Sophocles’ Antigone: Critical Analysis Essay

The classic Antigone by Sophocles is one of three plays about Oedipus and his family. It tells of the daughter of Oedipus Antigone, who fights to bring her brother’s corpse home to a proper burial when the new king, Creon, rules against it for his “betrayal” of Thebes. Sophocles uses...

American Reality vs. American Dream: Death of a Salesman Theme Analysis

Introduction Arthur Miller dramatizes not only the longings and disappointments of a little man in America and the inhuman attitude of the business world towards a man not useful to the organization, but he focuses readers’ attention on the gap between the American dream and the American reality. One of...

Thwarted Love in Anton Chekhov’s Literature

Born in 1860, Anton Chekhov wrote extensively on the complexities of human nature and the hidden importance of how day-to-day interactions impacts human life (Kirk 43-56). He is famously known for such stories as “The Steppe”, “The Lady with the Dog”, “The Seagull”,” A living Chattel”, and” Uncle Vanya”. Even...

Women in Voltaire’s “Candide” & Moliere’s “Tartuffe”

Introduction Gender inequality and patriarchy are common societal characteristics in human history, problems that were well-established in social norms in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when Moliere and Voltaire wrote Tartuffe and Candide, respectively. In Tartuffe, Moliere highlights the patriarchal hierarchy and the subservient nature of women in French society...

Art Creation: Poetry as a Favorite Form of Literature

Poetry has always been my favorite form of literature due to its fascinating ability to reflect extensive ideas within several lines. One of my favorite poets is Robert Frost, whose works are considered some of the best ever written. My love for this poet was born in middle school when...

“Snail” by Langston Hughes as an Inspiration Source

Introduction Poetry is one of the best ways of expressing one’s feelings and emotions, as well as understanding those of others. From ancient times, poets wrote about love and hatred, friendship and rivalry, life and death, and many other topics. Unlike prose, poetry does not relish the opportunity to use...

Spoon River Anthology: Doctor Meyers

Spoon River Anthology is a 1916 collection of short, free-verse poems by American poet Edgar Lee Masters. The universe of Anthology, a small imaginary town on the Spoon River named after a real city in Illinois, contains 212 original characters and 244 accounts of their life plights with their joys...

H. Longfellow’s and D. Thomas’s Poetry Analysis

Literature is an approach that individuals utilize for conveying their thoughts. Among the essential themes explored by them are life, death, and their meaning. Both poems Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas offer a view on the...

“Rose for Emily” and “Barn Burning” Comparison

Introduction William Faulkner is one of the great authors of American History. “Barn Burning” and “A Rose for Emily” are counted as his best pieces in American literature. Both stories reflect the values pertaining to a typical Old Southern American society. Faulkner, through these two stories, has very intellectually illustrated...

Transformation in Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”

The theme of transformation is one of the most prominent ones in The Metamorphosis. Franz Kafka implemented various literary devices to illustrate how the central characters changed throughout the novella. Yet, the key aspect the author tried to convey is that Gregor’s physical metamorphosis led to everyone’s psychological transformation, including...

Cinderella Fairy Tale in Narratology and Feminism

Introduction Children’s literature can be defined as that form of literature that is designed for readers and listeners of about twelve years or below. Barry (2009) is of the view that children’s literature can be viewed from four perspectives. The first perspective defines children’s literature as that form of literature...

Metaphor in “Sonny’s Blues” Story by Baldwin

The proponent of this study attempted to figure out the importance of the title “Sonny’s Blues” in contributing to a theme in the story. At first glance, and without the benefit of a thorough analysis, the first thing that came to mind was the common understanding of the meaning of...

Characters in “The Plum in the Golden Vase” by Sheng

The book by the title The Plum in the Golden Vase is also known as Jin Ping Mei (JPM). It was originally written in Chinese but it has been translated into a number of languages for the purpose of readers to enjoy the plot and interesting characters. The Plum in...

“Daughter of Invention” by Julia Alvarez

Introduction Daughter of Invention by Julia Alvarez describes the lives of the family of Immigrants upon their arrival to the U.S. The story centers on the protagonist’s attempts to write a school speech. The following paper analyzes the main character’s upbringing process to determine its influence on her as a...

Analysis of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas: Essay Sample

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas: Essay Introduction The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas is a short story by Ursula Le Guin. Like most of her texts, the story raises a number of issues related to the problem of obedience to authority and compliance with social conventions and...

Mark Twain Biography

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, who commonly used his pet name Mark Twain, is one of the most celebrated writers of the 19th century because of his great contribution to the world of literature and history. Most of his literary pieces give an insight into the past as they explore events that...

Sexual-Orientation Oppression in “Now That I Am Forever with Child” and “Condition XXI”

Living in the ‘white’ American society, African Americans experience the consequences of prejudice and discriminating actions not only because of their race but also because of a range of associated factors. Thus, the issues of race discrimination towards African Americans are closely connected with gender and sexual orientation issues. In...

“Uphill”, “At the Border” and “Dreams of Suicide”

Mysterious and catching poetry has captivated people’s hearts and minds for centuries. Poetry widely uses various literary devices, such as allegory, allusion, metaphor, etc., which contribute to its expressiveness. The poem “Uphill” explores the theme of a spiritual journey in an allegorical form. “At the Border” is another poem using...

