Visual Learning Strategies in a Student’s Personal Experience

According to the test results, I am a visual learner. I knew about it before this self-assessment, but I was surprised to know that my tactile scores were unexpectedly high, 25%. I often relied on my sight and did not notice that my kinesthetic sense was quite important.

Since I discovered that visual perception was the most effective strategy for me, I used it in my studies and continue to do it. For me, it is much easier to understand and remember information if I read a text and look at pictures, diagrams, tables, schemes, and so on. Even if a book or article does not contain them, it is more advantageous for me to capture the essence when the text is well-organized visually: headings, subheadings, readable fonts, different colors, and not very long paragraphs.

The test results claim that visual learners are distracted by sounds and people around them, and I can say it is true about my learning style. When I need to prepare for a test, I try to find a quiet place with no people and noise. I can either reformat texts, print them out, and highlight the most important parts with different mark pens or write out some information and then remember a certain page from my exercise book. I think the choice depends on my mood. It is possible that I like writing because the influence of kinaesthetics is considerable.

I also like to use videos and presentations to gain knowledge. As a rule, they present information consistently and vividly, and I can understand the material. I believe visual learners have many opportunities nowadays, and I try to make use of them.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, April 8). Visual Learning Strategies in a Student’s Personal Experience.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Visual Learning Strategies in a Student’s Personal Experience." April 8, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Visual Learning Strategies in a Student’s Personal Experience." April 8, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Visual Learning Strategies in a Student’s Personal Experience." April 8, 2021.

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