Ultrasound Technology & IV Access Quality: A Qualitative Study

The research question is how the implementation of ultrasound technology may affect the quality of intravenous (IV) access in patients at the given hospital. The objective of the potential research is to explore the association between multiple IV attempts and vascular ultrasound technology. To conduct the study, it is appropriate to apply the qualitative method of research. According to Munhall (2012), “qualitative research seeks new possibilities, frees us from the bonds of biases, and searches for the significance of being” (p. 29). This type of research helps to obtain attitudes and perceptions of respondents that, in their turn, eliminate the possibility of biased results. Besides, the qualitative study uncovers trends and detects the specifics of the current situation, thus providing essential insights regarding the problem.

The method of the prospective observational study will be selected due to its comparative nature. Among the key strengths of this method, one may note that it focuses on the outcomes rather than causes of the problem. It is advantageous when there is a need to discover real-life situations and explore their meaning (Blaivas & Adhikari, 2014). The results of observational studies are explanatory and promote an in-depth understanding of the issue. It is beneficial to use the mentioned type of research when an interview or survey is inappropriate. However, some disadvantages involve time-consuming and excessive subjectivity. For example, some studies may last for years or be significantly affected by the role of a researcher. Conducting research, it is of great importance to prevent any impact on its course to keep the validity of results high. Moreover, ethical considerations present another potential weakness. The observational study may be difficult to conduct in some situations when the respondents are confused, aggressive, and so on. Ultimately, the necessity to report the findings of the study may cause some ambiguity.

Considering the goal of this research, it is possible to assume that the mixed method design may benefit the credibility and visibility of findings. It may be suggested to collect the qualitative data and then support it with the survey, utilizing a 10-point Likert scale to assess IV periods, durability, and other indicators. Creswell (2014) considers that it is better to use “the two forms of data that should be integrated into the design through merging the data, connecting the data, or embedding the data” (p. 217). The core advantage of this type of research is that qualitative data is supported by qualitative indicators or vice versa. The strength can also be added due to the elimination of weak points of the two methods (Reaves, Ginsburg, Bang, & Fleming, 2015). In particular, the mixed method establishes a balance between objectivity and subjectivity, thus leading to a comprehensive vision and interpretation of the situation. For example, the article by Osborn, Borhart, and Antonis (2012) integrates both qualitative and quantitative methods, namely, a survey and randomized controlled trial.

It also seems essential to pinpoint the fact that the mixed method approach is associated with some challenges. It can be too complicated to be conducted due to plenty of requirements. In particular, it takes a lot of time and resources. In case discrepancies occur, it may be quite difficult to explain and address them, focusing on both methods. Thus, the mixed-method research requires thorough planning and collection of resources as well as attention to details.


Blaivas, M., & Adhikari, S. (2014). Emergency medicine: An issue of ultrasound clinics. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Munhall, P. L. (2012). Nursing research: A qualitative perspective (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Reaves, D. K., Ginsburg, E., Bang, J. J., & Fleming, J. M. (2015). Persistent organic pollutants and obesity: Are they potential mechanisms for breast cancer promotion? Endocrine Related Cancer, 22(2), 69-86.

Osborn, S. R., Borhart, J., & Antonis, M. S. (2012). Medical students benefit from the use of ultrasound when learning peripheral IV techniques. Critical Ultrasound Journal, 4(1), 1-3.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 20). Ultrasound Technology & IV Access Quality: A Qualitative Study. https://studycorgi.com/ultrasound-technology-and-intravenous-access-quality/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Ultrasound Technology & IV Access Quality: A Qualitative Study." December 20, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/ultrasound-technology-and-intravenous-access-quality/.


StudyCorgi. "Ultrasound Technology & IV Access Quality: A Qualitative Study." December 20, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/ultrasound-technology-and-intravenous-access-quality/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Ultrasound Technology & IV Access Quality: A Qualitative Study." December 20, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/ultrasound-technology-and-intravenous-access-quality/.

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