The Novel “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury

The book Fahrenheit 451 is a novel written by Ray Bradbury reflecting a society that is insensitive to the plight of the minority. The book presents a society where the majority has their way, while the minorities do not have their right. The protagonist of this book is Guy Montag....

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Character of Petrus

Introduction When the reader comes across Petrus, there is the development of the assumption that one is reading concerning a delegate of the countryside. In a given instance, David instantly recognizes his physical features as having a wrinkled, worn face and astute eyes, and estimated his age to be between...

The Book “Amazing Grace” by Jonathan Kozol

Overview The inequality and harsh economic conditions experienced by millions of Americans living in economically depressed society have been described by many authors in their writings. Jonathan Kozol is among the widely celebrated writers known for exposing cruelty in American society in his books. His first book named Death at...

“Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin Literature Analysis

In the nineteenth century, men from the southern part of the US were very chauvinistic. They treated women like property, and used intimidating tactics to conquer them. Chopin, for example, writes that “when he (Armand) frowned, she (Desiree) trembled and when he smiled, she asked no greater blessing” (Chopin, 2006,...

George Orwell and Frederick Douglass: Views on English

In his work, George Orwell discusses the main issues of the modern English language in relation to the politics. He states that with the course of time English lost its power to transfer a particular meaning to the audience, and is mainly used to create a vision of some idea...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Conflict Resolution

Introduction The novel “Disgrace” is set in post-apartheid South Africa and revolves around David Lurie, an older male professor who is at a crossroads in his life and career due to emerging social and political realities. The main narrative in the novel projects several themes, which include social and political...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” and His Struggle

Introduction The book shows Eliezer’s struggle with faith in God. This theme is quite dominant throughout the story. For instance, other characters like Akiba Drumer, among others lose faith in God. In the face of fiery problems, God seems silent on them. Moreover, Jews in concentration camps wonder why their...

“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by Phillip Dick

Introduction Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is a novel that covers Phillip Dick’s analysis of the human state and his pursuit to retire six androids. The story trails John Isidore based on a post-apocalyptic future. The movie Blade Runner assumes the same story line as the novel. The difference...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” – Eliezer and His Father

Introduction Eliezer loves both his family and God-given his strict reverence to the Jewish tradition. However, he seems to love God more than he loves his father. This is evident when he defies his father’s wish by studying Cabbala. However, as trouble surfaces, he tends to lose faith in God...

Krapp’s Last Tape by Samuel Beckett

The introduction The fundamentals of the play When speaking about Samuel Beckett’s play Krapp’s Last Tape, it is necessary to highlight some fundamentals of his unusual production. So, first of all, there is a need to state that the peculiar feature of the play is considered to be a lack...

Eliezer’s Lost Childhood – “Night” by Elie Wiesel Literature Analysis

Introduction Father-son relationships have never been easy, and Wiesel’s novel is the exact manifestation of the given fact. Although the novel touches upon several issues apart from the given one, and the family dilemmas are not the focus of the novel, it is quite peculiar to watch the evolution of...

Literature Studies: the Tragedy Antigone by Sophocles

Introduction One of the reasons why there is indeed the spirit of tragism to the tragedy Antigone by Sophocles, is that the masterwork’s main character (Antigone) fits rather well the pattern of a ‘tragic hero’. In this paper, I will explore the validity of the above-stated at length, while emphasizing...

“Come Alive” and “Shitty First Drafts” Comparative Literature

Introduction Derrick Brown’s poem, “Come Alive” dwells on designing arguments when describing an item. Besides, Anne Lamott the passage “Shitty First Drafts” discusses arguments in terms of the ethos, pathos, and logos. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to identify critical writing issues that these authors identify in relation to the...

“Young Goodman Brown” and “Wakefield” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

A writer’s literary works often reflect certain circumstances of his or her private life as well as peculiar personal characteristics. Such is the case with one of the most prominent writers of American Romanticism, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Born in the city of Salem, Massachusetts, which is notorious for its witch trials,...

