Types of Burns and Risks


Every human being faces numerous risks during his/her usual activities. These might include traumas because of physical impacts, such as hematomas, fractures, pain, cuts, and burns. The last one can be determined as the damage caused to skin, bones, muscles, and other tissues because of fire (Pathak, 2020). However, burns might also be caused by electricity, acid, radiation, or friction (Pathak, 2020). It means that high temperature influencing cells is the primary factor associated with this type of trauma. Regarding the severity of the damage, specialists differentiate the four types of burns.


First-degree burns can be viewed as the mildest form of the discussed injury. Regarding the depth of tissue involvement, they are less dangerous compared to others (Saladin, 2021). This sort of trauma involves only the epidermis and can be characterized only by redness, edema, and comparatively mild pain (Saladin, 2021). Because of the nature of the impact, there are almost no scars, and a person can quickly recover without any specific help (Saladin, 2021). However, they should also be given attention and treated.

Second-degree burns are severer and might require specialized care and treatment. This sort of trauma implies the damage done to the epidermis, and part of the dermis, while some parts of the tissue might remain undamaged (Saladin, 2021). They are characterized by a change in skin color as it might become red or white. Moreover, a person might feel extreme pain from the burn (Saladin, 2021). Usually, more than two weeks are needed to recover and generate new epidermis cells.

Third-degree burns are much more dangerous compared to the previous two ones. They can also lead to the death of a person. The danger comes from the depth of the issue involvement because all epidermis, dermis, and some deeper tissues, such as bones and muscles, might be damaged (Saladin, 2021). Because no dermis remains, the skin needs more time to regenerate and recover (Saladin, 2021). Such burns require specific and intensive treatment as there is a high risk of developing adverse effects and death.

Finally, some specialists might differentiate the fourth-degree burns. They are characterized by the extremely severe damage done to all tissues, including the deeper ones (Pathak, 2020). As a result, muscles and bones are affected and might be destroyed (Pathak, 2020). Moreover, because of the complete destruction of nerve endings, individuals cannot feel the burned area (Pathak, 2020). Fourth-degree burns require immediate and complicated treatment; however, in many cases, they can precondition irreversible changes and disability.

Critical Thinking

All mentioned types of burns are also associated with specific risks linked to them. First of all, they might promote bloodstream infection or sepsis (Pathak, 2020). At the same time, a person might lose fluids, including blood, and require transfusion (Pathak, 2020). Finally, low body temperature or hypothermia might result from burns (Pathak, 2020). These risks should be considered when helping people with this type of trauma to avoid critical outcomes and guarantee recovery.

Altogether, burns are classified regarding the depth of the tissue involvement and the damage done to the dermis, epidermis, muscles, and bones. The severity of damage impacts the recovery speed, specific treatment, and expected outcomes. Additionally, all types of burns are associated with specific risks that might also result in the death of a person. It is also a critical community topic as the fast response and support from other individuals might help to avoid severer second and third-type burns and provide necessary care on time. Mutual support and involvement might save an individual’s live and ensure he/she can enjoy numerous benefits available to him/her.


Pathak, N. (2020). Bruns. Web.

Saladin, K. (2021). Anatomy & physiology: The unity of form and function (9th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

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