taught to do are not always coordinated, which can lead to conflict, particularly when others hold conflicting views. Religious obligations, on the other hand, are...

The Novel “1984” by George Orwell

The novel “1984” written by George Orwell, raises many social and political issues, and at the same time, its plot is built around the relationship of the main characters – Winston and Julia. In a totalitarian state, where love is prohibited, their romance is rebellion and crime. However, when the...

The Short Story “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin

Introduction Tom Godwin’s “The Cold Equations,” initially published in August 1954, is a widely distributed, contentious, and oft-reprinted work of science fiction. Science fiction is often defined as the literature of ideas, but the ideas behind “The Cold Equations” depend on one’s assumptions about the genre. If one approaches the...

Isolation, Patriarchy, Materialism, and Mental Illness in “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Introduction “The Yellow Wallpaper” is arguably the most famous short story by the American author and feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In a concise narrative evolving in a deliberately confined setting, the author paints a frightening picture of a slow descent into madness facilitated by the internalized misconceptions of mental health...

“With the Old Breed” Lessons for Modern Marine Corps

Introduction The memoir book With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa, written by Marine Eugene Sledge, reveals some details of the Pacific Theater during World War II. As part of the Marine Corps, the author survived heavy battles, suffered the loss of comrades, and made his conclusions about the...

Frederick Douglass on Power of Written Language

Frederick Douglas blames the recognition of an independent, free, and hypocritical commitment to government loyalty as an inhuman mockery. He often refers to the fact that not all people living in America have the equal freedoms that every American should have. The author writes in an autobiographical style, referring to...

“Barbie Doll” by Piercy and “Girl” by Kincaid

Introduction Literature is characterized by a set of characters used by the author to convey their message. While each character has unique features, their levels of influence differ. The protagonist is the main actor in literature, who is often opposed by an antagonist. The protagonist makes crucial storyline decisions, largely...

“On the Run” by Alice Goffman

Introduction ‘On The Run’ is a book released in 2014 by Alice Goffman; it is the most potent piece of ethnography. The narrative of how it came to be is almost as fascinating as the story at the center of the literature. This is a description of some of the...

European and Russian Worlds in Dostoevsky’s “The Gambler”

Russian literature has always been focused on describing people’s deep feelings and emotions linked to particular events. Trying to make readers understand all peculiarities and nuances, the authors described the smallest details of the setting and motifs influencing the main characters. At the same time, much attention was given to...

Family Theme in Kafka’s and Oates’ Literary Works

Introduction Literature has always served as a mirror through which society can be evaluated. The main themes portrayed in stories depict the issues affecting ordinary people. Although authors may base their stories on different elements in different settings, there is always common ground in the features they use. Such is...

The Poem “My Son, My Executioner” by Donald Hall

The cardinally new style of the expressed idea is presented in the poem My Son, My Executioner by Donald Hall. The poem presents the point of view of the parent, for whom the born child is the executioner. The very origin of the idea is emphasized by the short size...

“All Aunt Hagar’s Children” by Edward P. Jones

The short story “Young Lions” by Edward P. Jones addresses the subject of social belonging, relationship with society, and violence. Caesar, being the main character and symbolically given the name of one of the greatest rulers of the Roman empire, finds his way in life by stealing people’s lives along...

Achilles Life as a Son, Friend, and Warrior

Introduction Achilles enjoys a legendary status in Greek mythology due to his bravery on the battlefield. His ancestry played a significant role in his development into one of the most powerful soldiers of the Trojan War. He possessed extra toughness and invulnerability alongside his demigod status since his parents were...

Ernest Hemingway’s “Soldier’s Home”: Literary Work Critique

Introduction Inspired by the effects of the World War I on soldiers, Ernest Hemingway, published a short story titled Soldier’s Home, based on the life a soldier named Krebs, who struggles to cope with life after coming back from war. The book was first published in 1925 by the Contact...

Mark Twain’s Pudd’nhead Wilson – Challenging Stereotypes

The whole plot of Twain’s novel is based on racism and the hypocrisy around white supremacy. David Wilson is a qualified lawyer; when he moves to Missouri, a small town in Downs landing, he is denied equal chances to practice his law skills. The whites view him as a less...

Literary Analysis of “A&P” Story by John Updike

The short story A&P is centered around the main character named Sammy, who is displeased with his current life, including his job and the people around him. As a teenager, he realizes that he wants a more adventurous life because he is living in a highly conservative and quiet town...

“A Good Man Is Hard to Find”: Characters and Writing Style

“A Good Man is Hard to Find” is the most famous short story by Flannery O’Connor included in a collection of ten tense stories, filled with supernatural horror and fraught with the explosion, filigree combining realism and absurdity. Those accustomed to a more optimistic view of surroundings, the obligatory “happy...

“Voices in the Park” Picture Book by Anthony Browne

Picture books use not only verbal but also visual means to build a story, including codes, structure, and narrative. William Moebius (1986) suggests looking at different codes in order to understand how text and pictures interact to create meaning. According to the researcher, positioning, perspective, framing, line, and colour can...

