Painfree: Why Consumers Should Buy the Product

The short reading under analysis contains one conclusion which is the response to the issue which is not explicitly in the text, but which can be extracted easily. The text also contains nine reasons which are aimed at convincing the consumer to buy the product.

The conclusion of the text under analysis is “Try Painfree”.

The position of the author is that consumers should buy pills. No definite words are indicating that it is a conclusion, but the imperative form made me think that the phrase should be regarded as the conclusion.

The issue which arises from the text is whether a person should or should not buy the product.

The first reason presented in the text is that “doctors have recommended it over 4 million times”. This reason is aimed at convincing people that doctors (who are professionals taking care of people’s health) find the pills effective.

The second reason is that “pharmacists trust Painfree” and also recommend it. This reason supports the previous one because one more group of people which people in pain trust is that of pharmacists.

The third reason supports the second one and reveals the fact that Painfree is recommended in many cases for certain aches and pain: “muscle aches, stomach cramps, and arthritis pain muscle aches, stomach cramps, and arthritis pain”.

The fourth reason: the pills advertised are twice more effective than aspirin pills which are regarded as the appropriate medicine for pain. The reason is aim at persuading people that they should stop taking their pills and buy Painfree because it is more effective.

The fifth reason supports the previous one. It is stated that the effectiveness of the pills is proved by studies. This reason is aimed at killing all doubts which could be left since not only doctors or pharmacists say so, but patients and science itself proves the effectiveness of Painfree.

The rest of the reasons are not that strong but they are all aimed at making a person buy Painfree.

The sixth reason reveals the fact that the product is not more effective but less harmful than other pills: “Painfree is gentler to your system”. Thus, people are convinced that it is better to take this very product because it does not only remove the pain but does not harm (or the harm is insignificant for) the human organism.

The seventh reason is quite interesting to analyze: Painfree is just different. There are no definite facts and numbers that prove that the product is better. On one hand, the reason appeals to those who always try something new: it is different, so you are welcome to try. On the other hand, the reason hints that the product is different so there will be no negative emotions (health problems) which some other medicine used to evoke.

The eighth reason is concerned with money matters. It is aimed at making people buy the product because they “can save 75 cents”. This reason is often used in advertisements since it is quite effective.

The ninth reason is the final sentence of the reading. It suggests that people do not take too much pain to get the product: it is enough to use the coupon which is in front of their eyes. The reason is aimed at persuading people that it is worth trying since the product which has so many advantages is almost in their hands.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 2). Painfree: Why Consumers Should Buy the Product.

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StudyCorgi. "Painfree: Why Consumers Should Buy the Product." February 2, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Painfree: Why Consumers Should Buy the Product." February 2, 2021.

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