Elder Abuse, Its Potential Risks and Prevention

Abstract The problem of elder abuse is one of the major concerns of a coherent society. Regarding the tendency towards the increase in the number of mistreatment cases, the provision of the appropriate help to all victims acquires the top priority for counseling. For this reason, the given paper is...

Racial Inequality: African-American Males Experience

The Issue In the recent years since the murder of Michael Brown, most US citizens have turned their attention on the cruel treatment of African American at every phase of the criminal justice system, especially the police. An outrageous percentage has been murdered in interactions with police in the last...

Development of Children’s Friendship and Social Problems

Activity 1 What does your data analysis suggest about children’s behaviors? This analysis was reached upon following a close thirty-minute observation of infants, and it suggests various types of behaviors presented by children in play. For instance, it is clear that most children like to interact in groups frequently while...

Misconception and Stubbornness: Dealing With a Stubborn Person

Misconception and Stubbornness: How to Change a Thought of a Person from Negative to Positive? Everyone has at least one experience of dealing with a stubborn person in their life. Such experiences are usually characterized by feelings of frustration, irritation, or even anger. Dealing with stubborn people can consume quite...

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Crises

Introduction People should have access to quality and sustainable medical services. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights identifies basic health care as a right that must be available to all. This paper gives a detailed analysis of this issue from different perspectives. Problems such as disasters and increased expenses for...

Social Class Position in “The Company Men” Movie

Introduction Social class position is a role played by an individual within society. This role is not always permanent as societal changes can result in variations of a person’s social class position. The changes result in either positive or detrimental effects on the individual. The movie “The Company Men” is...

Behind the War on Drugs

According to Eugine Jarecki (2015), the war on drugs has not been properly fought. He believes that the government has ended up aggravating the problem when it was expected to be solving the problem. His film, The House I Live in, exposes issues that have led to the prevalence in...

Social Insecurity, Changes, Risks and Communication

Introduction Technologies have already become an essential part of daily life, and most people cannot imagine a day without using devices. However, this theme is much broader than it may seem, as technologies modernize and transform completely such fields as healthcare, security, data collection, and space exploration, and it is...

Social Psychological Research and Theories

Theories of social structure and personality, group processes, and symbolic interactionism in social psychology Whatever field of study we discuss, a researcher has opportunity to choose not only a subject area, a research question or research methods, but a general approach to studying an issue. In any field, scholars have...

Drug Test on Welfare Recipients

Article Analysis The article by Schoenbach and Mitchell (2013) discusses various factors that are against drug tests on welfare applicants and recipients. The authors state that compulsory drug tests, according to Senate Bill 594, inserts excessive financial problems on stressed families and to the country. The drug test on welfare...

Anti-Latinos Discrimination and Rebuttal in the US

Introduction The Hispanic demographic is the fastest-growing population in the United States with over 57 million citizens (Johnson and Lichter 712). Unfortunately, statistics indicate that over 50 percent of the Latinos in the United States have faced at least one form of discrimination. This kind of discrimination contrasts the government’s...

Inheritance in Capitalism and Ethical Grid

Background In their book “Moral issues in business,” the authors William H. Shaw seeks to demystify the notion that inheritance is justified by capitalism by examining the works of D.W Haslett. He explores this concept from a wealthy point of view rather than an income point of view where he...

The School Board’s Organizational Ethics Issues

The misunderstanding regarding the school administration’s directive to look into the emails of the employees has come to the attention of the School Board. The School Board deems it necessary to initiate an appropriate response. The first thing that has to be done is to examine the key management issues...

Animal Experimentation: Arguments For and Against

Science is very important in society because it is through it that different discoveries are made. Scientific methods for instance are used to discover a medicine to cure different diseases and come up with innovations that improve the lives of human beings (Brundage and Michael 10). In the field of...

Child Labor in Ghanaian and Bangladeshi Industries

We live in the society that could be considered a consumer one. It means that its members are provided with all goods needed to meet their diverse requirements. People often buy new things, and it becomes the primary measure of their success and social position. Moreover, there are numerous cases...

The Rockefeller Foundation: Challenges and Possibilities

Introduction John D. Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Foundation in 1919 with the general aim of promoting the interest and good of humanity. In line with this mission statement, the Rockefeller Foundation has made a tremendous impact on the lives and activities of millions of people throughout the world since its...

The Complexity of Human Communication

What communication behaviors were most revealing or important? Aggressive behavior was demonstrated in the party by Sam’s mother. She overlooked other people’s feelings in the party by her dressing, choice of words and denying her husband the freedom of interacting with Sam’s professor. From this behavior it can be asserted...

Human Trafficking and Ethical Behavior Breaches

One of the serious crimes known to violate human rights is human trafficking. Idang (2013) defines human trafficking as “the forced transfer, recruitment, and receipt of people for purposes of mistreatment or exploitation” (p. 50). More often than not, the victims are compelled to engage in prostitution, offer forced labor,...

Abortion in Feminist and Care Ethics

Abortion is one of the most discussed topics of bioethics. It is one of the oldest topics and, at the same time, one of the most divisive. The topic of abortion makes people question the nature of life and personhood. With such grandiose questions, many different moral theories could be...

