United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and Goals


The United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and goals seek to address a broad range of global issues to promote a healthier and equitable society. These interconnected yet complex issues have a lasting impact on our world’s current and future state and must be tackled with insight and integrity (Newton). Through the UN Sustainable Development Agenda, there is a framework to address these challenges and create an interconnected network of collaboration. This essay will analyze how health care links to the sustainable development goals set forth by the United Nations and the implications of these connections.

Analysis and Presentation

Health is an essential component of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda, as it is an integral part of the overall development of any nation. Health care is a major factor in reducing poverty, promoting economic development, and providing access to education and other social services. According to Cratsley and Mackey, access to quality health care is associated with improvements in overall health, life expectancy, and mortality rates (226). Furthermore, research has shown that health care can contribute to social and economic development, such as improved employment and income (Cratsley and Mackey 225). Thus, it is evident that access to quality health care is essential for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and improving individuals’ and communities’ overall quality of life.

Health care is a basic human right and a cornerstone of Sustainable Development Goals, and having access to quality health care is critical to achieving global well-being. According to Cratsley and Mackey, they explored the connection between health care, education, and gender equality (227). Utilizing a comprehensive analysis of data and literature, the authors provide insight into how and why these three components are essential to the success of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Agenda and Goals. The authors explain that health care, education, and gender equality are all essential elements of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Cratsley and Mackey 227). Health care is essential for providing individuals with the resources and services they need to lead healthy, productive lives. By understanding how these components are interconnected and mutually reinforcing, we can better understand how to achieve the UN’s vision of a more equitable and prosperous world for all.


The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are closely related to health care, focusing on poverty reduction, improved access to health services, and improved health outcomes. For example, Goal 3 of the SDGs focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all and includes targets such as reducing global maternal mortality, ending the epidemics of HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis, and achieving universal health coverage. Additionally, Goal 10 of the SDGs focuses on reducing inequality, which includes providing equal access to health care for all people, regardless of their socio-economic background (Lubin and Esty 49). As such, it is clear that the UN Sustainable Development Goals are closely connected to health care. Through these goals, the UN strives to ensure that all people have access to quality health care and education and to reduce inequality in health outcomes worldwide.


Health care and the UN Sustainable Development Agenda and Goals are inextricably linked through the principle of universal access. Therefore, healthcare reforms, such as implementing universal health coverage, effective health system governance, and eliminating financial barriers to accessing healthcare, are essential to promote access to health care (Newton). Furthermore, policies must be designed and implemented to ensure health services’ sustainability and make them available to all. These policies must be mindful of promoting equitable access to health care and building capacity for providing quality health services.

In conclusion, the issues of health care, nutrition, mental health, food security, poverty, and urban planning are all interlinked with the UN Sustainable Development Agenda and global goals. The UN Sustainable Development Agenda and related global goals strive to balance the often contradictory goals of providing access to a viable support system for global citizens while simultaneously protecting the environment and ensuring a prosperous future for all.

Works Cited

Cratsley, Kelso, and Tim K. Mackey. “Health Policy Brief: Global mental health and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.” Families, Systems, & Health, vol. 36, no. 2, 2018, pp. 225-229. ‌

Lubin, David A., and Daniel C. Esty. “The sustainability imperative.” Harvard business review, vol. 10, no. 88.5, 2010, pp. 42-50.

Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times | Presented by Thandie Newton.” YouTube, uploaded by United Nations, Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and Goals." January 29, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/united-nations-sustainable-development-agenda-and-goals/.


StudyCorgi. "United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and Goals." January 29, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/united-nations-sustainable-development-agenda-and-goals/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and Goals." January 29, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/united-nations-sustainable-development-agenda-and-goals/.

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