The Wars by Timothy Findley: A Novel Analysis

The Wars, written by Timothy Findley in 1977, is a novel that narrates the personal experiences of a young Canadian soldier amid World War I. As the narrative opens, we are introduced to Robert Ross. Following the tragic loss of his sister, Rowena, he decided to enroll in the army....

When I Die by Merritt Malloy: A Poem Analysis

Merritt Malloy is an American poet whose works have been recognized by many people and even become considered legendary. She is the author of an epitaph poem called When I Die. The epitaph means that the work was written in honor of the memory of someone who once died. In...

“Macbeth” by Shakespeare: Lady Macbeth Thesis Statement

In Shakespeare’s play, Lady Macbeth is revealed as an ambitious woman, overwhelmed with her desire to become a queen. She proves her strong verbal influence on her husband, who does not dare to challenge fate. Shakespeare created a vivid female character, combining a craving for villainy and the inability to...

“Recitatif” by Toni Morrison Analysis

Introduction One of the primary purposes of literature is to deliver meaningful messages through artful images and plots. While some literary works may have a mostly entertaining function, some pieces prove to be seminal in the broader context of topical issues of society. Toni Morrison is one of the authors...

The Life of Walt Whitman, His Works and Poetry Engagements

Introduction Walt Whitman was a renowned American poet for his literary works and as a successor to Virgil, Shakespeare, Homer, and Dante. In his book, Leaves of Grass, he wrote poems that celebrated love, democracy, friendship, and nature (Turpin, 2017). This monumental work earned praise from the audience and influenced...

Evil and Vengeance in The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most astonishing short stories that has been interpreted in numerous ways. Most notably, the work is considered to be an allegory due to the biblical image painted through the human foot crushing the head of a serpent (Saxton...

Compare and Contrast “The Masque of the Red Death” and “The Raven”

In “The Masque of the Red Death” Poe uses a great symbolic work to depict fear of death and its inevitability for people. He has shown the unity of effect in the poem. According to Fletcher, he portrayed death in a form that destroys all the lifesaving plans of people...

Science Fiction Then and Now

Introduction Scientific fiction constitutes a fictional genre that addresses the effect accrued to imaginative innovation(s) which occur in science/technology, and several times in settings that are futuristic. It is different from fantasy within the story context due to the fact that its component of imagination is to a vast extent...

Creation Myths of Ancient Greeks and Egyptians

Since time immemorial, humans have wondered about the origins of everything, including the Earth, natural forces, animals, and even themselves. Such curiosity about the unknown encouraged early humans to search for answers; however, since at that time, science was not yet as developed as today, people started to create myths....

Sarah Kay’s Poetry as a Valuable Lesson for All Girls

Introduction Raising a child in the turbulent modern world is not an easy matter, especially if it is a girl. Being more sensitive and vulnerable, girls often find it more difficult to accommodate to the realities of the environment and circumstances in which they find themselves. In her poem “B...

“Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen

“Dulce et Decorum Est” is a poem written by Wilfred Owen after his experience of fighting in World War I. The title is a Latin clause meaning it is worthy to die for one’s country. However, Wilfred Owen shares the reverse opinion, implying that it is an awful death. Due...

Sisterhood in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” Play

Introduction Susan Glaspell is a celebrated American writer, and Trifles, a one-act play, is among the many works that she wrote in the early twentieth century. At the time, women in American society were facing various challenges and Glaspell used her literary skills to highlight the same, albeit dramatically. In...

Troy vs. Family Conflict in “Fences” Short Story by August Wilson

Introduction In any normal setting, family and society conflicts are inevitable, whereby people misunderstand one another. People have different perspectives on how they view different life instances. Notably, what seems to be correct to one might be wrong to another, leading to a conflict. In playwriting, developing a conflict is...

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor: Plot Analysis

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor is a tragic story of a family consisting of a grandmother, her son Bailey, his wife, two young children, and a baby going on vacation. They get into an accident during their trip, meet a violent criminal, The Misfit, and...

Domestic Violence in “Othello” by W. Shakespeare

Introduction Arguably, William Shakespeare’s works are a critical way of thinking about the different contemporary subjects existing today. In Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, various issues affecting society during the 16th century are discussed. Writers, historians, sociologists, linguists, and the public, in general, use Shakespeare’s works as a vital reference point and...

Symbol of the Black Cat in “The Black Cat” by E. A. Poe

It goes without saying that there are multiple symbols in the short story “The black cat,” written by an outstanding American writer Edgar Allan Poe. As a matter of fact, the symbol of the black cat may be regarded as the most significant, and its changes throughout the story support...

“Love, I’m Done with You” by Ross Gay: A Poem Analysis

Love, I’m Done with You by Ross Gay shows the poet’s feelings after escaping from his partner. He realizes how wretched their relationship was and everything he liked about his beloved was an illusion. Gay sees all the flaws of his partner, which he did not pay attention to before....

Taming of the Shrew: Katherina’s Final Speech

Katherine’s final speech in Act 5, scene 2 of Taming of the Shrew, is quite surprising and contradictory to her character. A woman who was known for rebellious behavior towards men, including her husband, suddenly speaks as an exemplary wife. Katherina’s husband asked her to talk about a woman’s duties....

