Legislative Matrix in the United States

Each of the US states has a unique system of legislation and represents a separate unit with its governing structures and authorities, which, in their turn, are subordinate to the central administrative apparatus. In Florida, one of the southernmost regions of the country, the government is also concentrated in the...

Ukrainian Crisis: Russian, American, European Views

International relations have always been a very complicated subject. Every generation of people living in our world experienced challenges related to public affairs and understanding between different countries. The problems are caused by the fact that even though the general system of values is common for the whole world, various...

American Federal Budgeting, Actors and Strategies

Federal Budget The recent years have shown several instances of the federal government failing to approve the budget on time, which on one occasion resulted in the shutdown of government operations (Brass, 2011). The reason for that is the somewhat imperfect structure of the budgeting procedure, which was unsuccessfully addressed...

Attempted Suicide Among American Soldiers

Even though the United States Army is often regarded as one of the most powerful armies in the world, the problem of suicide among soldiers remains extremely important in any part of the country. Therefore, if I were the battalion command sergeant major, I would try to encourage the development...

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Education is the field with several social policies guided by governments and different groups are developed. These policies help to improve the conditions under which people could ask for and get an education. In addition to the existing policies, special paradigms and theories are used to improve the quality of...

American Gun Control Laws: Reasons to Implement

Introduction Gun control laws are a subject of heated debate among legislators and policy-makers in many countries. The main question is whether this policy can bring tangible improvements to the society. It has been argued that the right to bear arms should of the civic right to which a person...

American Cuban Conundrum: Trade Relations

Analyze the key issue that prompted the EU to take the Helms-Burton dispute to the WTO The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a foundation that is responsible for handling issues of trade between nations, for instance, rules and regulations. This is aimed at ensuring that there is a smooth flow...

Policy Making in the Public Budgeting Context

Policy-Making in the Context of Public Budgeting Public budgeting is both an academic and civil service aspect that has attracted several debates in the recent past. Even though budgeting is a policy arena that focuses on government choices for fulfilling citizens’ fundamental needs, divergent perspectives exist regarding the link between...

Political Organizations: Risks and Opportunities

Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis Carrying out a change on an organizational level is not an easy task, as it presupposes not only restructuring the corporate processes but also reestablishing the models of organizational behavior and relationships between the company members. In the specified case study, it was the lack...

Communism: Theory v. Practice

Abstract The ideas of Communism appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century and were expressed in works of Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Communism presupposes the economic equality of all members of classless society. Marx developed a three-step algorithm of the establishment of Communism. First, revolution removes all class...

United Arab Emirates 2021 Vision as to Information Security

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the UAE has been developing at rapid rates over the last few years, and it has become one of the leaders in some of the industries. The development of the vision of the region is critical because it is much easier to keep...

Immigrant Children and Governmental Responsibility

The debate on whether the United States government should be responsible for the children of undocumented persons within its borders has been ongoing for years now. Whereas other people believe that the government should support immigrants, especially their children, others claim it is not the government’s responsibility. The issue has...

National, State and Community Asset Mapping: Pennsylvania

Abstract Providing the members of a specific community with the necessary services is a challenging task unless the local infrastructure is flawless. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the community institutions cooperate successfully. Thus, efficient healthcare services can be provided to the target population. The Indian Creek Foundation...

Causes of War: Comparative Politics and Peace Studies

Introduction A study on the causes of war and enhancing peaceful coexistence in the world has been a critical issue in international relations. Scholars and students alike have to look at the root of what makes countries go to war, as well as the modalities that can help restore and...

Malawi Recovery Public Works Program Evaluation

Nowadays, there are various social programs targeted at improving the local or global situation in communities. It is crucial to not only draft a program but also to measure its results to find out whether it helps to reach the initial goals. This process is usually referred to as the...

Human Resource Optimization: the Department of Defense

Introduction The sphere of human resource management undergoes considerable changes all the time. Various changes usually take place because of constantly changing environment and the demands which are required from different people. Each sphere of life has its own organizations, and the HR management has to correspond to the requirements...

City Administration and Human Services Issues

Income Inequality — Reasons For Being Out Of Trend Income inequality has always been considered one of the most urgent problems in society. The federal government, as well as local authorities, realized the need to address the issue of income inequality. Such a tendency was predetermined by the fact that...

US Federal Budget Making Process and Procedures

The Process through which the Federal Government makes its Budget The US federal budget is designed to accommodate the majority of Americans regarding their values and socioeconomic status. To ensure that the budget conforms to America’s democratic values, it passes through a lengthy and complicated process. For instance, the Congress...

The Egyptian Revolution and Resulting Reforms

Introduction The Egyptian revolution was a result of a long-lasting urge by the people for social justice. The uprising also created considerable shifts in society that translated into further democratization of society, and the government was able to launch several successful economic reforms (Teti et al. 57). Nevertheless, these reforms...

Police Shooting of Richard Cabot in Pittsburgh

On September 7, a police officer shot a 32- year-old Richard Cabot. The incident unfolded near the sports bar in Pittsburgh, where the victim and his friends watched the Pittsburgh Pirates vs. St. Louis Cardinals game. “The family’s account differs vastly from the statements of dozens of witnesses,” officer Debra...