Review of “Stranger” by Georg Simmel

The Stranger is an essay written by Georg Simmel in 1908 in which the author explores the sociological meaning behind the term and the concept of the stranger. In his explorations, the author studies the concept through different lenses of philosophy, economy, and through his relations and position in the...

Complex Claim: “Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare

Sonnet 18 is one of Shakespeare’s most famous and best-known works. Some people like this poem because of the opening romantic phrase: ”Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” (Shakespeare line 1). Every avid romanticist knows by heart this comparative metaphor and uses this literary comparison towards their beloved....

The Short Story “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe

People use symbols to represent various ideas through the same subjects or events. Symbolism is a common literary device that aims at creating an indelible impression on the reader (Severson). Its importance is the possibility to convey hidden meanings and provoke critical thinking and creativity. Edgar Allan Poe uses multiple...

The “Arranged Marriage” by Divakaruni

Your Last Name Sumita mentions the incident in a lake when she nearly drowns and how desperately she moves her arms and legs in the water to breathe the searing air again. This memory is a defining moment when she decides to stay in the U.S. She feels that she...

Symbolism and Irony in Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston

Sweat is a short shorty written by Zora Neale Hurston. It centers around the marital conflict between a hardworking Christian washerwoman, Delia, and her abusive and unfaithful husband, Sykes (Hurston). After 15 years of marriage, Sykes is attempting to evict Delia out of their common household to move in his...

Willson’s “Fences”: Where Masculinity Is Born

August Wilson’s Fences is a play built on the difficulties of understanding the characters. It concentrates on the characters’ ideas of right and wrong, honor and dignity, and how to live life. Strong male characters are revealed in Troy, the main character, and his son Cory, who transcends the fences...

Naomi Shihab Nye as an Author of Poetry

The video features the award-winning author of poetry, Naomi Shihab, Nye, reading from her work of adult and children poetry that includes 19 varieties of Gazelle such as Fuel, Poems of the Middle East, and Red suitcase. Her collection features a variety of poems about the Middle East and Palestinians...

Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred Book Analysis

Octavia E. Butler’s book Kindred illustrates how significant one’s surroundings can be in molding one’s beliefs and behaviors. One’s environment is made up of situations and connections, and the most important is speech. Dana’s civilization differs substantially from Rufus’s world, and so the approach these individuals use and perceive words...

Aeneas and Gilgamesh in Mythology

Two old stories that played a significant role in fate are the Aeneid and Gilgamesh epics. In these literary works, the protagonists Aeneas and Gilgamesh are obsessed with uncertainty, so these epic stories accurately reflect the ancient culture and society. From the story of fate, we can see that the...

Rebellion on the Animal Farm: Need to Rise Against Pigs

Rising against unjust oppression is a duty of any righteous resident of the farm. The current conditions in which the animals reside are unacceptable, as the animals in power openly ignore others’ needs and desires. The farm’s resources are occupied by the pigs alone, and they attempt to define truth...

Analysis of “Under a Cruel Star”

Introduction The period that followed the second world was characterized by an ideological war between capitalism and communism. This essay is based on the book ‘Under a Cruel Star’, written by Heda Margolius Kovály. It details the author’s experiences during the Nazi detention and those of her husband Rudolf Margolius....

“The Lost Letters of Pergamum”: An Evaluation

The Lost Letters of Pergamum genre can be described as an epistolary novel loosely based on historical context. Longenecker claimed that his story explores “what might have happened during the final year in the life of a man named Antipas” and the “dynamics of friendship, goodness, virtue and honor” of...

Themes and Techniques in Literary Passages

Introduction Literary techniques are essential in advancing the meaning that an author intends to portray. The passage Book of Songs (B) is a poem whose main theme is grief and sorrow. The poet used comparison in several instances to reflect the theme of grief. Another passage titled The Works of...

Modern Poetry as a Global Phenomenon

Lupke, Christopher. “Bridge Essay: Modern Poetry as a Global Phenomenon.” A Companion to World Literature (2020): 1-7. The essay by Christopher Lupke provides an insight into the history of poetry and the way different styles from different parts of the world contributed to the formation of modernism in poetry. The...

Dulce et Decorum Est Poem by Wilfred Owen

Poetry may require an immense effort from the reader if they want to grasp the meanings implied by the poet. However, on certain occasions, a poet may strive to convey a direct, explicit message. This case is applicable to Dulce et Decorum est poem by Wilfred Owen. Written from the...

How Kreon Is the Tragic Hero, Based on Aristotle’s Principles

Based on Aristotle’s principles, Kreon is the tragic hero in the story. Aristotle distinguishes between historical and poetical actions and the characters that accompany them. To Aristotle, a tragic hero is a person with easily identifiable characteristics depending on their age. Young tragic heroes “are ready to desire and carry...

Joseph Campbell’s Mythic Insights: ‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces

The fifth section of the second chapter in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, written by Joseph Campbell, “Apotheosis,” focuses on the hero’s path, in which enlightenment is achieved. The central claim of the considered part is presented in the sentence, “Having surpassed the delusions of his formerly self-assertive, self-defensive,...