All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy Literature Analysis

Introduction John Grady Cole is a young person with a set of values and morals who is eager to find his place in this world. The young man has to face a lot of obstacles, and he learns that the world is different from what he expected. The author reveals...

Events in the Concentration Camps: “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Introduction Eliezer’s has a very close relationship with his father in the beginning. However, the relationship between Eliezer and his father, Chlomo, change in the course of the novel. Initially, Eliezer and his father have a close relationship, even if Chlomo is very dedicated to the community, and Chlomo does...

Othello and Paradise Lost Literary Analysis

Love gives me the power and strength to face anythingthe. This was probably the quote Desdemona stood by as she faced her father’s wrath, and her husband’s maltreatments, but in the end, love was also the one which led her to her demise. Desdemona left her father, without his knowing,...

Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World

Introduction Income inequality is a perennial problem that characterizes societal growth in many countries. It refers to the unequal distribution of wealth across different social and economic groups. The concept connotes different social indicators such as social opportunities, life expectancy, and equity (among others). People have varied opinions about its...

“A Passage to India” by Edward Forster Literature Analysis

Literature is a very ancient art which started its development with the appearance of the ability to speak among human beings. Being verbal, it then developed into the written form. People understood how to write down their stories. This discovery was the beginning of literary analysis. This is the science...

A Rose for Emily and Angels in America Literature Analysis

Introduction The story “Rose for Emily” is a unique piece of literature by “William Faulkner”. The whole story is not quite exciting but the end of this story is quite surprising to the readers which give the description of the main character of the story who is by the end...

Literature Produced During the Black Arts Movement

The literary works created during the Black Arts Movement (BAM) reflected the aspirations of many African-American people for the recognition of their political rights and their cultural identity. This artistic movement can also be associated with revolutionary ideology. There are many conflicting views on BAM. This essay will review various...

American Literature: Powers by Deborah Jacobs

In her book, Powers, Deborah Jacobs presents a good fiction story, which is told through the eyes of Gwen and Adrian. The book is set in the modern times in Canada, and it examines several aspects of power from different angles of Gwen and Adrian who possess special powers. This...

Jorge Borges Collection of Short Stories

The collection of short stories named Ficciones can throw a light on the way in Jorge Borges perceives the meaning of writing and its role in the life of an individual. In order to illustrate these issues, one can examine such works as The Garden of Forking Paths and Pierre...

Romantic Comedies Comparison: “What’s Your Raashee?” and “I Think I Love My Wife”

Introduction Comedy is one of the techniques used by play writers to express opinions, views, and judgments. Through comedy, the audience is able to access information that would be difficult to explain using conventional communication means. Some scholars view comedy as an intellectual tool that helps writers express their intellectual...

William Shakespeare’s Play Titus Andronicus Literature Analysis

One of the major problems, which William Shakespeare highlights in his play, is recognized to be a problem with patriarchy. While discussing the issue, some fundamentals of the play must be considered. So, first of all, it must be noted that William Shakespeare’s play Titus Andronicus involves numerous contradictory issues....

The Slaughter That Came With the Arrival of Christopher Columbus by Las Casas

Identify the author The full name of the author of this historical document, an eyewitness account written over four hundred years ago in 1542, detailing the abuses committed by the Spanish against the Taino Indians of the Caribbean, is Bartolome de Las Casas. Identify the title of the document The...

Digital Books Impact on Print Publishing

Introduction In working at my essay, the source that I found most useful for the project is the article titled, The Impact of Digital Books upon Print Publishing, which was written in 2002 by David McAllister, Nancy McAllister and Steve Vivian, and published by Boston Books and CM Online Media...

Father-Son’ Relationship in the Book Night by Elie Wiesel

Introduction The relationships between a father and a son usually compose in early childhood. However, there are families where father-son love is hidden too deep in their souls that they are unable to see it until something bad happens and only the support of the closest people may help. Reading...

The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan

Rhetorical questions are a feature of style extensively used in literature to capture the readers’ feelings in any article. It involves asking questions in the course of narration or describing scenarios that raise such questions within the reader’s mind. More complex rhetorical questions are built using other stylistic features. Rhetorical...