“A Man From the People” by Chinua Achebe

The novel “A man from the People” was written by Chinua Achebe, and it describes the society of post-colonial Africa. The story tells about men who were chosen by the people to represent them, their interest, and their lives. The corruption of current authorities makes a school teacher stand up...

“The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Judith Ortiz Cofer

Your Last Name “The Myth of the Latin Woman” is a memoir essay written by Judith Ortiz Cofer, and it reveals the challenges Hispanic women have to go through due to their identity. The author recalls her own childhood while describing how different life was for her compared to the...

Similarities Between Norse and Indian Myths

Introduction A comparative study of mythology is essential for understanding the specifics of cultural and historical areas in the ancient world. Mythology was not only an arsenal for literature but also a direct predecessor of religious and philosophical thought. Moreover, the evolution of myth-making reflected the main stages of ancient...

“What You Pawn I Will Redeem” Story by Sherman Alexie

“What You Pawn, I Will Redeem” is a chef-d’oeuvre short story by Sherman Alexie written and published in 2003 for the first time. The story is about a broke and homeless Spokane Indian named Jackson Jackson, who has to look for $1,000 to redeem his grandmother’s regalia, which from a...

Love Obstacles in Betty Keller’s Tea Party

Betty Keller’s essay Tea Party is one of her best works. It demonstrates the talent of the author as far as the reader may observe how many themes may be covered in such a short story (Betty Keller). This essay is like a hymn to the remote love between two...

“Montana 1948” Book Review and Analysis

The book ‘Montana 1948’ reflects themes of; the importance of family, loyalty, guilt, law, and order, and justice. The book is told from a third-person perspective of David Hayden, who recaps the events of his childhood Bentock, Montana in the summer of 1948. The issue of identity and decision-making are...

Death Within Edgar Allan Poe’s Works

Introduction Death has always been the notion of great interest. Different scientists have been studied its nature, but the question of death is not solved yet. Literature is also the field of science which tries to develop and solve the notion of death through the literary works of different authors....

“The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini Book Report

Introduction Betrayal is a universal human experience that we don’t typically think about, but that permeates the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Although we are all likely to experience betrayal at some point in our lives, Hosseini also provides us with a means of defeating it through loyalty...

Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

Introduction Aristotle, a well known and generally recognized dramatic tragedies pioneer, highlighted his vision of the true tragic hero which can be analyzed through the work ‘Julius Caesar’ by William Shakespeare. The story is considered to be a masterpiece of the world literature disclosing the era of ambitious political leader...

Cultural Context of “Don Quixote” by M. de Cervantes

In the history of classical literary pieces, Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes enjoys one of the prominent positions among the masterpiece works and it is rightly considered as the foremost piece of fiction ever to be written by any important authors. The piece also holds the credit to be...

The Role of Colors in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

What Does the Color Green Symbolize in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Introduction Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a medieval poem by an unknown author dated by the late 14th century. Some of the colors frequently mentioned in this poem have a symbolic meaning. A great semantic...

A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Critical Analysis Essay

Introduction Flannery O’Connor is the brightest representative of the Southern Gothic in US literature. Her prose is filled with violence, erupting evil and dark features of a human being, and many stories shockingly end on a note of horror. “A Good Man is Hard to Find” first appeared in a...

Deceit in “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is well-known for his mysterious and horrific short stories with several significant lessons. “The Cask of Amontillado” is one example of a strait plot based on revenge but touches upon different aspects of life, including friendship, trust, deceit, and envy. Despite the intention to create honest and...

“The Killers” the Story by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction Hemingway’s short story “The Killers” deals with the common for the writer themes of courage, death, disillusionment, and masculinity. The semi-autobiographical narrator of the author, Nick Adams, intends to show his heroism but is disillusioned by the outcome of it. Throughout the story’s development, it becomes clear that Nick...

“Us and Them” the Work by David Sedaris

Introduction It is possible to suggest that the most universal and inclusive definition of the purpose of literature as an art is to tell a good story. While it is apparent that various genres of literature fulfill this purpose differently, it could be suggested that the genre of memoirs is...

Religion Criticism of in “Salvation” by Langston Hughes

“Salvation” is a short narrative by Langston Hughes, the famous Harlem Renaissance writer. The narrative addresses Langston’s childhood experiences with issues of Christianity, faith, and salvation. Langston wrote the short narrative as an adult more than twenty years after this childhood experience. “Salvation” is quite a short narrative and it...

Themes and Devices in “Disgrace” by Coetzee

Introduction The novel “Disgrace” written by John Maxwell Coetzee can affect anyone who reads it. The author of the work has received several awards for it, and experts in the field have highly appreciated the book. The reading reveals the essence of extremes that can exist in any person, and...

“Ode to the Midwest” by Kevin Young

Young’s poem is a representation of seemingly light poetry which, at the same time, gives food for thought. He dedicates his ode to the place where he was born and also to the whole country. The poem is very “American,” it employs a lot of words and phrases about our...

Captain Nemo on the Lost Continent

In the twenty thousand leagues under the sea, Nemo comes out as a captain who does not value the chain of command. He believes in himself and thinks that his decisions are his visions. In chapter nine of part two, he shows up in the submarine only to exit with...

“Pierre; or; The Ambiguities” by Herman Melville

Books 1-5 The story told by Herman Melville in his book titled Pierre; or; The Ambiguities that was first published in the middle of the nineteenth century attracts the attention of the readers to a network of conflicts and troubled relationships between the protagonist and other characters. At the beginning...