Nationalist Ideas Role in Other Ideological Perspectives

Nationalist ideas have played a very important role in the history of humanity as these ideas have constantly reshaped political world maps. Heywood (2007) argues that nationalism often developed within such ideologies as conservatism and liberalism. Notably, nationalist ideas become more influential in the period of social and economic instability....

American Drug War and Its Ineffectiveness

Introduction Eradication of illegal drugs has been a prominent issue in America’s political and social discussions for many years. One of the major concerns involves the argument that the drug war is not waged against inanimate objects known as drugs but against specific social groups (Benavie 24). Fighting drugs has...

Gulf States, International Trade and Security

Introduction World security is closely linked to international commerce. One commodity that greatly affects trends in international politics and commercial relations is oil. The gulf holds the majority of the world’s proven oil reserves. For a long time however, the region has experienced security challenges mainly from unstable political regimes...

Death Penalty as Unjustified Measure Nowadays

Introduction The death penalty remains one of the most discussed topics in many countries, and the USA is no exception. This type of punishment is utilized in some states while other states have abolished the death penalty. Researchers, officials, victims, and offenders have many arguments to support or oppose capital...

Closing the Gap Policy for Indigenous Australians

Introduction Aboriginal Australians have for long preserved their native cultures, which are significantly different from those of immigrants. Racial discrimination is a common phenomenon in Australia due to this difference in cultural backgrounds between the two groups. The non-indigenous Australians are the majority, and thus they have great influence in...

The European Union’s Role in the Middle East Peace

One of the foremost aspects of today’s geopolitical reality in the world is the fact that, as time goes one, the scope of the EU’s activities in the Middle East assumes qualitatively new subtleties. Whereas, as recently as a few decades ago, the EU was exclusively associated with the deployment...

Public Administration and Fiscal Policy

In regards to public administration: What are the various types of taxes used by governments? Who are the actors that make funding decisions? How are they accountable to the public? How does the public influence this process? Why is taxing and spending so controversial? Any government relies on taxes to...

Fictional Public Organizations: Open and Closed Systems

Introduction The organizational structure of complex organizations varies from one organization to another depending on the nature of operations they undertake and the degree of interaction with the external environment. As a system comprising inflows and outflows, an organization can be either an open system or a closed system (Pinfield,...

Why Did the United States Invade Iraq?

Abstract The US government’s decision to invade Iraq was based on faulty and unreliable intelligence report that says Saddam Hussein’s government was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. The Iraq War was one of the costliest mistakes that the American government made in the 21st century. The US government failed to...

Public Policy Meeting at Nevada Theatre in 2017

Purpose, Participants, and Agenda The public policy meeting proceeded on May 16, 2017 (Tuesday) at Nevada Theatre from 6 pm. until 8 pm. It was a town hall meeting dedicated to the Healthy California Act – SB 562. The topic of the event was “Healthcare for All”, and the purpose...

The United States National Policy and Federalism

One advantage to a national policy that must be implemented by one agency of the federal bureaucracy. National policies are often compared to those of the federal governments, and, which is also rather important, there is a number of considerable differences between the two structures. One of the main advantages...

China and Africa’ Relations

Abstract The formal relations between China and Africa date back to the 1950s. While China depends on imports of products such as oil, steel, copper, and agricultural goods from Africa, Africa experiences tremendous economic growth as China offers a ready market for its commodities. Besides, China-Africa relations provide mutual political...

Party Politics in America by M. Hershey

Introduction Party Politics in America is a chef-d’oeuvre book by Marjorie Randon Hershey. The book centers on the political parties in the United States of America and it emphasizes the role of politics in the American society. The book analyzes modern political parties coupled with their organization and funding. The...

Iron Curtain Speech: Winston Churchill’s Famous Fulton Speech

The famous Fulton Speech made by Winston Churchill in 1946 was a resonant and well-prepared action. Although it was officially entitled “The Sinews of Peace,” it is mostly known as “The Iron Curtain Speech.” Its role cannot be underestimated, as it triggered waves of criticism and questions about the threat,...

Public Opinion in the American Political System

Question 1: Discuss the role of public opinion in the American political system. The role of public opinion in the American political system ranges from a secondary monitoring tool to the primary policy-making factor depending on the party, which defines it. One of the radical views of public opinion is...

The Arab Spring: New Patterns for Democracy

The unrest in the world can be observed in many places where people and the government find themselves in conflict over views and policies. Social media in the form of communication networks, particularly twitter and facebook have allowed the news to spread fast. This has led to people becoming aware...

Foreign Aid Effect on the Country’s Economy

An ongoing debate surrounds the provision of financial aid to the developing countries that lack domestic resources. Over the decades, the researchers have revealed the pieces of evidence of both the positive and negative influence of foreign aid on the economies of the recipient states.1 The proponents of foreign aid...

US Politics in “Culture War” by Morris P. Fiorina

Introduction The Culture War is a chef-d’oeuvre book by Morris P. Fiorina. The book takes the reader through the political structure and organisation of the American politics with the main argument being that the United States is not polarised. The book is subdivided into 10 chapters with each exploring a...