Literature Studies: “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan

The fiction involves being imaginative or inventive; it is characterized by losing touch with the aspects of reality. Fiction is based on illusions, and an individual who acts based on fiction lacks pragmatism. Two Kinds by Amy Tan focuses on the relationship between a mother, and her daughter, the mother...

“Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad Literature Analysis

An important aspect of any story is the setting that the reader can imagine. The atmosphere that is created, very much adds to the general theme and the relationship between the characters and the surrounding environment. “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad is a story where the setting plays a...

‘Good Faith’ by Jane Smiley Literature Analysis

Introduction The book ‘Good Faith’ by Jane Smiley is a master piece that brings out ethics in real estate using fiction in a way that not only entertains, but also very educative. According to Roulac (41), real estate ethics is one of the things that have been ignored by many...

“The Creature From the Black Lagoon” by Lois Banner Literature Analysis

In her essay The creature from the black lagoon, Lois Banner has picked up the theme of whiteness and try to give it meaning based on the life of the popular 1930’s public figure that was Marilyn Monroe. To this end, Banner has divided the concept of whiteness into five...

Elie Wiesel’s The Night – Faith in God Literature Analysis

In his book Night, Elie Wiesel explores a variety of themes. One of them is the attempts of a person to reconcile one’s experiences with the belief in God. Eliezer, who is the main character of this work, is on the verge of losing his faith in God as a...

“Night” by Elies Wiesel Literature Analysis

The principal idea of the Wiesel’s work Night is related to the relationship of the author with his father. For this reason, one may state that the book is considered to be an autobiographical story which reflects the thought and observations of the writer during the genocide of Jews. Wiesel...

“A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry

The issue of money has always been actual. Life of people changed greatly with the appearance of this remedy. Moreover, sometimes money is even said to be the main value in human relations. Very often, people prefer rich and careless existence in a golden cage to some bright and happy,...

“Things fall apart” by Chinua Achebe Literature Analysis

In the novel “Things fall apart” by Chinua Achebe, the clash between Christianity and traditional animism religion held by the people of Umuofia is highlighted. Upon the arrival of the white missionaries, who later set the way for colonization, the Igbo people practiced their traditional culture which was seen as...

Transcendence Issues in American Literature

Touching upon various ethical and religious issues, contemporary authors define the concepts of physical versus spiritual life and transcendence. It is important to consider all the symbols and the context of the previous works of the writer or poet and his/her life experience for decoding all the messages of the...

Women in Society of Three Plays Literature Analysis

The position of women in society was always determined by the attitude of men to this issue. Women were never considered as the persons with the developed abilities to rule and to have much property. Moreover, the history of the social and personal relations between men and women approves the...

Literature Studies: “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde’s comedy The Importance of Being Earnest highlights the prejudices and stereotypes which were widespread during the Victorian era. The writer illustrates how these biases could influence the life of an individual. To some degree, this literary work can be compared to Molière’s play The Learned Ladies because both...

Comparison: “Strong Men” by Sterling Brown and “If We Must Die” by Claude McKay

The works which are written and performed by different African-American authors have many similarities about motives and themes discussed in them. To analyze the presentation of the problem of racism in the country, it is necessary to refer to the poems “Strong Men” written by Sterling A. Brown and “If...

William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” Literature Analysis

Accepting the inevitable is one of the qualities that help people survive in the mess of the ordinary; otherwise, death will follow and take the life of the one who is unwilling to perceive the changes. However, even though the idea of adapting to the changes in one’s life does...

The Novel “Ceremony” by Leslie Marmon Silko

Introduction As seen in the novel Ceremony, Leslie Marmon Silko narrates a story about Tayo who is the focal character in the novel. He needs to adjust to his environment after coming home from WWII. Tayo experiences disturbances since he lived as a war prisoner in Japan; thus, affecting him...

“Chrysanthemums” by John Steinbeck

While reading a short story called Chrysanthemums by Steinbeck, I have immediately understood that problems of gender attitudes are going to be discussed. The main heroine, Elisa Allen, belongs to stereotypical American housewives who are often ignored by their husbands and who are mistakenly believed to be not intelligent enough....