Motives of “A Dream Called Home” by Reyna Grande

Reyna Grande was born on September 7, 1975, in Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico, in difficult social and financial conditions. Today she is a famous author living in the United States and has received numerous awards and prizes for her books and novels. Grande, along with her siblings, grew up in poverty;...

Chadwick’s and Ure’s Views on the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain

Introduction In 18 century, Great Britain experienced the industrial revolution due to physicomechanical science’s advancements. In factories, employers started to launch various machines to complete the same tasks as previously but more quickly and require less involvement of workers’ physical power. However, such manufacturers had problems related to the sanitary...

Eliot’s and Ferlinghetti’s Poems Comparison

Poets at all times have been looking for new forms to express their thoughts in literature. Especially interesting in this respect are the works of T. S. Eliot, who experimented with both form and content, giving his poems new meanings. His poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is...

Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick Review

Rodman Philbrick’s work Freak the Mighty is an interesting example of a novel for young adults. According to the plot, two very different guys meet in the book. Max is a silent, shy, and clumsy giant. Kevin is small, quick-witted, and terminally ill. They reacted differently to what was happening...

Symbols and Romanticism of Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

Introduction Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most prominent works written by Mark Twain. The novel addresses one of the most crucial issues of the society of Twains times – slavery and describes the life of people living along the Mississippi River. Undoubtedly, on one side, the Mississippi...

Literary Analysis of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor

Bailey and his wife, together with the three kids and their grandmother, decided to visit Florida. During this time, The Misfit had escaped from prison and was on the run. Along the way, the grandmother recognizes a childhood plantation, and she yearns to visit it (Flannery 2). She convinces Bailey,...

Feminist “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Yellow Wallpaper enlightens the reader about women’s health, motherhood, mental disorders, and treatment. This story is about feminism and gender relations in America at the end of the XIX century. Although many details have changed, the story is semi-autobiographical. The author relies on her health crisis, particularly her fraught...

The Novel “The Tale of Genji” by Murasaki Shikibu

World’s literary culture contains monumental works written by authors from different regions and living in different times. Japanese literature is also an essential element of world literature, in the context of which Murasaki Shikibu and his work “The Tale of Genji” cannot be overlooked. The story is about the heir...

The True Sense of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

The violence in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is an appeal to both social order and tradition. Based on the narrator, “no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box” (Jackson 141). In what seems ironic, while the villagers seem to be preserving...

Still, I Rise by M. Angelou: An Analytical Essay

The theme of the suppression of black people and the restoration of their rights is especially popular among African-American authors. In particular, this topic often refers to how Black people have experienced injustice in the past and are currently forced to fight for their freedom. The poem Still I Rise...

Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”

Edgar Allan Poe is a well-known master of macabre stories, saturated with Gothic atmosphere, madness, and decay. One example is “The Tell-Tale Heart,” similar to other authors’ works, such as “The Black Cat,” because of the murder and concealment motif. However, the story is distinctive insomuch as the wrongdoer is...

Images of Oedipus, Socrates, and Hamlet in the Interpretation of Tragic Heroes

King Oedipus is the central character of the same name’s play, a bright and significant person with an unshakable strength of spirit and a thirst for knowledge. The literary prototype of King of Thebes is the central character of Shakespeare’s play ‘Hamlet.’ Prince of Denmark is a multifaceted image, which...

Book Review: “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”

Introduction The Autobiography of Malcolm X, written by Alex Haley, is the story of a young African American boy’s rise from racial oppression to political activism. The cover features three portraits of Malcolm X in various stages of speech and concentration. The traumatic childhood of one of America’s most influential...

Poems Themes Comparison

Ballad of Birmingham Ballad of Birmingham is a relatively short poem written by Dudley Randall in 1963. The poem covers a wide list of controversial subjects, including violence, regret, justice, equal rights, love, death, and hopes. Randall narrates about a small girl asking her mother if she can join a...

The Theme of Faith in the Novel “Hey Nostradamus!”

Introduction The theme of faith is a rather unpopular central choice for Douglas Coupland’s literary works. The author is popular with practical themes of life, death, and love in his past writings, such as Generation X: Tales of an Accelerated Culture and City of Glass. In the current novel, Hey...

Review of “New England Bound” by Wendy Warren

New England Bound is a social-historical book written by Wendy Warren in 2016. The book is about slavery and colonization in the period between 1600 and 1775. Warren’s main argument is that the growth of European colonies in North America was closely interconnected to slavery. Slavery existed in New England...

Sources Used by Wagner for the Opera “Parsifal”

Introduction “Parsifal” is the last of Richard Wagner’s operas, which is considered the most beautiful and, at the same time, the most enigmatic of his works. Its creation occurred during almost all of the composer’s conscious life. While working on Lohengrin in the late 1840s, learning the legend of Parsifal...

“The Gilded Six Bits” by Zora Neale Hurston Review

The short story The Gilded Six Bits by Zora Neale Hurston is one of love, betrayal, and forgiveness. Describing an African American couple, Missie May and Joe, the reader is given insight into their young and flourishing marriage. They are working-class and living modestly but seem happy together through the...