M. Obama’s Address: Neo-Aristotelian Criticism

Introduction Nowadays, being a political leader requires having the support of close relatives and friends, as they give hope and help people overcome constant challenges and issues of the modern world. One of the bright examples of political contributors is Michelle Obama. Analyzing her speech during the 2016 National Democratic...

ASEAN European Community: Benefits and Implications

How does the AEC affect the multinational firms investing in AEC members? The creation of the ASEAN European Community opened a range of investing options for the states that became the members of the specified organization. Primarily, the importance of the financial support, which the AEC members provide to each...

Development in the United Nations

Introduction The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental body that promotes international cooperation. It replaced the League of Nations, the organisation that had been in existence before the UN. At the time of its foundation in 1945, the organisation had 51 members. Currently, it has 193 members, with membership across...

Affirmative Action Ban in Michigan

Social Policy: Affirmative Action In his article, David Savage discusses the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold ban on affirmative action in Michigan, something that shows history will always repeat itself. The aggrieved parties took the issue to the highest court in the land after the lower ones had clarified that...

Neoliberalism in Ontario Government

Introduction The transition towards neoliberal thinking in policymaking has become a tendency characterizing most local governments throughout the world during the past three decades. Canada could not but fall within the mentioned trend and witness a series of reforms that have a robust impact not only on the decision-making mechanism...

China’s Influence Expansion in Africa

There are values that are considered to be common for all nations of our planet, and among them are solidarity and the importance of collaboration between countries. Nevertheless, sometimes collaboration that is said to have benevolent intentions is really aimed at extending the sphere of influence of some country. China...

China-Africa Trade and Political Relations

Abstract China and Africa have been economic and political allies for many years. Trade and politics are examples of the defining aspects of their relations. In the 1990s, China’s rapid industrialization increased demand for African raw materials, while Africa’s developing economies increased demand for affordable products. Debates have emerged regarding...

Korean Wave Program Activity and Analysis

The aim of the Korean Wave is the popularization of the Korean culture, its expansion to the strategically important regions, and the establishment of the strengthened cultural relationships among the nations to have an indirect influence on the political decisions of the governments of these countries. Scenario The Korean Wave...

David Reed: Public Education Funding

Dave Reed of The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is involved in resolving state educational issues in a variety of ways. This is mainly through oversight on the funding aspect of education at the state level. This funding constitutes a significant portion of the funding for the local school districts. Through...

American vs. Chinese, Indian, Russian Power

Introduction After the Cold War, the US has been the major world power together with Europe and China. However, today we can see that the picture of the world is gradually changing. The US still remains the superpower, but there is a growth in other countries’ power, too. They gain...

Money and Politics in Healthcare Reform

What immediate problem did the president run into when initiating the healthcare reform and why? Having initiated the healthcare reform, President Obama met strong opposition to the insurance and pharmaceutics lobby. The reform would be disadvantageous to these industries and made them lose revenue, and for this reason, they were...

Is China the New Colonial Power in Africa?

In an historical perspective, colonial power implies instituting both military and administrative control over a region, especially a country. Practically, this infers to the use of force to conduct business with underdeveloped and developing countries. In ancient times, colonialism primarily involved European powers who used their military prowess to subdue...

Social Security Programs in American Society

Nowadays, Social Security is taken for granted, whereas in the first half of the twentieth century the very concept of social security was yet to develop (Brown, 2015, p. 3). Berkowitz and DeWitt (2015) emphasize that it is the most prominent social program to date (p. 261). However, certain experts...

Death Penalty: History and Rationale

Death penalty that is also referred to as capital punishment is considered as one of the most arguable problems of the modern Justice System. Today, many people keep protesting against it, and at the same time, thousands are supportive of it. Both sides have quite strong arguments. Death penalty certainly...

Government Policies: Business and Technological Advancement

Governments are charged with numerous responsibilities towards its citizenry. Apart from the traditional roles of ensuring national security and improving the social welfare of the population, the government has to oversee numerous other activities with the aim of promoting a balanced ground for fair competition, accelerating the attainment of developmental...

Immigration Advice & Application Assistance Scheme

This essay highlights operations of the Immigration Advice and Application Assistance Scheme (IAAAS) as an organisation that provides services to immigrants. It focuses on how the IAAAS is funded and its current issues, refugees’ issues, impacts of the current fiscal policies on its operations and public opinion. Broadly, it highlights...

The Book “Naked Diplomacy” by Tom Fletcher

Introduction Diplomacy has always been one of the most powerful tools used by people in negotiations to attain an advantageous position or make an opponent accept a certain proposal or follow an outlined course. It appeared at the dawn of human civilization and since that time had experienced numerous challenges...

Senate’s Policymaking Through Advice and Consent

Introduction The Treaty Clause in the US constitution has been a major area of debate both in the public and academic sphere. The clause defines the powers of the executive or president and the senate in the treaty-making process. The executive is given unlimited power to engage in treaty making...