Racism in the Contemporary America

In what ways does racism affect diversity Racism is a preferential behavior and attitude towards a specific race that makes it out to be superior to other races. Usually some form of violation, physical or mental is practiced towards a certain race. Historically, a dominant group or majority of population...

Racial Stereotypes, Identity and Intersectionality

How oppositional dichotomies of race define racial stereotypes During the centuries, there have been developed racial stereotypes. Thus, dividing people into different races (according to color) we can assume that every race has its “characteristic features”. The racial stereotypes consider different aspects of life, appearance, and behavior, such as interpersonal...

Elderly Abuse, Its Nature and Causes

The abuse of elderly people in various environments is a significant issue. They are a vulnerable population category that often cannot defend themselves. At the same time, they often require high maintenance efforts due to poor health. As such, abuse can take the form of active malice, neglect, and other...

Drug Abuse Treatment in Nursing

Presentation Jenny G., a 48-year-old recovering IV drug abuser, presents with general malaise, anorexia, abdominal pain, and slight jaundice. She is currently staying in a women’s shelter and looking for a job. She is divorced, with two grown children whom she hasn’t been in contact with for years. CC: “When...

Animal Rights and Scientific Researches

I would like to write an essay about the animal rights and the use of animals in scientific research. It is one of the most controversial issues, and although much has been said about it, it has not lost its actuality. Animal rights activists take various measures to stop the...

Immigration Enforcement in the US

Immigration enforcement issues have continued to grow in severity and complexity over the past several years. With the advent of new technologies, criminals obtain more possibilities to arrange and expand their illegal activity. The key task of the Department of Homeland Security is to protect the country and its citizens...

Child Corporal Punishment as Domestic Violence

Topic Description Domestic violence is an important public health issue that affects the physical and emotional well-being of men, women, and children all over the world. However, when it comes to children, some parents advocate for physical punishment as a means of teaching children to behave properly. The public widely...

Gendered Society, Inequality and Violence

‘Gender-bashing violence’ and violence against women In most traditional societies, women, transsexual and transgendered people tend to be viewed as minorities (Kimmel, Kaler, and Aronson 432). Women are exposed to sexual violence which may be through intimidation and coercion. It is however not unusual for men to experience violence. The...

Challenges with Homeless and Runaway Youth in Hawaii

Nature of the Problem The homelessness rate in Hawaii and the Waianae beach area, in particular, has grown in recent years and it continues to be a significant public concern because of multiple negative consequences of the problem on the state economy and the community welfare. Notably, the number of...

Persuasive Communicators in the Workplace and Life

Introduction Communication is an imperative aspect of humanity. Without communication, people cannot lock their potential for financial wealth, nor would they be able to develop loving relationships at home or professional relationships in the workplace. Interestingly, communication is an aspect of human behavior that many people fail to understand, notwithstanding...

The Basic Notions of Ethics

Ethics Despite happiness cannot be called a clear subject of research, it has always interested scientists who would like to understand its nature and the factors that can make people happier. Thus, a lot of work has been performed to achieve this goal. Sometimes, the results are unexpected. In her...

“What Does It Mean to Be Gendered Me” by B. Lucal

Response In her work What It Means to Be Gendered Me, Betsy Lucal, a professor of sociology, examines the problem of a person who does not visibly represent their gender and has to survive in the system with strict gender frames. The author illustrates her analysis of this issue with...

Change Initiative and Communication Types

Consider a change initiative that you have some familiarity with The change initiative I have some familiarity with is the lean in distribution and manufacturing site. The major unanticipated outcome was an enormous employee resistance to change which had not been taken into account in the initial stage of planning....

“The Persistence of Genocide” by David Rieff

What are some of the defects of the task force’s report on genocide? The task force report on genocide has failed to offer survivors appropriate solutions that can help them cope with their trauma. Several genocide reports have always used the phrase; ‘Never Again’, since the Holocaust. However, genocide and...

Sociology, Its Theories and Technology in Society

Sociology as a social science French philosopher, Augustine Comte in 1839 introduced the idea of sociology. This term is resultant of the Latin word, “society” which refers to society, and the Greek term, “Logos” which is taken to imply the study of science. Therefore sociology is the science of society....

Patients with a Substance Use Disorder

People with addiction and substance use disorder (SUD) have to receive professional and high-quality care and follow-up. It is not enough to prescribe some drugs and visit meetings to prevent and control complications. Regular communication and family education are integral parts of this type of research. During the last 20...

Substance Abuse Versus Addiction

Substance abuse and substance addiction may seem like interchangeable terms. However, they refer to two different health conditions. Both of them have adverse effects on individuals’ lives and health. Nevertheless, substance abuse and substance addiction differ in their underlying mechanisms and, thus, require unalike interventions. The understanding of differences between...

Communication in a Multicultural Environment

Sue’s Worldview Model Promoting cultural competence is a crucial step toward improving communication between the members of the global community. Indeed, culture clashes, misconceptions, and misunderstandings affect the quality of communication to a considerable degree, reducing the opportunities for developing a compromise and identifying a viable solution. To handle the...

