United States Foreign Policy and Terrorism


The concepts of national security and human security emerge as interrelated in the context of the modern-day United States foreign policy. However, these conceptions differ in terms of the objectives they target. On the one hand, national security is an approach to state policy where the interests, territorial integrity, and sovereignty of a state are preserved and promoted. On the other hand, human security is an approach that prioritizes human-centered policies aimed at protecting the lives and well-being of people. In essence, contemporary state policy should integrate these two concepts and equalize national and human security.

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When viewed from the perspective of United States foreign policy and terrorism, the idea of the integrity of human security and national security might be explained by the identification of particular threats. Indeed, while espionage and treason endanger primarily national security and do not have explicit harm on the lives of people, terrorism is recognized as a threat to both national and human security. The currently employed US foreign policy aimed at combating terrorism envisions human security as national security, which drives the decision-making and agenda-setting strategies on an international level.


In conclusion, the protection of citizens’ human rights is the priority of national security in the US. The foreign policy aimed at fighting terrorism demonstrates the integrity of the two concepts, human and national security. Since terrorism comes from individuals and imposes a threat to individuals, it is essential to promote human security in international relations. Therefore, the ultimate goal of the foreign policy within the realm of terrorism is to prevent terroristic attacks and employ people-centered tactics to preserve national security, which entails human security as well.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 15). United States Foreign Policy and Terrorism. https://studycorgi.com/united-states-foreign-policy-and-terrorism/

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1. StudyCorgi. "United States Foreign Policy and Terrorism." January 15, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/united-states-foreign-policy-and-terrorism/.


StudyCorgi. "United States Foreign Policy and Terrorism." January 15, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/united-states-foreign-policy-and-terrorism/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "United States Foreign Policy and Terrorism." January 15, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/united-states-foreign-policy-and-terrorism/.

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