Vivaldi’s “Winter” as an Example of Baroque Music

Precisely the Baroque era is the period of the introduction of instrumental music characterized by extravagant and bizarre textures and harmonies and depicting an extra-musical place, character, or idea. Music of the Baroque era has evident contrast between soft and loud and long flowing melodies. It is more unpredictable and freer than the music of the Renaissance, and many musicians prove this point. For instance, the composition “Winter” from “The Four Seasons” violin concertos series by Antonio Vivaldi is one of the most famous music pieces of that epoch.

The concerto was a particularly popular Baroque genre since it featured a rather dramatic contrast between the sound of the solo instrument and the combination of all other instruments. “Winter” is composed in ritornello form and combines one violin soloist and a small string orchestra. Hence, the contrasting timbres clash in opposition and create unique tension, and the art of virtuoso violin playing is taken to a new level (“Vivaldi: Winter (the Four Seasons”). This composition has a long flowing melody, and its melodic lines are exceptionally ornamental, which is one of the primary characteristics of Baroque music (“The Four Seasons”). Further, the contrast between loud and soft, low and high sounds are evident, and terraced dynamics of the “Winter” build up tension and make the composition dramatic.

The expression of strong feelings and emotions and adding them to various art pieces characterizes the Baroque era. The idea of this epoch was to produce grandeur, drama, emotional exuberance, and dynamism. These ideas are represented in “Winter,” and Vivaldi managed to express passion through this and many other compositions (“The Four Seasons”). Therefore, “Winter” is a great example in which the overall ideas of the style and the particular music elements are shown.

Works Cited

The Four Seasons”. Baroque Music. Web.

Vivaldi: Winter (the Four Seasons), 1st mvt. Cynthia Freivogel & Voices of Music 4K UHD RV 297”. YouTube, uploaded by Voices of Music. 2016. Web.

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