Cuba’s International Policies and Relationships

Nations formulate policies to enable a positive relationship with other countries. The formation of international policies may be guided by other nations’ actions, which affect a country directly. The following essay analyzes Cuba’s foreign policies to determine how they affect and are influenced by other nations. The U.S. and Cuba’s...

Indian Creek Foundation: Change Theory and Plan

When an organization sticks to a particular plan for years, a plan that was perfect at the beginning becomes outdated. Thus, change is needed to preserve the company’s efficiency. A plan can be defined as “a set of decisions made on actions to be taken to reach a goal” (Homan,...

Global Governance from China’s Perspective

Introduction One of the most notable aspects of today’s geopolitical situation in the world has to do with the fact that, as time passes on, a number of classical notions/concepts, concerned with the theory of international relations (IR), become either outdated or transformed to a degree of beginning to convey...

What Did Trump and Putin Tell Each Other?

A recent article authored by the editorial board of The New York Times discusses an unannounced meeting between the United States President Donald Trump and the Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this July (“What did Trump and Putin,” 2017). The authors’ main point is that it is unclear what the...

Economic Effects of Brexit

Introduction European Union, as defined by MacShane (2015, p. 56), refers to “a politic–economic union, often called the EU, that brings together member countries of European Economic Community under the Maastrict Treaty, and envisions the eventual establishment of common economic, foreign, security, and justice policies.” Since the formation of this...

Smart Sanctions: A Short History by Uri Friedman

Summary of the Article The article “Smart Sanctions: A Short History” by Uri Friedman reviewed different political sanctions in the last decade. Uri analyzed the concept of sanctions a political tool. Friedman revealed that targeted sanctions were used by the Greek Empire to address territorial conflicts. The aim was to...

Social Equity and Public Administration

Equity involves understanding and giving people what they can enjoy fully and healthily. In America, Public administrators have equally contributed to being fair just by practically integrating the notion of social equity in economic, social, and political aspects. Savra and Brunet (2004) found that social equity is a pillar to...

The Responsibility of Stakeholders in Cargo Security

In international trade, the issue of security is very critical. The major concerns in the international trade are drug trafficking and security well being of the country. There are several security threats posed to the country through international trade. These include shipment of mass destruction weapons and other dangerous goods....

Presidential Power and Executive Order

Abstract The President of the United States possesses executive powers that are bestowed by the constitution. Article II fulfills this role by defining the powers that the Executive branch of government possesses, including its duties and the scope of its powers. The clauses of Article II give the president the...

African Union Conflict Intervention Framework

The article “After 50 Years of the OAU-AU: Time to Strengthen the Conflict Intervention Framework” explains why new strategies are needed to ensure the African Union (AU) is valuable towards addressing humanitarian crises. This is the case because Africa is the only continent that is grappling with specific challenges such...

The Concept of Democracy in Political Theory

Introduction and Background The concept of democracy is familiar to most people. Developed first in ancient Greece, democracy came to flourish in the 20th century, when decolonization, economic circumstances, and the establishment of just political rules led to the popularity of democratic institutions. Today, the majority of western societies have...

Democratic Communities and Third-Party Conflict Management

The authors of “Democratic communities and third-party conflict management” note that domestic political structures of neighboring states have the possibility of influencing the politics of disputants meaning they have a role to play in peaceful resolutions of conflicts instead of employing military techniques. In their view, states or state actors...

Pioneer Generation Package for Singapore’s Elderly

Abstract Over the course of their life, the senior citizens of Singapore have contributed immensely to the development of the state in terms of its social, political and economic life. As a sign of appreciation for their efforts, the Singaporean government has created the Pioneer Generation Package, which provides the...

Culture Wars in Contemporary US Society

The Author’s View The author believes that culture wars are non-existent in contemporary US society, as Americans are not divided into two camps. Thus, considering such a controversial issue as homosexuality and gay marriages, the author notes that people’s attitudes towards these problems are constantly changing, and there is no...

“Democracy in America” by Alexis de Tocqueville

In this first volume, the author, Alexis de Tocqueville, focuses on the origins and roots of the constitution of the United States which gives rise to the democracy enjoyed in the country. He delves extensively into the principles that our nation’s founding fathers adopted and applied in the penning of...

President Harry S. Truman’s Assassination Attempt

Introduction The American presidency is riddled with numerous successful and attempted assassinations. James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy are among the presidents who have been assassinated in the American history (McCann, 2006). Andrew Jackson, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman are among the presidents...

Attack on Pearl Harbor and Power Balance Theory

The Second World War can be regarded as an illustration of people’s irresponsibility, ignorance, and vanity. Several nations tried to change the world order that had been established after World War I, and the only way to do that was to start even another war. Japan was one of the...

Federal Acquisition Regulation Competition Requirements

Introduction The Federal Acquisitions Regulation (FAR) was established with the purpose of setting forth the basic regulations that govern how the US federal government should conduct its acquisitions (Feldman, 2013). The guidelines are divided into various sections, each elaborating on a specific method of government acquisition and the threshold requirements...

China as Africa’s Partner and Not a Colonial Power

China’s growing interest in Africa countries has been viewed by some people as a threat to their sovereignty. In the past decades, Africa’s major source of financial and political aid was the Western countries. However, this started changing after China developed an interest in Africa starting in the 1990s. China’s...