Environmental Health and Social Conflicts

What constitutes a stable society? Everyone in society looks forward to the surrounding environment for satisfaction. Foods and other basic needs are all obtained from the environment. Most of the things that are relied upon by humankind to complement their lives are all found from the surroundings. In addition, it...

Pregnancy in Teenagers: Possible Challenges

In order to decrease the overall rate of teenage pregnancy, it is crucial to address the populations that are disproportionately affected by the issue. There are numerous research studies and reports that suggest specific risk factors for teenage pregnancy. A report by Romero et al. (2016) summarizes the existing racial,...

Homelessness in Californian Public Places

In my home nation of Japan, it is difficult to find homeless families that reside on the streets. This explains why my visit to California back when I was in high school was an appalling experience. I had never come across such a scenario, and I had difficulties in demystifying...

Police Administrators and Their Ethical Responsibility

Introduction The police force in the USA constitutes one of the three branches of the criminal justice system, with officers responsible for not only lawbreaker detainment and crime prevention, but for public safety too. With the responsibility for the maintenance of order, enforcement of the law, and general public service...

Third Sector Organizations and Community Services

Introduction Third sector organizations are a diversity of organizations that are neither in the private sector nor public sector. These organizations unequivocally exist to benefit a diversity of individuals in a community with common interest (Hasan & Onyx 2008, p. 26). These organizations have three distinct qualities in common; independent...

New Immigration Waves in the USA

Immigrants Should Be Welcomed Americans are a nation of immigrants who came to this land hoping for better. This statement is one of the most frequently used associations emerging while speaking about the USA and its history. One of the reasons for the popularity of this idea that it is...

Homosexuality as Percieved in American Society

Introduction In defining homosexual marriage, anthropologists formulate valid cross-cultural variations of modern and traditional forms. Same-sex marriage, just like any other form of marriage, is a union of two adults, though of the same sex, in a domestic arrangement with each member having defined roles to play. Over the years,...

Territorial Conflicts in Animals and Humans

Introduction Territory refers to a geographically defined area, which is regarded to be owned by an individual (s), animal, or a state and it can also be defined by other factors, such as culture and language. Thus, territory promotes peace through assurance as it clearly defines and demarcates the workings...

Effective Team: Stages, Characteristics and Roles

5 Stages of Group Development Developing an effective team comes with challenges and expectations at every stage of its development. An effective team must go through five development stages, namely, forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. That was the case with the environmental cleaning team we formed. At the forming...

High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Human Rights

The focus of this assignment will be the use of high-resolution satellite imagery for detecting mass graves in Sheberhan, an area in Afghanistan (AAAS, 2017b). The American Association for the Advancement of Science first reviewed the human rights issue in 2009 upon the request of Physicians for Human Rights, which...

Adolescent Sexual Development and Puberty Suppression

Articles Overview Both articles that are to be analyzed in the paper at hand are related to the topic of adolescent development dilemmas that have to be solved either with or without their consent. The first article (Risking a Relation: Sex Education and Adolescent Development) is more general and addresses...

Affirmative Action Policy in Higher Education

The Policy The concept of affirmative action has been evolving over the years. According to Babkina (2003), the concept of affirmative action was meant to eliminate the sufferings of the minorities and enable them to access benefits enjoyed by the majority. It was meant to eliminate institutionalized discriminations such as...

Gender-Based Social Responsibilities and Structure

Men Who Mother by Risman Nowadays, it became a common practice among many sociologists in the West (especially those affiliated with the feminist paradigm in sociology) to downplay the importance of biological determinants within the context of how people go about addressing their gender-based social responsibilities. In this respect, the...

Evidence-Based Intervention for Children with SUDs

Introduction Substance use disorders (SUDs) in children and underage adolescents are a major issue nowadays. SUDs consist of multiple “cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms” and are associated with changes in cognition and behavior (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013, p. 484; National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2016). Various solutions to the...

Opioid Epidemic: Health Policy Analysis

Identification of a Health Policy Issue/Concern The ever-growing rapid lifestyle of Americans causes migraines and various pain symptoms, while people with oncologic and chronic diseases also need painkillers. To address pain, people visit doctors who, in turn, prescribe painkillers containing opiates and other addictive drugs. When drugs no longer work,...

“Ordinary” Sexual Violence in Media and Society

Introduction Carter1 argues that the news reporting of sexualized violence is contributing to the ‘normalization’ of assumptions about male violent behavior and female likelihoods of victimization. It is easy to outline how this process occurs if to consider some specific examples. Using Carter’s statement as a theoretical issue, a particular...

People with Addiction and Substance Use Disorder

Questions and Answers How has this presentation influenced the care you will provide to this population? Why? Adult patients with opioid addiction need special care and regular monitoring by a professional healthcare provider. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (2016), more than 435,000 young and older adults suffer...

Racial Minorities and European Immigrants Inequality

Introduction Diversity remains a unique aspect of many urban areas across the globe. Cities characterized by diversity have higher chances of benefiting from economic expansion and innovation (Xiangming, Orum, and Paulsen 179). However, wealthy individuals have been observed to isolate themselves from the poor members of society. Individuals from minority...

The US Immigration Laws: Movement Regulation

Introduction The United States of America is a country of immigrants. People from almost every part of the world and nationality inhabit the American territories at the present moment. The nation would not exist without individuals who decided to take their families and started to live new lives in the...

