Evidence-Based Practice Types and Examples


Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to healthcare that involves making decisions about patient care based on the best available evidence. In order to engage in EBP, healthcare professionals need access to relevant and reliable sources of information. A critical source of information is databases, which can be used to find and retrieve studies, guidelines, and other types of evidence.

Effective communication strategies are crucial in encouraging nurses to conduct research and make evidence-based diagnoses. One key strategy is to lead by example. By actively participating in research activities and sharing the results with the nursing staff, nurses will see the importance and value of conducting research (Cullen & Sigma Theta Tau International, 2018). Another important strategy is to provide education and training opportunities (Howlett et al., 2021). Workshops, seminars, and other training opportunities that focus on the importance of research and how to conduct it effectively can help nurses feel more confident in their ability to conduct research.

Additionally, these databases are not the only ones available for EBP, and it might be beneficial for the new hire nurse to explore other databases such as UpToDate, ClinicalKey, or ClinicalTrials.gov. It is also essential for the new hire nurse to familiarize themselves with the different types of evidence, such as systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, and observational studies, and understand their strengths and limitations (Rogers & Darbyshire, 2019). This will help them to critically evaluate the evidence they find and make more informed decisions about patient care.

In order to stay current, the new hire nurse should make a habit of regularly searching these databases to find the latest evidence and guidelines in hypertension and other relevant diagnoses. Besides that, those materials also include specific amount of key steps in the procedure of treatment and diagnosis, making them one of the best in the hypertension cure. It’s also helpful to keep track of any alerts or subscriptions set up in these databases. Finally, it’s important to note that these databases should be used in conjunction with other sources of information, such as guidelines from professional organizations and consultations with colleagues and other healthcare professionals (Rogers & Darbyshire, 2019). Also, in order to find all the necessary data on this topic, it is essential to pay attention to academic studies and related sources. The more deeply disclose the problem touched upon in this work, as well as analyze the data obtained in the course of the research work. A striking example of such works is the list of references used in writing this work, the indicators of which are at the end in the relevant section. By utilizing all of these resources, the new hire nurse will be better equipped to engage in EBP and provide high-quality patient care.

The Resource Database


PubMed is a free database that provides access to over 29 million citations for biomedical literature, including journal articles, reviews, and guidelines. PubMed is maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and can be searched using keywords or MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms.

One of the main advantages of PubMed is its broad coverage of the biomedical literature, which makes it an excellent starting point for searching for evidence on a particular topic. PubMed is also updated on a daily basis, ensuring that the information is current. In addition to searching for articles, users can also save their search strategies, set up alerts, and access a variety of other features that can help to make the search process more efficient.

Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library is a collection of high-quality, independent, evidence-based reviews of the effectiveness of healthcare interventions. The Cochrane Library is owned by the Cochrane Collaboration, an international organization that aims to promote evidence-based healthcare. The Cochrane Library is made of several databases, including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), with over 7,000 systematic reviews of different interventions. One of the main advantages of the Cochrane Library is that the reviews are conducted by teams of independent researchers, which helps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information. Another advantage is that the assessments are regularly updated to take into account new evidence, which helps to keep the information current.

TRIP Database

The TRIP Database is a clinical search engine that provides users with an oportunity to find and retrieve information from a vast amount sources, such as journal articles and systematic reviews. The TRIP Database is produced by a UK-based company and can be searched using keywords or Boolean operators. One of the critical features of the TRIP Database is its comprehensive coverage of sources, which makes it an excellent starting point for searching for evidence on a particular topic. The TRIP Database provides the users with the ability to filter search results by level of proof, date of publication, and other criteria.


DynaMed is a clinical reference tool that provides point-of-care information on a wide range of medical topics. DynaMed is produced by the evidence-based medicine resource provider EBSCO, and it is updated daily with new evidence. One of the main pluses of DynaMed is that it provides summaries of the most recent and clinically relevant evidence for each topic. It also includes links to the full text of the original studies. DynaMed’s search and filtering system also allow users to find the most relevant and current information easily.


In conclusion, as a healthcare professional, engaging in EBP requires access to relevant and reliable sources of information. Databases such as PubMed, Cochrane Library, TRIP Database, and DynaMed can be valuable resources for finding and retrieving the best options available. Using those resources is helpful for many people, especially professionals, who need to minimize the time necessary for the search and choice of the required database.


Cullen, L., & Sigma Theta Tau International. (2018). Evidence-based practice in action : comprehensive strategies, tools, and tips from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Sigma Theta Tau International.

Howlett, B., Rogo, E. J., & Teresa Gabiola Shelton. (2021). Evidence based practice for health professionals: An interprofessional approach. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Rogers, M., & Darbyshire, P. (2019). The EBP lockout. What clinicians need to put the “E” into EBP. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Web.

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