The Book “We Need New Names” by NoViolet Bulawayo

The book We Need New Names tells the story of Darling, a young African girl and her mischievous gang of friends. Darling is the protagonist. Bulawayo tells of the girl’s life in violent and unstable Zimbabwe as well as her experiences as an immigrant in America. However, the ending of...

Perspectives on a Global Issue: Charles Baudelaire’s Poem “Albatross”

Introduction The concept of finding one’s place in the world has been addressed in various poems. For example, the classic theme of the person and the crowd is presented in the Charles Baudelaire poem Albatross in the traditions of both romantic and symbolic art. Eugenio Montale also touches on this...

“The Dragon Can’t Dance” by Earl Lovelace

Introduction Earl Lovelace’s The Dragon Can’t Dance is a national allegory set in the days leading up to Trinidad and Tobago’s independence from Great Britain. The novel follows the residents of a small village as they prepare for their annual carnival celebration. The main characters represent different communities within the...

William Blake’s Poem “Spring”

Summary Poetry is a unique form of art that helps to reflect deep feelings using words. By combining sounds, an author can create a text that sounds unique and memorable. The emotional effect of poetry is linked to aesthetic pleasure, meaning that poems appeal to the ideas of beauty (Wassiliwizky...

Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 116” Review

A sonnet is a special kind of poetry expression dedicated to the inner workings of the heart and mind. They explore what it implies to give love using a wide range of emotions and various tools. To define true love, William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116 first explains what it is not...

Bradbury’s Story vs. Teasdale’s Poem “There Will Come Soft Rains”

The title of Ray Bradbury’s short tale, “There Will Come Soft Rains,” is also the title of Sara Teasdale’s poem, which is interwoven in the short story. The poetry was composed in 1920, after the First World War, and the short tale in 1950, just after the Second World War....

Conflict in “The Stranger” Novel by Albert Camus

Conflicts between children and their parents are a rather common issue that may influence one’s life significantly. In some cases, those disagreements may affect them even after the parent figure dies. This specific case is shown in the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus, as readers follow the story of...

Satire and Deception in Literature

Satire In literature, content creators use a lot of art to present their ideas in a specific way they desire. The ideas vary, thus necessitating more than one style to present their information to a targeted audience. Many themes can be depicted in the presentation, with many of them meant...

Rhetoric Analysis of Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”

Jack London – American writer of a realistic direction. The story To Build a Fire (1908) was written during Jack London’s creative heyday and published in the collection Lost Face. The description of the confrontation between man and nature in the harsh North requires a certain amount of naturalism, but...

The Wasco People’s Legend Coyote and Multnomah Falls

Coyote and Multnomah Fall, a legend of the Wasco people, tells the traditional story of love, longing, and sorrow. The story’s protagonist is the Coyote character, widespread among the North American Wasko Indians. Coyote in the works usually acts as a minor character. It can be used to contrast with...

Title of “Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros

“Woman Hollering Creek” was first published in a 1991 collection of short stories by Sandra Cisneros called “Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories.” The narration is about Cleofilas Enriqueta DeLeon Hernandez, separated from her friends and family after her marriage to Juan Pedro Martínez Sanchez. Cleofilas was raised by her...

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Analysis

William Shakespeare and his works occupy an honorary place in world literature. At the same time, the play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, briefly referred to as Hamlet, is one of the most famous. The plot reveals complex themes of revenge, mortality, deception, madness, and other issues. The...

“The Wall of Fire Rising” Story by Edwidge Danticat

Literature connects people and reveals the deep issues influencing people’s decisions in life. Many people find it hard to balance reality and their dreams and fantasies. Character choices, setting, symbolism, and themes in a story highlight the most important lessons intended by the author. The story The Wall of Fire...

Beloved by Toni Morrison: A Novel Review

Introduction Published in 1987, Beloved by Toni Morrison became one of her most well-known novels, winning the Pulitzer Prize in 1988. This work is extremely powerful at evoking a wide range of emotions; it balances fear, hate, tension, desire, and love, which can take many forms, including maternal, physical, and...

Symbolism in “A Jury of Her Peers” Short Story by Susan Glaspell

Introduction The problem of gender inequality has affected the relationships within society extensively, shaping people’s perceptions of themselves and the extent of their potential significantly. As a force that has caused multiple women to suffer injustice, gender inequality has been the center of numerous discussions and inspirations for artistic interpretations,...

The Evolution of Tragedy: From Greek to American

Drama is one of the most vital forms of art and may be considered as the heart of literature. It developed simultaneously in Ancient Greece, China, Japan, and other countries, and since then a significant number of theatres, tragedies, comedies, and dramas were created (“A brief history of tragedy,” n.d.)....

“I Stand Here Ironing” by Tillie Olsen: Analysis

Tillie Olsen is considered one of the classics of American literature of the first half of the 20th century, and in her books, she raises important social issues through everyday stories. One example of such works is the short story “I Stand Here Ironing”, in which a woman speaks in...

“The Last Leaf” by O. Henry and “The Good Samaritan” by Luke

Introduction Christian stories and parables carry deep meaning and contain valuable discourses about virtues, goodness, and the righteous path that people should follow to live in a healthy and peaceful society. At the same time, in addition to theological texts, works from popular literature also may contain profound truths that...

Io: Tragic Figure and Unsung Hero of “Prometheus Bound”

Introduction Prometheus Bound contains a plethora of colorful characters, exemplifying the inimitable nature of Greek mythology, where polytheism combines with a very human-centered perspective on the intentions and desires of the gods of the Greek Pantheon. Specifically, the play features a character that readers often barely notice, even though it...

