Tyson’s Boneless Chicken Breast: Analyzing Company Challenges and Solutions


International trade has transformed the lifestyles of many people in the world. Human beings are using different services, goods, and foods produced over a thousand miles away. However, this scenario presents both negative and positive consequences. Many scholars have been examining the issues associated with international trade. This form of trade can support the economies of many societies. On the other hand, international trade can encourage more people to consume goods that have been produced using unsustainable practices. This essay describes the issues associated Tyson’s boneless chicken breast.

Analyzing “Tyson’s Boneless Chicken Breast”

Tyson Foods is one of the leading marketers and processors of meat. The major foods marketed by Tyson include beef, pork, and chicken. The company has been marketing its products to many customers in over 90 countries. The targeted meal for this assignment is Tyson’s boneless chicken breast. Tyson’s chickens are raised locally in the United States. The company obtains its chickens from different farmers in the country (You Need to Know this if You Eat Tyson Chicken, 2009). Such farmers receive technical ideas from the firm’s specialists in order to raise quality chickens. The farmers use specific farming methods in order to achieve their goals.

Tyson supplies many chicks to the targeted farmers. Every farmer receives technical advice from the company. The farmers are required to raise their chickens in a proper manner. However, studies have indicated that such farmers use different inorganic compounds. The eggs are usually injected with antibiotics. The feeds given to the hatchlings also contain various antibiotics (You Need to Know this if You Eat Tyson Chicken, 2009). However, the firm indicates that its chickens do not contain antibiotics. Most of the employees working within these establishments do not get the required support. Such employees also lack the best resources in order to take care of the chickens.

Tyson also exports its packed chicken to other countries across the globe. This practice requires proper packaging and transportation. Shipping is the commonly used method of transportation. This practice can contaminate the natural environment. The packaging materials are not recycled in the targeted nations. People should therefore use substitute products instead of purchasing different foreign meals (Roosevelt, 2006). For instance, people can raise their own chickens instead of purchasing meat from Tyson Foods. This practice will minimize the environmental challenges associated with shipping.

Locally Sourced Versus Shipped Products

Most of local products are easily available to many consumers. Such products do not require shipping. This practice can promote the idea of environmental conservation. Local products cannot cause foreign diseases. Local farmers can outline the agricultural methods used for production. This practice will eventually produce the best economic benefits (Trefil & Hazen, 2012). Such farmers will market their products to more consumers. The local economy of the targeted society will increase significantly. However, this practice will ensure more people do not benefit from such foreign products. Some of these products are usually nutritious. The practice will also discourage international trade.

On the other hand, foreign products can present numerous problems. The shipping process will result in pollution. Consumers cannot account for the agricultural methods and chemicals used to produce such foreign products. The practice threatens local producers. Such products can also expose many people to foreign diseases. Some malpractices such as corruption might also arise. Such foreign meals can make it impossible for local producers to achieve their economic potentials (Trefil & Hazen, 2012). These foreign products will also foster international trade. More people will be able to get the best nutrients from such foreign products. The consumption of foreign meals will also result in multiculturalism. More people will share similar products.

Analyzing the Phrase “Think Globally, Act Locally”

This phrase encourages more people to focus on the best practices. Such practices will safeguard the natural environment. The first step towards achieving this goal is by purchasing the right meals. For instance, consumers should analyze the disadvantages and benefits of locally-produced products. The next approach is comparing the benefits and limitations of imported foods. This knowledge will encourage more people to embrace the best practices. Such practices will ensure the world becomes more sustainable (Roosevelt, 2006). A person “who acts locally by consuming the best products will eventually make the world more sustainable” (Trefil & Hazen, 2012, p. 63).

The best decision is made when a person purchases the right products. My personal actions can eventually address the above problems. I will always purchase specific food materials produced using sustainable methods. Such practices will encourage more producers to safeguard their natural environments. The consumption of local products will minimize most of the challenges affecting our natural environment (Cosier, 2007). Tyson’s boneless chicken breast contains antibiotics that can affect the lives of many people. Such production methods can also contaminate the natural environment.


In conclusion, I will use substitute products such as vegetables. People should also raise their own chickens for meat. Human beings should therefore “act locally in order to get global goals” (Trefil & Hazen, 2012, P. 62). Every family should make appropriate decisions before purchasing Tyson’s boneless chicken breast. The above practices will eventually make the universe more sustainable.

Reference List

Cosier, S. (2007). The 100-Mile Diet. The Environmental Magazine, 18(5), 42. Web.

Roosevelt, M. (2006). The Lure of the 100-Mile Diet. Time, 167(24), 78. Web.

Trefil, J., & Hazen, R. (2012). The Sciences: An Integrated Approach. New York, NY: Wiley. Web.

You Need to Know this if You Eat Tyson Chicken. (2009). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 14). Tyson’s Boneless Chicken Breast: Analyzing Company Challenges and Solutions. https://studycorgi.com/tyson-boneless-chicken-breast-companys-issues/

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Tyson’s Boneless Chicken Breast: Analyzing Company Challenges and Solutions'. 14 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "Tyson’s Boneless Chicken Breast: Analyzing Company Challenges and Solutions." November 14, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/tyson-boneless-chicken-breast-companys-issues/.


StudyCorgi. "Tyson’s Boneless Chicken Breast: Analyzing Company Challenges and Solutions." November 14, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/tyson-boneless-chicken-breast-companys-issues/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Tyson’s Boneless Chicken Breast: Analyzing Company Challenges and Solutions." November 14, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/tyson-boneless-chicken-breast-companys-issues/.

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