Values and Biases Toward Human Sexuality Topics

Gender Roles and Expectations

Gender issues are among those aspects of the study of social reality that is being treated with caution by the scientific community. I think the division of gender roles should be a thing of the past. In today’s world, a man and a woman can perform the same duties. For example, if two people worked in each pair, then the development of the economy and civil society would be much faster. In addition, roles and expectations greatly reduce women’s economic choices and better prospects (D’Acunto, Malmendier & Weber, 2021). For a long time, there have been no restrictions on women in employment, and on the contrary, numerous quotas have been introduced. It would also be a good idea for someone to share household chores equally because two people can do it twice as fast. This is my value on this issue because I think that people should be equal regardless of gender. It has never been hard when someone challenges my values. Because it has always been possible to convince a person that the truth is not on his side. Gender roles are models of the expected behavior of women and men in society in accordance with the sociocultural conditions in which they live. That is, these are features that are more characteristic of either men or women.

The topic of safe sex is also often raised in our society. I think this is an important aspect of people’s general health. It’s very easy to keep sexual relationships safe today, but for some reason, many people still get sexually transmitted infections. For example, “about 85% of HIV transmission is sexual” (Bennett, Dolin, and Blaser, 2020). With this sad statistic, we can conclude that safe, consensual sex is the only option. This is my value on this issue because the more people think about safe sex, the more likely it is that some diseases will disappear altogether. The problem of contraception sooner or later confronts every person who is sexually active and thinks about their future. Contraception is not only protection against unwanted pregnancy. This is the preservation of your health and the way to the birth of a healthy child when you want it.

Reproductive Rights

These rights are still not respected or are limited by laws, policies, and practices that ultimately reflect persistent gender stereotypes and inequalities. States should resolutely promote gender equality in this critical area of life. They have an obligation to provide all women with affordable and quality health care and sexual and reproductive health services. This value is important because the preservation of such things should not continue. It seems that all three values were passed on from parents because I was not sociable, and they were mainly involved in my upbringing. It was parents who always told what was right and what was wrong and how to act in certain situations. Probably in my culture, it so happens that the words of parents are valued very highly, and these are the people who should always be listened to. If I come across information that challenges my values, I will try to think things through logically, put the facts together and decide what is right in the end. However, I can definitely not change my mind on none of these issues because it seems to me as correct as possible.

Beliefs cannot interfere with an objective attitude to the topics under discussion. Challenging someone’s beliefs should not cause offense, but only a constructive conversation. Everyone deserves to have their own idea without being afraid to express it.


Bennett MD, Dolin MD & Blaser MD. (2020). Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s principles and practice of infectious diseases. (9th ed.). Elsevier.

D’Acunto, F., Malmendier, U., & Weber, M. (2021). Gender roles produce divergent economic expectations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(21), e2008534118.

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