“Transport Safety”: Video Review

From the video “Transport Safety,” I learned that the nurse needs to be careful about patient transportation and observe all safety precautions. In particular, it is necessary to not wear jewelry, use any opportunity for hand hygiene, use two forms of identification to verify patient identity, lock the wheelchair in place, and engage wheelchair footrests. In this video, the nurse was wearing jewelry during the patient’s transfer, which could be a risk of infection and a threat to her and the patient’s safety. Apart from it, she missed hand hygiene opportunity when passing by hand sanitizer dispenser, which could also lead to her illness and an increase in its number among patients. The nurse did not use two forms of identification to verify patient identity. Therefore, she could enter the wrong patient’s room and transport him to a place where he could be given the wrong medication.

Furthermore, the nurse did not lock the wheelchair to prevent its uncontrolled rolling when the patient sits down into it. An unattended syringe on the bedside table should be disposed of in sharps containers. The nurse did not do it; consequently, it might hurt anyone. The patient did not wear non-skid socks for fall prevention. At the same time, clothing on the floor is also a potential fall hazard. Gloves are not needed to push a wheelchair; thereby, the patient is not on precautions. The nurse did not engage wheelchair footrests, which could be the risk of falls. In this video, the unattended housekeeping cart is patient access to chemicals and sharps, which also tread his safety.

An important safety lesson learned from the “Medication Administration” video is that it is necessary to observe patient swallowing medication, tell the patient the five rights before administration, and perform hand hygiene during the process. In this video, the nurse did not observe the patient swallowing medication. She needs to make sure that he did take the required drugs for the treatment to not go in vain. The nurse did not tell the patient the five rights before medication administration, which could lead to mistakes and harm when taking it. Apart from it, she did not perform hand hygiene after leaving the patient’s surroundings before touching the other patients IV pump and before spiking the IV bag. It could be the reason for an increase in the number of different infections. Besides, the nurse did place objects on the keyboard, which could lead to risks of erroneous data entry.


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