Nursing Care for Sudden Vision Loss: Diagnoses and Plans


Visual loss is a challenging condition associated with numerous complications. In addition to evident sensory perception deterioration, it creates significant emotional and psychological effects. The following paper presents two nursing diagnoses for a patient with a sudden loss of vision accompanied by respective teaching and nursing care plans.

First Nursing Diagnosis

Anxiety-related to the alteration of the perception of her surrounding evidence by the loss of vision.

Teaching Plan

First, the patient should be familiarized with monitoring techniques necessary for identifying important changes in her condition and improving the treatment process. Second, she needs to be informed about the existence of organizations that offer assistance and support to people with vision loss-related conditions, such as support groups and information databases. Finally, it is recommended to inform Jessica about local community resources and self-management tools. The proposed teaching plan is expected to reduce anxiety related to expected difficulties with navigating the environment and equip her with means of making informed treatment choices.

Nursing Care Plan

First, it would be necessary to assess the level of anxiety currently experienced by the patient and relate it to the inability to appropriately perceive her surroundings. After this, it would be possible to establish a level of awareness of the condition. In this way, the real cause of anxiety can be determined. Next, it would be necessary to familiarize the patient with the most relevant aspects of her environment that should be taken into account considering her condition.

In this way, the impact of perception alteration can be reduced, leading to the respective decrease in anxiety (Zhang et al., 2013). Finally, a communication channel should be established for an honest discussion of her feelings. This aspect of a nursing care plan is expected to rule out misconceptions, identify areas of concern, and deal with them in the appropriate manner.

Second Nursing Diagnosis

Disturbed visual Sensory Perception is related to the altered status of vision as evidence by a sudden loss of vision.

Teaching Plan

First, it is necessary to provide Jessica with information regarding her condition, including possible causes of vision loss, pain, relation to the thermal state of the environment, possible symptoms, and medications that may address the problem. With this information on hand, the patient is expected to feel an increase in the perceived level of control over her physical state (Crabb, Smith, Glen, Burton, & Garway-Heath, 2013).

Most importantly, the patient needs to be informed about possible models of behavior and coping strategies used in similar situations, such as adjustments to the environment for improved control. Specific teaching objectives may include the explanation and demonstration of self-administration of certain medications (e.g. eye drops) and methods of monitoring and logging information necessary for active participation in the treatment process.

Nursing Care Plan

First, it is important to evaluate the gravity of the condition by assessing the type of visual impairment and the degree of its severity. Next, it is important to assist the patient in the medication administration process to avoid complications. Simultaneously, the importance of adherence to the treatment schedule should be communicated to her in a meaningful and persuasive manner to ensure compliance and participation.

Symptom relief measures, such as analgesics, should be included in the treatment process. Finally, emotional support should be included in the care plan. For instance, the patient should be allowed and encouraged to express her feelings regarding the disturbed sensory perception and possible consequences. Finally, honest and accurate information on the progression of her condition should be communicated to Jessica. The proposed plan will ensure the effectiveness of treatment while at the same time minimize the likelihood of complications.


Vision loss is known to create significant difficulties in terms of interaction with the environment. The proposed teaching and nursing care plans are expected to have three effects. First, they will improve the effectiveness of the treatment process. Second, they will assist the patient in coping with environmental challenges created by disturbed sensory perception. Third, they will improve the emotional and psychological state of the patient.


Crabb, D. P., Smith, N. D., Glen, F. C., Burton, R., & Garway-Heath, D. F. (2013). How does glaucoma look? Patient perception of visual field loss. Ophthalmology, 120(6), 1120-1126.

Zhang, X., Bullard, K. M., Cotch, M. F., Wilson, M. R., Rovner, B. W., McGwin, G.,… Saaddine, J. B. (2013). Association between depression and functional vision loss in persons 20 years of age or older in the United States, NHANES 2005-2008. JAMA Ophthalmology, 131(5), 573-581.

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