“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl

Introduction The book Man’ Search for Meaning is one of the most influential works on the psychoanalysis of the modern time. It was written by Viktor Frankl, a former Auschwitz prisoner, and the outstanding psychoanalyst. The existential vacuum is one of the most important concepts explained by Frankl in his...

Relationships in Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun vs. Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun” and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” are two novels that explore the complexities of human relationships in very different contexts. While Hansberry’s play takes place in the mid-twentieth century, exploring the lives of an African American family living in poverty, Fitzgerald’s novel...

Kazuko Itoi Is the Authentic (Japanese) Name of the Writer Monica Sone

Kazuko’s attitude toward the American people during and after her relocation. Kazuko Itoi is the authentic (Japanese) name of the writer Monica Sone, who was born in the United States to Japanese parents, first-generation immigrants. As the story progresses, this balance of the two components of her personality periodically changes...

Humor and Suffering in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Despite seeming incompatible at first sight, pain and humor often go together in fiction writing, creating realistic plots in which the entire palette of human emotions finds use. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is among numerous works that demonstrate the co-existence of the ridiculous and the painful, thus conveying a deep meaning....

“The Lady With the Dog” by Anton Chekhov

Introduction “The Lady with the Dog” is one of the most famous short stories by Anton Chekhov. This Russian author is famous for his prose works that perfectly address and describe such essential issues as mood, character, feelings, and settings. Numerous international critics and experts highly appraise Chekhov’s short stories...

Transformation of Edgar Allan Poe’s Writing Style

Introduction Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor, and literary critic. He went down in history as the founder of the genre of psychological prose and the form of classic detective stories. It is no secret that many of Poe’s works have contributed to the development of...

“The Beekeeper of Aleppo” by Christy Lefteri

The Beekeeper of Aleppo is the moving story of the journey of two spouses who experienced the war and were forced to flee Syria. This book illuminates the lives of civilians who had a formed life and a safe environment, coming face to face with war, death, and grief. The...

“To Build a Fire” by Jack London: Analysis

Introduction Literary works provide different perspectives on various aspects of life. For instance, Jack London’s short story To Build a Fire illustrates an individual’s fateful relationship with nature by describing how the main personage perceives the surroundings of his journey. London’s story is unique due to the use of literary...

Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Should Not Be Banned

Introduction Harper Lee and the film adaptation subtly weave various topics into the narrative — the stratification of society on the example of a single white part of the population of Maycomb. The question is raised about the painful search for one’s self, which includes equating to a contradictory ideal;...

The Play “Proof” by David Auburn

Prove that irony exists in the play In the play “Proof” by David Auburn, events unravel in the house of a mathematical genius Robert, who has been suffering from mental illness. His daughter Catherine is living with him in order to take care of. The first element of irony is...

Morality Through the Lens of Kate Chopin’s “The Storm”

Introduction Kate Chopin’s short story “The Storm” depicts an unsuccessful union between the protagonist Calixta and her partner Bobinot. The story describes an adulterous sexual affair between Calixta and a former friend, Alcee, during a storm. Although Chopin explores these issues from a conventional perspective, she adopts a rather unbiased...

Biotech, Corporate Power, and Democracy: Oryx and Crake

Introduction It is important to note that Margaret Atwood’s book titled Oryx and Crake is a post-apocalyptic story with a heavy focus on the preceding events, which are deeply reflected in the current trends in areas, such as biotech, corporate power, and the erosion of democratic norms. The plot explores...

“Silver Water” by Amy Bloom: Main Character, Plot, and Themes

The book Silver Water by Amy Bloom revolves around a girl, Rose, who becomes mentally ill at an early age. The theme of the narration is that of mental illness and how it has a significant impact on the patient’s life and that of their family. It also shows that...

Humor and Its Purposes in Literature

Introduction Humor in literature and art can be characterized as a kind of tendency, the desire to evoke a laughing reaction from the audience. Initially, it seems that the humorous presentation of information, the description of comic situations, is aimed at entertaining the audience, arousing positive emotions in it, and...

The Downfall of Willy Loman in the “Death of a Salesman”

In Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller manages to masterfully show how dreams, combined with pride and stubbornness, are able to destroy a person’s life. In the play, Willy Loman, the main character, is fighting to face the reality and abandon the haunting illusions. Eventually, Willy’s dream of materialistic happiness...

Hamlet’s Relationship With Gertrude

Introduction As a targeted literary work to analyze, the world-famous play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare will be considered. For the first time, the tragedy was published in 1603, and to this day, this is one of the outstanding works of the genius of classic...

Rhythm, Repetition, and Speaker’s Voice in Blake’s “The Tyger” and “The Lamb”

While the metric scheme of Blake’s “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” is basically the same– the six-to-seven trochee – its rhythmic application varies strongly between the poems. “The Lamb” sometimes breaks the line into two rhythmic pieces composed of stressed-unstressed-stressed syllables. For example, if “Little Lamb I’ll tell thee” was...

“Dead Men’s Path” by Chinua Achebe

Chinua Achebe’s “Dead Men’s Path” demonstrates the conflicts between European values and the traditional Ndume culture. Michael Obi, who came to the village as a headmaster of the school, aimed to cultivate modern values for local youngsters. However, when he refused to open the holy footpath, the villagers ruined the...