China–Africa Relations: Economic Consequences

There is a range of assumptions supported by different nations; among them, there are solidarity and the importance of collaboration. Speaking about such China and Africa, it is necessary to mention that it does not seem to be very easy for them to build strong and effective relationships (Asongu &...

Lincoln’s, Churchill’s, King Jr.’s Leadership

Abstract Some of the greatest leaders that have been in the world in the past include Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This paper will examine their leadership characteristics and how the characteristics were different from those of other leaders. The writer will give a recommendation...

The Clayton County Library System Board Meeting

The History of Clayton County Library and Its Branches The Clayton County Library System which is located today in Clayton County was established in 1941 by the Jonesboro women’s group. The first visitors could find the building of the library in the South Main Street. The first library’s collection of...

No Child Left Behind Act, Its Goals and Challenges

Introduction This child Act ensures that every child has a fair and equal opportunity to access high quality education. This act first enacted in 1965 following recertification of the secondary and elementary Act in 1964 and became a law in 2002 signed by President Bus. This law was a way...

How Can American Cities Raise More Money?

Abstract Most urban governments in the United States face revenue problems for various reasons. Increased population size is one of the reasons why some governments experience revenue challenges. Governments have to adapt and evolve in the types of services they offer to the resident populations usually without increasing taxes to...

Political Machines in the US Urban Politics

Introduction Most of the US cities were run by political machines in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century (Tuckel & Maisel 99). A political machine is an organization controlled by a powerful boss or group of people who enjoy the support of a section of the population (Tuckel...

The United States’ Foreign Policy towards Turkey 1958-1960

Introduction In the years between 1958 and 1960, the United States and Turkey made progress in their diplomatic ties. Turkey, because of its stability in the Middle East and its military traditions not to interfere with political affairs of other nations, served as the link between the western world and...

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia History

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia was established in 1964 as a military wing of the Columbian communist party (Livingstone 2004). The FARC is under the leadership of septuagenarian Manuel Marulanda alongside six other members.The rebel group grew from a small peasant group to an unprecedented military organization. The growth...

Government Role in Encouraging Inner City Growth

Abstract This paper identifies the role that the government has in encouraging inner-city growth and the economics behind such a role. The paper argues that the government has a leadership role, an enabling role, a facilitative role, a fostering role, an encouraging role, a role to nurture a positive image...

The Changing Nature of Volunteering in Australia

Introduction Volunteering has a long history in Australia and it has played a critical role in the development of many communities in the nation. This activity has been credited with contributing to the survival of many rural and remote communities in the country. Volunteering Australia (2012) documents that Australians have...

African Americans and Politics in the Media

Introduction Generally, there is a common concern among scholars that African American politics are of no consequence. Arguably, the study and practice of African American politics have reached a state of sluggishness, and nothing new is being discussed by scholars (Persons 1). To a large extent, studies on African American...

Military Spending by the Government of the United States

Introduction When countries generate budgets for each fiscal year, they always have priorities. Most imperative is always the welfare of its citizens, considering that they contribute immensely through taxation. Ever since the 9/11 attacks of the Twins Towers, the budget took a sudden shift, with the military gaining the second-biggest...

“The Atlanta Exposition Address” by Booker T. Washington

The speech given by Booker T. Washington on September 18, 1895 in Atlanta, Georgia, became one of the most influential and meaningful speeches in the history of America (Booker T. Washington Delivers the 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech, par. 1). Nowadays the speech is seen from many various perspectives, this is...

The Syrian Crisis: Economic and Social Impact

The conflict in Syria and its repercussions have now reached such a serious situation that immediate global initiatives are needed by way of humanitarian interventions and economic aid. In its fourth year now, the crisis has severely impacted over 60 percent of the country’s population in making them either to...

Kenneth Jost’s Article “Unrest in the Arab World”

The Arab Spring was started not only as of the change of the political regimes but also as a change in the public consciousness regarding the ideas of civil and political rights. Such viewpoints are promoted in work “Unrest in the Arab World,” which was written by Kenneth Jost in...

Nuclear Arms Control: Unsuccessful Efforts

Introduction From the time when the Second World War was concluded, a lot of debates and controversies regarding the impacts of nuclear weapons on diplomacy has characterised the international arena. As indicated by Brown (2001), nuclear weapons are a part of the incorporated policy of defence, which is also comprised...

NATO as a Changing Defence and Security Institution

Introduction In recent times, NATO has made a significant impact in regional and global security efforts. Although, NATO was established to maintain security in Western Europe and North America, the organization has provided solutions in other regions (Brzezinski 2009, p. 2). NATO’s intervention in Bosnia, Kosovo and Libya proved that...

The Death Penalty and Mentally Retarded Capital Offenders

Introduction For decades in the United States of America, concerns about the death penalty were comparatively hinged on philosophical and occasionally religious discourse over the morality of state-sanctioned execution of another human being. As demonstrated in the literature, public opinion ebbed and flowed for the capital punishment, residing as civil...

