Using ProjectLibre to Create WBS, Gantt chart, and Estimate Cost-Adjusted Copy

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The ProjectLibre software is used to create a simplified Gantt chart, work breakdown structure, and estimate the costs for each project task. Dependencies in a project refer to the relationship between activities and how they can be initiated with reference to one another. The selected project aims to prepare, package and distribute international dishes which are not easily obtained in the American markets. The implementation of the project is carried out in five phases; research, logistics, production, packaging, and distribution. Some of the phases cannot commence until the others are completed. For example, production cannot begin until the raw materials have been imported under the logistics phase. ProjectLibre software is critical in showing how the phases depend on each other and helps the project stakeholders plan tasks well. Therefore, division of labor and close monitoring is needed to ensure that no part of the project implementation phase is delayed (Schwalbe, 2017). The project manager must consequently ensure close monitoring and motivate the people in charge of different phases to perform better.

WBS and Gantt chart for the project
Figure 1: WBS and Gantt chart for the project

Resources and the Project Team

The project manager must know his team members and assign them a particular role to make them accountable and enable the leader to follow up. The project is being implemented by five members, each of whom plays a significant role in ensuring that the final product of international cuisines is delivered on time. It is, however, the part of the project manager to coordinate and ensure that every person carries out what is expected of them. Other than the human resources required to implement the project, there are other activities, such as renting the modern kitchen and the van, which must be included in the overall cost of the product. Outsourcing human resources such as professional cooks from the food and beverage department and decorators are further included in the final project plan. The figure below shows how the resources for the project are valued.

Human and non-human resources
Figure 2: Human and non-human resources

Project Summary

The ProjectLibre software is an incredible resource that pictorially represents the critical path followed by the product to completion. Once all the timeframes for the tasks are indicated in the software, the automatic allocation of the days shows that the international cuisines for international students will be available on October 11th, 2022. When the project manager has the summarized critical path and the Gantt chart, it becomes easy to follow up on the project in due course. A project manager must understand the management tools and motivation to ensure that all team members deliver as expected.

Summarized pictorial for management
Figure 3: Summarized pictorial for management


The total cost of a project is a critical item that ensures no misuse of funds. The ProjectLibre software has a unique tool where all the costs can be indicated with the basic figures being revealed. For the team of five, the prices for hiring a van and the modern kitchen comprised part of the total cost for the project’s final presentation. The software automatically calculates the total fees accrued to the project for accuracy and better decision-making. However, it is paramount for a project manager to set aside various budgets that may arise due to inflation and emergencies such as delays due to natural calamities.

Figure 4: Costs
Incorporating project costs
Figure 5: Incorporating project costs

Advantages of the Software

ProjectLibre is a project management software that is not only easy to use but also offers a unique opportunity for a project manager to scrutinize the roles of each member for easy follow-up. As the project progresses, the software serves as a reminder, making the task easy to supervise. The application is open source which makes it easy to install and use, and even starting a small project without adequate capital to hire more specialized tools, project libre comes in handy.


Schwalbe, K. (2017). Introduction to project management. 6th Edition. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 4). Using ProjectLibre to Create WBS, Gantt chart, and Estimate Cost-Adjusted Copy.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Using ProjectLibre to Create WBS, Gantt chart, and Estimate Cost-Adjusted Copy'. 4 August.

1. StudyCorgi. "Using ProjectLibre to Create WBS, Gantt chart, and Estimate Cost-Adjusted Copy." August 4, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Using ProjectLibre to Create WBS, Gantt chart, and Estimate Cost-Adjusted Copy." August 4, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Using ProjectLibre to Create WBS, Gantt chart, and Estimate Cost-Adjusted Copy." August 4, 2023.

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