Magid and Millat in the “White Teeth” Novel by Zadie Smith

It is important to note that White Teeth explores a wide range of themes and topics through a number of perspectives offered by different characters. Twin brothers of Samad and Alsana, Magid and Millat, are among the outstanding examples of how individual fates and parental expectations can shift the course...

“Dwellings” Rhetorical Techniques Analysis

Linda Hogan’s piece “Dwellings” argues that the places inhabited by people are always in motion and going through continuous modification and change unlike the thinking of homes being solid, stable, and, motionless. Hogan’s work is written in an optimistic tone as the author uses language to explain and explore the...

Birches Poem Analysis

Introduction The poetic legacy of Robert Frost, as one of the foremost American poets of the 20th century, is rich and imbued with images and vivid stories. As an example, his poem “Birches” can be analyzed as a work that captivates the reader with its philosophical ideas about eternity and...

Satire in “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz”

The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is a satirical novel written by Canadian writer Mordecai Richler, which describes Duddy Kravitz’s life. The main character, a Jew from Montreal, Quebec, tries his best to become rich, not paying attention to all the sacrifices made for this purpose. The author of the novel...

Internal and External Conflict in “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

Human relationships are never simple and are usually predetermined by a variety of factors. In Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” the theme of family relationships is described through the vision of a little boy, Paul, and his mother, Hester, and the impact of such issues as money and personal needs. Despite...

Themes of Religion, Sexuality: “Salvation” by Langston Hughes

In the short story “Salvation,” Langston Hughes talks about the concept of faith through a child’s lens who loses his belief in Jesus due to the compulsion of surrounding people. Young Hughes did not get up to be saved as others did, but he remained in his seat to see...

“The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara

Introduction “The Lesson” is a short story written by Toni Cade Bambara in 1972. It narrates a story of a woman, Miss Moore, trying to tell a group of children from a poor neighborhood in New York about the problems of American capitalism, which makes people unequal. The plot is...

A Love that Kills: Imagery in Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

Kate Chopin’s short stories have always fascinated the readers by the unique combination of concise content and a profound context. “The Story of an Hour” is not an exception: in only about a thousand words, the writer manages to tell a dramatic story with quite an unexpected ending. The critics...

“The Far and the Near” by Thomas Wolfe

There is a number of brilliant writers whose genius helps them create truly amazing writings that rarely leave the readers indifferent. One of such masterpieces is the story titled “The far and the near” by Thomas Wolfe. While reading this short text, one can feel various emotions and start thinking...

Traditions in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

“The Lottery” was written by Shirley Jackson in 1948 and contains many notable themes that are significant and relevant to discuss even today. The author tells a story of a fictional village which practices a long-established custom of conducting an annual lottery. The symbolism chosen by Jackson constitutes an important...

“Digging” Poem by Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney was born in 1939 and became one of the most brilliant Irish poets, translators, and playwrights. His first significant volume, Death of a Naturalist, was published in 1966 and included Heaney’s probably most read poem, “Digging,” in which the poet is thinking about his grandfather’s and father’s occupation...

Women in Senegal in Bâ’s “So Long a Letter” Novel

Representing a strictly patriarchal society, where the rights of women are heavily infringed upon, postcolonial Senegal is one of the places where women suffer particularly harsh injustices. In her semi-autobiographical novel, “So Long a Letter,” Mariama Bâ depicts the struggles of Senegal women in a disturbingly vivid and realistic manner,...

What Is a Definition of “Hero”?

Introduction The word “hero” is associated with different views and definitions. The application of this word in various situations or settings is a practice that many people pursue without thinking deeply or analytically. Fictional stories and fairly tales are known to portray courageous individuals or characters who manage to overcome...

“The Life and Culture of the Gebusi” by Bruce Knauft

Introduction In his book, Bruce Knauft describes the life and culture of the Gebusi, a people living in Papua New Guinea. His anthropological research is deep and covers various aspects of the development of this unique culture. The evaluation of life, religion, social relations, spirituality, and other features of the...

Love and Loss in Poem “Annabelle Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

The poem “Annabelle Lee” is considered the last poem by Edgar Allan Poe. It is believed to be related to the love of Poe’s life, his wife Virginia, who died at an early age of tuberculosis (Syafitri & Marlinton, 2018). Since Virginia was much younger than Edgar, her image could...

The Namesake’ by Jhumpa Lahiri: Compare and Contrast

Introduction Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel The Namesake expresses a complex combination of the emotions and feelings of the main characters who are trying to understand their places in society and identify themselves. The author shows an immigrant father, Ashoke, and his son, Gogol, who, despite different upbringings and cultural affiliations, go...

Margaret Atwood’s and Gloria Steinem’s Views on Pornography Comparison

Introduction The role of pornography in modern society should be considered as the topic for debate because of the controversial nature of this subject. Women’s ideas regarding the concept of pornography are important to examine and discuss in detail because of the prevalence of males’ views in this field. In...

“Heat” by Joyce Carol Oates Review

The story depicts life as a period, full of torment and fierceness, whereas death is the nonappearance of it, nearly peaceful. Death is energized and claimed in history because of the challenges in life. The depiction of Rhea and Rhonda proves of Oates’ message portraying them as lovely as dolls....