Messengers’ Influences on Communications

Innovative technologies have entered the life of people with fast path. Starting with mobile phones many people use the Internet for communication with the highest frequency. Several years ago people could not imagine that they would have such free access to communication as they have now. Technology is making communication...

Individual Development in the Societal Context

The formation and perception of one’s self are greatly affected by society and societal context due to the role they play in psychological development and achievement of personhood. There are numerous works on the influence of societal content and context on individual development, and most of them center on the...

The Problem of Human Trafficking in America

Proposal The Historical misfortune of women concerning their position in American society is perhaps repeating itself. In the 1930s, women’s experiences in terms of roles in a society formed quite conspicuous dimensions. The society deprived them of their vital rights. The male gender, being eloquently dominant, served to advance this...

Circumcision Benefits and Issues

Circumcision in males is a matter of considerable debate in the United States. The procedure has ostensible medical benefits and is commonly utilized by a variety of cultures, which leads to significant support for the continued existence for the treatment. However, an opposition also exists, claiming that the procedure is...

Revolution Strategy and Tactics

Introduction In the scenario presented for this essay, the author is an advisor to a revolutionary movement. It is based in a country ruled by a dictator, and the rebels have already attempted an assault on the presidential palace. The uprising has failed, and the government’s oppression has become more...

The History of Slavery and Its Impacts

Introduction Over the years, there have been records of shootings that targeted a particular race or religion. Both the police and the general public have perpetuated crimes based on racial prejudice. Further, statistics show that black people have a lower salary rate compared to white people (Craig, 2014). It can,...

Evidence-Based Intervention for Substance Use Disorder

Introduction to Treatment Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a significant problem, and the number of children and adolescents with SUDs is high. For instance, the prevalence of alcohol use disorder among those aged between 12 and 17 amounts to 4.6% in the US (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Cognitive behavioral therapy...

Food Choices in Food Deserts: Sociological Analysis

The selected research is focused on the investigation of factors impacting healthy dietary habits and the availability of healthy food for individuals, with the authors conducting the study revealing that limited financial resources remain the central problem associated with so-called food deserts. Considering the outstanding importance of fresh products and...

Brazil’ Poverty and Inequality

The high level of poverty witnessed in Brazil has a close relationship with the forced movement of black immigrants into the country to provide labour in farms and mining industries. The promotion of agendas to create a predominantly white population in cities such as Sao Paolo created a culture of...

Social Roles and Functions in Relationships

The formation of one’s self begins with answering the question “who am I”. The self-conception presents a set of concepts by which one determines what he or she is. This is the central part of the process of socialization that develops in the course of human interaction with other people....

Mortality Rates Between Nations

Thank you for the clarification regarding Accountable Care Organizations. As for mortality rates among nations, it seems that a range of factors affects their accuracy. For example, in the recent study by Tencza, Stokes, and Preston (2014), it is noted that obesity, residence, substance abuse, and smoking are the key...

Sociological Imagination Theory

Sociological Imagination and Its Importance The sociological imagination is a theory that links the behavior of an individual at the micro level to the society in which he/she lives, at the macro level. The concept was introduced by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959 and was defined as...

Domestic Violence Typology and Characteristics

Introduction These days, domestic violence is perceived as a serious large-scale problem that often evolves into other social and personal problems. Much research has been carried out to investigate the current problem, its triggers, and its consequences. For this paper, information and data from peer-reviewed journals have been analyzed; thus,...

Community Development in the Urban Crises

Introduction It could be stated with certainty that the development of the society throughout the history of the development of the human race was largely based upon the concept of the city as a fundamental structural aspect of the society. It is also appropriate to observe that this development is...

Police Injustice Towards African-Americans

The History of Violence The book White Violence and Black Response: From Reconstruction to Montgomery by Herbert Shapiro is a great example of a century-long perspective on the issue of violence towards African-Americans from the White population. For instance, there is a good point of how the II World War...

Ethical Terrorist Elimination in the United States

Terrorism is one of the most important issues to resolve in the modern world since it usually involves a high number of victims. It could be said that its central goal is to evoke chaos, misbalance, and panic in the society. In this instance, terrorism violates the rights of the...

African American Women in Science

Abstract Science is one of fields which are overwhelmed by prejudice and bias especially when it comes to African American females. There are numerous barriers this group of US population has to face. Breaking Barriers: African American Women in Science is aimed at helping these females to pursue scientific careers...

American Racism in Coates’ The Case for Reparations

Introduction The article “The Case for Reparations” by Coates investigates the history of racism in America to show how it has influenced and continues to affect the black population of the country. The focus on financial limitations and unfair treatment that black people have encountered through the years reveals how...

Supervision in Human Services and Its Legal Aspects

The article ‘Damages for Indirect Patent Infringement’ by Dmitry Karshtedt was published in 2014. The author reveals the existing legal issue in supervision in the field of human services, which is vicarious liability. Moreover, the author claims that in the majority of patent infringement circumstances, the only useful method by...