Inequality in Australia: Poverty Rates and Globalism

No matter how hard it is for the XXI century human race to acknowledge the fact of inequality within society, injustice doubtlessly exists (‘Inequality and globalism’ 2013). More to the point, it penetrates every single field, affecting the relationships between people at the most basic level and altering the entire...

Road Network Infrastructure: Public Private Partnership

Introduction Government constructions and renovations of infrastructure by the contractual agreements with Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have become the most adopted processes in developed and developing countries (Abdullah et al. 2014). Infrastructure refers to the fundamental organization of the physical structures and facilities that are needed by the public. Project background...

EU Regulations of Merger between EU and Chinese Companies

Introduction While examining mergers and acquisitions, European regulators pay close attention to the risk of dominance. In this context, the term dominance can be defined as the ability of the organization to prevent the competition in a certain market (Geradin, Layne-Farrar,& Petit 2012, p. 43). It should be noted that...

Specific Illegal Immigration Issues

Introduction Immigration is normally used to refer to the movement of people from their home countries to a foreign country where they are non-citizens. Immigration can either be legal or illegal. Legally, immigration of people is sanctioned by the destination country’s governing authorities (LeMay 36). There are various issues associated...

Justification for the Use of Military Force

Introduction Military intervention was a feasible alternative for averting external aggression in the past, and it is still the most viable option for fighting global terrorism. Potential military interventions range from defusing terrorist camps to liberating captives. According to Feaver and Gelpi, “military intervention entails launching direct strikes against targets...

Police Violence and Subterfuge Cases

Introduction Police violence and subterfuge are the phenomena that unite the cases of Joy Gardner, who died in custody in 1993 and those of young Mike Brown or middle-aged Eric Garner who both died in 2014 (Erfani-Ghettani 102; Miah 2-3). Both Gardner and Garner died of suffocation because of the...

Should Concealed Handguns Be Allowed in Texas Classrooms?

Introduction In America, many people are concealed handgun license holders. This means that they carry their handguns to many places. In Texas, individuals are allowed to carry their guns to places such as parking lots, city streets, grassy areas, and other public areas (Smith par2). However, students and teachers are...

The US National Intelligence Council: Stalled Engines

Overview The current international system is faced with several challenges related to security, economic development, cultural identity, and issues to do with equality. While some states are of the view unilateral decisions are needed to resolve these challenges, a quite a few are of a different observing that cooperation and...

Immigration to the United States

Illegal immigrants should receive social services because of the following reasons; first of all, the majority of them pay their taxes, so denying them social services is both unethical and illogical; second of all, their access to social benefits, such as health services, limits the risk of spreading infectious diseases....

The Local Activist’s Demonstration

Present danger test Every citizen of the US has a right to participate in a demonstration as long as it does not interfere with the rights of other citizens. The right to demonstrate is enshrined in the constitution under basic human rights and freedoms (Jeske & Fumerton, 2011). The demonstration...

US State and Local Government: Duties Distribution

There is no use denying the fact that government is the phenomenon, which regulates the life of society and serves as the barrier which restrains chaos and anarchy. Moreover, the government provides a great number of different services, which are vital for the existence of a state and its population....

Emerging Powers and World Order

One cannot tell what will happen in the next 25 years in international politics. Nevertheless, experts agree that the world will become less liberal. In fact, it is assumed that the United States will be unable to retain its power and maintain global order, as newly powerful states will start...

Providing Social Services to Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.

With increased globalization, people are able to move from one region and relocate to other regions. Immigration has also been enhanced by the fact that mobility of labor is increasingly becoming perfect, compared to ancient years. The United States has received many immigrants being the largest economy in the world,...

African American Politics and Their Representation in the Media

Introduction To a large extent, African Americans are regarded as a minority group of individuals who are economically different from the rest in the wider society. Severally, African Americans have been subjected to unequal treatment in employment, representation in public offices, schooling, and involvement in various social activities. Generally, most...

The Great Wall of America

Introduction The United States of America is arguably the most developed country in the world. Therefore, many people around the globe dream of staying and working in the United States. With this in mind, many people, especially from less developed nations, work day and night to secure a chance of...

NASA Information Security Systems

In today’s technologically advanced world, companies are resorting to electronic means of protecting their information and related systems (Rhodes-Ousley, 2013). Information security has become very important with regards to the operations of modern organizations. It is a means through which an entity restricts access to its systems from unauthorized persons....

Sudan’ High Mortality Rates

Introduction Sudan has constantly suffered from rampant ethnic conflicts, and its citizens have hardly enjoyed the pleasure of its independence gained in 1956. The war between Muslims and non-Muslims in the country caused the deaths of more than two million people (Collins, 2008). Essentially, non-Muslims had dominated the northern economy,...

Iran’s Proposition to Own Nuclear Weapons

Who owns and possesses a nuclear weapon is an issue of great concern for most countries. Essentially, most countries in the West get concerned when nations express the desire to own nuclear weapons because such weapons are capable of causing massive destruction to both property and human life if not...

