Transitional Nursing Care Model Implementation

Program Implementation

To integrate the Transitional Model of Care into the nursing setting, one will need to plant the proposed technique into the setting of a local healthcare facility. The program will be launched starting with the evaluation of the current extent of success in managing patient handovers and similar processes during which communication between nurses is critical.

The measurement process will be performed by comparing the number of instances in which essential information was transferred successfully to those in which communication failed either entirely or partially, leading to negative outcomes. Afterward, the transactional care model (TCM) will be implemented by instructing nurses to conduct data management differently and integrating innovative devices and approaches into their communication (Morrison, Palumbo, & Rambur, 2016).

Moreover, during the process of patient handover or similar procedures, patients will be actively involved in the discussion of the key issues. Finally, the assessment of the program’s outcomes will be performed in order to compare them to the ones that were observed prior to implementing the program. Based on the results of the analysis, strategies for enhancing communication among nurses, as well as the dialogue between nurses and patients, will be considered.

Table 1. Time Frame.

Stage Duration
Gathering current data 1 day (December 2, 2019)
Analyzing data 2 days (December 3-4, 2019)
Reconsidering roles and responsibilities of nurses 2 days(December 5-6, 2019)
Creating training courses 2 weeks (December 9-20, 2019)
Enrolling nurses into training 4 weeks (December 23-January 20)
Integrating the new model of communication 4 weeks (January 21-February 18, 2019)
Assessing outcomes and comparing them to the previous ones 3 days (February 18-21, 2019)
Providing further recommendations

Budgetary Needs

In order to implement the program in question, one will need to introduce resources for training nurses, as well as the money for purchasing the tools needed for effective communication in the hospital setting. In addition, expenses for salaries to be paid to the experts who will train nurses will have to be considered. The experts that will provide guidance and support for nurses and educate them about meeting patients’ needs and improving handoff information management will be outsourced from the organizations that have already proven to have established a patient-oriented communication model in the nursing context (see Table 2).

Issue Price per unit/Cost per person ($) Number of units/people Total
Equipment purchase 10,000 20 200,000
Training tools 2,000 20 40,000
Salaries ~12,000 6 72,000
Transportation 50 200 10,000
Other 5,000
Total 327,000

Table 2. Expenses and Budgetary Needs.

Resources and Statistical Tools

In addition to the requirements listed above, statistical tools will be needed to conduct the evacuation of changes that the transitional model of nursing care will bring into the designated healthcare environment. For this purpose, statistics software such as IBM SPSS will be needed since the specified program is known for being used as a crucial tool in managing statistical calculations in scientific research (Vieira, 2017).

Resources for creating surveys and distributing them among target respondents will also have to be included in the list of tools that will be needed for the implementation of the program. Finally, the actual devices that will facilitate better communication between nurses and provide them with options such as handoff communication in the hospital context will be needed. Once the specified tools are incorporated into the program, they can be implemented safely to address the issue of miscommunication in the target hospital.


Morrison, J., Palumbo, M. V., & Rambur, B. (2016). Reducing preventable hospitalizations with two models of transitional care. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48(3), 322-329. Web.

Vieira Jr, E. T. (2017). Introduction to real world statistics: With step-by-step SPSS instructions. New York, NY: Routledge.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 10). Transitional Nursing Care Model Implementation.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Transitional Nursing Care Model Implementation." July 10, 2021.

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