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson: A More Positive Ending

“The Lottery” is a famous short story by Shirley Jackson that embodies a great number of themes and encourages readers all over the world to take a critical look at traditions and related problems and think about the sanctity of life in different societies. Having read the ending, one suddenly...

The Role of the Goldfish in “The Secret Goldfish” by David Means

Introduction The authors of short stories have to work hard and use their best writing skills to present interesting ideas within a limited amount of words. It is not enough to choose several characters and raise a topic that appeals to the reader. In the majority of cases, the success...

Lynn Nottage’s “Sweat” Play Analysis

In Lynn Nottage’s play Sweat, there are no characters that do not play a vital role in storytelling, even the minor ones. For instance, Jason’s interactions with a parole officer Evan become significant in his development. The author manages to successfully use this character to advance the drama in the...

Social Issues in August Wilson’s “Fences”

August Wilson’s “Fences” delves into the lives of African Americans. More specifically, Wilson uses the life of the protagonist Troy Maxson to explore common social conflicts and themes such as love, gender roles, and responsibility. Troy’s conflict with the Whites, as well as Tory’s relationship with Rose, are two dominant...

“The Wrysons” Story by John Cheever

The story “The Wrysons” written by John Cheever is a typical narrative about an American couple that preferred everything familiar to the unusual that they distrusted. The life of these people revolved around their comfort zone, and they were incredibly unwilling to welcome any change in their well-organized existence (Cheever...

Analysis of Odysseus’ Adventures and His Fatal Mistakes

The Odyssey is an integral part of the ancient Greek epic, and its authorship is usually attributed to Homer. The poem narrates Odysseus’s adventures after returning from the Troyan war. The hero faces many dangers during a long journey and returns home after 20 years. On the way, he loses...

Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” and the Importance of Decision-Making

Many people do not even imagine how they are dependent on decisions they make, either it is a necessity to wear a new suit or an intention to get married. Decision-making may be a serious topic for discussion at a different age, and Robert Frost was one of the American...

Shakespeare: “Romeo and Juliet”, the Development of Juliet as a Woman

The style of thinking, reasoning as well as acting changes with time during the process of development. Playwrights have resolved to address the changes or experiences that one encounters during his/her development. For instance, William Shakespeare in his Romeo and Juliet illustrates the process of development through Juliet, the hero...

Scott Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby”: Literary Devices

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a literary novel written by Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. The story revolves around the American culture in the past and how it is expressed in the story of Jay Gatsby, a man who would place his full life around one heart desire of being reunited...

Imagery Blindness of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and Sophocle’s “Oedipus”

Blindness, in the literal sense, is the inability to perceive by sight, to see through one’s eyes. In literary usage, however, the term is also used as imagery, giving it an allegorical meaning; it may be referred to as the characters’ failure to relate events to their circumstances. Unlike literal...

Tragedy in Oedipus the King by Sophocles

Introduction The ancient Greeks were well-known for their tragedies. These tragedies played a big role in the process of carrying out investigations about the nature of man and the position man held in the world and also the powers that served to control man’s life. Tragedy in most cases involves...

“The Storm” by Kate Chopin

On 18th July 1898, Kate Chopin wrote a short story titled “The Storm” which played around the events happening in the life of a woman (Calixta) over a stormy afternoon. Calixta was a typical traditional housewife bundled with the task of taking care of the home while her husband (Bobinôt)...

Anne Sexton’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

Anne Sexton’s poem “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” has been commonly referred to as such that represents the classical example of so-called “feminist poetry”, in which the motifs of depression and hypertrophied sexuality define such poetry’s semiotics. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of literary reviews of this...

“To Build a Fire” by Jack London: Literary Analysis

Jack London, in his short story, To Build a Fire, narrates the tale of a lone, unnamed man who embarks on a mission of travelling along the banks of Yakun, on a treacherously cold winter morning, to a base camp where his boys are waiting for him. He is comparatively...

“The Management of Grief” by Bharati Mukherjee

Introduction In her short story The Management of Grief, Bharati Mukherjee describes the feelings of a person, who has lost her family. The author shows how the main character Shaila Bhave tries to overcome this tragedy. Apart from that, she compares her reaction to that of other people, who have...

Knights in Literature: Sir Gawain, Canterbury Tales, & Beowulf Analysis

There are some Knight’s Period stories that everybody knows, or maybe, heard about, but if one strives for a deeper understanding and acknowledgment of their main themes and ideas, it is necessary for him or her to analyze them, compare some of their characters with one another. Therefore, the following...

“Ode to the West Wind” by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

The essay focus on the poem “Ode to the west wind”, by Percy Bysshe Shelley, who was born in 1792, educated at Eton and University College, Oxford. In 1811 he was expelled from Oxford for circulating a pamphlet, “The necessity of Atheism”. In same year he married the under-aged Harriet...

Analysis of “The Hollow Men”

The Hollow Men is a soliloquy by one of the hollow men, representing a modern generation of rootless, faithless, lonely, and aimless wanderers. The hollow men are bewailing their lot in the modern Waste Land. They are in Death’s dream kingdom from which they cannot cross to Death’s other kingdom...

Conflicts in “The Rich Brother” by Tobias Wolff

In the short story The Rich Brother, Tobias Wolff vividly portrays a conflict between rich and poor brothers, their family relations and social position affected their life style. Out of the only role to have given his life purpose, Donald lacks a sense of who he is or how he...