Rewiew of “The Illegal” by Lawrence Hill

Character Growth in Three Parts The first part of the novel introduces the protagonist, Keita Ali, who has to flee his homeland to earn money for his family’s ransom. In this part, the readers learn that he feels alienated from his motherland and tries to fit in. The next section...

Poetry of Seamus Heaney and Sinéad Morrissey

Introduction Seamus Heaney and Sinéad Morrissey are prominent modern Irish authors who address the past and the present in their poetry; they combine personal experiences, historical events, and stylistic devices to bring the reader closer to the themes they explore. Both of them focus on emotional experience as the mirror...

“Girl With a Pearl Earring” by Tracy Chevalier

As we can see in “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, written by Tracy Chevalier, the author can be free in selection of facts and settings. The novel is a kind of composition on a free topic or the description of one’s feelings at the time of looking at the picture....

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place: Critical Analysis

The short story by Ernest Hemingway titled A Clean, Well-Lighted Place is a bright example of the psychological literature in which all sins of human beings are revealed. In this story, Hemingway manages to illustrate the eternal differences between human beings through the short dialog of two waiters in a...

Death of a Salesman: Critical Analysis

Every literary genre is unique and marvelous in its way, but the genre of drama stands apart from other genres of literature, as it possesses certain features that are characteristic for it only. These characteristic features of drama will be analyzed in this work using the example of an outstanding...

Hesiod’s Idea of Justice Based on His Works

Hesiod’s writings are known for discussing universal truths, such as law and justice. One of such works is Works and Days which expresses the idea that labor is an essential part of human beings’ lives, and if they are diligent enough, they will be able to handle even the hardest...

Shakespear’s Hamlet: Conflict Between Seeming and Being

Introduction The conflict has been one of the central themes of Hamlet, the celebrated play by Shakespeare, and the conflict between seeming and constituting a major part of the conflict theme. “The theme that remains constant throughout the play is appearance versus reality. Things within the play appear to be...

Feminism in Antigone: Term Paper

It is difficult to identify as to who was the first feminist in the world and as to when the feminist movements had started, but majority of such movements can be traced during the last two centuries. However, there have been women feminists who have proved their abilities in this...

Sophocles’ Antigone: Critical Analysis

Introduction The play Antigone is one of the best Greek dramatic works depicting life style of society and human relations between people. Antigone of Sophocles can be characterized as an astonishing achievement of world literature in which people are crushed by the entanglements of law whichever way they turn. Antigone...

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

Introduction In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck portrays human dreams and inability to fulfill them, psychological problems experienced by one of the characters and life grievances. Steinbeck’s knowledge of the natural world becomes evident in a number of ways: through his landscape; through his description of the power of nature...

“Remembrance” Poem by Emily Bronte

Emily Bronte is a Victorian female writer perhaps best known for her novel Wuthering Heights. However, she also published several poems, many of which are recognized today for their powerful emotion and distinct voice so unlike the poetic voice of the other female poets of her day. Her poetry was...

Meanings in “Lady Lazarus” Poem by Sylvia Plath

The work of the American poetess Sylvia Plath is traditionally considered the birthplace of such a genre of poetry as confessional poetry. The name of the writer is not only well-known to the Western reader but became a kind of myth, embodying the tragic fate of a raging woman poet...

The Detective and the Criminal: “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” by Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction The genre of a detective novel always attracted a large audience with its suspenseful premise and a satisfactory and often revelatory ending. One can argue that this genre has a set of traits that were established once and had not changed significantly since then (Rosenheim 81). Many short stories...

The Concept of American Dream in Plays

Introduction The American Dream is a major ideal based on the ideas of liberty and equality of opportunity. It promises the possibility of success and happiness to everyone who works hard to achieve them. However, the American Dream is often presented in art as an impossible or corrupted ideal that...

Analysis of “Sula” by Toni Morrison

In her novel called Sula, Toni Morrison challenges the reader’s perception of good and evil. The book narrates the story of a small black community in Ohio, which takes place after World War I. Sula and Nel are the main characters of the novel, and, by depicting their lives, the...

“The Lottery” by Jackson and “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Le Guin

Introduction: Dystopian Stories by Jackson and Le Guin The short stories, which represent a genre of utopian fiction, give the reader an opportunity to immerse himself/herself in the study of societies based on totalitarian principles and concealing controlled regimes behind the visible general happiness. Therefore, two stories, namely “The Lottery”...

“Barn Burning” Short Story by William Faulkner

This is an American story by William Faulkner. It revolves around the burning of barns where this article will major on the burning of the first barn. The themes of this short story are class conflicts, racism, vengeance, betrayal, father influences, etc. The characters of the stories are Sartoris Snopes...

Foreshadowing in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

Examples of Foreshadowing in The Lottery While not immediately obvious, there are instances of foreshadowing in the story which seems to imply that some form of auspicious practice was about to occur. The most obvious example of foreshadowing was the emphasis the author placed on how the various characters in...

Short Stories Analysis: “The Necklace” and “The Last Leaf”

“The Necklace”: Analysis In One of the Opening Paragraphs of the Story, We Are Told that Mme Loisel “Suffered Intensely.” Why Did She Suffer? As someone who had the appearance, demeanor, and ambitions of an upper-class woman, yet belonging to a comparatively less wealthy class, Mme Loisel must have felt...

