Training & Development in Human Resource Management

Training and development involves educational activities created by an organization to provide data and instructions to employees on how to execute their specific tasks in a better way. The main goal of these activities is to improve employees’ knowledge and skills in particular fields. Since employees form part of an organization’s crucial assets, offering training and development is a way to initiate the company’s growth. The paper summarizes a training and development article entitled “8 of the Most Effective Employee Training Methods” by Moriarty (2020) and shows its relevance to human resource management.

The article presents various ways that companies or service providers can use to effectively deliver corporate training. Factors such as culture, the size of an organization, and the working environment of its team are believed to influence its training choices (Moriarty, 2020). Nevertheless, the author considers learning system management as the key to offering practical educational training. In this article, training methodologies such as e-learning, classroom training, on-the-job training, mentoring, simulations, job rotation, video content, and game-based training are considered the most effective. Before deciding on a training method, Moriarty (2020) recommends the need for an organization to understand its team’s preferred training and learning style. As well, a company should be aware of the set learning objectives, the cost of training, and the perceived benefits on staff performance after completing the training.

A human resource and management class teaches key tasks involved in employee recruitment, screening, interviewing, training, and development to enhance their suitability for businesses and non-profit organizations. The article by Moriarty (2020), therefore, fits well in a human resource and management class as it presents vital information on employee training and development, which is a key objective of this class. The department of human resources and management aims at boosting employee performance and, ultimately company’s growth, and this article highlights the various methods through which this goal can be achieved.

In summation, the article “8 of the Most Effective Employee Training Methods” highlights various ways through which companies or service providers can effectively deliver corporate training to employees. Human resource and management classes revolve around boosting the growth of businesses and non-profit organizations through staff engagement. Therefore, this article is considered relevant to such a course as it presents vital information on employee training and development, which is one of the key objectives of such a class.


Moriarty, J. (2020). 8 of the most effective employee training methods. Raven360. Web.

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