‘An African Epic’ and ‘The Tale of Genji’

The two oral stories – ‘An African Epic’ and ‘The Tale of Genji’ – provide useful accounts of two different ways of life in Mali and Japan. Basically, Oral histories are narratives that people tell about their own pastor about the history of other individuals. They have a befitting place...

The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin and A Jury of Her Peers by Susan Glaspell

The world’s literary interest to female psychology and changes in attitude to women has been changed over time. Looking back at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, specific attention should be paid to the works dedicated to studying women’s psychology and mental health...

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano Literature Analysis

It is apparent that Olaudah Equano is a Nigerian native who was born in 1745 in Eboe. At the age of 11 years, the young lad was captured and sold to West Indies as a slave (Eqioano Interesting Narrative 32). From a careful review of literature, the young boy spent...

‘Making Sense of the Molly Maguires’ by Kevin Kenny Literature Analysis

The book ‘Making Sense of the Molly Maguires’ by Kevin Kenny addresses the industrial capitalism that followed the American civil war. It highlights the bitter disagreements that took place between the Railroad Company and individuals who were mining coal. The company was in full control over the Pennsylvania coalfields in...

Epilogue: “Life After Tupac and D Foster” by J. Woodson

The relationship between the two ladies goes stronger as they try to live their lives without their iconic rapper. Foster and her friend decided to formalize their sexual preferences, although they were quite hesitant for fear of stigma. However, as the days went by, the two girls were getting more...

Literature Comparison of The Yellow Wallpaper and Everyday Use

There are a lot of things that people genuinely fear, but the most dreadful situation of all for any human being disregarding age, frame of mind and even gender is definitely the fear of loneliness – being a social animal, a man has cultivated the dominance of social standards and...

“King Lear” by William Shakespeare

One of the great things about William Shakespeare’s plays is that he was usually able to offer insight into the psychology of his characters. The dramatic play King Lear is no exception. Intended to be performed before an Elizabethan audience, the main action of the game follows the path of...

“Ligeia” by E. A. Poe and “In Our Time” by Hemmingway

However, much time might pass, the works of the great authors remain just as great. Yet the puzzles that they give for people to solve are still a mystery to the others. The key idea about these works is not what lies on the surface, but the ideas hidden deep...

“The Story of Cleveland Cavaliers” by Nate LeBoutillier

Purpose of Writing the Book The book “The Story of Cleveland Cavaliers” by Nate LeBoutillier is a masterpiece describing the history and achievements of Cleveland Cavaliers. This basketball team has produced great players. The team’s history from 1970 to 2010s has been admirable. The author wrote this book in an...

Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue”

In the story, Mother Tongue, Amy Tan, the author, highlights the problems that children raised by immigrant parents go through as they grow. Having born just a few years after her parents settled in California from China, Tan grew in an environment where spoken English was different from the conventional...

“Forget Shorter Showers” and “Waste Not, Want Not”

The discussions about the environment and people’s direct impact on nature differ considerably. Many writers and researchers admit that every person has an ability to stop making environmental harm but does not know how to use it properly. The current paper aims at discussing two powerful works, Jensen’s “Forget Shorter...

“Meet You in Hell” by Les Standiford

Les Standiford managed to create a composition where history can be read as easily and thrilling as a good novel. A captivating double biography of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Clay Frick is merged with the history of the Foundation of American Industry and the ruthless steelworkers’ uprising that turned two...

Literature Resources in William Faulkner’s “A Rose, for Emily”

There is no use denying the fact that literature is a very powerful remedy that has a great influence on people. There are many ways in which this influence can be realized. Authors can use unexpected development of a plot or some unusual stylistic devices to attract a reader or...

“Big Black Good Man” and “Battle Royal”

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the methods of revealing racial themes in Richard Wright’s “Big Black Good Man” and Ralph Ellison’s “Battle Royal”. The goal is to show the differences between the demonstrations of racial prejudice in the short stories. The analysis of this...

