Partner Violence: Research Insights and Nursing Solutions

Violence against women presents one of the most important problems of modern society and there are a lot of researchers who aim to analyze the present situation in order to develop the best solution. In their article, Netto, Moura, Queiroz, Tyrrell, and Bravo (2014) report the results of their research aimed at revealing the consequences of partner violence and the decisions that can be taken by nurses in order to help the victims. In order to estimate the importance and practical relevance of the research, it is extremely important to analyze its strengths and weaknesses. There are a lot of strong points concerning the article; for instance, the authors try to regard the problem of violence against women paying attention to all its aspects.

Furthermore, the process of data collection such as interviewing is described in details and it makes the results more credible. Speaking about the weaknesses that can be noticed, it is important to say that the number of participants whose stories were used was relatively small. In fact, only sixteen women were interviewed. Despite the fact, the researchers seem to have thoroughly analyzed the reasons and the consequences of violence against women. There is a great number of approaches applied in order to help the patients to recover. As for the discussed article and its connection to the conservation model by Levine, it can be said that all the primary concepts proposed by this theorist were used by the researchers. As for its practical relevance, the results can also be used in order to help older victims of violence as they seem to be universal. Personally, I suppose the study and its results to be substantial because it was conducted with regard to a popular nursing model.


Netto, L. D. A., Moura, M. A. V., Queiroz, A. B. A., Tyrrell, M. A. R., & Bravo, M. D. M. P. (2014). Violence against women and its consequences. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, 27(5), 458-464.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 19). Partner Violence: Research Insights and Nursing Solutions.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Partner Violence: Research Insights and Nursing Solutions." December 19, 2020.

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