The Canterbury Tales Costumes as Symbols

Clothing in a literary work can serve as a detail that communicates certain information about the hero. Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales are replete with detailed depictions of various characters’ wardrobes. At the same time, Chaucer’s numerous descriptions of clothing are equipped with varying artistic functions, serving special expressive purposes. The...

Themes in Death of a Salesman: Research Paper

Introduction “Poor Willy!” Charley laments in the end at Willy’s funeral. Poor Willy indeed! None of his delusions of grandeur or the glories of being a Salesman came true. Not only is he not rich he committed suicide precisely because he was so poor that he wanted to die just...

“The New Automaton Theater” by Steven Millhauser

Introduction It should be noted that Steven Millhauser is a writer and author of many popular works that raise important philosophical and moral questions. He uses the images familiar to every individual and creates a small world, a micro-universe, into which the reader is immersed from the first lines. The...

Literature as a Means of Escapism in Alistair MacLeod’s “The Boat”

MacLeod’s short story “The Boat” presents several crucial themes for analysis, including an exploration of the tension between duties and aspirations. The author depicts the boat named in the story’s title as the embodiment of the narrator’s long-lasting family heritage as well as that of many other families living in...

Food in Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest”

Introduction When it comes to discussing the discursive significance of Oscar Wilde’s 1895 comedy The Importance of Being Earnest, critics commonly refer to the fact that, despite having been written at the end of the 19th century, the concerned dramaturgic masterpiece continues to enjoy popularity with contemporary audiences. The reason...

Three Appeals in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” Play

Introduction In rhetoric, the use of Aristotle’s three appeals is often viewed as a crucial component of any discourse. Implying that every argument must have ethos, logos, and pathos, the specified principle allows identifying a strong statement and determining the goals of a particular message. In Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare...

Gothicism in Poe’s and Irving’s Short Stories

Gothicism is a literary genre that focuses on supernatural themes. The literary genre became popular in medieval times when literature themes started changing from enlightenment and romanticism. Some of the common traits of Gothicism include the genre’s focus on mystery, emphasis on terror, lack of realism, and focus on subconscious...

Identity Misconceptions in “Buffalo Wallow Woman” and “Nature Poem”

Introduction Anna Lee Walters wrote “Buffalo Wallow Woman” to show that it is easier to label a woman representing traditional cultures as insane rather than try to understand her. This woman is trapped in a mental ward because she is different from the doctors and nurses, but the only thing...

“Literature: How Do I Love Thee?” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Introduction Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, which is also called by its opening line How do I love thee, is a prominent example of English poetry. This sonnet reveals the selfless and pure love of the poetess to her husband. Despite all difficulties on her life journey, despite a...

The Paradox in “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde

There is a generally accepted view that Oscar Wilde is a ‘king of paradox’. This opinion can be effectively illustrated by his play The Importance of Being Earnest, a piece of literature that includes a paradox in its title. According to Merriam-Webster, paradox relates to a seemingly impossible situation or...

“This Boy’s Life” a Story by Tobias Wolff

‘This boy’s life ‘written by Tobias Wolf is a story about Toby Wolf a young man who is left to live life on his own as the people around him are too preoccupied or too self-centered to pay any attention to him. His mother is a self-centered woman who gets...

Susan Glaspell’s ‘Trifles’ – Gender Oppression and Justice

Trifles is an early example of a feminist drama, written by Susan Glaspell in 1916. The drama revolves around the murder of John Wright, a farmer described by his peers as an honest and hard-working man. The man was found in his house, strangled with a string. His wife, Mrs....

A&P John Updike Analysis – Essay on the Short Story [New Sample]

This A&P short story analysis will provide you with a plot summary, reveal where the story takes place, and analyze the characters. If you need to write an A&P by John Updike theme essay or any other paper, this sample will inspire you. Introduction A&P by John Updike is a...

“The Turn of the Screw” a Novel by Henry James

Introduction As literature about socioeconomic, cultural, and political differences and bias between genders continues to accumulate, some authors of books seem to change their writing agendas towards focusing on addressing the forgotten women influence in the modern world (McCollum 49). Feminism is a common theme that has dominated modern literature,...

Henry Thoreau’s The Battle of The Ants’ and Virginia Woolf’s The Death of The Moth’

Introduction Henry Thoreau’s ‘the battle of the ants’ and Virginia Woolf’s ‘the death of the moth’ are two exceptional essays that depict the life of small creatures. The two writers humanize the life of the ants and moth in an extraordinary manner. The two writers use imagery to communicate human...

Reacting to “Turmeric and Sugar” by Anna Vangala Jones

Getting acquainted with “Turmeric and Sugar” by Vangala Jones allowed me to find peace and bright happiness in the depths of my soul. With this text, I traveled years back to my childhood, when the perception of the world was more magical and even heartwarming. The latter word can be...

All My Sons by Arthur Miller: Play Analysis

All My Sons is a Broadway play by Arthur Miller that received a warm appreciation. The play set happens during the second world war, and tells the story of Joe Keller, a war profiteer who puts money above duty to society and human relations. Joe has a wife Kate and...

“Fences” by August Wilson: Play Analysis

Family relationships are commonly discussed in many literary works to demonstrate different visions of this topic. Fences is one of such stories where the life of an African American family is thoroughly described, addressing the specific living conditions of Americans in the middle of the 20th century. August Wilson, the...