Cultures in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss

Introduction This paper is a review of the article, Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss: Elements of American Dream and Globalization by Andhra Chandramani and Bala Reddy, which bases its discussion on the book, The Inheritance of Loss, by Kiran Desai. The article is mainly an analysis of what the...

Shakespeare’s Hamlet and His Self-Destructive Temper

Introduction Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most outstanding works. Feigned and real madness, incest, revenge, treachery, and moral corruption are some of the societal vices that the play depicts (Shakespeare, 19). Driven by a singular goal to avenge his father’s death, Hamlet lets his emotions cloud his judgments. This led...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” and “The Laugh of the Medusa”

On reading “The Yellow Paper,” I established that the premise of writing bases on charlotte’s experiences. Before seeking medical attention, she had faced frequent nervous breakdowns. The physician advised a rest cure as the most efficient way of managing her condition (Gilman 34). According to the medical practitioner, rest cure...

Little Red Riding Hood by Dahl and Perrault

Comparison of the Different Versions of LRRH Little Red Cap is a folk text initially written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Today, it is also widely known as Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH). This fairy tale reveals a story about a young girl who goes through the woods to visit...

“Grief” a Poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Writing about poems is always interesting and challenging. The analysis of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poem is not an exception. On the one hand, it is a real challenge to understand the meaning of each word in the poem and the intentions of the writer. On the other hand, it is...

Behavior in “The Slipover Sweater” by Jesse Stuart

There is no use denying the fact that people are different and they all have their tastes and styles of behavior. This fact makes our life more interesting as one can never know what awaits him/her and how a person will react to certain actions. The story The Slipover Sweater...

“Othello” a Tragedy by William Shakespeare

Introduction Besides love, the play contains other themes such as conflict, war and jealousy, among others. Moreover, most characters in the play exhibit disjointed feelings for each other. For instance, Iago hates Othello for promoting Cassio over him. Additionally, Othello demotes Cassio for alleged fighting. On the other hand, Desdemona...

The Weary of the Blues by Langston Hughes

In this The Weary Blues analysis essay, you will find plenty of information about the poem’s literary devices, metaphors, and themes. Check it out and get inspired. The Weary Blues Analysis Essay: Introduction Langston Hughes was an African American born in 1902 in Joplin, Missouri. He started writing early in...

American Dream in Babylon Revisited Story by Fitzgerald

One of F.S. Fitzgerald’s most influential works, Babylon Revisited, has the pursuit of pleasure and the “American Dream” as its central theme. The primary character, Charlie, has a tragic backstory, which the author detailed together with his historical period. The story is considered autobiographical since the author established parallels between...

Religious Contrasts in Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels” Novel

Literary creativity often intersects with various issues and problems of its time, illuminates essential topics, or ridicules decisions and phenomena. Social, political, and religious factors influence the motives of literary works because they resonate with the personal beliefs of their authors. Religion played an important cultural and social role at...

Perception of War in A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway

A Farewell to Arms, an Ernest Hemingway novel, has a distinctive anti-military rhetoric. While the war is not directly condemned, its atrocities are described vividly, showing that something wrong is happening. Its main character, Frederic Henry, is an American lieutenant serving in the Italian Army ambulance during World War I....

Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’ – Cultural Conflict and Family Bonds

When Dee, an intelligent young African-American woman, visits her childhood home in the Deep South, the story’s first-person narrator, Mama, explains her relationship with Dee. As Maggie and Mama, Dee’s sister and Mama’s younger daughter, get ready for the visit, the story begins. Maggie dresses into a new outfit as...

The Short Story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

A heart seeking love and burdened by traditions can open a doorway into madness. The given review and critique will be focused on a short story, “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, written in 1930. The plot revolves around a town in the state of Mississippi with central characters...

Analysis of “Flight” and Flight Patterns by Sherman Alexis

The “Flight” is a novel written by Sherman Alexie about an American teenager who calls himself zits. Sherman wrote this novel from the first-person perspective of Native American youth. Zits is depicted as a foster child who has spent most of his life moving from house to house and contending...

Review of “A Letter to My Nephew” by James Baldwin

Background James Baldwin is one of the renowned writers in the US whose piece of work covers issues of racial discrimination faced by black people in the country. The author is African American who lived in Harlem, New York City, in the 1930s. Majorly, the themes of Baldwin’s writing are...

Analysis of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

In one of the sermons, Martin Luther King Jr. proclaims that “love has within it a redemptive power. And there is a power there that eventually transforms individuals” (King para. 24). The ideas of love and redemption are fundamental for The Kite Runner. The central characters of this novel are...

Message to Men and Women in Glaspell’s “Trifles”

Trifles is a play written in 1916 by Susan Glaspell. It is categorized as feminist literature for highlighting how women are positioned in society as unimportant. The play carries a message for both males and females because it contrasts the women and men characters. It revolves around the murder of...

The “Cry of An Unborn Child” Poem by Gabrielle Kruger

The debates about abortion do not seem to be edging closer to a conclusion as new issues emerge every day. According to Scarfone, 2019 witnessed a new spate of anti-abortion measures that were enacted across the United States (1). The new area of the division was whether abortion should be...