Fairy Tales Teaches Readers

Fairy tales have a significant impact on the reader. They help to develop such personal qualities as selflessness, willpower, and sincerity. A fairy tale teaches readers that no matter what difficulties may occur in life, better things triumph over evil. Through characters, the author shows that people need to always...

Odysseus’ Encounter With the Cyclops Polyphemus

Introduction Many obstacles awaited Odysseus on their long journey home. Odysseus’s team and himself were suffering, going through difficulties, coincidences, and the influence of other gods. At the same time, it is unlikely that the same path would have awaited him before meeting with cyclops Polyphemus, since it was partly...

The Knight Character in “The Canterbury Tales” by Chaucer

The Canterbury Tales in regard to the Middle Ages The Canterbury Tales are generally perceived by many as a prominent contribution to medieval literature. Indeed, it represents a fully-fledged depiction of a social stratification of that time, as well as the linguistic peculiarities and features of people’s robes. Thereby, it...

Cultural Context in the Short Story ”Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker is a short story about an African American family of Mama and her two daughters, Dee and Maggie. Dee does not live with her mother and younger sister, as she is receiving an education. Upon returning home, she finds two old quilts, which seem to...

Alice Walker’s “We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for”

In the times when social tension reaches its peak and racism continues to shape relationships within the U.S. community, the need for a voice of reason that could represent the plight of those oppressed is strongly needed. Alice Walker’s “We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for” represents the...

Laila Lalami’s “My Life as a Muslim in the West’s Gray Zone”

In the feature article “My Life as a Muslim in the West’s ‘Gray Zone,’” the author, Laila Lalami (2015), expresses her thoughts and fears regarding the current status of Muslims in the world, specifically in the United States. The article suggests that Muslims are not entirely welcome in the U....

Book Review: “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss was the pseudonym of the beloved children’s writer Theodor Seuss Geisel. His works have taught generations of children how to read, feel, and think (Go, 2019). Dr. Seuss’s books are instantly recognizable because they feature a simple plot told in an extremely original matter with delightful wordplay and...

Slavery in Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass

Slavery is one of the most disgraceful pages in American history. The system existed in 1619-1865 and humiliated the dignity of black people, claiming them as the powerless free workforce. Though the Declaration of Independence of 1776 contained the point of abandoning slavery, many wealthy people were against it, and...

“The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Parking Lot”: Comparison

Introduction Numerous American Gothic Literature creators include mentalities that plummet into madness inside their accounts. Poe’s narratives review his self-existing emotions and encounters of seclusion and dejection that he had to manage throughout his life. He was never privileged with the introduction to the world with guardians; such as how...

Graphic Novel’s Art in Homer’s and Hinds’ “The Odyssey”

Homer’s Odyssey is an excellent piece of literature that inspires many people to this day. Its story is well-known, but it does not cease to be retold in various forms. Movies, cartoons, books, and comic books appear from time to time, honoring the original Odyssey. The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel,...

Hypocrisy in “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” by Leo Tolstoy

The works of Russian classical literature have gained a great deal of popularity around the world over many years. Their main characteristic is the stimulation of intense, often ambiguous feelings in the reader, which make him think. Leo Tolstoy’s “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” was just such an example. The...

Heritage and Tradition in ”Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

Are heritage and tradition different for people who belong to the same culture? The story Everyday Use, written by Alice Walker, portrays two different overviews of one’s heritage under the circumstances that the two polar viewpoints belong to people within the same family. On the one hand, Mama is a...

The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Gemeinhart

Summary Future and self-imagination go hand in hand. Whether or not to take a step to the next level is a personal decision that requires a cognitive evaluation. For instance, Coyote’s journey is the book that indicates the outcome of the next step, which is often uncertain in the real...

Cinematic Experience of Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

Introduction The Things They Carried is a collection of short novels written by Tim O’Brien that tells the life stories of American soldiers during the Vietnam War. The stories mainly have a fictional character but feature details from real life that the author witnessed and experienced during his participation in...

Credibility Analysis of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight“

Background Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is one of the most well-known examples of the classic Medieval Arthurian romances. While the poem’s author is unknown, historians and literary scholars have speculated that it was written by the same Gawain-poet who wrote other narrative poems, including Pearl, Cleanness, and Patience,...

“Animal Farm” by George Orwell Review

One of the greatest books I have read outside the school program is “Animal Farm” written by George Orwell. I believe that the story is a satirical masterpiece that everyone should read. The book has a form of an unreal condition that cannot be typically represented in real life. However,...

Female Characters in “Antigone” by Sophocles and “Othello” by Shakespeare

Introduction Patriarchy is the core of numerous societies around the world, which has different effects on the lives of people, particularly women. In a traditionally patriarchal society, females experience oppression and discrimination due to their innate features, which puts them in difficult situations. The role of women in society has...

How Poe’s Life Correlates With Writing Themes

Edgar Allen Poe is one of the renowned poets whose works have been used by several generations. Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, when most Americans were beginning to embrace literature. He mainly focused on poems and short stories, especially tales. He is among the earliest...