The “When Ure Hero Falls” Poem by Tupac Shakur

People often create heroes in their minds and desperately try to follow their example. However, nobody is perfect, and a heroic image usually collides with the harsh reality of our world. As a result, a person who believed in their hero may become traumatized by the experience. In the first...

Dahl’s “Lamb to the Slaughter” Story and Hitchcock’s Film

Introduction It is quite common for initial literary works and their further film adaptations to have a number of differences in plots and characters’ behaviors. Such a situation refers to the short story “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl and the short film Lamb to the Slaughter by Alfred...

The Use of Symbolism in John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men”

The purpose of this paper is to analyze symbolic meanings behind the main characters of John Steinbeck’s novella “Of Mice and Men”. Symbolism is a common trope used in the narrative, which is done via representation of a larger idea through smaller means. Symbols are diverse and can take the...

A Poem “First Love” by John Clare

The following essay reviews a poem called First Love by 19th-century poet John Clare. In it, he describes his experience with falling in love for the first time. The work encapsulates many various emotions that Clare experiences throughout the narrative. Moreover, the poem mentions some details that make the depiction...

“The Cask of Amontillado” Story by Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe’s frightening stories have not lost their power of impact since their first publication. They resonate in every new generation and still seem terrifyingly genuine. Most readers may not be aware that real incidents inspired multiple essays as Poe incorporated scandals and sensational murder trials into his literature....

Ethics in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

In The Great Gatsby, many of the characters have questionable ethics. The story, written by Scott Fitzgerald, reflects a society where moral decadence thrives. Although the characters do not directly express their ethical positions on issues, their lack of ethical principles can be inferred from their actions. Additionally, they act...

Shakespeare Revolution in the English Literature

English Literature, as people know it now, was shaped by Shakespeare. His famous works include “Hamlet,” “Macbeth,” “Romeo and Juliet,” and many others, and most modern people know Shakespeare’s plays. However, apart from literary contribution, Shakespeare revolutionized literature by setting a standard for other works. Shakespeare’s works created a revolution...

Book Recommendation System (Content-Based & Collaborative Filtering)

Abstract The enormous variety of digital content encourages providers to engage users and consumers on their services. They use different recommendation systems in order to meet their customers’ expectations and preferences. Such methods direct clients according to their needs and requirements by analyzing vast information databases, such as prevalence, popularity,...

Language and Identity in Patel’s “Dreaming in Gujarati”

The theme of language as a vital aspect of identity is prevalent within Shailja Patel’s “Dreaming in Gujarati”. Patel, from a Kenyan-Gujarati background, outlines how her languages, as well as those of her father, interacted with her perception of herself and how she had been observed by others. Patel recalls...

Arthur Conan Doyle and Edgar Allan Poe’s Detective Stories

The genre of detective stories comprises a long history of the evolution of formats and themes. In today’s cultural environment, such works are highly popular as authors continue to extend the limits of the genre. Nevertheless, in spite of the abundant history of detective stories, many of their elements can...

George Orwell’s Work “1984” Review

George Orwell’s work 1984 is a utopian social and political science fiction book and morality story. Issues and topics of the novel include totalitarianism’s effects, surveillance, and coercive regimentation of individuals and activities of the community. The dictatorial regime in the story was designed after Communist Russia and Nazi Germany...

Explication of “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas

Introduction Many people have heard the powerful words ‘do not go gentle into that good night,’ but few realize where they came from and the powerful emotion behind them. The poem “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas is one of the recognizable pieces of English...

Insane Narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart by Poe

Short stories written by Edgar Allan Poe always provoke several unpredictable and spooky emotions. If the reader wants to find a story with a strange plot and the most irrational characters, it is high time to pay attention to Poe’s works. This author was never ordinary, and his words usually...

Naturalism in “To Build a Fire” Story by Jack London

In the short story To Build a Fire by Jack London, a man undergoes a lonely journey under the severe environment of the Yukon, attempting to avoid dangerous complications related to freezing temperatures. However, the traveler commits several crucial errors, which ultimately result in his demise. The first mistake made...

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Through the Historical Lens

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is deservedly regarded as one of the most essential tragedies in human history. The play is remarkable because it stays relevant and timeless, as evidenced by the fact that it has been staged in theaters all over the globe for more than 400 years. Shakespeare, however, was...

“Oedipus Rex” Play: Eyes as Symbolism

Oedipus Rex is the masterpiece of ancient Greek literature attributed to Sophocles. This play is one of seven ones left undamaged, and the work describes Oedipus’s, the king, life path. The author pays considerable attention to the symbolism of different characters eyes and visions throughout the play. It is possible...

Friendship and Good Life in “Song of Myself” Poem by Walt Whitman

The poem “Song of Myself” is an epic work of literature as the poet dedicates it to celebrating himself. An interesting aspect of the poem is its length and its free verse nature. It is divided into fifty-two sections, with each part introducing a slightly new concept about celebrating oneself...

Personal Effect of Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”

Summary The short story is set somewhere between Madrid and Barcelona, in the valley of the Ebro (Hemingway, “Hills,” 115). It follows the dialogue of a man and woman at the local bar with a view of the valley’s hills (Hemingway, “Hills,” 115). The pair are quarreling about the issue...

