Exploring Various Nursing Theories and Their Practical Applications


Nursing theories create frameworks for patient care, which can have a positive impact on individuals’ health outcomes and the quality of care. This paper presents grand and middle-range nursing theories and discusses how they are applied within two research studies. The report reflects on the utility of selected approaches, their role in advancing the discipline of nursing, and their potential effect on the advanced nursing practice.

Applying the Theory of Comfort

A middle-range theory selected for this analysis is the theory of comfort by Katharine Kolcaba. Kolcaba’s work is based on the concepts of relief, ease, and transcendence (Bergström, Håkansson, Stomberg, & Bjerså, 2018). The theory argues that comfort can be achieved if patients experience relief of pain and the feeling of contentment, and are able to overcome their challenges. Bergström et al. (2018) applied Kolcaba’s work within their study by developing a comfort matrix to guide nurses’ interventions.

The authors noted that the practices aligned with the concepts of the theory could enhance patient outcomes and improve individuals’ emotional and mental states (Bergström et al., 2018). It is possible to conclude that the theory of comfort offers a holistic approach to practice and aims to address patients’ needs and concerns. It provides caregivers with an opportunity to establish positive relationships with individuals, as well as a safe hospital environment.

Applying the Self-Care Theory

The selected grand theory is the self-care theory by Dorothea Orem. The theory states that all patients want to take care of themselves and can recover more quickly if they have the power to perform self-care interventions (Abotalebidariasari, Memarian, Vanaki, Kazemnejad, & Naderi, 2016). Abotalebidariasari et al. (2016) applied the theory within their study to analyze whether self-care can enhance health outcomes for patients with heart failure.

The findings of the study showed that the implementation of Orem’s theory could result in the enhanced individuals’ understanding of their condition, as well as the improved ability to organize self-care activities and adhere to treatment regimens. The theory was considered significant for the development of care plans (Abotalebidariasari et al., 2016)

Advancing the Discipline of Nursing

The findings of the reviewed studies allow for a conclusion that the selected theories, along with other grand and middle-range nursing theories, can play a significant role in advancing the discipline of nursing. They support the development of the field and allow for predicting potential patient outcomes and the consequences of nurses’ interventions. In the advanced nursing practice, the theories can be used to gain a deeper understanding of patients’ concerns and needs, such as the needs for self-care and comfort, as well as to develop care plans based on these factors.

The implementation of nursing theories can have a significant impact on patient outcomes because they suggest effective approaches to care, In addition, with the help of theorists’ works, care providers can develop strategies to manage chronic pain and other conditions that require a thorough examination of patients’ emotional state.


Both the comfort theory and the self-care theory can play a significant role in advanced nursing practice. The studies featured in the paper show that the implementation of these theories can enhance patient outcomes significantly and assist individuals in managing their conditions. Grand and middle-range nursing theories support the advancement of the discipline of nursing by allowing for predicting the consequences of caregivers’ interventions.


Abotalebidariasari, G., Memarian, R., Vanaki, Z., Kazemnejad, A., & Naderi, N. (2016). Self-care motivation among patients with heart failure: A qualitative study based on Orem’s theory. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 30(4), 320-332.

Bergström, A., Håkansson, Å., Stomberg, M. W., & Bjerså, K. (2018). Comfort theory in practice — Nurse anesthetists’ comfort measures and interventions in a preoperative context. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 33(2), 162-171.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 9). Exploring Various Nursing Theories and Their Practical Applications. https://studycorgi.com/various-nursing-theories-of-practice/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Exploring Various Nursing Theories and Their Practical Applications." July 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/various-nursing-theories-of-practice/.


StudyCorgi. "Exploring Various Nursing Theories and Their Practical Applications." July 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/various-nursing-theories-of-practice/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Exploring Various Nursing Theories and Their Practical Applications." July 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/various-nursing-theories-of-practice/.

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