The Play “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry

King, Eric S. “African Americans and the Crisis of Modernity: An Interpretation of Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun”. Ethnic Studies Review, vol. 41, no. 1-2, 2018, pp. 53–60. The article raises the severe question of relationships between people of different races, but it primarily describes interracial conflicts, attitudes,...

Aging and Death in Literature: Larkin and Shakespeare

Aging and death are inevitable parts of life and, as such, have a significant representation in culture. Different societies place different meaning on those things, some viewing death as the ultimate end to one’s existence, while others believing that it is only a transition to a different state of being....

“At the Dark End of the Street” by Carr

Introduction The problem of racism is topical for modern American society. Unfortunately, racism is not only about hatred of people with different skin colors but also about encroachment on their lives and inviolability. One of the most famous victims of racism is Recy Taylor, who was kidnapped and raped by...

Nguyen Du’s The Tale of Kieu: Revolution in Transition

Introduction The Tale of Kieu by Nguyen Du involves a famous Vietnamese story of a young girl attempting to correct her past life mistakes through continuing adversity in her life. The Vietnamese girl, by the name Kieu, is peddled into prostitution and unceasingly gets cheated by men in the context...

King Odysseus from Homer’s Epic “The Odyssey”

Introduction With various literary works existing in the world, analysis of particular aspects of a story can help in understanding it better. Such analysis can be focused on the character of king Odysseus, one of the main figures of Homer’s epic The Odyssey. King Odysseus represents a complex personality of...

Shikibu’s “Tale of Genji” as Japan’s Cultural Legacy

Having been detached culturally from the West, Japan has always been a mystery to the rest of the world with its unique culture and philosophy. However, even though Japan has undergone substantial changes over the course of its development, some of the cultural markers of the bygone era remain essential...

Hubris of Odysseus and Ozymandias

Excessive pride or hubris becomes a significant concern in Odyssey by Homer and Ozymandias by P.B. Shelley. Hubris defines pride as a destructing quality of a character, which might even be dangerous for the hero and his family and friends. Odysseus and Ozymandias are men from faraway islands; they function...

Southern and African American Literature’s Characteristics

Both Southern and African American Literature have distinct characteristics that make them recognizable. On the one hand, there are the traditional and family-oriented Southern themes, with emphasis on concrete imagery, grotesque humor, and the Southern gothic. Some examples of this can be seen in Eudora Welty’s Petrified Man as the...

Gilgamesh, Eridu Genesis and the Bible: Comparative Analysis

As a form of art, storytelling always pursues similar goals of appealing to the audience’s core values and fueling the imagination. Thus, although some of the most famous literary pieces might seem culturally divorced from one another, they still share the same underlying sentiments. Although the “Epic of Gilgamesh,” the...

Junot Diaz’s Literary Works: The Theme of Racial Superiority

Junot Diaz is among the most artistic, literary writers of all time. Diaz has won many awards for his creative writing, including the innovative 2008 Pulitzer award for best fiction literary works. Diaz’s literary works mainly focus on racial issues, prejudice, Dominican attitudes and immigrant assumptions on U.S culture. Diaz...

Discussion of Review “Little and Lion” Book

The paragraphs I chose for discussion is in chapter nine and twenty-six. In chapter nine, Suzette, Lionel, their mother, and Saul were having dinner together. Saul was in their house and was the one who prepared the meal for that night. They were both asked to join the dining table...

Similarities Between “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman and “The Story of an Hour”

Introduction Traditionally, women were viewed as less equal, which led to them fighting for their rights. Through different amendments touching on equal rights for women, everything seems to be changing whereby women are now holding prestigious positions alongside men. Besides that, they are receiving almost similar treatment like men. Literature...

Mallards Couple’s Marriage in Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The work will examine the marriage of Mallards, the couple from the piece of literature entitled “The Story of an Hour,” written by Kate Chopin. This work makes a reader question the feelings between Louise Mallard and her husband, Brently, as the author gives clues that point out opposite views...

Gilgamesh’s Search for Immortality: Inevitability of Death in a Story

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an interesting work to analyze on the topic of life and death. It is one of the oldest literary works that have survived to this day, extremely psychological in its essence. This epic is composed of old material, but the old legends were woven into...

Technology in Burning Chrome by William Gibson

Introduction William Gibson’s story Burning Chrome depicts an advanced but soulless society where most technological advances are portrayed as distorted by commercialization and human mechanization rather than improving the quality of life. However, the main characters are depicted as completely dependent on technology. Technology is not only a global achievement...

Theme in “The Epic of Gilgamesh” by Sîn-Lēqi-Unninni

For centuries that the text of The Epic of Gilgamesh has existed, humanity has been able to enjoy its everlasting and always up-to-date lessons about life, death, identity, and the meaning of human existence. Therefore, the analysis of the text allows for identifying several key themes, one of the most...

Analysis of “The Lottery” Story by Shirley Jackson

The famous short story The Lottery, written by the American writer Shirley Jackson was published in 1948 in The New Yorker. The work caused a great stir among the population that still not recovered from the sufferings of World War II (Sar and Pradika 2). The feeling of anxiety, masterfully...