The Mayan Story “Rabbit and His Cap of Antlers”

The major lesson learned from the Mayan story Rabbit and His Cap of Antlers is that people have a hard time letting go of their material possessions, even in the spiritual world. From the story, we learn that the rabbit, which represents a Mayan, is an assimilated fellow who also...

“Happy Endings” Short Story by Margaret Atwood

Introduction In the short story “Happy Endings,” the Canadian novelist and poet Margaret Atwood discusses the nature of relationships, the importance of love, and its impact on human life. The author delivers six different scenarios making the main characters’ lives full of challenges and joy. In the ideal scenario (“A”),...

Existentialism in “The Flies”: The Guiding Light to the French Resistance

Introduction The French Resistance to the German threat is the force of good keeping France hopeful during truly dark and desperate times. The Resistance plays a substantial role in the “Europe-wide struggle against fascism” (Faucher and Humbert 209). Nevertheless, the movement should be more mindful of its inner philosophy and...

Holden Caulfield’s Irresponsibility in The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger

Holden Caulfield, the protagonist of Jerome Salinger’s The Cather in the Rye, may be many things, but responsible is not one of them. Be that himself or other people around him, he rarely has a concern for anything. By highlighting his irresponsible behavior, Salinger contrasts the character’s rather self-absorbed focal...

Modern and Traditional Love in Literature

Love in Literature Love is an obsession: everyone wants it, everyone is looking for it, but few will ever achieve it. True love is hard to find and hard to keep; many spend their lives looking for that one person who makes their life worth living. Novels were the basis...

Critical Analysis of “To Build a Fire” by Jack London

Introduction The man’s endeavors to get by in the unpleasant cold and his dog’s simple surrender show nature’s indifference in light of human misery. In To Build a Fire, London utilizes literary devices such as symbolism, setting, and character portrayal to make the topic of the work through the formalist...

Postcolonial Theory in Literary Works

Postcolonial literary theory is a broadly related theory of the struggles and consequences of colonial rule in European countries. The theory implements literature techniques to describe effects of colonialism and the struggle for independence. Nonetheless, the concept of this theory does not solely imply struggle for freedom and life in...

The Comprehension of the American Dream in “Death of a Salesman”

Introduction The phenomenon of the American Dream appears vague and indeterminate in the American literature. In a broad sense, this term indicates both material and spiritual values of the American citizens. It is a complex of various ideals, inherent for the Americans since their childhood. The American Dream is a...

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by J. Rowling

Introduction Today’s generation of adults and their children know the storyline about a wizard boy whose parents were killed by a criminal wizard. Joanne Rowling not only gave the children a new literary character, but also created a whole world for readers with its unique characters, laws, regulations, traditions, and...

Mystery, Morality, and Miracle Plays – “Everyman”

Introduction The medieval theater originated in the deep layers of folk culture. Its roots are associated with ancient ritual games, folklore, and the creative work of wandering actors. Their performances gave viewers a cheerful spirit and amused them. Actors and jugglers made fun shows where everyone was ridiculed. Some of...

Villanelle in Poetry: “The House on the Hill” by Robinson

Poetry utilizes many different tools related to its rhythm, style, structure, and composition to achieve a variety of effects it may apply to the reader. Some of those, specifically different composition types, contribute to the internal typology that has formed throughout the evolution of poetry as a literary form. Villanelle...

“How to Talk to Girls at Parties” Story by Neil Gaiman

How to Talk to Girls at Parties is a fantasy story by Naiman, set in 1970s London. Enn, the main character, narrates it after thirty years from the action. He and his friend, Vic, in their teenage years decided to meet young ladies. They study at the school for boys...

“The Misfits” Characters Analysis

The Misfits depicts a group of friends rejected by others, known as the Gang of Five, despite having only four members. They are Bobby, Joe, Skeezie, and Addie, the only girl in the circle. Each has a distinct personality and certain reasons for being ostracized, and later the quarter joins...

The Fight between Good and Evil in Harry Potter Series

Introduction The peculiarity of Rowling’s books is that, as in life’s reality, good and evil tend to penetrate each other, replace one another and intertwine so closely that it is challenging for the hero to distinguish one from the other. Consequently, the choice of his path is complicated enough as...

Alice in “Adventure” Story by Sherwood Anderson

Introduction Winesburg, Ohio is a series of short novels written by Sherwood Anderson and published in 1919, which depicts the daily lives of ordinary citizens in small-town rural America. Throughout the book, the author offers us glimpses and snapshots into the characters’ frames of mind within specific moments in time,...

Poem Response “I Heard a Fly Buzz – When I Died” by Emily Dickinson

The symbolism of the poem “I Heard a Fly Buzz – When I Died” by Emily Dickinson is the most striking aspect of this literary work. Stillness stands for the end of human life, which is something grand and frightening. The poet manages to make the reader see the picture...

The Role of Friendship in Nel and Sula’s Lives

Introduction The theme of friendship is central to Toni Morrison’s novel Sula. The writer exposes two sides of such a relationship – uplifting and supportive on the one hand and complicated and painful on the other. As girls, Sula and Nel structure their own rules and outline the size of...

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Winterson

Since ancient times, myth has been one of the main ways of mastering reality by a human. Thanks to mythological consciousness, people explained the events of the world and understood each other better. In addition, myths allowed people to create standards of behavior and to educate people in becoming decent...