Current Culture in Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk away from Omelas” Story

“The Ones Who Walk away from Omelas” is a fiction by Ursula K. Le Guin. Through the elaborated imagery of reflective narration, the author explores urgent moral issues still relevant to our society. This paper aims to apply Le Guin’s short fiction to the cultural analysis of our modern society....

Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”: The Theme of the Small Man in the Play

Arthur Miller’s plays are characterized by the significance of the moral and ethical issues and the application of references to his heroes’ past, where roots of the present behavior lie. The desire to find profound implication in the ordinary, to create an emotional atmosphere from as if insignificant words and...

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Bioethics

Introduction After two hundred years of the first publication of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the book has become an essential read for scientists. Indeed, the book is vital for realizing the responsibility behind scientific discoveries. Frankenstein tries to answer the question of whether humans should do anything just because they can....

“A Rose for Emily”: Violence and Mental Illness in William Faulkner’s Short Story

Some of the key questions a first-time reader of William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” would ask involve why a sane person would consider sleeping or speaking with the dead and mete violence to their lover. Specifically, in the present-day society, a reader would refer to cognitive psychology to explain...

Frankenstein: A Child in the Form of the Monster

Introduction Frankenstein is the most famous piece of literature by Mary Shelley. The novel tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a scientist, who decided to make a living creature on his own. He successfully coped with the task, but the obtained result was terrible, which made Frankenstein reject his artificially...

John Updike’s “A&P”: Literary Analysis

Introduction John Updike’s short story “A&P” is narrated from the perspective of a teenager Sammy, who belongs to a working-class family but strives to join the privileged part of society. The work is built around the three main motives: division of social classes, conservatism versus liberalism, and consumerism versus romanticism....

Literary Analysis of Ward’s “Sing, Unburied, Sing”

Jesmyn Ward: A Celebrated Author in American Literature Jesmyn Ward is considered an important author in American literature owing to her ability to showcase an intimate and in-depth understanding of language. Ward’s works explore American families and their diverse cultures. All of Ward’s novels are set in the small town...

Analysis of “Joyas Voladoras” by Brian Doyle

These days, people predominantly lead a speedy lifestyle, they always hurry for coming in time to work or university, run for important meetings, and do their best to fulfill deadlines. The modern pace of life can be compared with a continuous rush without the finish point. Time management is the...

Responsible for the Deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt

Several people in the tragedy are guilty of Mercutio and Tybalt’s deaths, including Romeo and these two men themselves. Tybalt is the first to blame since he was an instigator of the fight. If he had correctly understood the reason for Romeo’s presence at the party, he would not have...

Response to George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”

Introduction Animal Farm written by George Orwell during World War II is one of the prime examples of an allegorical novel. The images of animals presented in the book personify social vices and attract readers with realism and similarity to history, which are shown openly in the plot. Despite the...

Fools and Foolishness in King Lear by Shakespeare

Introduction King Lear is one of the most famous plays written by William Shakespeare. It is thought to be written in 1605-1606 and focuses on the character of King Lear developing madness after deciding to retire from the throne and dividing the land of Britain among two of his daughters....

Analysis of the “Odyssey” by Homer

Introduction The “Odyssey” is an epic poem depicting Odysseus’s ten-year journey after the fall of Troy. The narrative has more than one perspective, following both Odysseus retelling his story and the view of his son, Telemachus. The “Odyssey” is an example of ancient poetry that had a despicable influence on...

“Recitatif” by Tony Morrisson

Introduction This essay focuses on the analysis of Tony Morrisson’s short story “Recitatif.” The issue of race is explored throughout the story, with Morrison introducing the setting and one character as a “strange place with a girl from a whole other race” (1). Through the interactions between Twyla and Roberta,...

“Illness in Literature: “Nightmare Begins Responsibility“ and “The Metamorphosis““

The Importance of Literature For every reader, literature opens up the marvelous world of human relationships and experiences. Different epochs and cultures would describe the term literature differently. In its simplest definition, literature refers to a set of written and printed works of a certain people and period. At the...

“We Need New Names” by Bulawayo

The main character of We Need New Names is called Darling. The first half of the book follows her in a post-colonial Zimbabwe. Even though the country is officially independent, it is going through dramatic changes and is economically unstable. Later, Darling moves to her aunt living in the U....

The Glass Menagerie and the Idea of the Escape

Topic: The Glass Menagerie and its idea of pursuing adventure or sticking to one’s duties. Thesis Statement: The Glass Menagerie suggests that a person should not make a choice between chasing one’s dreams or staying put because it is possible to find the middle ground and do both. Brainstorm: Happiness Comes at...

Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation Analysis

The stories of popular fictional characters are often filled with adventures and challenges intended to entertain the audience. At the same time, their authors mimic real life, exploring internal and external conflicts people face. Thus, such characters are suitable candidates for practicing psychoanalysis – especially if a person displayed has...

“The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy

The poem I chose for this essay is “The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy. It was written in 1902, and published at the time of the Second Boer War between the British Empire and combined forces of the South African Republic and the Orange Free State. The poem examines...

“Those Winter Sundays” by Hayden

Love of the parents tends to be appreciated after a long period of time, sometimes when it is too late. Those Winter Sundays is a poem by Robert Hayden, in which he describes the relationship between a father and his son. The writing is made from the son’s perspective, where...