The Drug Enforcement Administration Business Model

Introduction The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) operates under a business model that ensures efficient activities of its employees and good cooperation with partners. However, two building blocks of the existing canvas can be altered to enhance the efficiency of operations. Firstly, approaches to the coordination of actions and cooperation can...

Corporal Punishment and Child Maltreatment

Problem Analysis Parents are the main people who are responsible for their children development, understanding of the world around, and promoting desirable behaviors that meet special standards and rules. Misbehavior of children is a burning topic for consideration in many countries because parents want to choose the most appropriate options...

Gender Stereotypes in Family: Research Methods

Introduction First, I researched a number of online databases and libraries. For example, I used Capella University library to search for the necessary articles. I used such keywords as gender stereotypes, family, parents. I found only one appropriate article on the chosen topic. I also used Open Library and EBSCO,...

Student Activism in the United States

Abstract Student activism is not a new concept. It has a rather long history, and its contribution to the political and social changes in society is difficult to over evaluate. The past of student activism is full of significant moments. The present is not clear due to the fact that...

Bedoons’ Life and Experiences in Kuwait

Introduction Bedoon is a social class that exists in such countries as Kuwait, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. It refers to people without a state, and some countries consider these people to be illegal immigrants. Kuwait is one of those countries with a relatively large population present in the area. The...

Social Good vs. the Individual’s Right to Privacy

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine one’s life without the Internet. It has become a powerful tool that helps to work, study, communicate, purchase goods, spend leisure time, and perform many other activities. Moreover, as the globalization trend grows more powerful, millions of people connect via social networks, making their...

Child Poverty Assessment in Canada

Introduction Child poverty is not only the problem of children but also a threat to the development of a country (Albanese, 2015). In Canada today, every fifth child is estimated to be affected by poverty. It presents considerable risks for the children’s health, education, development, and future well-being. It is...

American Veteran Homelessness & Advocacy Practice

Social problem Homelessness among veterans is an issue that has been causing concern within the American community. Most of these veterans are forced to live in cheap neighborhoods where gun violence is very prevalent. A study by Lusk, Staudt, and Moya (2012), shows that subjecting these veterans to constant gun...

Equal Pay Act for American Women

The Equal Pay Act (EPA) was established by the American government in 1963. This law requires equal wages or salaries for every resident of the country, regardless of gender. The following paper is a literature review on the topic of the Equal Pay Act’s validity in the United States of...

Racism and Inequality in the United States

Introduction The United States is a capitalistic country where economic, social and political activities are done in a free and fair environment. Even though Capitalism is believed to offer freedom and equal opportunities to people, it divides the society into classes based on their economic, social and political status. Few...

The Africa Biofortified Sorghum Project Consortium

The problem of hunger and malnutrition in Africa is burning indeed because of extremely hot conditions and the inability to grow and prepare the products that are healthy and full of vitamins (Thurow, 2013). A number of African people use sorghum as the main crop in their lives because it...

Evolution of Female Sexuality

Throughout history, views and scientific theories regarding female sexuality have been changeable and controversial. In her article, Carol Groneman examines the history of the phenomenon of nymphomania and the major changes in its perception by society, as well as its diagnosis and treatment by contemporary doctors. The author argues that...

Intimate Partner Violence Against Pregnant Victims

I want to focus on reproductive coercion in IPV. Discussing domestic violence against pregnant women, we should note that the problem significantly increases the risks of obstetric complications in DV victims. These complications may be different, and they are caused both by physical and psychological violence since pregnant women are...

Status Structures and Its Hidden Privileges

The relationships between the members of contemporary society might seem random and convoluted, yet numerous theories claim that there is a reason for them to exist. Conventional values and traditions have been defining the choices made by people for centuries, yet the system may finally change in the wake of...

Domestic Violence Among Black Immigrant Women

The population of interest The selected population of interest for this study is black immigrant women. Summary of the search process The search sought to establish the prevalence of domestic violence among black immigrant women in the United States. Search terms included domestic violence, intimate partner violence, black immigrant women,...

Caring for Vulnerable Population: Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a rampant problem in the current society despite the availability of information regarding the consequences of drug abuse. Studies show that 10% of Americans aged 12 years and above are likely to experiment with an illegal drug in a 30-day period (Johnson et al., 2015). Extrapolating this...

Violence Against Women: Importance of the Problem

Violence against women presents one of the most important problems of modern society and there are a lot of researchers who aim to analyze the present situation in order to develop the best solution. In their article, Netto, Moura, Queiroz, Tyrrell, and Bravo (2014) report the results of their research...

Anti-Latino Discrimination in the American Society

Introduction to the issue In the last one or two decades, the United States (US) economy has experienced various shocks that have contributed to job losses and heightened competition for basic resources. Consequently, civil rights activists among other equality stakeholders have observed an increase in overall discrimination towards various ethnic...

Domestic Violence Victims’ Needs Assessment

Domestic violence belongs to the number of the most urgent problems of modern society. The present situation seems to be a catastrophe as “man can earn five years in prison for abusing his dog but a maximum of just 30 days in jail for beating his wife or girlfriend on...

The US Immigration Laws

The United States of America is a country of immigrants. People from almost every part of the world and nationality inhabit the American territories at the present moment. The nation would not exist without individuals who decided to take their families and started to live new lives in the USA...

