Vegetarianism: Advantages and Disadvantages

Vegetarianism, the voluntary omission of meat from one’s diet, is a common practice in many parts of the world. The belief in cultural and religious norms, the pursuit of health, and the protection of animal rights all contribute to its prevalence. The advantages and disadvantages of vegetarianism have been extensively debated over the years. Scientists and environmentalists have been at the forefront of making their voices heard in this controversy.


Vegetarianism is beneficial in three ways that individuals should consider. Vegetarianism has environmental benefits, including fewer negative effects on the environment. Overheating the earth is linked to meat consumption, as scientifically established. Chicken, pigs, cows, and sheep are just a few of the animals that make up the estimated 230 million tons of annual animal consumption by humans. It is estimated that anywhere from 5–50% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from livestock (Nikolić et al., 2019). Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by reducing meat consumption. Large areas of forest are cut down so that animals may be fed, which is a leading source of deforestation.

Vegetarianism impacts world nutrition as it reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure by limiting cholesterol-rich foods like red meat and pork. High cholesterol levels in the diet are a risk factor for developing high blood pressure in individuals (Nikolić et al., 2019). In addition, vegetarianism has been shown to reduce the likelihood of developing obesity and diabetes. Patients who are obese are typically recommended to control their diet by increasing the number of vegetables they eat. This is because doing so reduces the risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.


Vegetarianism has many benefits, but it puts a person at risk for deficiencies in calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and some proteins if one does not take active steps to ensure they are getting enough of these nutrients from other vegetarian sources (Nikolić et al., 2019). Animal products, especially among teenagers and children, provide some necessary minerals for bone metabolism. Therefore, their absence can lead to health problems like colorectal cancer and low bone mineral density. However, a vegan diet can cost significantly more than a non-vegan one posing a risk to the world’s nutrition needs. Many people worldwide still suffer from hunger and malnutrition, which reduces the supply of vegetable supply to vegetarians.


Nikolić, M., Jovanović, M., & Nikolić, K. (2019). Advantages and disadvantages of vegetarian nutrition. Zdravstvena zaštita, 48(4), 51-56.

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