“Dykes to Watch Out For” by Alison Bechdel

Appreciators of modern culture seem to be rather keen on revealing of the negative stereotypes in the works of art. The findings of the gender, racial, or feminist issues in books, films, or paintings are becoming more and more popular. Such a tendency can be understood as the awakening and...

Life-Changing Experience in “The Dreamer” by Junot Diaz

The essay is written by Junot Diaz, a well-known Dominican writer, who immigrated to New Jersey. In this piece of writing, he tells about his mother’s childhood, and some people may think that it is the only story. However, if one deepens into it, the underlying message can be revealed....

Elie’s Life in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Introduction Before Elie became one of the millions of victims of Nazi cruelty, he was an idealistic and even religious teen. From his self-description, he is an ambitious boy seeking a mentor to teach him the Zohar and help him unravel Jewish mysticism. He is completely devoted to his family,...

Eliezer and His Father: the Book “Night” by Eliezer Wiesel

Introduction Eliezer Wiesel’s novel, ‘Night’, presents its audience with a dark tale that explains his tormenting moments with the Nazis. ‘Night’ is a novel that is based on the Jewish holocaust that took place in the 1940s. Eliezer Wiesel, the narrator of the story, lives in Sighet, a small town...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

A protagonist is the major character who let readers follow the story. The protagonist is the person whose actions and choices influence outcomes of the story, and in Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee tells the story through the lead character, David Lurie. Through the protagonist of Disgrace, readers must understand all information...

“Lieutenant Nun” and “Sundiata”

Family is one of the most important aspects of the majority of the contemporary individuals. Family, the connections, relationships, influences and processes within it are studied by sociologists and psychologists, historians and anthropologists all around the world. Family is the first society a human being gets to interact with, this...

Metamorphosis and The Necklace

It is easy to understand the kind of sadness emanating from a failure to achieve a specific goal. It is easy to figure out the reason why a person is sad after a lover’s rebuff. However, melancholy is oftentimes seen as negative feeling with long-term effects. Nonetheless, it seems to...

“The Girl in the Glass” by Jeffrey Ford

Introduction Crime has been a social challenge in the societies since time in sundry. The consequences of criminal activities threaten the social fabric. In the Novel, “The Girl in the Glass,” Thomas Schell is very deceptive and cunning. He is ready to hide in spiritually to evade the authority and...

Edmund Blunden and Nella Last’s War Literature

The experience of the First and the Second World War influenced the historical writings of Edmund Blunden and Nella Last respectively. Blunden viewed the First World War as a great endeavor by the generation that experienced the war. Blunden expressed his experiences as well as the contribution by others toward...

Allegory in Disgrace by Coetzee

Introduction The story Disgrace by Coetzee is full of imageries including allegories, which describe a period that marked South Africa’s transition from apartheid. There was no confidence in the police and law because everything was restructuring. Criminals got away with their mischievous ways, especially against the white settlers as power...

“The Sound and the Fury” a Book by William Faulkner

The Sound and the Fury is a wonderful written work first presented by William Faulkner in 1929. The book has many compelling episodes to get absorbed with. It is interesting how Faulkner described his characters so vividly, each of them has own principles, virtues, attitude towards life and towards Caddy....

Literature: “A Pyrenean Adventure” by G.R. Gleig

Introduction “A Pyrenean Adventure” is a short story by G.R. Gleig, which narrates the tale of one day experience of the protagonist- a nameless soldier in the British Army, assumingly the author, on the Pyrenean Mountains. This paper analyzes the aforementioned short story in terms of their literary genre and...

Harry Potter and the Magic at Hogwarts

J.K Rowling is the second richest woman in Britain, owing it all to the transformational force of the Harry Potter series which has turned the publishing industry upside down in the last few years. With the sales figures being extraordinary, the series has almost started a war between America and...

Literature: “Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide” by Gerard Prunier

Summary of the Case The article ‘Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide’ by Gerard Prunier gives a critical view of the war that has been taking place in Darfur. According to this article, this war has continued for a long time, and it would be right to consider it genocide. Many innocent...