Child Corporal Punishment Prevalence in the US

Prewriting The narrowed topic of the research is focused on exploring the prevalence of corporal punishment of children and domestic abuse in the United States. The primary audience includes healthcare professionals, social workers, parents, and social or political stakeholders that influence legislative decisions. It is important to inform the mentioned...

Teenage Drug and Substance Abuse

Introduction As revealed in the presented Lot in Life, truant behaviors start to be manifested as early as at the age of 14, a situation that parents expect the least from their teenage children. It is crucial to point out that several issues pave the way for teenage drug abuse....

War Veterans’ Mental Health as Social Issue

Current social issue and the role of social work in addressing it The current issue to be discussed touches on the War Veterans returning home and not receiving proper mental health care due to a lack of mental health professionals serving the Armed Forces. In most cases, these war veterans...

The Caravan Incident: Migrants from Central America

Introduction Immigration is a frequently discussed issue in the United States. One might say that America is a nation of immigrants that opens its doors to everyone. But many citizens consider immigration a serious threat to the country, with a number of economic, political, and environmental complications. Because of the...

Is the Good Life Found in Pursuing Happiness?

A good life with a successful career, enough money, and property is a manifestation of happiness for many people. However, not all people achieve this goal and can call themselves happy, and some, in the pursuit of happiness, money, or success, remain miserable for life. Therefore, happiness and a good...

PATH Beyond Shelter Organization’s Activities

History PATH Beyond Shelter is a community organization that helps homeless families with children to resettle in permanent houses and to access basic needs, including food, Shelter, health care, and education, especially for the children. The idea to develop the organization in Los Angeles was developed in 1983 by Rev....

Legislator Communication: Equal Pay

Introduction This letter is addressed to Senator Alan Hays in order to demonstrate the support for the died Bill, which has not received committee hearing – Equal Pay (SB 0098). Just like the identical bill (H 0025), it was ignored by the Senate, thus making it impossible to eradicate employment...

Drug Abuse Among Homeless People in Miami

Introduction Little Havana is located in Miami, Florida. It is a diverse neighborhood, full of rich Caribbean and South American cultures. Most of the population is represented by Latino Americans. The neighborhood is very much developed; most of its residents have full access to various social institutions and cultural sights....

Visual Representation of Sexual Orientation in Europe

Abstract The fight against discrimination towards homosexuals has taken a long and painful path. The liberators were harassed, tortured, and some of them were killed fighting for the rights of homosexuals. This study was focused on understanding how the visual representation of sexual orientation has become more acceptable in Europe....

Feminism, Oppression, Masculinity, and Homophobia

Introduction Feminism, a relatively new movement in the history of social, political, and philosophical thought (since it emerged in the late 19th century and evolved throughout the 20th century), has found an important place in modern social studies. During the 20th century, feminists succeeded in obtaining various rights that previously...

The Miami Community Needs

Overview Description of the Community History The city of Miami was founded in 1870; previously, this area was inhabited by the Tequesta Indians who, however, were almost completely exterminated by Spanish and British missions. At the end of the 19th century, Florida’s railroad was extended so that it could reach...

US Ethnic Communities’ History and Culture

Introduction This is my experiential essay that focuses on communities. From a personal point of view, a community is a social unit of people with common characteristics and values. Therefore, communities can be a small or a large group such as local, national or international communities and lately the virtual...

Violence Against Women: History and Causes

Introduction Cases of violence against women have been so rampant in society. Consequently, there are concerted efforts worldwide aimed at creating awareness among people on the issue. Policy makers have developed programs towards this end. The Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Program is an example. The program, co-created in 1993...

The Problem of Drug Use and Heroin Addiction in US

Abstract By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about the drug use problem in the United States as well as about health and life risks associated with the use of heroin. Drug use is a globally important social problem that needs detailed discussion because increased...

Human Trafficking: National and International Challenges

Social workers must respond to any humanitarian crisis domestically and abroad. The international issue of human trafficking and its impact requires the attention of social workers. Many are antagonized by the scope of the issue and feel helpless. However, small actions within a social work organization and community can begin...

Animal Rights: Humans and Other Living Creatures

In his article “All Animals are Equal”, Singer (1989) argues in support of animal rights. He claims that the tendency to view animals as creatures that do not deserve the same rights as humans is just as wrong as denying people’s rights based on their skin color on gender. He...

Social Program Challenges Evaluation

Abstract The primary challenges which should be addressed by the evaluator to assess the program effectively are the change of program’s aspects, impossibility to develop the evaluation design appropriately, and the variety of strategies to follow during evaluation. Challenges of Program Evaluation Social programs must be effective to guarantee certain...

Twelve-Step Programs: Alcoholics Anonymous

Introduction Addiction is a serious issue for a person of any class, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. When a person becomes either chemically addicted to a substance or psychologically addicted to an activity, their life often experiences a multitude of negative changes. This is why programs designed to transform this behavior...

Ethics in Practice: Abortion Choice

Abortion has been a subject of debate in the world with some groups arguing that it infringes human rights while others advocates that it should be legalized. Religious groups term it as being unethical and against God’s will. Based on these groups’ arguments, abortion has been described in many ways....

