Uncovering the Sickness Industry Documentary: Food & Health

Summary of the movie “Uncovering the sickness industry”

The documentary movies are called “Uncovering the sickness industry” by foodmasterstv. It has the main theme of the effects of what human beings eat on their health. The movie elaborates on the effects different foods have on human health and the negative effects that are brought about by pharmaceutical medicines, and supplements that human beings take to cure diet-related diseases.

According to the movie, if food can be produced naturally, and then individuals undertake necessary exercises and devise mechanisms to control stress, people can lengthen their life on earth. Diagnostic medicines are also blamed as a major course of death, whether they have been used as prescribed by a doctor or misused. Foods produced from firms have high chemical components injected through sprayings, fertilizers, and biochemistry foods.

These chemicals result in human health complications like heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, liver damage among others. The movie emphasizes that human beings should not depend on scientific medication but should turn to natural ways of healing.

The start point to the prevention and logical route of natural healing is the prevention of diseases through a proper diet of natural foods and exercising. Nature gives us the requirements that we need to live strong and healthy and have the energy to undertake daily duties, the efforts that we take to “improve” nature is what causes dangers to human health. The movie thinks that some foods can detoxify the body, some give it strength and some have medicinal value, if people can realize these benefits, then they can take the foods for a healthy living.

The movie concluded with a statement that “You are what you eat”, this is to indicate that human beings have the control of their life and the food they eat determines how long they are likely to live healthily. The documentary is an educational movie that challenges people to take control of their health by what they eat and have minimal dependence on natural medicine.

My opinion

I concur with the documentary with the right nutrition, exercises, and stress control mechanism, then someone can avoid diseases in his or her life. Eating health makes someone strong and has the energy to undertake different duties, prevents sickness, and give the body power to fight diseases. When someone is not getting ill, chances that he will have a longer life than someone who keeps ailing are high.

From my observation, those people who are concerned about what they eat, how what they eat has been produced, and emphasizes on eating natural food live a happier life than those people who care less about the kind of foods they consume. Some foods that human beings eat are naturally deprived and do not give them the required nutrients for a strong body. Chemical addictives and reliance on pharmaceutical drugs have negative impacts on the human body and they should be avoided by taking the right food.

Different foods have different nutritional values; all that people need to realize is the nutrients that their body requires and then sort for it through their diet and avoid reliance on medicine. I believe having good health is the dream of every person and the decision to live healthy is a personal decision on the choice of food one eats.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 12). Uncovering the Sickness Industry Documentary: Food & Health. https://studycorgi.com/uncovering-the-sickness-industry-documentary/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Uncovering the Sickness Industry Documentary: Food & Health'. 12 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Uncovering the Sickness Industry Documentary: Food & Health." January 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/uncovering-the-sickness-industry-documentary/.


StudyCorgi. "Uncovering the Sickness Industry Documentary: Food & Health." January 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/uncovering-the-sickness-industry-documentary/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Uncovering the Sickness Industry Documentary: Food & Health." January 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/uncovering-the-sickness-industry-documentary/.

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