Traveling With Friends, Relatives or Alone

Tastes differ, and people choose different types of time destinations during their vacations. The companions for traveling are one of the most important factors influencing one’s mood during the vacations. Traveling with friends, relatives or alone helps to escape from the everyday working routine and encourage the holiday-makers for the further work.

Young people prefer to travel with friends, it is exciting to have a kindred spirit with you for sharing the emotions from the places visited and the sites observed. Feeling at ease in the company of the closest friends a traveler enjoys all the possible time destinations which can be offered to the holiday-makers. Having much in common and lots of topics for conversation with friends may brighten up the negative sides of the trip.

For example, it is the collective spirit that determines the general mood of the traveling. Different situations may occur during the trip, such as lost luggage or the delayed train, bad weather, or unexpected disease, it is very important to keep one’s presence of mind under these circumstances. Choosing the attitude to the events one chooses the impressions which the trip will produce. Bad company is much worse than rainy weather or stolen case. Nothing will save the holiday spent with a boring interlocutor or depressed and complaining fellow. Choosing the companions for a would-be trip it is very important to bear in mind that the interests and lifestyles of the travelers should coincide.

It is necessary to analyze several points, concerning the coincidence of the interests to check the compatibility of the friends on the conditions of the trip. Thus, income level, physical activity, and personal preferences should be taken into consideration before buying the tickets. American comedy film Eurotrip depicts the traveling of several friends in European cities. Alec Berg, the main character of the film was supported by his companions and they were united by the shared goals and interests. A vacation spent with friends will bring lots of positive emotions on the condition that the interests coincide.

Family rest may bring the relatives together, as enjoying themselves during the holiday, they can see one another from the new sides and refresh one’s feelings. To begin with, the family is supposed to have a common budget and the question of the income may be omitted. The next point is that the relatives know each other interests and living with dear and near people will accelerate the process of adaptation to the new place and surroundings, while the holiday-makers are expected to spend about a week getting accustomed to the new place, water, and conditions.

Family members know the interests, weak and strong points of one another; nobody will show new unexpected traits of character and spoil the vacation. On the other hand, it is difficult for the parents to travel with their children, as it is much easier for the kids to get into trouble in an unknown place and it is harder for the adults to watch them being overburdened by other traveling issues. Home Alone with Macaulay Culkin is a wonderful example of all the disadvantages of family rest when the adults busy with the vacation arrangements can forget not only their luggage but even a small child alone at home.

Sometimes being sick and tired of one’s working routine, a person may prefer to travel alone or even to stay alone at home during the vacation to have a good rest and analyze one’s way of life. Periods, when a person needs to pause and think one’s life over, may become important life crossroads. The decision to stay at home during the vacation may depend upon numerous factors, starting with lack of money for the traveling of one’s dream, poor health, and period of depression or inability to find a good company for the traveling. The Holiday with Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, and Jude Law demonstrates how vacation spent alone in a new place can change the views and the way of life.

Traveling with friends, family or alone have their advantages and disadvantages, the choice of the would-be companions is an important point in the vacation planning.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 9). Traveling With Friends, Relatives or Alone.

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