Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Crises


People should have access to quality and sustainable medical services. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights identifies basic health care as a right that must be available to all. This paper gives a detailed analysis of this issue from different perspectives. Problems such as disasters and increased expenses for water are also discussed in this document.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: List

The presented list highlights the major items that are referred to as “universal human rights”. From a personal perspective, I agree that all such items are entitlements that should be available to every individual. The rationale behind this assertion is that all the outlined items focus on issues such as equality, health, social security, property ownership, marriage and family, freedom from slavery, fair trial, liberty, security, and dignity (Jacobsen, 2013). Any loss of one or more of these items will result in injustice or inequality. This is the reason why such rights are captured in different constitutions across the globe.

Basic Healthcare Package

Jacobsen (2013) indicates that healthcare is a critical human right that should be taken seriously by governments. Unfortunately, many people in the developing world do not have access to quality medical services. This gap explains why governments should focus on a basic healthcare package for all. The most appropriate global standard of health should be guided by various attributes. The first one is availability and sustainability. This means that existing healthcare systems should deliver timely medical services. The second one is the issue of quality (Jacobsen, 2013). People should have access to premium medical services depending on their needs. Additionally, affordability is necessary for developing a global standard of health. On top of that, citizens from all racial backgrounds should have quality medical insurance and access to proficient practitioners. Aspects such as disease prevention measures and healthy environments should be considered to support healthcare systems.


Statistics reveal that a typical American household spends less than one percent of their income on water (Jacobsen, 2013). If this rate increased to around 20 percent, chances are high that numerous problems will affect many Americans. To begin with, the affected citizens will not have access to clean water since their financial resources will be used to cater for food and medical needs. People who lack clean water will be at risk of diseases such as diarrhea and cholera. The increased expenditure on water will affect the availability (or affordability) of crucial services and resources in the country.

Emergencies and Crises

Natural disasters and emergencies tend to disorient various systems and infrastructures. Such catastrophes make it impossible for different citizens to receive quality and timely medical or social services. In Miami-Dade, there are several agencies that respond to emergencies and natural disasters. The first one is the Bridge to Hope. This is a non-profit organization that provides adequate support to vulnerable individuals after natural disasters occur in Miami-Dade County (“Communities organized,” n.d). The second example is the Miami-Dade Emergency Management. This agency establishes powerful coalitions to respond to disasters and address the needs of every affected individual.


Although health is one of the fundamental rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, unpredictable events such as disasters can make it impossible for people to get quality medical support. Increased water costs can also affect the availability of health services. This is the reason why Miami-Dade supports various agencies to respond to disasters and ensure that more citizens lead quality lives.


Communities organized to respond in emergencies. (n.d.). Web.

Jacobsen, K. H. (2013). Introduction to global health (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Crises." January 16, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/universal-declaration-of-human-rights-and-crises/.


StudyCorgi. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Crises." January 16, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/universal-declaration-of-human-rights-and-crises/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Crises." January 16, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/universal-declaration-of-human-rights-and-crises/.

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