Youths Revitalizing Main Street: Article Analysis

Introduction The diversity and nature of roles pursued by social workers provide new opportunities for creativity. Social workers can take up the roles of organizers, managers, educators, or advocates. These professionals educate people to utilize resources adequately and minimize social problems. The article “Youths Revitalizing Main Street: A Case Study”...

Universal Conception of Human Rights and Its Challenges

Introduction Human rights are intercontinental customs, which dictate and determine how different countries handle their citizens and residents. In 1948, United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a policy framework guiding countries towards observing human rights. However, the major factor, which led to this declaration, dates back...

“The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates

The article “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates makes a powerful argument on the origins, progression, and impact of slavery, abuse, racism, and discrimination against African Americans that is embedded deeply into the social fabric of the United States. It outlines the extensive repercussions that such behavior has caused...

Breaking Barriers Program: African American Women

Abstract To evaluate the program Breaking Barriers: African American Women in Science effectively, it is necessary to concentrate on quantitative data and qualitative sources of information to conclude on the need for the program and its social impact and effectiveness. Program Evaluation: Data Sources The public program Breaking Barriers: African...

Ethical Leadership in the Non-Profit Sector

Introduction The success of every organization is dependent on the effectiveness with the type and style of leadership adopted. Leadership refers to the process of influencing others with the objective of accomplishing a particular common task. In the business environment, leadership mainly focuses at maximizing profits and reducing cost. However,...

Sociologists as Heroes of Social Sciences

The list below includes many figures from different areas of sociology. Perhaps, these names are not all the people who donated their knowledge and experience for the benefit of the development of sociology. Nevertheless, they may be called the most outstanding representatives of their epoch. The historical significance of their...

Biometric Technologies in Public Use and Ethics

With the boost of technology, the things that were a part of futuristic fiction films become a reality. Biometric technologies gain popularity not only applied to criminal investigations, but also in the sphere of personal safety. For example, the fingerprint scan is widely practiced to provide the security of mobile...

Global Sense: Female Leadership and Gender Equity

Summary of the Main Issues The case “Global Sense” outlines a unique predicament that continues to affect many working environments. The absence of women in managerial and senior positions is something evident in many companies across the globe. Although statistics indicate that more women are currently occupying different positions in...

Communicative Gestures in Everyday Conversations

While talking to other people, one may underestimate the effect of their nonverbal expressions. Sometimes the information conveyed by them is arguable more important than what was spoken. When uncontrolled, nonverbal elements can hinder communication, but their deliberate use may enhance the message. This paper will be devoted to gestures...

Racial Oppression in the United States

There is no doubt that intercultural differences that exist between people living in the same country become a problem that encourages a series of discussions from time to time. Within the frame of the given assignment, we are supposed to read the statement by Barry Loudermilk who is one of...

Value Judgment Ethics and Access to Information

Introduction The time when many people considered the Internet to be nothing more than a flash-in-the-pan fad, which is of little to no significance to the way society develops, has long gone, and now even those who are still reluctant to embrace it recognize that the technology profoundly influences everyone’s...

Abortion in Texas as a Political Issue

Introduction Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the developing fetus is ready to be born or able to survive. When it happens naturally, it is known as a miscarriage, and when done deliberately, it is referred to as an induced abortion. Any woman who participates in abortion does...

Poverty and Welfare Policies in the United States

The poverty is the United States is one of the primary problems. If the economic growth of the 1970s continues, until 1980s the number of poor families would be significantly lower. However, until 2012 the rate of poverty has decreased to 15 percent (Desilver, 2014). An unequal distribution of income...

Man and Environment: Overpopulation in China

Eight major ways in which we have altered natural systems to meet our needs. Pollution is one of the major impacts that is caused by humanity’s needs for industrial development. The use of vehicles, i.e., burning of fossil fuels led to the increases in Earth’s temperature. Genetic modification, used to...

Marijuana Legalization: PREPARE and IMAGINE Models

Introduction Marijuana is a common drug that is present in many regions around the globe. However, unlike other drugs, marijuana is prohibited in many parts of the world. The drug was legal in several countries at the beginning of the 20th century. Research into some of its effects made it...

Institutional Violence in Human Services

Introduction Over the years, human services professionals have been subjected to institutional violence. Usually, institutional violence is conducted systematically. Organizations or institutions are used to cause harm to professionals. Therefore, professionals are disadvantaged and find it hard to grow or develop under strict institutional policies or rules. There are several...

“The Significance of Feminist Movement” by Bell Hooks

Any reproductive types of speech are aimed to be perceived by the recipient. Therefore, the concept of rhetoric comes forth. Although people tend to think that mere direct address to the audience might ensure the success, there are many examples of successful texts where the author does not involve the...

Violence in Modern Versus Ancient World

Violence is the use of physical force against two or more people that results in injury, psychological torture, or death. Violence can be between individuals, communities, or countries. Factors that cause violence are numerous, and they vary depending on the causes. Behaviors such as drinking and insults also trigger violence....

Aspects of Cross Cultural Communication

Introduction We live in the world that is inhabited by millions of people who exist under different conditions and in different environments. We also live in the world that is characterized by the extreme diversity of landscapes and weather conditions. These facts could not but impact peoples mentality and the...