American Great Wall to Reduce the Number of Illegal Immigrants and Illegal Drugs

Every year, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans cross into the US illegally. The prospect of employment is the major factor that attracts illegal immigrants into the US. Illegal immigrants usually do low skilled jobs. The US government spends billions of dollars on illegal immigrants despite the fact that they pay...

Illegal Immigration in USA

Whereas many people believe that illegal immigrants do not have any right for basic social services, there is a group of activists affirming the need to make sure that every individual irrespective of the citizenship status should get access to social basic services. Consequently, these two sides have led to...

Gun Control: US Domestic Policy

Introduction The United States has a strong gun culture, and it is estimated that there are over 300 million privately owned firearms in the country. With this number, the US is a developed country with the highest proportion of private gun ownership. In recent years, there have been calls for...

Position on the Death Penalty

Capital punishment remains a contested issue in many societies across the globe. Many countries have abolished this form of punishment. Such countries believe that the malpractice is unethical. From a personal perspective, capital punishment is wrong because it does not deter criminals from engaging in unlawful activities. More often than...

US – Iran Relations: Tactics and Effects

Introduction The relation between Iran and the US dates back to many years ago. There are reports which indicate that this relation can be traced back to the last years of the nineteenth century. Both countries have used various international relations as tactics to lure the other party for its...

Police Brutality: Reasons and Countermeasures

Abstract Police brutality continues to be one of the most severe human rights desecrations on the territory of the United States. For the past several years, the police have performed in such methods that many citizens began to think whether the officers of the law are actually staying on the...

Coalition Against Landmines in Afghanistan

In egalitarian societies, political leaders are elected based on the principles they espouse (Ginsberg, Theodore and Margaret 299). Consequently, the same principles ought to guide each decision they make in the course of their tenure. It is true that even the most principled individual sometimes finds it difficult to take...

Is Death Penalty Adequate?

The death penalty has always been a question of discussion. In my opinion, the death penalty is inadequate, as it leads to the punishment of not guilty people, feeling of insecurity, negative attitudes in the society, high volume of stress, cruelty of the execution process, and violation of ethical principles....

Immigration in America as a Political Issues

Since the first immigration of European settlers into North America some 600 years ago, the area has been receiving thousands of new entrants every decade. The feature has created an important topic that has received massive attention over time. Also, it has caused a major problem that is currently affecting...

US Human Service Program for Homeless People

The field of Human Services is related to providing appropriate quality of life for populations, which face serious social issues. People involved in this fieldwork on prevention and remediation of problems that present certain risks to the life of people. Knowledge of effective methods of measuring a specific behavior and...

Social Services for Illegal Immigrants

The United States is a land with numerous opportunities, consequently, most people consider it a dreamland. A lot of people try to settle in America legally, the country of their dreams and opportunities (Acme articles). However, there are countless illegal immigrants in this country which sparks debates on whether they...

York County Intervention Resources

My Knowledge of Intervention Resources Human Services Professionals (HSPs) should be aware of the services available to clients with specific needs. According to my knowledge, York Pennsylvania has different organizations that support many citizens. Such agencies are available in every part of the county. The institutions address different problems such...

The Vice Presidential Debate US Elections 2012

Introduction The US Vice- Presidential debate took place on 11 October 2012. The debate took place at The Central College in Danville- Kentucky. This was between Joe Biden of the Democratic Party and Ryan Paul of the Republican Party. Martha Raddatz of the ABC News moderated the debate. This debate...

Government Interventions and Information Technologies

Why does the U.S. government need to intervene in international trade by setting up the U.S. Commercial Service? Living in the realm of the 21st century means realizing that the question of the U.S. companies starting to export worldwide by using new information and communication technology is the question of...

Government and Immigrants: Services in Contemporary America

Ong Hing (9) has described illegal immigration as a volatile and emotional issue. The media has, in recent years hosted hotly contested debates on the rhetoric, statistics, and opinions of Americans regarding the impact of illegal immigrants on the U.S. economy (Ong Hing 9). Such a debate could not have...

Texas’ Local Government and Its Organizational Structure

The Texas local government is made up of several members in the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, the Texas House of Representatives, and the Texas Senate. All the members of the houses are elected after a stipulated time and services for a fixed period. However, one can be...

The Warrant for GPS Tracking and Civil Rights in the USA

According to the article in the USA Today by Joan Biskupic, the Supreme Court ruled that the police is required to have a warrant in order to attach a GPS device on an individual’s car for tracking. When the case was discussed in court, there were a set of parallels...

Criticism of Arizona’s New Immigration Laws

Illegal immigration is one of the major problems that border states face. Every year, thousands of illegal immigrants enter the border states from Mexico. Illegal immigration places more pressure on existing social facilities. This is despite the fact that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes. Therefore, border states have stringent...

Why Immigrants Should Receive Social Services?

Immigrants are people who leave their countries so as to live in other countries. They do so for reasons such as higher education, search for job opportunities and medical care. There are various stereotypes associated with immigrants. Some people view them as uneducated and a drain to welfare. The stereotypes...

Governmental Social Movement: Class Conflicts

This paper analyzes the class conflict social movement theory and Lenin’s social movement theory. Class conflict refers “to the antagonism that occurs within the society as a result of competing for socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes” (Tarrow 23). Class conflict can be manifested in various forms....