Does Shakespeare Matter in Modern Times?

Introduction William Shakespeare was a famous British poet and playwright whose talent is recognized by critics and connoisseurs of poetry around the world. Over the years of creative activity, many literary masterpieces have come out from the author’s pen. The British poet did not fixate on any genre. Instead, the...

“Let America be America Again” Poem by Langston Hughes

“Let America be America Again” by Langston Hughes is a poem dedicated to the author’s pain about an impossible American dream. The dream of a virtuous republic, which America has not still reached, but achieving this dream is a goal of every generation (Gorski, 2019). The author tells about what...

Harper Lee and “To Kill a Mockingbird”

There are numerous various books in the world, and some of them are products of pure imagination while others reflect real life. Often authors implement some aspects of their lives into their works, and one such example is Harper Lee and her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. To understand the...

Hayden’s and Roethke’s Poems Comparison

The poem Theodore Roethke is a retrospective look of the poet himself on his childhood and evokes ambiguous emotions. While there are clear indications of somewhat rude behavior, the end lines indicate that the boy was still clinging to him (Roethke, 1942). Thus, the question for discussion is how exactly...

How Significant are the Symbols? in “Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

“Barn Burning” is a story that revolves majorly between a father and a son. Snopes tends to burn his landlord’s barns down, and the son had to testify in court. Having to choose between staying true to oneself and betraying the person one cares about is one of the hardest...

“The Plague” by Albert Camus

In Albert Camus’s The Plague, a classical masterpiece, a deadly outbreak begins with rats and spreads to humans, decimating half of Oran’s population but sparing the least likely: Joseph Grand. Readers meet Joseph early in the novel, just about the same time news breaks about rats supposedly having an epidemic,...

Analyzing Langston Hughes’s Poetry

The Harlem Renaissance saw many writers, poets, and artists, but Langston Hughes was the best contributor to the period with his protest poems touching on African Americans’ livelihoods and experiences. During this period, most of his poems demanded answers to the many social issues that the black faced, including racism...

Family Relations and History in “The Best We Could Do” Novel by Bui

Thi Bui’s “The Best We Could Do” brings out the theme of family relations and family history. The author explains that she started researching and writing the book to understand their family and better connect with her mom and dad and learn to love them. Although a vast gulf separates...

Evaluation Essay of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck

Introduction The book “Of Mice and Men” was authored by John Steinbeck in 1937. During his teenage life, Steinbeck spent a lot of time working and living in farm ranches within rural California. It is here that Steinbeck got fascinated with the families of the migrant farmworkers. He was particularly...

Discussion of Morality in Auschwitz

Morals provide a benchmark for choosing what is right or wrong in any social context. The author of Survival in Auschwitz depicts the failure of morality to instil empathy and a moral compass in his life. He reveals his earlier immoral actions as a civilian before being incarcerated. In the...

Analysis of Rich’s Poem “Women”

I agree with the post and wish to diversify the arguments. Rich’s poem “women” is a short analysis of how women suffer in pain and how they handle the experience, especially from the societal view. The first category of women is those that do not hide their pain. “She is...

The Hero’s Journey: Transformation of the Non-Hero

The Hero’s Journey or the Monomyth is a theory proposed by Joseph Campbell to outline the main plot pattern of most of the humanity of the narrative has encountered throughout history. His theory emphasizes 17 stages of the main character’s journey. While some epic heroes like Moses, Prometheus, Jesus, and...

Two Scenes in “The Tragedy of Macbeth” by Shakespeare

Written by William Shakespeare, “The Tragedy of Macbeth” is a play related to the story of the real Scottish king Macbeth, which is frequently presented as a tale of excessive desire for power and betrayal of friends. The motifs are repeated from scene to scene, focusing the reader’s attention on...

Edgar Allan Poe: The Concept of Punishment

Edgar Allan Poe is one of the classics of world literature. His talent is multifaceted, and the author is considered the founder of the detective genre. In the stories, supernatural events occur, many of which are associated with death. The concepts of punishment and alienation are familiar to the author...

Amy Tan’s Reflections on English Varieties in ‘Mother Tongue’

Summary of Text: In her article “Mother tongue,” Amy Tan shares her views on different forms of English and their impact on the life of people, especially immigrants. She raises the problem of the limitations of their activities connected with the language barrier (Tan, 1990). In the article, Amy describes...

Measure for Measure by Shakespeare. Documentary Critique

Measure for Measure is one of Shakespeare’s most controversial plays, as it raises politically sensitive topics such as justice, morality, and corruption. The collision of power, religion, and sex can be perceived utterly differently over the course of time. Even though many literary critics have tried to find the pitfalls...

Good Books for Children: “The Hobbit”

Quality literature is an integral component of a child’s upbringing for a range of reasons. First of all, reading develops vital skills, such as literacy, logic, and imagination. Children with an early affection for good books are likely to demonstrate better school preparedness and learning outcomes. At the same time,...