Gender Inequality as an International Issue

The Topic of the Presentation The presentation and the current paper are devoted to a significant international issue: gender inequality. In particular, the presentation focuses on the inequality in career progression that is still characteristic of several societies all over the world, including the US (Friedman 148-149). Apart from that,...

Domestic Violence in the US: Effects on Children

Introduction Topic The proposed research study tried to find out how domestic violence affects children in the USA. It reveals the most common motives and consequences of this issue. Its prevalence and prevention are considered. This topic also presents various decisions that must be taken in case of abusive practices...

Prescription Opioid Addiction in the United States

Prescription Opioid Addiction (POA) is now viewed by many as a serious epidemic in the United States. Approximately 2.5 million of Americans over 12 years old abused opioids in 2012, and this trend is still increasing (Volkow et al. 2064). Additionally, the country has seen an increase in the number...

Family Violence Types and Statistics for New York

Introduction Family violence is prevalent in the present society and is a growing social concern. The 2000 National Family Violence Resurvey reported that assault took place between family members in one in four American families (CDC 2015). Intimate partner violence is considered a grave but avoidable public health issue affecting...

Obesity: Society’s Attitude and Media Profiling

Introduction Currently, many nations across the globe experience several socio-economic and health challenges. Opocher and Steedman (2009) note that people in the US encounter challenges like increasing unemployment, rising costs for education, increasing poverty levels, homeliness, obesity, and drug and substance abuse. In 2014, obesity constitutes not only a health...

“Africa: The New Chapter” Talks in TED Radio Hour

All speakers at the TED-talks highlighted the major issues of the African continent that are detaining its growth and development. These issues include poor infrastructure and immature institutions, the influence of aid industry and low quality of trading relations. Nevertheless, the speakers suggest their views on possible solutions to the...

The Breaking Barriers Program Evaluation

Abstract The critical challenges of constructing the program evaluation are the necessity to conduct the effective needs assessment, the necessity to identify the program evaluation objectives clearly, the necessity to conduct the in-depth interviews, and the necessity to conclude about the program’s effectiveness with references to the evaluation procedure. The...

Work and Family in Pakistani Working Women’s Views

Faiz (2015) explores the experiences of Pakistani working women who have to work in quite an oppressive working environment and balance their work with domestic responsibilities. The focus of the study is the females’ views and attitudes towards their work and home life. The researcher chose the case study methodology...

Melvin Tolson and Toni Morrison: African American Equality

Introduction Like African-American culture, African American literature got spurred by the harsh realities of life that the Black community went through in North America. During these times, Whites subjected Blacks to severe pressures, which inadvertently eroded their African identity. In particular, the notion that blacks were an inferior community only...

Racism Against African Americans as a Social Construct

Abstract Racism in the US was explained in this paper using Mead’s theory of the generalized other and Simmel’s concept of the stranger. Mead’s theory indicated that marginalized communities often adopt the ideals of dominant groups in society to get acceptance. This makes the minority disenchanted since they have to...

Cultural Sensitivity in the County of Santa Clara

Introduction The targeted social services agency for this exercise is the Social Services Agency of County of Santa Clara. This is a culturally sensitive organization that provides professional, protective, and financial services to the people of Santa Clara. The workers in the organization focus on the needs of adults, elderly...

Relations Between Women Equality, Cultural Prerequisites and Feminism

Thesis Statement Although the development of feminist movement contributed to the reduction of gender inequality in some states and communities, the disparities plaguing women are maintained and supported by traditions, social norms, and cultural values in a large number of regions across the globe. Introduction For centuries, women suffered from...

“Addressing Domestic Violence Against Women” by Kaur and Gang

Source Summary Prewriting Theme: Family Topic: Domestic Violence Title: Addressing domestic violence against women: An unfinished agenda. Kaur and Gang have a feeling that the topic of domestic violence, though it is a common subject, is yet to be addressed comprehensively. Intended Audience: The target audience in this article is...

Racial Profiling of African American Drivers

Have you ever wondered how to behave on the road while being an African American male? “Driving while black” is a concept that is widely used by journalists and bloggers to draw the audience’s attention to the problem of racial profiling (Epp, Maynard-Moody, & Haider-Markel, 2014; Legewie, 2016). Even though...

Drug Abuse, HIV/AIDS, and Songs on Social Issues

The Current State of Addiction in America Addiction is a major problem in American society. The use of various substances like tobacco and illicit substances like cocaine and alcoholic drinks results in a huge financial burden to the American government due to the rising consequences related to the financial, social,...

Wealth Inequality in the United States’ Society

Introduction The question of equality has always been an ongoing issue for human society (Friedman). Descending from the animal world, we were supposed to inherit their proclivity for the struggle to obtain the dominant position. However, in the course of the evolution, we managed to create humanistic values that proclaimed...

Violence: Community Center for Children and Parents

Proposed Intervention As it stands, there are very few, if any, mechanisms for preventive action against domestic violence. The official approach to both governmental, law enforcement, and medical institutions usually takes a retroactive approach to family violence, dealing with its effects and trying to mitigate the damage dealt with the...