Walmart’s Store Sales Performance

Walmart’s store sales performance shows the following indicators: product ranking, which includes total unit sales, item page views, and average product rating: Product review and seller’s ranking (Walmart, 2020). Since the reports have transitioned to online selling or website, one indicator we can see is the consumers’ engagement with each product posted on the platform. Recommendations to improve positive results include Walmart increasing its activeness and using Customer relationship management (CRM) to check on the item most visited by the consumer. The item most visited must always be available in the inventory. Walmart should improve product choices, for instance, by providing a variety of products for diverse consumer needs.

Walmart needs to improve its negative outcomes by incorporating Corporate Social responsibility (CSR). CSR ensures quick responses to consumers’ questions, feedback, and requests. The recommendations stated that need an open meeting to discuss strategies properly. Training also would be better for the team to improve strategies and ways of Walmart. Training improves workers’ efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity; hence, the customers will receive excellent quality services and products, increasing sales.

With the emergence of online platforms like websites and apps, Walmart also used them to further their customers’ reach. So, in their reports, most of them focus on product ratings, engagement of consumers, and traffic of consumers to their website. With this, Walmart must be able to maximize its platform and fully understand its consumers’ behavior. Consumer engagement plays a vital role in improving consumers’ positive comments. They must respond quickly and efficiently to their consumers’ feedback and queries to minimize the negative effect. Therefore, the strategies must be well communicated to all team members involved in the process.


Walmart. (2020). 2020 Walmart annual report. Walmart Inc. Web.

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