The Analysis of Paul from “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather

Introduction Paul is a 16-year old boy who was brought up by his father and whose mother died soon after he was born. The narrative does not contain any flashbacks which might express the lack of the protagonist’s ties with the past. Paul’s appearance plays an essential role in the...

“One Thousand and One Nights”: The Frame Story

Frame story (a frame narrative or a frame tale) is a widely popular literary technique used in storytelling and even cinematography because it helps involve readers’ attention in several stories within the whole narration. An excellent example of this method is One Thousand and One Nights, a collection of folk...

Personification in the Works of Robert Frost, William Blake, and Thomas Wolfe

In Robert Frost’s poem “Out, Out”, personification plays a significant role. The poet deliberately gives the saw human qualities to impress the reader, for example, it “leaped out at the boy’s hand” (Frost 30, line 16). This effect is used to show the strong intention of the saw to hurt...

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

Introduction Amy Tan is an English writer who grew up in a Chinese family that migrated to America. She is an author of several novels and one of her most popular ones is “The Joy Luck Club.” Mostly, her works focus on the mother-daughter relationship because Tan was brought up...

William Shakespeare, His Life and Works

The exact date of the birth of William Shakespeare has not been preserved. It is believed that he was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564. His childhood passed in a large and wealthy family; he was the third child among seven brothers and sisters. At the age of 20, Shakespeare...

The Explication of “The Garden of Love” by William Blake

The poem “The Garden of Love” by William Blake dramatizes the conflict between official religion and human instincts and emotions, such as love and sexuality. The feeling of love is treated as a path to God, while the institutionalized Christian church as an obstacle for spirituality due to its hostility...

“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” by Christopher Marlowe Review

Love has always been an eternal resource of inspiration for poets. Sentimental and flattering, love helps to reveal the most hidden feeling and emotions. Therefore, the narrators use vivid poetic elements to describe this flourishing phenomenon. This paper seeks to explore how love is addressed in the poems “The Passionate...

Audre Lorde: The Use of the Erotic

Audre Lorde (2007) argues the insolvency of the statement that abolition of female eroticism illustrates women’s strength and power, while perfunctory eroticism exposes the acceptable weakness and dependence of a woman in Western society. The fictitious nature of the superficial erotic is reviled by the irrelevant emotions and exaggerates itself...

Gender and Race Factors in ‘My Year of Meats’ by Ruth Ozeki

The first thing that is sure to burst upon the eye when one takes a look at the front cover of the book “My Year of Meats” by Ruth L. Ozeki is the eloquent quotation taken from the book review by Jane Smiley for ‘Chicago Tribune’ that describes Ozeki’s debut...

Is Ibsen’s “A Doll House” a Marxist, a Feminist, or a Psychoanalytic Argument?

Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House was an influential and to a certain degree shocking literary work, as it challenged the traditional roles of men and women in society and depicted the poor outcomes of gender discrimination. The major female characters of the play are definitely bold and determined women,...

Willy Loman and His American Dream: Essay on Death of a Salesman

Introduction In Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, we see a devastating portrait of a man, Willy Loman, consumed by the wrong dream. For him, the “American Dream” is the pursuit of material wealth as “the whole reason for being.” His obsession is to become a great salesman. This obsession...

The Character of Hamlet’s Mother

Heilbrun: The character of Gertrude cannot be only described by such qualities as weakness, shallowness, and intelligence (201). Gertrude is a strong-willed woman and a rather reserved personage (205). Maxwell: Gertrude could be identified as a weak and neutral heroine, though her role in the story was very significant (237)....

Analysis of “The Swimmer” by John Cheever

The Swimmer tells the tale of Neddy Merrill, a rich socialite who has come upon hard times but has a narcissistic view of his condition and he begins to feel that he is young, athletic, and still good-looking. The real fact of the matter is that he is married with...

How Sympathetic Is Heathcliff’s Character in Wuthering Heights?

The story of Heathcliff, an enigmatic and vengeful ‘Byronic hero’ of Wuthering Heights, unravels in front of the reader as the novel progresses. The gypsy-like child faces the challenges of growing up as a hated outsider within his own adopted family, developing into a bitter and, ultimately, miserable man. Heathcliff’s...

Analysis of an Extract from Beloved

It is very hard for any reader of Toni Morrison to escape her ‘black magic’. The reason is that this great Afro American writer speaks through history and ages in a language that is dipped in the dual hues of pain and poetry both. The two hundred years of horrid...

Arabian Nights: The Tale of the Husband and the Parrot

Introduction The Arabian Nights have always been viewed as the staple of the Arabian folklore and a source of wisdom on which the Arabian philosophy is based. However, apart from addressing the general notions of justice and the battle between the good and evil, the collection of tales also examines...

Big Brother in the “1984” Novel by George Orwell

Introduction In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell explored the topic of governmental overreach and totalitarianism. The novel has been classified under the genre of dystopian political and social science fiction, which means that the themes explored by the author were characterized by a focus on the society that is contrary to...

Father-Son Relationships in Barn Burning by William Faulkner

‘‘Barn Burning’’ by William Faulkner provides a comprehensive look at a typical family relationship as it existed in the XIXth-century America and was affected by history, traditions, and society. The story depicts both emotional and ethical aspects of a young boy’s struggle to behave appropriately with his father. As the...