“The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald: Beliefs and Values

Introduction Past experiences, achievements, and challenges will influence people’s lives and the decisions they make. Individuals who acquire appropriate guidance or support will eventually develop a powerful philosophy that can inform most of their actions and aims. Many authors and novelists focus on their past observations and experiences in an...

“A Supermarket in California” by Allen Ginsberg

Introduction Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were both American poets during the 19th century. The end of both the First and Second World Wars resulted in civilization BUT for individuals who had been brought up in the previous century, they seemed to get lost and confused with this so-called civilization...

Analysis of John Falstaff in the Works of Shakespeare

John Falstaff, a common character in Shakespeare’s literary work perhaps by far bonds with the readers than any character. Falstaff’s ability to make us laugh at him and with him, his self observance, his frankness even in dishonesty, his lack of loyalty , his sense of determination and his enduring...

Themes in Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms”: The Cruel Reality of War

Although there were numerous prerequisites and indications of a military crisis approaching the world in the early 1910s, World War I swept the humankind into massive bloodshed and introduced it to chaos. “A Farewell to Arms” by Ernest Hemingway deserves to be titled as the most prominent of prose pieces...

Jung Chang’s “Wild Swans”

Jung Chang is now viewed by many literary critics as one of the most prominent Chinese writers. Her autobiographical book “Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China” several social, cultural, and psychological problems. It should be taken into account that this novel is officially banned in China mostly because it unmasks...

Psychological Criticism in Allende’s “The House of Spirits”

Introduction The novel called The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende gained an immediate attention for the reading audience at the international level. Its popularity is predetermined by the multidimensional representation of political, historical, and cultural context where the author manages to perpetuate the part of Chilean history of...

Nathaniel Hawthorne: Symbolism in Short Stories

Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most outstanding writers whose works are the guarantee of ultimate pleasure that the reading will provide. The secret of his talent is in the beauty of the figurative language he makes use of. In fact, language is the only means a writer can use,...

The Bell Jar: Critical Analysis

Nowadays, many literary critics tend to discuss the semantic meaning of Sylvia Plath’s novel “The Bell Jar” from strictly environmentalist perspective – that is, they refer to Esther Greenwood’s mental inadequateness as the result of novel’s protagonist being exposed to America’s “male chauvinistic” socio-political realities in time when women’s ability...

Money & Wealth in Death of a Salesman

Introduction Arthur Miller’s play “Death of a Salesman” is, to me, all about the dangers of defining happiness in terms of financial success. Charley sums up this idea when he says, “The only thing you got in this world is what you can sell” (97). For this reason, I plan...

Literature and Its Different Elements

“Literature is a reflection of the society” (Elements of literature, 2009). Literature is the representation of an individual, their language and culture. It reflects society in the framework of occasions, traditions, background, thoughts, and beliefs of that time. Literature helps the reader to understand about the experience by narrating the...

Shakespeare’s ‘Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day?’

The eighteenth sonnet of Shakespeare is the most famous of his one hundred and fifty-four sonnets. This is because it treats the subject of literary immortality. The beginning lines are so oft-quoted by many young people to a fair lady even in our times. We could daringly say that it...

Comedy and Humor in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

Introduction This is the story of a green super being that goes to a party with an ax and proposes a game. The Green Knight then demands anyone among the people in the party challenges him on the condition that he would return the blow in a year and a...

“To the Young Wife” by Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman.

Introduction Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman was a staunch supporter of women’s rights and development and was really not recognized as a major author of fiction and poetry until the 1960s.She was born in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut and wrote book length non-fiction tracts in support of women. She dies in...

Father-Son Relationships in “The Odyssey”

Introduction The epic poem, “The Odyssey” by Homer is a great work of literature that narrates the story of Odysseus as he returns to Ithaca from Troy. Due to the patriarchal nature of the Greek society, the reader observes that the relationship between father and son is a major subject...

Injustice and Lack of Sovereignty in Danticat’s “Brother, I’m Dying”

Introduction In her memoir, Brother, I’m Dying, Edwidge Danticat narrates her life experiences in Haiti and in the US without following any chronological order of events. The book’s title could be interpreted as the pain that underlines the stories it recounts. Family separation, suffering in a foreign land, becoming refugees,...

“The Drowned World” by James Ballard

Dreams of fantastic technologies of the future usually border on an incredible catastrophe that threatened humanity with extinction. Typically, such ideas are beautifully depicted in dystopian novels. The problem of the post-apocalyptic planet is often reflected in the works of fiction writers, which is typical for the work of The...

Pirandello’s “Six Characters in Search of an Author”

Introduction The play written by Luigi Pirandello in 1921 under the title Six Characters in Search of an Author is an example of a drama that utilizes the method of theatre-in-theatre. The author is a Nobel Prize-winning Italian writer and dramatist. As the title implies, the play concentrates around six...

Anne Bradstreet’s Contemplations

In literary scholarship, Anne Bradstreet’s poetry is usually discussed from two perspectives: the Puritan views in her poems and the feminist views, as it is represented in the author’s works. Thus, the uniqueness of scholars’ discussions is in their suggestions that Bradstreet can be viewed as both a Puritan and...

Strife in Love Chapter in Lawrence’s “Sons and Lovers”

Introduction In Lawrence’s “Sons and Lovers”, when approaching the title of chapter eight, ‘Strife in love’, it is evident that we will encounter incidents of love in the chapter, that love will be dominant therein, but looking at strife in its independent contextual meaning, then, the kind of love in...