Novels by Luis Martín-Santos and Miguel Delibes Review

Luis Martín-Santos’ novel Time of Silence and Five Hours with Mario by Miguel Delibes might be perceived as significant masterpieces in the genre of realism. Both works were substantially affected by the historical events in which Spain was involved. This paper aims to investigate the essence and peculiarities of these...

Lies vs. Truths in Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Othello”

Different people may subscribe to different types and levels of beliefs due to cultural-religious or social factors. Some of these beliefs may not be straightforward altogether in terms of the meaning and truth they carry, but people may tend to stick to them. What exactly this means is that a...

Owen’s “Dulce et Decorum Est”

The research on Owen’s life helps understand the motivation for writing “Dulce et Decorum Est.” Wilfred Owen was born in Shropshire, England, in 1893 (“Wilfred Owen”). As a young adult, he was forced to join the army in 1916 because the WW1 began. Hence, the understanding of Owens’s life journey...

“How To Tell a True War Story” Analysis

“How To Tell a True War Story” shows the connection between storytelling and the experiences people go through while at war. This story intends to investigate the reality of war stories told by those from Vietnam. The story is narrated from O’Brien’s experience, who acts as a soldier and a...

Transcendental Ideas in Frederick Douglass’ Memoirs

One of the seminal literary works revealing the theme of historical legacy is The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, written as the memoirs of a dark-skinned American slave. The book proper consists of eleven chapters describing, in chronological order, childhood, the stages of learning to write, the periods...

Walt Whitman as a Democratic Symbol

Introduction Walt Whitman was a poet that changed it all for the field of poetry across the United States and beyond its borders. He did not identify himself with any other poet while also conveying the idea that an ideal poet should never stay above anyone else. Walt Whitman’s audacity...

Parents’ Role in Young Adult Literature

Introduction Young adult literature is a genre of fiction explicitly aimed at adolescent readers. The target audience for this category of literary works is between 12 and 18 years of age, and the novels focus on problems and issues relevant to the teenagers facing new challenges of adult life. Thus,...

“Pride and Prejudice” as Austen’s Book’s Title

Pride and Prejudice is one of the popular and audience’s favorite works written by Jane Austen. The novel’s title intrigues and forces the reader to solve the mystery of who of the heroes is full of pride and who of prejudice. The plot draws attention to how such qualities affect...

West-African Traditions in “The Epic of Son-Jara”

The Epic of Son-Jara is an epic set in West Africa in the thirteenth century. It describes the rise to power of Son-Jara, also spelled as Sundiata, who founded the Mali Empire, which was the largest and the most influential state in the region and existed for more than four...

Characterization of Beatrice and Georgiana in Hawthorne’s Works

Nathaniel Hawthorne is a renowned 19th century writer who combined romantic elements with science in his artistic works. For instance, in his stories, “Rappaccini’s Daughter” and “The Birthmark,” he emphasizes similar aspects revolving around human nature and its fascination for perfection (Resetarits, 2012). Hawthorne successfully integrates deep feelings such as...

Literary Devices in John Updike’s “A&P” Story

Aguiar, Christian. Living class in John Updike’s “A&P”. The Explicator, vol.78, no. 2, 2020, pp. 58-61.  Some analyses identify the specific variation of the short story interpretation referred to as the “living class” concept of Beverly Skeggs. It is known as a classism perception in A&P Story, another metaphoric tool...

Antagonistic Objects in the Short Stories

An antagonist is a character who opposes the main one on the way to achieve goals. The antagonist-protagonist opposition is one of the possible driving forces of the central conflict of literature work. The actions of the antagonist not only create obstacles that the protagonist must overcome but can also...

Romanticism in British Literature

The Romantic period was shaped by the social and political events of the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. The French and American revolutions announced a radical break in historical continuity that was accompanied by the birth of democratic and egalitarian ideas (Damrosh et al....

A Letter to the President: What Would It Take?

Having the attention of the US president or even his office is an outstanding achievement. The president’s schedule is hectic, and, in most times, only issues of national and global interests get to his table. You definitely would not mind telling the president your feelings regarding certain critical aspects that...

Don Quixote in Literature of the Western World

Introduction The term Quixotism is used to describe a form of impulsive behavior. The concept is closely related to over-idealism. Persons who exhibit this trait often lose contact with reality. In most cases, they approach romance and life in general from an ‘impractical’ and illogical perspective. As such, they make...

“The Necklace” by Guy De Maupassant: Character Portrayal

Introduction Guy De Maupassant’s story, The Necklace is an example of how a writer uses various characters to develop the plot of the story leaving an everlasting memory on the reader. This essay will focus and determine Mathilde’s character as portrayed in the story The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant....

Ideal Tragic Hero: “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

Introduction The tale of King Oedipus has become one of the best-known Greek tragedies, mostly due to the controversial nature of the fate that Oedipus meets. However, stepping away from the specified controversy and considering character development, one will have to point out that Oedipus is the perfect tragic hero....

“The Other Two” Short Story by Edith Wharton

In the short story “The Other Two,” Wharton describes a husband, Mr. Waythorn, whose wife Alice has two divorces. At first sight, it seems that Alice is miserable because she marries and divorces in strive for social prestige. Nonetheless, it is essential to notice that Wharton depicts the upper class’s...