The Advantage of the ‘Islamofascism’ Notion

The terms ‘Islamic fascism’ or ‘Islamofascism’ are applied not only by political figures (together with the president of the United States) but advertisers as well; thus creating an inconsequential storm and leading to an examination of the roots of the word in numerous countries. Walter Laqueur has been exploring the...

Mexico’s and the United States Great Wall

Introduction Initially the U.S. secured the border because of illegal Asian immigrants, the Mexicans moved to U.S. at will. In 2005, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) declared the initiation of a project whose purpose was to safeguard U.S. borders and minimize prohibited immigration. The project involved building a 2000...

The Provision of Social Amenities for Illegal Immigrants

Introduction Over the ages, the US has been regarded by many individuals as a land of great opportunities. For most individuals, it is a fantasy to reside in the United States, a nation in which opportunity beckons at the corner. Even though a majority of individuals have actualized their fantasies...

Wyoming Government Systems: Problem and Solution

Introduction The construction of the Union Pacific Railroad led to the establishment of the Wyoming Territory. Andrew Johnson, the president of the region, approved the Organic Act when tracklayers had neared the present-day Rawlins in the central part of Wyoming. A better share of the area that makes Wyoming was...

Illegal Immigration’s Negative Impacts

Introduction Illegal immigration is one of the most controversial topics in the political circles as well as in the social circles. There has been a huge influx of illegal immigrants in the United States in the recent past. An illegal immigrant is a person who leaves his country of residence...

The Great Wall at the US – Mexican Border

Introduction The Great Wall at the border that separates USA and Mexico is one of the largest barriers between two countries in the world. The wall is a series of barriers meant to minimize illegal border crossings into the US through the southern border entry. The US government has had...

Construction of the America’s Great Wall

Introduction The Great Wall of America is made up of a metal structure that is 2000 miles long. It is a physical barrier between Mexico and the United States of America. In the 1990s, the number of immigrants crossing the border to the USA was very high. The situation led...

Immigration in the US

Introduction The debate on whether to grant illegal immigrants in the United States amnesty or not, is very controversial. On the one hand, there are those who argue that illegal immigrants should not be granted amnesty. They maintain that there is need to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in...

Obamacare Policy-Making in the Federal System

More often than not, the structure of the government in the United States makes it quite daunting to effectively implement policies, especially the policies that are developed at the federal level. One of the policies that have been subjected to criticism and failed to live up to the expectations of...

Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

The population of illegal immigrants in the United States continues to rise at an alarming rate. This has prompted the need for a solution to deal with the issue. Many proposals have been made; ranging from deportation to granting amnesty to illegal immigrants (Ashabranner 16). Amnesty refers to the act...

Opposition to the Dream Act

Introduction The DREAM Act is a bill proposed in the US that seeks to make persons who moved in the US as juveniles, but have lived in the country for five or more years before the bill is signed into law, and have graduated from an American high school permanent...

Public Union Restrictions in State of Ohio

Introduction Ohio and Wisconsin, the two states that are controlled by Republicans have for the past few years wanted to control the collective bargaining rights of government workers and have been proposing anti-union agendas. The bill comes just a few weeks after the same bill that was passed by Republicans...

Why the DREAM Act Is Beneficial for Americans?

Introduction The DREAM Act has sparked off a heated debate on whether illegal immigrants’ children can have the right to obtain higher education in the USA and, basically, obtain a legal status. There are many opponents to the Act. These people state that the enactment of the DREAM Act will...

DREAM Act: Exploring the Benefits

Introduction: overview of DREAM Act perspectives The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a legislation that provides students from minority groups who lived in the United States with permanent residency. Adopted in 2001, the act creates wider opportunities for undocumented residents in the field of military...

Barack Obama and Sheikh Zayed

Heroes The term ‘hero’ draws various definitions from across the world. As it would be observed, various communities across the world view heroism differently. This would have the meaning that, there are various reasons as to why one can be regarded as a hero or heroine in a particular community....

Legislative Issues in Georgia

This paper is aimed at examining the central questions that are viewed as the top priority by the governmental officials in Georgia. The upcoming legal acts are related to such aspects as economic development of this state, the work of police, and regulations of various narcotic substances. It is necessary...

U.S. Mexico Border Dilemma

U.S Mexico border dilemma has been present for several years. It is apparent that the space between the countries exists almost as a separate state (Coleman, 2005). It attracts a lot of immigrants, who would like to pursue the American Dream (Heyman, 2001). Some of them cross the border illegally,...

The Russian Foreign Policy

Introduction The Russian foreign policy that facilitated its annexation of Crimea has raised controversy in the global society (Weiss 4). The scholar also notes that the decision of this government to intervene in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis has also earned it criticism. While some people feel that Russia acted contrary...

The Supreme Court of the United States: Analysis

The power of the Judicial Review plays a very important part in preserving the Constitution Developing it according to the changing circumstances America has a federal Constitution, which has divided into powers between centers and the component State. It has declared that the constitution is supreme law which cannot be...