Unique Trend in American Nation’s Workforce

In American’s contemporary society, various trends are shaping the aspect of the workforce. For instance, RAND research done by Lynn Karoly reveals various patterns influencing workers in this country. They occur because of such issues as technological change, democratic patterns, and economic globalization (Wolffgramm et al., 2018). These issues show a likelihood of slow workers recruitment process due to aspects of diversification and vulnerability to global competition. The organizational strategies depend on these labor force determinants to make decisions; however, the implications can be negative or positive.

Positive and Negative Implications

A more diverse and mobile workforce has positive implications for organizational strategies. It brings such opportunities as improved resource acquisition, cost advantages, system flexibilities, and market abilities. These prospects support an organization in strategizing the need to consider firm operation by honoring various aspects as age, gender, and race, which are to be protected by legislation against discrimination.

This means the organization will need to formulate procedures and policies which will encourage working in the context of protection and inclusivity. Employees in such an environment enjoy legal protection and undiscriminating working conditions (Stubbings, n.d.). Therefore, the organization implements specialized, decentralized, and other strategies which empower employer-employee relationships. Consequently, the organization will have to change and comply with the need for a diversified or mobile workforce environment.

Besides the benefits, unhurried workforce formulation and one which is vulnerable to the global competition will have negative implications to an organization’s strategy. For instance, a firm might have a gradual labor force because of challenges from potential entrants, suppliers, customers, and substituted products, which create global competition for workers. These aspects negatively affect workers making them less active or entirely dependent on the industry. This makes an institution’s strategy lack a proper profitability path.


Stubbings, C. (n.d.). Workforce of the future. The competing forces shaping 2030. Web.

Wolffgramm, M., van Riemsdijk, M., & Corporaal, S. (2018). The future of work: How technology will impact the workplace and HR . Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Unique Trend in American Nation’s Workforce." May 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/unique-trend-in-american-nations-workforce/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Unique Trend in American Nation’s Workforce." May 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/unique-trend-in-american-nations-workforce/.

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