The Concept of Fairness in the Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

Justice, equality, and fairness are the ideals people from different cultures in different parts of the world have always aspired to achieve. They are the values that not only have inspired people to speak up and fight against oppression, cruelty, discrimination, and abuse but also encouraged innovation and progress, bringing...

Delia’s Tenacity in the Short Story “Sweat” by Hurston

“The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him ” (Matthew Henry’s Commentary: Verses 21–25)....

Poetry as Art: The Faber Book of Beasts

This essay builds on the belief that poetry as art is one of the most intense forms, combining the traditions of the past with innovation. In fact, it is common for authors to imitate idols, but for a poem to be socially and culturally relevant, it must bring something new...

Amanda’s Influence on Laura in Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie”

The Glass Menagerie is a well-known Tennessee Williams’ play which partially relates to his bibliography. The audience thought it to be unusual because of the distorted depiction of reality and the widespread use of symbolism. Moreover, there were only four characters: Tom, Amanda, Laura, and Jim. One of the most...

Symbolism of Christmas Spirits in “A Christmas Carol”

In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens renders the theme of fate, which is reflected in the three Spirits of Christmas. The Spirit’s demeanor and looks symbolize Scrooge’s life in the past, present, and future implying his fate if he does not rethink his behavior. The first Spirit, the Ghost of...

Poem Analysis William Shakespeare

Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare can be viewed as a message from a man to his beloved women. The speaker talks to a girl describing her beauty and her importance to him. For this reason, the tone is solemn, inspirational, and at the same time, it is full of warmth...

Love Theme in “Paradise” by Toni Morrison

Introduction The novel Paradise was written in 1997, and it was Morrison’s first book after winning the Nobel Prize in literature in 1993. Paradise stresses the affection of God, and it is the author’s third novel focusing on various kinds of love. All the chapters in the book are dedicated...

“Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas Review

The theme of death and mortality is discussed from varied angles in “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas. Overall, the poet encourages his audience to fight against death with screaming and kicking just like the new born babies fight for their life when they come...

Eliezer’s Lost Childhood and the Image in the Mirror

Holocaust is a sad tragedy that left its terrible traces in the hearts and souls of millions of innocent people. Among them is also Elie Wiesel who shared his sad experience in his book “Night”. At the end of the book, the readers find a very special scene when Eliezer,...

Kafka’s Metamorphosis from a Legal Perspective: People vs. the Samsa Family

Closing Statement: The Prosecutor Your Honor, the life of a person, no matter what his or her body may look like, is sacred, which is why the Samsa Family must answer for their actions. There is clear evidence that, despite his transformation, Gregor Samsa still possessed the ability to feel,...

Grief and Mourning in ‘Big Fish’ by Danielle Wallace

It is evident that people have mortal bodies, and life is not internal; thus, passing away is a normal and unavoidable process. Nevertheless, such biological and philosophical ideas would be clueless to comfort people experiencing the loss of loved ones. Bereaved individuals usually undergo a hard time of distress, and...

Main Character in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”

The perception of who plays the protagonist’s role in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice may differ from one reader to the other. In essence, a protagonist is a character who draws attention or acts as the center of focus. The hero can also be known as the main character or the...

Lady Crawley and Mr. Pamuk in “Downton Abbey”

The Relationship between Lady Crawley and Mr. Pamuk in “Downton Abbey” The relationship between Lady Crawley and Mr. Pamuk is purely amorous, since the two are attracted to each other sexually and not on the basis of mutual friendship. One bit of evidence in this regard is the fact that...

The Book “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

Most people would likely agree that preserving one’s cultural heritage is a meaningful and worthy pursuit. However, people also tend to disagree on what is the best way to proceed with it. Maintaining African American cultural legacy features prominently as a theme in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use.” The author uses...

Friendship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu

In the ancient Mesopotamian poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the most important elements of the story is the friendship between the protagonist Gilgamesh and Enkidu. The formed friendship was unlikely given the opposite nature of the characters, but the two supernatural men forge the bond based on their...

“The Five Languages of Love” by Gary Chapman

Introduction to Chapters 1, 2, 3 Many fiction works and films are built on the same plot: the heroes love each other but cannot show it. Based on misunderstanding, many stories unfold: sometimes funny, sometimes sad and tragic. Often, a couple’s life is full of misunderstandings and difficulties in developing...

Disempowerment of Women in King Arthur’s Court

Abstract Thomas Malory’s book “Le Morte Darthur: The Winchester Manuscript” is about the life and death of King Arthur. Apart from ventures and battles, it depicts the disempowerment of women in King Arthur’s Court, an issue which is not so frequently discussed by scholars in frames of the book “Le...

Reflection on “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein

Introduction The Shock Doctrine is a book by a Canadian social activist Naomi Klein, who advocates that free-market policies are of great popularity in various countries because of the strategy of “shock therapy.” The book itself seems to be controversial since it received both positive and negative comments from the...