Pompey’ Character in the Play “Antony and Cleopatra”

Introduction The play, Antony and Cleopatra, revolves around a tragedy based on the relationship between Mark Antony and Cleopatra. The play depicts a scene that covers the events of the 15th century, which surround the wars of the Roman Empire. Remarkably, the geographical context of the play is the regions...

“Hills Like White Elephants” a Story by Ernest Hemingway

“Hills Like White Elephant” by Ernest Hemingway is told mainly in the form of a conversation between the couple and even though the words are not actually said, it becomes obvious that the girl in the story is about to get an abortion. The main theme of the story centers...

The Things They Carried: The Main Characters and the Underlying Themes

This essay discusses a famous novel about the war in Vietnam called The Things They Carried. It also gives a piece of background information about the writer, Tim O’Brien. In the essay, there is a discussion of the main characters and the underlying themes. The author analyzes some of the...

Literature Comparison: Shakespeare’s Falstaff and Milton’s Satan

Both – Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part 1 and Milton’s Paradise Lost – focus on the moral degradation of medieval society, as well as reluctance to acknowledge the conventionally accepted wisdom of chivalry, honor, and respect. In these literary works, Sir John Falstaff from Henry IV, Part 1 and Satan from...

The Aeneid, the Iliad and the Odyssey Literature Comparison

The Aeneid is an epic poem written by Virgil. This work narrates the story of Augustus by using the character, Aeneas. The Aeneid is related to Greece and Rome, as the story begins in Troy and ends in Rome. The principal aim of the work is to appreciate the achievements...

“The Miser” by Jean-Baptist Moliere

“The Miser” is a 1668 five-act comedy of manners by a French playwright Jean-Baptist Moliere. Being first staged at the Palais Royal in 1668, this play is popular among contemporary theatre lovers, who are not less indignant at avarice and inhumanity of Harpagon, the miser and the main protagonist of...

Shirley Jackson’s Short Story “The Lottery” Literature Analysis

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is a memorable short story that has been called a piece of gothic horror (Contemporary Literary Criticism – Select). It is also clearly a piece of social commentary. It has even been analyzed as a feminist critique of patriarchy and male oppression (Oehlschlaeger). It gets part...

Ernest Hemingway Literary Style in “The Old Man and the Sea”

Hemingway’s Life Hemingway had a very interesting life, life of adventures. The author was born in the USA in 1899. He was a brave man and he went to struggle against the evil during the World War I. He was wounded there and had to return home. However, his war...

Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels

Jonathan Swift is the author of the Gulliver’s Travels, which describes fantastic journeys to fictional lands. The novel is filled with caustic satire on the state system, outdated foundations, exposing human stupidity and shortsightedness. Swift’s text is a mixture of genres that reflects the ideas of revolutionism and enlightenment, at...

“Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams: Analysis

The attachment to illusion and their inability to embrace reality is reiterated in every character in “Glass Menagerie.” Among the three leading ones, the propensity toward wishful thinking and the inability to meet reality is particularly distinctively emphasized in Amanda. Remarkably, her version of an illusion is substantially different form...

George Hadley in “The Veldt” Story by Ray Bradbury

Introduction The Veldt is a short story by American writer Ray Bradbury, which takes a reader to the distant future, where people model reality at their discretion. The African Veldt in this work is an innovative room bought by the Hadley couple for their children. At some point, the adults...

Analysis of “Sonny’s Blue” by James Baldwin

Introduction Sonny’s Blue by James Baldwin, written in 1957, explores the different approaches two brothers take on the path to finding meaning in life. The narrator, a teacher, is not impressed by Sonny’s decision to venture into music and his abuse of heroin which lands him in jail. The story...

Cause & Effect in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Introduction It is hard to disagree that many literary works are mysteries to some extent, and it may be interesting for the audience to solve them. Reading between the lines is a challenging but engaging process that can provide new views on the writing and interpretations of characters’ lines. Some...

Denver’s Character in Beloved Novel by Toni Morrison

Beloved by Toni Morrison is a vividly expressed manifesto of freedom to self-identification. The book shows how slavery as an external circumstance can impact the way how one thinks and annihilate individuality. In this regard, Denver plays an important role in the novel as the site of hope for the...

“Gardening” by Rhina P. Espaillat: Poem Analysis

Introduction Various literary symbolism and devices allow poets and writers to talk about complex issues through allegories and metaphors. They can raise philosophical topics and topics not usually discussed in society, using symbols of nature or everyday objects. Rhina P. Espaillat, thanks to her flair, uses extensive and very vivid...

Human Development Psychology

The Notebook is a romantic novel authored by Nicholas Sparks in 1996. The novel is told in two versions; first, when Noah reads the notebook to a woman by the name Allie. He reads to her how Allie and Noah fall in love young; they are separated for years but...

What Does Chaucer’s Characterization of the Monk in the Prologue Suggest?

The Canterbury Tales is a famous collection of stories about pilgrims, their adventures, and religious and social lessons created by Geoffrey Chaucer at the end of the 14th century. Many characters perform their special roles and make contributions to the plot development in a variety of ways. The Monk was...

Analysis of Choragos from Sophocles’ “Antigone”

In “Antigone,” Choragos symbolizes Creon’s counselors. They were supposedly meant to advise the monarch and represent the community complaints. In truth, his rage made them completely ineffective. The counselors should be held in the same regard by the monarch as Tiresias, the blind man. They are comprised of city leaders...