The Importance of Water for Body

Did you know that drinking water is an action much more significant than simply satisfying the desire to drink? Water is fundamentally important for all the structural elements of our body and their efficient functioning. A person is not able to feel healthy if he does not consume water. From a chemical balance point of view, water helps transport nutrients throughout the body and delivers oxygen to cells (Pal, 2017). Water is not only a carrier but also a solvent of nutrients which it makes more easily digestible (Pal, 2017). Water leaves our body through a variety of processes occurring in the body, and a constant intake of water is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, up to the movement of the joints.

An important critical question is the comparison of the beneficial properties of water relative to other drinks. Many drinks contain a large amount of sugar and calories, which makes it impossible for people to control their body weight and, accordingly, affects their well-being and health. Drinks such as Coca-Cola turn out to be desiccating organisms that have an opposite effect on the body compared to a portion of pure water. In addition to sugar, many drinks are tonic and contain caffeine, which is an addictive component (Batmanghelidj, 2020). That is why a person should refrain from consuming these drinks. This knowledge is useful for society because it reminds us that drinking unhealthy beverages is not at all equivalent to the normal consumption of drinking water.


Batmanghelidj, F. (2020). Water for health, for healing, for life: You’re not sick, you’re thirsty! Warner.

Pal, S. (2017). Benefits of water: And it’s importance in daily life. Kindle.

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