Using One Thousand Dollars to Develop the Handball Team


One thousand dollars is not a lot of money for transforming my handball club team. However, this is a substantial amount that can be used accountably and wisely to make a difference in one day. Such an amount can be a supplemental budget that can see the team members motivated through equipping the team with kits, renovation of the playing courts, and organizing and conducting a seminar to enhance the mental skills of the game, among other activities. This essay describes how I would like to develop my handball club team in which I play, with the consideration that $1,000 is a substantial amount in the short run but obviously a small amount in the long run.

The Handball Team Development

With 1,000 dollars, I would buy handball computer games that would be available to all the team members. This would be very helpful in enhancing the playing skills, thus bettering the overall performance of the team. In addition, the computer game would be indispensable in teaching handball to upcoming players and young team members who have just joined the club, at their own convenience. The computer game would cost approximately $360 for all the members to install on their personal computers.

My team is currently experiencing a shortage in funds to buy new playing kits leaving the players to use old and sometimes worn out old kits. Sometimes the kit is too expensive for some players to afford. It is for this reason that I would set apart some amount of money for the purchase of a new kit for all the players. This would include essential clothes and shoes as well as handball balls. In addition, our playing court is worn out in some places, and I would enhance the condition of the court with some amount of 1,000 dollars. The renovation of the court would include repainting and marking the court, repairing goalposts, and filling worn-out ground.

Approximately 100 dollars would be used to buy several handball balls, whereas an approximate $350 would be used for renovating the courts and the remaining items that form part of the handball kit. To improve the morale of the team members, I would set a certain amount of the money to invite a motivational speaker who specializes in motivating handball players to talk to the team members to enhance their morale and interpersonal skills that are helpful in the success of the team. This would be catered for using the remaining 190 dollars would be used for hiring a motivational speaker who would also help in enhancing self-confidence and positive routines among players as part of enhancing the mental approach to handball.


There are many more needs, such as catering for stipends, constructing a new court to cater for the growing team, and paying for insurance coverage that my team would desire to be met. However, the limited amount of $1,000 cannot attend to all the needs hence the decision to use the money in the above-described ways. In addition, given more than a day to implement the budget of $1000, it is possible to initiate some long run projects using the money, eventually improving the team performance at the community and national level.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, April 18). Using One Thousand Dollars to Develop the Handball Team.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Using One Thousand Dollars to Develop the Handball Team." April 18, 2021.

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